CDZ How is Transgender Theory Different from Religion?

Well, declaring math to be different would make doing calculations hard.

On the other hand, some women being trans has no effect on your life, Bob.

The people who actually study this stuff realize sexuality/gender is more than binary.

Oh, I don't know, common decency.... Or as Captain Picard said, "How many people does it take for it to become wrong?"

Well, declaring math to be different would make doing calculations hard.

On the other hand, some women being trans has no effect on your life, Bob.

The people who actually study this stuff realize sexuality/gender is more than binary.

I'm courteous and polite to everyone. I treat everyone the same. What more do you expect?
For all the finger pointing about ideologues... this is one of the greatest examples in modern world history.

And that's part of the point of the thread.

Despite what the XX and XY Chromosomes are, and besides the laundry list of differences between male and female.. modern leftist ideologues will ignore it, and demand all of us grounded in biological truth cater to their theological claim, and we're horrible people if we don't.

Well, frankly, what makes you horrible people is you spend so much time hating on these people.

That's like a Christian saying it's hate speech to not believe in Christianity. It's not. People have the right to disagree or not believe.
Yeah, because Christians, never, ever oppressed people who didn't think Jesus Did Magic Tricks.


Oh, wait, I'm sorry, that totally happened.

I mean, when future generations dig up the bones of these modern leftists who identify as things... they're not going to know what they identified as. They're going to either know the DNA or look at the bones and know it was male or female. That's the truth.

Or Gender will be much better understood, and they will treat gender dysphoria with gene resequencing... which we probably aren't that far from.

Or maybe they genetically re-engineer the species and grow new people in test tubes...

I'll leave the future to the futurists.
Well, frankly, what makes you horrible people is you spend so much time hating on these people.

Yeah, because Christians, never, ever oppressed people who didn't think Jesus Did Magic Tricks.

View attachment 528195
Oh, wait, I'm sorry, that totally happened.

Or Gender will be much better understood, and they will treat gender dysphoria with gene resequencing... which we probably aren't that far from.

Or maybe they genetically re-engineer the species and grow new people in test tubes...

I'll leave the future to the futurists.
I have a little advice for you. Treat others how you want to be treated. Insulting Christians and their beliefs isn't helping you.
I have a little advice for you. Treat others how you want to be treated. Insulting Christians and their beliefs isn't helping you.

When the people who think Jesus Did Magic Tricks stop trying to impose themselves on the rest of us, I'll be happy to be nice to them.

Except the Mormons. Those guys suck.
When the people who think Jesus Did Magic Tricks stop trying to impose themselves on the rest of us, I'll be happy to be nice to them.

Except the Mormons. Those guys suck.
No one's imposing their beliefs on you. Absurd.
Even more absurd is that Incel Joe is making that accusation, in connection with demanding that mentally- and morally-defective freaks be allowed to impose their insane delusions on sane people and on society as a whole.
My issue with your language.. and you can not care at all if you'd like.. but you call people "freaks".. I just don't think that's accurate or necessary.

We might agree on the issue to some extent.. but you seem to want to go out of your way to insult these people. I don't get why. Listen, there's a ton of crazed, disrespectful trolls in here who flame nonstop.. and many of them I have on ignore because they offer no substance. You seem to have some substance, but also some disrespect.

I'm just going to ask.. why?
My issue with your language.. and you can not care at all if you'd like.. but you call people "freaks".. I just don't think that's accurate or necessary.
How else would you describe someone who is so profoundly f•••ed-up in the head that he doesn't even know the difference between men and women. Describing such as merely a freak is more kindness than that kind merits.
How else would you describe someone who is so profoundly f•••ed-up in the head that he doesn't even know the difference between men and women. Describing such as merely a freak is more kindness than that kind merits.
I'd describe them compassionately as sadly confused, just as someone with depression.
I'd describe them compassionately as sadly confused, just as someone with depression.
The word "freak" means a person or plant with an unusual abnormality. Perhaps you are exaggerating the definition into something sinister.
The word "freak" means a person or plant with an unusual abnormality. Perhaps you are exaggerating the definition into something sinister.
The word "freak" is certainly meant to insult and demean. Are you saying it's not?
Nope, not according to the definition. Do you believe calling someone "niggardly" is calling them the "N" word?
If you're going to sprint like a coward to technicalities, I can't help you.

