CDZ How is Transgender Theory Different from Religion?

Glad to see someone else with some balls, and knows how to use them.

This dude we're discussing this with is siding with a child abusing pedofile, because it's the law. As if the law makes it OK.
When only white business owners could vote, that was the law. But it wasn't right. Owning human beings was legal. And it was wrong.
CA stepped over the line when they made it OK for trans-things to undress in front of women and children.

How anyone can support this law, just makes me cringe. To think of all the other little children that will have to be put through this, before CA see's the light.

Except the person in question wasn't a pedophile. It was a trans woman changing her clothes for a workout in a spa...which clearly stated they welcomed trans customers.

A majority of people in CA supported this law... that was the thing.

If you are letting your four year old wander around a locker room, you have as much sense as that woman who brought her baby camping where the Dingos were.
Except the person in question wasn't a pedophile. It was a trans woman changing her clothes for a workout in a spa...which clearly stated they welcomed trans customers.

A majority of people in CA supported this law... that was the thing.

If you are letting your four year old wander around a locker room, you have as much sense as that woman who brought her baby camping where the Dingos were.
A woman's locker room is supposed to be restricted to females, even 4 year old females. Always has been. You and the management are sick in the head.
Except the person in question wasn't a pedophile. It was a trans woman changing her clothes for a workout in a spa...which clearly stated they welcomed trans customers.

A majority of people in CA supported this law... that was the thing.

If you are letting your four year old wander around a locker room, you have as much sense as that woman who brought her baby camping where the Dingos were.
A woman's locker room is supposed to be restricted to females, even 4 year old females. Always has been. You and the management are sick in the head.
I think that her intent was to have a workout that day.... Nobody goes to a club just for the locker rooms, bud.

Except there isn't really a lot of trans-women abusing children.

IN fact, most child abusers and molesters are straight males.

Actually, in Japan, it was common for the children to bathe with the adults before the Meiji restoration.

The point was that you tried to claim co-ed bathing was abnormal, when, really, it's just a reflection of attitudes about nudity. Not that I'm pro-nudity, most people look better with their clothes on.

Okay, so let's look at that. There are about 1.4 million trans individuals in the US. Or about 0.3% of the population and that would include trans children. However, only 11,000 gender confirmation surgeries are performed every year.

But since I like dealing in facts... here you go.

• Professional medical organizations recommend against puberty blockers for children who have not reached puberty, which typically begins between ages 10 and 12.
• Hormone treatment for feminization or masculinization of the body is typically not considered until patients are at least 16 years old.
• Gender reassignment surgery is typically only available to those 18 and older in the United States.

You see why I call this a fake moral panic? YOu guys are getting upset about things that aren't actually happening.

Healthcare professionals may also prescribe puberty blockers to children who are experiencing precocious puberty.

Precocious puberty is a condition wherein children aged 1–9 years old. Trusted Source experience an early onset of puberty and have secondary sexual characteristics.

Also: After an assessment, a person may start taking puberty blockers. The GIDS recommend that young people take puberty blockers until reaching 16 years of age or having taken puberty blockers for 12 months before considering other medical procedures.

Did you catch the highlighted part above? Take puberty blockers UNTIL reaching 16. Not afterwards. But before. Puberty in boys usually starts around 14 or 15. Which means, they start taking them BEFORE then. At which age, they're still too young to consent to adult decisions.

So go screw yourself with your child abusing, pedo support BS.
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A woman's locker room is supposed to be restricted to females, even 4 year old females. Always has been. You and the management are sick in the head.

Um, trans-women are considered females in the eyes of the law. Also "locker rooms" are kind of a new concept, they really didn't exist 150 years ago.

Did you catch the highlighted part above? Take puberty blockers UNTIL reaching 16. Not afterwards. But before. Puberty in boys usually starts around 14 or 15. Which means, they start taking them BEFORE then. At which age, they're still too young to consent to adult decisions.

Okay, you are describing treatment for a condition that has nothing to do with Gender dysphoria. So I'm not sure what your point is here.
Um, trans-women are considered females in the eyes of the law.

Which is complete bullshit.

By any rational definition a “trans woman” is a man, and has no damn business being in a women's locker room.

He certainly has no business leering at unconsenting women or girls in states of undress, nor exposing his genitalia to them.

Only a sick pervert would even think of defending this shit. That you would defend this, of course, doesn't tell us anything that we all didn't know about you anyway.
Which is complete bullshit.

By any rational definition a “trans woman” is a man, and has no damn business being in a women's locker room.

He certainly has no business leering at unconsenting women or girls in states of undress, nor exposing his genitalia to them.

Only a sick pervert would even think of defending this shit. That you would defend this, of course, doesn't tell us anything that we all didn't know about you anyway.

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't care because Trans people are so rare it's like getting worked up about a Unicorn Sighting.

But I LOVE watching you religious nutters get your magic undies in a knot because the law isn't following your backwards superstitions.

If you walk into a locker room you know has an open door policy to trans-folks. That's consent.
But I LOVE watching you religious nutters get your magic undies in a knot because the law isn't following your backwards superstitions.

Sane people do not think that protecting women and girls from dangerous sexual perverts constitutes “backward superstitions”.

Why are you so opposed to protecting women and girls from dangerous perverts? There's really only one reason that I can think of why you would be opposed to that.
Sane people do not think that protecting women and girls from dangerous sexual perverts constitutes “backward superstitions”.

Why are you so opposed to protecting women and girls from dangerous perverts? There's really only one reason that I can think of why you would be opposed to that.

Uh, guy, I don't know of any trannies who have abused women or girls.

On the other hand, I know of two Catholic priests and one lay teacher at Catholic Schools I went to who were credibly accused of molesting students under their charge. The biggest surprise to me was that one of the priests was caught with a teenage girl. Because I was sure this guy was a sissy.

