CDZ How is Transgender Theory Different from Religion?

That's some very nice anecdotes, but where is your hard evidence....

Again, if that's what you want to go with.

Tell you what, go into a divorce court and try to use the "Clinton Defense"... "Hey, it wasn't adultery, it was only oral sex!"

That argument didn't work for Clinton, it doesn't work for you, buddy.
different topic. we are discussing definition of sexual intercourse, not divorce laws.
Biologically, sex is the process by which a sperm cell and an egg cell are put together, to create a new organism of the same species that produced the two gametes.

You do realize that most people who have sex have no intention of making a baby that day, right? Even married couples.

In fact, the point is often to avoid making a baby, which is why we have half a million abortions every year. I'm sure God is going to get us for that one, any day now.

For this to happen requires that one of the participants in the sex act be male, and that the other be female. It cannot happen with two males and no female, nor with two females and no male.

Okay, except today we have in-vitro fertilization, we have surrogacy.. We are probably not far from the day we can make customized babies in the lab for the very rich.

One of my very dear friends raised three children with her partner (two of hers, one of her partners). The Sperm donor was nowhere to be found after a certain point.
For the purposes of any law, there's no distinction. They won't give you a lighter sentence for rape, or prostitution, because you got it in the wrong hole.
We're not talking about law. We're talking biology and science. Damn, you're stupid.
The question was about the biological definition of sex. And that's it—the process by which gametes are brought together to form a new organism.

Okay, then by that logic, any marriage that never produced a child can be declared invalid.

Any takers?

We're not talking about law. We're talking biology and science. Damn, you're stupid.

No, guy, you are trying to limit the definition of things to reflect your biases.

If marriage is about sexual gratification, gays are jsut as valid as straights.

if it's about making babies, the many marriages would be invalid if the couple either couldn't get pregnant or if they needed some kind of help.
Okay, then by that logic, any marriage that never produced a child can be declared invalid.
That is always the liberal line, "only on Fox News".
That is bullshit, and you actually know it

A read an article that introduced the left's clear subscription to the Fox News Fallacy. Basically, if Fox News says it, it must be false.
A read an article that introduced the left's clear subscription to the Fox News Fallacy. Basically, if Fox News says it, it must be false.

Oh, I'm sure they occassionally get things right... like the Date.

I have the same problem with MSNBC I have with Fox... they are pandering to an audience.

Used to be, Networks ran their news departments at a loss. They hired foreign correspondents and local reporters, they actually reported on news.

Today, most of the 24/7 news channels are people sitting in studios giving their opinions... and opinions are like buttholes, everyone has one and they all stink.
You'll have to explain your analogy here, because it doesn't make sense.
That you refuse to acknowledge the bigotry of your position is why you refuse to acknowledge the truth in the world around you.

Educate yourself with a simple google search
transgender student expelled
That you refuse to acknowledge the bigotry of your position is why you refuse to acknowledge the truth in the world around you.

Educate yourself with a simple google search
transgender student expelled
So are the people who tell me that Christianity is fake.. are they bigots as well?
Actually, no.

IN 1956, women were expected to know "their place".

You never met my mother. Nor either of my grandmothers. Nor my wife.

You'll probably be offended to be told that none of these women ever conformed to the degraded image you have of women in general, nor specifically of Mormon women, nor of women from past generations.

If you had ever messed with any of these women, she would have very firmly put you in your place.
You never met my mother. Nor either of my grandmothers. Nor my wife.

Right. I don't talk about people's family situations, because it's against the rules. But gender roles were different in 1956 than they are in 2021... and certainly more so in the Mormon Cult.

You'll probably be offended to be told that none of these women ever conformed to the degraded image you have of women in general, nor specifically of Mormon women, nor of women from past generations.

Again, guy, do I need to post the articles about women in the Mormon Cult?

We only dedicate one day to remember the fallen men and women who died young.
But if you come out the closet as Caitlyn Jenner you're a hero and you get a whole pride month.
You cannot prove that God does not exist.

It don't have to prove anything because I never claimed he did exist in the beginning.
That aside, if godbotherers had evidence they would produce it in a heartbeat and you know it. They have nothing but delusion.

What can be asserted without evidence can dismissed without evidence.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

So if you think I can't prove it, prove me wrong.
It don't have to prove anything because I never claimed he did exist in the beginning.
That aside, if godbotherers had evidence they would produce it in a heartbeat and you know it. They have nothing but delusion.

What can be asserted without evidence can dismissed without evidence.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

So if you think I can't prove it, prove me wrong.

That's what faith is. Believing in something you can't prove either way. Religious people have to have faith. Otherwise their lives would be meaningless. After all, religion is just a way to keep from understanding how this life is all we have.
That's why you don't see more religious people out doing good things for everyone. In a sense, most of them are too lazy to do as their bible tells them. Helping the poor, taking refugee's into their own homes. Feeding the poor. And all those decent things that the bible & Jesus says they should do.
But having a place to go after death, means they can make up for it in the next life.

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