CDZ How is Transgender Theory Different from Religion?

We're just going around in circles.

I've been married for more than twenty-six years, and expect to be in this marriage for the rest of my life, and beyond.

Yes, you guys believe in that Eternal Marriage thing, which is kind of funny because it's so nuts... But again, compared to baptizing dead people and magic underwear, the crazy keeps on coming.
You are such a pathetic loser incel, that in your late fifties, you still have never been married, and almost certainly never will be.

You are in no position to tell me anything about marriage. The only thing that you accomplish by trying to do so is to emphasize just how much of a pathetic, worthless loser you are.

And I never had any desire to be, that was the thing.

If marriage is so great, why do 50% of them end in divorce?
Why do 25% of people in marriages cheat?

You support Donald Trump, a guy who has had two divorces, and has cheated on all three of his marriages, including having paid sex with porn stars...

Come on, guy, if you are going to be so worried about preaching to everyone else, you have some house cleaning to do with the people you support.

Me, I'm a live and let live kind of guy.

If you are married and you are happy, that's fine.
If you are in a open relationship, that's fine, too. Some people find that works. I don't judge.
Some people are gay. Not my cup of tea, I actually like women, I just don't feel like giving one half my property. But live and let live. One of my closest friends is a lesbian, she is the most decent person I know.
When most people of my generation were making that mistake, I was in the military.... where marriage just doesn't mix well with the military life.

My father was in the Air Force at the time I was born. Still his marriage and his fidelity to my mother never faltered, from the day he married her in 1956, until he died in 2008.

Assuming any of what you ever say about your background is true (most of it being extremely dubious, at best), the most rational conclusion I can draw is that in whatever circles you were a part of, you tended to be drawn to, and hang out with the very lowest elements thereof; and to pattern your own life after them.
My father was in the Air Force at the time I was born. Still his marriage and his fidelity to my mother never faltered, from the day he married her in 1956, until he died in 2008.

Assuming any of what you ever say about your background is true (most of it being extremely dubious, at best), the most rational conclusion I can draw is that in whatever circles you were a part of, you tended to be drawn to, and hang out with the very lowest elements thereof; and to pattern your own life after them.

Uh, guy, that was back in 1956...

I know when I was in, most of the senior NCO's who were the guys I hung around with, were on their second divorces... There was one guy who was on his third divorce. I knew one E-7, who despite having won leadership awards, had to take a second job off base because his first wife socked him so bad in the divorce settlement. There was another young Sergeant we had in my unit, where he knocked up his girlfriend and she was taking him to the cleaners on child support.

Final note, you made the claim that I wasn't in the military, and I was able to show you pictures of myself back in the 1980's in uniform during the time in service.

I've been very straight forward.. I've never claimed to be in combat and frankly, never claimed to be a hero. I freely admit, I was in a service support MOS.

Yet, I have yet to hear you admit, you were wrong when you questioned me on the topic. Mr. Mormon Morality indeed.

(Then again, it was in my time in the service I first encountered members of your deranged cult.... when I got to deal with some BYU ROTC cadets...)
Only if you think that signing away half your property is an important part of life. I really didn't think it was, that's the thing.

It's a sign of how deeply ignorant and deceived you are, that you would even think of characterizing marriage in that manner. Perhaps you think of marriage a a long-term prostitution deal, in which all you expect to get out of it is sexual favors from a woman who has no other value to you beyond that, in exchange for sharing your property with her, with you being the only one doing anything to bring wealth and property into the household.

You are very fond of falsely trying to characterize me as being a misogynist, in the complete absence of any rational basis for such an accusation, but do you realize how deeply misogynistic, insulting, and degrading your own view of marriageable women is?

I did not marry the sort of sleazy whore that you seem to imagine as the only sort of woman you could ever have married. I married a good woman, who is at least my equal.

Even if you try to quantify the cost or value of my marriage in terms of mere property, I can say that my share of our joint property is greater than what I would have had had I remained single. But really, that is a small thing compared to the whole of our joined life experience. There is much, much, much more to what we get out of life, what we get out of pour marriage, than mere property, or mere sex. You, tragically, even at your age, do not have the wisdom nor the maturity to understand any of it. You're permanently stuck at the level of a young man in his late teens or early twenties, unable to imagine any higher goals in life than getting laid or acquiring property.
It's a sign of how deeply ignorant and deceived you are, that you would even think of characterizing marriage in that manner. Perhaps you think of marriage a a long-term prostitution deal, in which all you expect to get out of it is sexual favors from a woman who has no other value to you beyond that, in exchange for sharing your property with her, with you being the only one doing anything to bring wealth and property into the household.

