CDZ How is Transgender Theory Different from Religion?

LMAO I'm really enjoying watching people talk about how great Bill Clinton was when he was cheating on Hillary while how horrid Donald Trump was for supposedly cheating on Ivanka.

Gosh... the same act, but one is good and the other is bad. No wonder I avoid these types of hacks.

Nobody said Clinton was "great". Just that his behavior wasn't as egregious.

You're probably too young to remember Trump and his Marla Maples affair, where he pretty much flaunted her in public while still married to Ivana.

At the time, when I was a lot more conservative than I am now, I was one of these idiots who blurted out "Subornation of Perjury" like it was a real thing, because Clinton didn't want to admit that he had sex with an intern. And quite honestly, it was the worst thing he ever did.

I honestly don't think Trump, as bad as his behavior was with the Porn Star, should have been impeached over it. Colluding with Russia, trying to extort the Ukraine, inciting a riot against the Capitol, um, yeah, those things should have been impeachable, along with completely squandering the effort against COVID, gassing peace protestors, kidnapping immigrant children, wrecking the economy... well, the list goes on.

What amazes me is all you "Christians" who act like Trump was sent by God, to which I have to ask, "Did God run out of Locust?"
Okay, biologically, can two males have sexual intercourse?

Not based on the definition nope, but I'm not sure what that has to do with what we're talking about.

Hold on a minute, didn't you just complain about Clinton? Let's not forget, that Clinton never had vaginal intercourse with Ms. Lewinsky. He just got fellatio. (That's Latin for "Blow Job")

37% of Straight people engage in anal sex. 99% of them engage in fellatio or cunnilingus (That's Latin for "Oh my God, don't stop, don't stop!")

So all the icky, icky behavior the gays engage in... Um, straights do that, too.
I don't think there are any more trans people than there were in any point in history, about 0.3% of the population.

Not everyone fits neatly into box... but the question is, why do you need boxes at all.

Yes I noticed you avoided the preaching to 5 year olds about complex sexuality at an age where they don't have even an inkling of what that is, and are therefore VERY impressionable. You can hard wire their brains at this age. And is exactly why it is abusing them to impress upon them unscientific opinions that are highly debatable.
Yes I noticed you avoided the preaching to 5 year olds about complex sexuality at an age where they don't have even an inkling of what that is, and are therefore VERY impressionable. You can hard wire their brains at this age. And is exactly why it is abusing them to impress upon them unscientific opinions that are highly debatable.

I don't worry about it because it doesn't happen outside of Fox News Fever Dreams.

Again, if kids were that impressionable, I'd still be a Catholic Fanatic, and not a free-thinker.
Yes I noticed you avoided the preaching to 5 year olds about complex sexuality at an age where they don't have even an inkling of what that is, and are therefore VERY impressionable. You can hard wire their brains at this age. And is exactly why it is abusing them to impress upon them unscientific opinions that are highly debatable.

I always found it odd how there's been like a 4000% increase in gender dysphoria/trans identity claims among our youth.

Those who advocate to dictate Trans theory onto the populace will say it's because they're just finally comfortable to do so. However, notice that all of the 30+ crowd is not sky-rocketing at some astronomical rate. If it were simply about genuine gender dysphoric people not feeling comfortable, the same or very similar number would be across all age groups.

It's clearly a fad for a lot of the youth, something you get patted on the back and called brave and courageous for doing. You get more attention, and you can view yourself as more complex.
I always found it odd how there's been like a 4000% increase in gender dysphoria/trans identity claims among our youth.

Those who advocate to dictate Trans theory onto the populace will say it's because they're just finally comfortable to do so. However, notice that all of the 30+ crowd is not sky-rocketing at some astronomical rate. If it were simply about genuine gender dysphoric people not feeling comfortable, the same or very similar number would be across all age groups.

It's clearly a fad for a lot of the youth, something you get patted on the back and called brave and courageous for doing. You get more attention, and you can view yourself as more complex.
Can't add to that, well said... and objective.
I don't worry about it because it doesn't happen outside of Fox News Fever Dreams.