And again, Joseph Smith and his Child Brides... someone needed to protect those girls.


Oh, wait, I guess they did... Heh, heh, heh...
Uh, guy, I don't know of any trannies who have abused women or girls.

It's an easy claim to make, if you can define “abuse” to exclude behavior on the part of those you're trying to defend. For example, the sick freak who has been mentioned repeatedly in this thread, who went into a women's locker room where women and young girls were undressing, and exposed his genitalia to them.
Um, trans-women are considered females in the eyes of the law. Also "locker rooms" are kind of a new concept, they really didn't exist 150 years ago.

Okay, you are describing treatment for a condition that has nothing to do with Gender dysphoria. So I'm not sure what your point is here.
Laws can be changed, and many states are waking up to this evil sickness. The queers and perverts preached to us it was about "rights", when we all know now that it's about submission. Fuck that.
It's an easy claim to make, if you can define “abuse” to exclude behavior on the part of those you're trying to defend. For example, the sick freak who has been mentioned repeatedly in this thread, who went into a women's locker room where women and young girls were undressing, and exposed his genitalia to them.

And how is seeing a naked person "abuse", Mormon Bob. Shit, kids can see more explicit stuff on TV. Are you going to sue HBO for "abuse"?

Laws can be changed, and many states are waking up to this evil sickness. The queers and perverts preached to us it was about "rights", when we all know now that it's about submission. Fuck that.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. I heard you guys say the same thing about the Gays 30 years ago...

Now you are reduced to "please don't make me bake a cake!"
And how is seeing a naked person "abuse", Mormon Bob. Shit, kids can see more explicit stuff on TV. Are you going to sue HBO for "abuse"?

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. I heard you guys say the same thing about the Gays 30 years ago...

Now you are reduced to "please don't make me bake a cake!"
People have the right to do business with who they please. You prove my point, it's about submission. How about we force you to do business with Chik Fil A and Hobby Lobby. Fuck you.
So we have a radical left-wing that is aggressively and successfully pushing transgender ideology into public schools.

The problem I see is that transgender ideology has all the exact same things that a religion has, and thus public schools shouldn't be allowed to champion them.

Let's compare Transgender Ideology to Christianity.

Both are based on an unprovable assumption. The assumption in Christianity is that God the Father exists, Christ Jesus was born to Mary, etc. The assumption in transgender ideology is that the interconnected sex/gender can be fluid and change based on the feelings of the individual.

Both are professed based on feelings. You'll often hear Christians say how they "feel" the spirit. You'll hear transgender people say they "feel" like the opposite sex.

Here is where they differ:

In Transgenderism, if you disagree with their ideological, unprovable claims, you're a transphobe who is guilty of harm. In Christianity, if you disagree with their religious, unprovable claims, you're just fine.

So we're left with a choice.. do we:
A. Call people who reject Christianity as horrible Christophobes who are maliciously attacking the identities of believers? (to maintain the standard that transgenderism demands)
B. Treat transgenderism like we do Christianity, keep it out of our public schools, and realize it's a belief that you can follow or not follow, and you're not a bad person if you don't believe.
No, no one is born catholic or baptist they learn it.

People however are born one gender, but ID as the other.
People have the right to do business with who they please. You prove my point, it's about submission. How about we force you to do business with Chik Fil A and Hobby Lobby. Fuck you.

Not quite the same thing...

Hobby Lobby and Chik Fil A are public accommedations... they have to do business with anyone who shows up, but I don't have to do business with them.

Now, I actually DO have a business, and I can't refuse customers. Even if it was a Mormon wearing a MAGA hat, I couldn't legally refuse him.

Of course, I'd just do the work and take his money...
Not quite the same thing...

Hobby Lobby and Chik Fil A are public accommedations... they have to do business with anyone who shows up, but I don't have to do business with them.

Now, I actually DO have a business, and I can't refuse customers. Even if it was a Mormon wearing a MAGA hat, I couldn't legally refuse him.

Of course, I'd just do the work and take his money...
Your political persuasion isn't a Constitutionally protected right. Your religious beliefs are.
Your political persuasion isn't a Constitutionally protected right. Your religious beliefs are.

Okay, you are kind of getting off the path here.

Here's the thing. You are free to hate gay people all day if your imaginary friend in the sky tells you to.
What you can't due is deny them access to a public accommodation. You have freedom of religion, but your business has to follow the law.

Okay, you are kind of getting off the path here.

Here's the thing. You are free to hate gay people all day if your imaginary friend in the sky tells you to.
What you can't due is deny them access to a public accommodation. You have freedom of religion, but your business has to follow the law.

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When your law conflicts with my Constitutionality protected rights, I win. Fuck you.
When your law conflicts with my Constitutionality protected rights, I win. Fuck you.

There's no conflict.

If we let people break laws because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky said they could, we wouldn't have any law at all.

Here. Give you an example. I don't think I have to obey laws against murder because I am a worshipper of Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec Sun God. The Great Plumed Serpent demands that I cut out the hearts of my enemies for his greater glory.

Of course, they'd throw a net over me if I actually tried to do that.
There's no conflict.

If we let people break laws because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky said they could, we wouldn't have any law at all.

Here. Give you an example. I don't think I have to obey laws against murder because I am a worshipper of Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec Sun God. The Great Plumed Serpent demands that I cut out the hearts of my enemies for his greater glory.

Of course, they'd throw a net over me if I actually tried to do that.
Nothing to do with imaginary sky God, Aztec sun God, etc. Constitutionally protected rights. I don't have to do anything that violates my religious beliefs. Murder isn't a religious right. Keep spinning your wheels.

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