Go up to anyone and call them a freak, and ask them if it's a mere objective, neutral term.

I'll wait.
If you're going to sprint like a coward to technicalities, I can't help you.

Go up to anyone and call them a freak, and ask them if it's a mere objective, neutral term.

I'll wait.
I have. Back in my hippie days in the 60s and early 70s my friends and I called each other freaks all the time.
No one's imposing their beliefs on you. Absurd.

RIght, so when you guys try to ban gay marriage and abortion because your Imaginary Friend in the Sky says so... you totally aren't trying to impose your beliefs on the rest of us.

Even more absurd is that making that accusation, in connection with demanding that mentally- and morally-defective freaks be allowed to impose their insane delusions on sane people and on society as a whole.

Um, yeah, it's called freedom.

One more time... At one time, your religion was considered to be a bunch of "Morally Defective Freaks". It's why they were chased out of New York, Ohio, Missouri (where the governor issued an extermination order), and my own fine state of Illinois, which killed Joseph and Hyrum Smith. You finally ended up in Utah, where you went to war with the US government in 1857.

But eventually, you were allowed to impose your insane delusions on sane people.


How else would you describe someone who is so profoundly f•••ed-up in the head that he doesn't even know the difference between men and women. Describing such as merely a freak is more kindness than that kind merits.

Again- Freakish behavior.

Baptizing Dead People.
Thinking you are going to rule your own planet in the afterlife.
Thinking that dark skin is a curse from God, oh, wait, let's edit our own bible so that doesn't sound as bad as it does.
Wearing Magic Underwear.

Thankfully, we live in a FREE COUNTRY where you can do these things as long as you aren't hurting anyone else.
So we have a radical left-wing that is aggressively and successfully pushing transgender ideology into public schools.

The problem I see is that transgender ideology has all the exact same things that a religion has, and thus public schools shouldn't be allowed to champion them.

Let's compare Transgender Ideology to Christianity.

Both are based on an unprovable assumption. The assumption in Christianity is that God the Father exists, Christ Jesus was born to Mary, etc. The assumption in transgender ideology is that the interconnected sex/gender can be fluid and change based on the feelings of the individual.

Both are professed based on feelings. You'll often hear Christians say how they "feel" the spirit. You'll hear transgender people say they "feel" like the opposite sex.

Here is where they differ:

In Transgenderism, if you disagree with their ideological, unprovable claims, you're a transphobe who is guilty of harm. In Christianity, if you disagree with their religious, unprovable claims, you're just fine.

So we're left with a choice.. do we:
A. Call people who reject Christianity as horrible Christophobes who are maliciously attacking the identities of believers? (to maintain the standard that transgenderism demands)
B. Treat transgenderism like we do Christianity, keep it out of our public schools, and realize it's a belief that you can follow or not follow, and you're not a bad person if you don't believe.

So its unprovable that trans people....exist? I've personally met quite a few. Logically, a trans person is a far better judge of their own gender than you or I are.

Where as the Christian god.......never met him in person. Nor have I ever known anyone who has. Unless you're claiming to be God, then your analogy breaks.

As a trans person's existence is undeniable. And they are the world's leading authority on themselves. Where as the Christian gods existence is assumed. With you being no authority at all on something else's existence. Especially an invisible, formless, 'something'.
The word "freak" is certainly meant to insult and demean. Are you saying it's not?

In this case, the alternative is to allow something that is abnormal and harmful to gain a veneer of legitimacy. If feelings have to be hurt to oppose that, then so be it.
In this case, the alternative is to allow something that is abnormal and harmful to gain a veneer of legitimacy. If feelings have to be hurt to oppose that, then so be it.
You certainly will only divide and cause those on the fence in their own personal sufferings to sprint away from what you supposedly desire for people.

You're playing yourself.

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