Again, if kids were that impressionable, I'd still be a Catholic Fanatic, and not a free-thinker.
That is always the liberal line, "only on Fox News".
That is bullshit, and you actually know it
Hold on a minute, didn't you just complain about Clinton? Let's not forget, that Clinton never had vaginal intercourse with Ms. Lewinsky. He just got fellatio. (That's Latin for "Blow Job")

37% of Straight people engage in anal sex. 99% of them engage in fellatio or cunnilingus (That's Latin for "Oh my God, don't stop, don't stop!")

So all the icky, icky behavior the gays engage in... Um, straights do that, too.
You didn't answer my question. I'll try again. Biologically, can two males have sexual intercourse?
I live in a college town.
The first time I saw a man dressed as a woman was probably in the 1980s.
And all the way to the mid 2000s I could go years without seeing one, and Indiana University is known for a large gay culture going waaay back.
And then just like a light switch around 2015'ish... they popped up everywhere. Now when the kids are in town... you cannot possibly walk in a public area and not see at LEAST one. They are all over the place.
And just like someone said here... they are ALL very young.
It is a FAD.
The vast majority of them are NOT Transgender. They are gay effeminate males and femboys. And some crossdressers. Maybe, maybe 1% of them are actually transgender. But of course the virtue signalers everywhere here fall all over themselves to make heroes out of them.
It is pure "gold star" seeking.
So we have a radical left-wing that is aggressively and successfully pushing transgender ideology into public schools.

The problem I see is that transgender ideology has all the exact same things that a religion has, and thus public schools shouldn't be allowed to champion them.

Let's compare Transgender Ideology to Christianity.

Both are based on an unprovable assumption. The assumption in Christianity is that God the Father exists, Christ Jesus was born to Mary, etc. The assumption in transgender ideology is that the interconnected sex/gender can be fluid and change based on the feelings of the individual.

Both are professed based on feelings. You'll often hear Christians say how they "feel" the spirit. You'll hear transgender people say they "feel" like the opposite sex.

Here is where they differ:

In Transgenderism, if you disagree with their ideological, unprovable claims, you're a transphobe who is guilty of harm. In Christianity, if you disagree with their religious, unprovable claims, you're just fine.

So we're left with a choice.. do we:
A. Call people who reject Christianity as horrible Christophobes who are maliciously attacking the identities of believers? (to maintain the standard that transgenderism demands)
B. Treat transgenderism like we do Christianity, keep it out of our public schools, and realize it's a belief that you can follow or not follow, and you're not a bad person if you don't believe.
god made queers
I always found it odd how there's been like a 4000% increase in gender dysphoria/trans identity claims among our youth.

You do? Hey, maybe it's the Vaccines!!! I mean, this is the logic of people who don't understand science. There's been an increase of diagnosis of Autism, it must mean that there's something in the vaccines.

Not the logical thing that people are actually LOOKING for it now, and know what to look for.

Those who advocate to dictate Trans theory onto the populace will say it's because they're just finally comfortable to do so. However, notice that all of the 30+ crowd is not sky-rocketing at some astronomical rate. If it were simply about genuine gender dysphoric people not feeling comfortable, the same or very similar number would be across all age groups.

Except, not really. When those people were young, no one knew what they were looking for. Most of them probably came out in their 20's. Then you have some people who come out like Caitlyn Jenner. they were trans all their lives, they just feel comfortable coming out now.

Now, I've mentioned before that one of the trans people I've known is Col. Jennifer Pritzker (Cousin of current IL Governor JB Pritzker). Except when I knew her, she went by her dead name of James Pritzker. She was a Captain in the Illinois National Guard, a former airborne ranger. You know, what most of you would consider a manly-man. (Except she really wasn't. the men would laugh at her when she waddled in front of the troops.)

It's clearly a fad for a lot of the youth, something you get patted on the back and called brave and courageous for doing. You get more attention, and you can view yourself as more complex.

Um, I don't think any kid is going to call themselves "Trans" to get more attention.... kids are kind of bastards.
You didn't answer my question. I'll try again. Biologically, can two males have sexual intercourse?

Yes, I did. It just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear. They have the sex the same way a lot of straight people do.... manually, orally and anally.