I've told you what I think of marriage. If it makes people happy, that's fine. I've been just as happy without it. And frankly, if you were happy, you wouldn't be spending so much time worrying about other people.

I simply haven't met the woman who is awesome enough for me to sign away half my property or more... like those other poor fools I served with who did.

You are very fond of falsely trying to characterize me as being a misogynist, in the complete absence of any rational basis for such an accusation, but do you realize how deeply misogynistic, insulting, and degrading your own view of marriageable women is?
Again, you belong to a misogynistic cult. One where the Federal government had to step in to put and end to their polygamy and abuse of minors. I don't think you all suddenly became "enlightened".

I did not marry the sort of sleazy whore that you seem to imagine as the only sort of woman you could ever have married. I married a good woman, who is at least my equal.

Uh, huh.... Since I don't know you personally, I can't say one way or the other. I do know statistically, Mormon women are more inclined to suffer anxiety and depression, and that Utah has the highest per-capita use of anti-depressants in the country.

Right. 100 years ago, Marriage was a man's right to turn a woman into a domestic sex slave.

Today it's the right of people to equally share in a relationship... no matter what their gender.

Frankly, until recently, I've known gay folks who've been in long term committed relationships.

And I've know straight couples where we all said they'll be divorced in a year.
Still off topic. Marriage is a Male and female. Male marrying a male is not marriage. That's perversion and sin.
No, guy, it isn't nearly the same.... I asked you to come up with examples where Teachers were being banned from wearing crosses, and the best you could come up with were incidents with students in OTHER FREAKIN' COUNTRIES.

So you were just wrong.

Funny thing, guy... if proselytizing worked, I would be a religious fanatic today. I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years, and got the Daily Dose of Jesus Did Magic Tricks nonsense. This includes having clergy we knew damned well was queer (because that's what they did to gays in the Oldy Times Church, they made them join the clergy) telling us homosexuality was bad, but we all had the good sense not to get in a room alone with one of these guys. OBVIOUSLY the trans fad brainwashing has been working. Well.
There are now more "transgenders" than M&Ms.
The vast majority of them are not Trans at all. Course leftist will never admit that.
A gay, effeminate male who likes to dress in women's clothing..... is not Trans.
A gay femboy..... is not Trans
A cross dresser.... is not Trans

And they out number REAL trans 50 to 1. At least.
And that, is where the religion'sk part comes in. You have to be willing to swallow a lot of reality in order to maintain the faux belief system they are all real. Or pretend to yourself they are.
And then... the total fuck up'ness of teaching that garbage to 5 year olds!!!
So we have a radical left-wing that is aggressively and successfully pushing transgender ideology into public schools.
On the day children are kept from going to school because they're Christian...
You have an argument

Till then just STFU!
On the day children are kept from going to school because they're Christian...
You have an argument

Till then just STFU!
You'll have to explain your analogy here, because it doesn't make sense.
Still off topic. Marriage is a Male and female. Male marrying a male is not marriage. That's perversion and sin.
... to a Christian.

Listen, I'm a Christian, but I don't expect non-Christians to adhere to biblical standards.

As a Conservative, I believe in the difference between and male and female, and that a child benefits from exposure to a two parent household of both a male and female parent. This has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with biology and psychology.

Stop demanding people adhere to religious standards who aren't religious, and argue the correct points.
My father was in the Air Force at the time I was born. Still his marriage and his fidelity to my mother never faltered, from the day he married her in 1956, until he died in 2008.
Uh, guy, that was back in 1956...

So what? What does it matter whether it was 1956 or 1656 or 2256? Certain standards of ethics and morality are timeless. I value my marriage and my fidelity to the wonderful woman who is willing to be my wife, as my father did before me, as his father did before him, and so on.

That you lack the maturity and wisdom to understand and appreciate this is a tragic (and at your age, abnormal) deficiency on your part.
Still off topic. Marriage is a Male and female. Male marrying a male is not marriage. That's perversion and sin.

Eating meat on Sunday during Lent is a sin... Not sure what your point is.

The law recognizes same sex marriages now.. and funny thing. Society totally didn't fall apart. OBVIOUSLY the trans fad brainwashing has been working. Well.
There are now more "transgenders" than M&Ms.
The vast majority of them are not Trans at all. Course leftist will never admit that.
A gay, effeminate male who likes to dress in women's clothing..... is not Trans.
A gay femboy..... is not Trans
A cross dresser.... is not Trans

I don't think there are any more trans people than there were in any point in history, about 0.3% of the population.

Not everyone fits neatly into box... but the question is, why do you need boxes at all.
So what? What does it matter whether it was 1956 or 1656 or 2256? Certain standards of ethics and morality are timeless. I value my marriage and my fidelity to the wonderful woman who is willing to be my wife, as my father did before me, as his father did before him, and so on.

That you lack the maturity and wisdom to understand and appreciate this is a tragic (and at your age, abnormal) deficiency on your part.

Actually, no.

IN 1956, women were expected to know "their place". Even though women in WWII were put int eh factories while the men were off fighting, the morality of the day tried to push them back into the kitchen, but they were having none of it. I'm sure you all missed the Feminist revolution in Mormon land, though.

Again, some people are fine with monogamous marriage, but you kind of put that to the side when you got behind Trump, didn't you? Man cheated on all three of his wives, got two divorces, paid a porn star for sex while his third wife was at home with his fifth child.
Actually, no.

IN 1956, women were expected to know "their place". Even though women in WWII were put int eh factories while the men were off fighting, the morality of the day tried to push them back into the kitchen, but they were having none of it. I'm sure you all missed the Feminist revolution in Mormon land, though.

Again, some people are fine with monogamous marriage, but you kind of put that to the side when you got behind Trump, didn't you? Man cheated on all three of his wives, got two divorces, paid a porn star for sex while his third wife was at home with his fifth child.

I'm not even going to think of defending or making excuses for some if the truly disgusting behavior in which Trump has engaged in connection with his marriages. None of it is relevant to this discussion anyway.

That aside, all that remains of your post is just more of a bitter, pathetic old Incel who has never been married and who knows nothing of the experience of being married pontificating on the subject of marriage to someone who has been successfully married now for more than twenty-six years.
I'm not even going to think of defending or making excuses for some if the truly disgusting behavior in which Trump has engaged in connection with his marriages. None of it is relevant to this discussion anyway.

But yet, you voted for him. You supported him.. You can't say that you are against his behavior and then support his presidency.

Funny thing, back in the day, I was for impeaching Clinton. He broke the law, and his behavior was reprehensible. What I find amusing is all the conservatives who insisted Clinton needed to be impeached are the ones who are just fine with Trump.

That aside, all that remains of your post is just more of a bitter, pathetic old Incel who has never been married and who knows nothing of the experience of being married pontificating on the subject of marriage to someone who has been successfully married now for more than twenty-six years.

A happy person doesn't care about other people's lives... The fact is you are the classic definition of a puritan... someone who lives in mortal fear someone else might be enjoying himself.
But yet, you voted for him. You supported him.. You can't say that you are against his behavior and then support his presidency.
I wasn't voting for someone to set a moral example. If that was my one voting criterion, then the alternative was even worse—a corrupt, power-crazed bitch who was a willing accessory to several instances of violent sexual abuse perpetrated by the piece of shit to whom she was married. A mere adulterer is rather mild compared to that.

I would rather have had a President of higher moral character, but that was not among the viable choices offered at that time.
I wasn't voting for someone to set a moral example. If that was my one voting criterion, then the alternative was even worse—a corrupt, power-crazed bitch who was a willing accessory to several instances of violent sexual abuse perpetrated by the piece of shit to whom she was married. A mere adulterer is rather mild compared to that.

Wait, doesn't that sound like victim blaming? Hillary was bad because she didn't walk out on her husband and marriage, like most religions tell her she shouldn't.

Come on, get serious. You can't condemn Bill Clinton and be fine with Donald Trump. Donald Trump is considerably worse.

Not that I am a fan of Clinton, but he kept his marriage together and really tried to protect the privacy of the women he was having affairs with. Not that this made him okay, but certainly better than Trump, who was happily cheating in the open with Marla Maples while married to Ivanka

I would rather have had a President of higher moral character, but that was not among the viable choices offered at that time.

Uh, huh. And who did you vote for in 2008? Because McCain cheated on his first wife, but Obama never did. But I'm going take a flyer here and guess that wasn't really a consideration.
... to a Christian.

Listen, I'm a Christian, but I don't expect non-Christians to adhere to biblical standards.

As a Conservative, I believe in the difference between and male and female, and that a child benefits from exposure to a two parent household of both a male and female parent. This has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with biology and psychology.

Stop demanding people adhere to religious standards who aren't religious, and argue the correct points.
Okay, biologically, can two males have sexual intercourse?
LMAO I'm really enjoying watching people talk about how great Bill Clinton was when he was cheating on Hillary while how horrid Donald Trump was for supposedly cheating on Ivanka.

Gosh... the same act, but one is good and the other is bad. No wonder I avoid these types of hacks.

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