I live in a college town.
The first time I saw a man dressed as a woman was probably in the 1980s.
And all the way to the mid 2000s I could go years without seeing one, and Indiana University is known for a large gay culture going waaay back.
And then just like a light switch around 2015'ish... they popped up everywhere. Now when the kids are in town... you cannot possibly walk in a public area and not see at LEAST one. They are all over the place.
And just like someone said here... they are ALL very young.
It is a FAD.
The vast majority of them are NOT Transgender. They are gay effeminate males and femboys. And some crossdressers. Maybe, maybe 1% of them are actually transgender. But of course the virtue signalers everywhere here fall all over themselves to make heroes out of them.
It is pure "gold star" seeking.

Again, not sure why you need to put everyone in a nice neat Box, Fox News.

How do you know some of those cross-dressers weren't in fact just ugly women?
You do? Hey, maybe it's the Vaccines!!! I mean, this is the logic of people who don't understand science. There's been an increase of diagnosis of Autism, it must mean that there's something in the vaccines.

Not the logical thing that people are actually LOOKING for it now, and know what to look for.

Except, not really. When those people were young, no one knew what they were looking for. Most of them probably came out in their 20's. Then you have some people who come out like Caitlyn Jenner. they were trans all their lives, they just feel comfortable coming out now.

Now, I've mentioned before that one of the trans people I've known is Col. Jennifer Pritzker (Cousin of current IL Governor JB Pritzker). Except when I knew her, she went by her dead name of James Pritzker. She was a Captain in the Illinois National Guard, a former airborne ranger. You know, what most of you would consider a manly-man. (Except she really wasn't. the men would laugh at her when she waddled in front of the troops.)

Um, I don't think any kid is going to call themselves "Trans" to get more attention.... kids are kind of bastards.
Once again... what you say is wrong.
Like I said, I live in a college town, and Indiana University (home of Kinsey Institute) is known for large gay population for many-many years.
I very-very rarely saw them prior to 2015. Today - they are everywhere. And most are impossible to miss, the majority are not "passable".
It would be impossible to go to any public area and not see at minimum one of them.
And they are virtually ALL very young.
Yes, I did. It just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear. They have the sex the same way a lot of straight people do.... manually, orally and anally.

Again, not sure why you need to put everyone in a nice neat Box, Fox News.

How do you know some of those cross-dressers weren't in fact just ugly women?
Two males cannot have biological sexual intercourse. Biologically sexual intercourse is male and female. The anus, mouth, and hands aren't sex organs. Didn't you ever take biology in high school?
Once again... what you say is wrong.
Like I said, I live in a college town, and Indiana University (home of Kinsey Institute) is known for large gay population for many-many years.
I very-very rarely saw them prior to 2015. Today - they are everywhere. And most are impossible to miss, the majority are not "passable".
It would be impossible to go to any public area and not see at minimum one of them.
And they are virtually ALL very young.

That's some very nice anecdotes, but where is your hard evidence....

Two males cannot have biological sexual intercourse. Biologically sexual intercourse is male and female. The anus, mouth, and hands aren't sex organs. Didn't you ever take biology in high school?

Again, if that's what you want to go with.

Tell you what, go into a divorce court and try to use the "Clinton Defense"... "Hey, it wasn't adultery, it was only oral sex!"

That argument didn't work for Clinton, it doesn't work for you, buddy.
That's some very nice anecdotes, but where is your hard evidence....

Again, if that's what you want to go with.

Tell you what, go into a divorce court and try to use the "Clinton Defense"... "Hey, it wasn't adultery, it was only oral sex!"

That argument didn't work for Clinton, it doesn't work for you, buddy.
You didn't answer my question. I'll try again. Biologically, can two males have sexual intercourse?
Yes, I did. It just wasn't the answer you wanted to hear. They have the sex the same way a lot of straight people do.... manually, orally and anally.

Biologically, sex is the process by which a sperm cell and an egg cell are put together, to create a new organism of the same species that produced the two gametes.

For this to happen requires that one of the participants in the sex act be male, and that the other be female. It cannot happen with two males and no female, nor with two females and no male.


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