CDZ How is Transgender Theory Different from Religion?

RIght, so when you guys try to ban gay marriage and abortion because your Imaginary Friend in the Sky says so... you totally aren't trying to impose your beliefs on the rest of us.

Um, yeah, it's called freedom.

One more time... At one time, your religion was considered to be a bunch of "Morally Defective Freaks". It's why they were chased out of New York, Ohio, Missouri (where the governor issued an extermination order), and my own fine state of Illinois, which killed Joseph and Hyrum Smith. You finally ended up in Utah, where you went to war with the US government in 1857.

But eventually, you were allowed to impose your insane delusions on sane people.

View attachment 528347

Again- Freakish behavior.

Baptizing Dead People.
Thinking you are going to rule your own planet in the afterlife.
Thinking that dark skin is a curse from God, oh, wait, let's edit our own bible so that doesn't sound as bad as it does.
Wearing Magic Underwear.

Thankfully, we live in a FREE COUNTRY where you can do these things as long as you aren't hurting anyone else.
The world defined marriage as a male and female for thousands of years. Simply because people won't acquiesce to your mentally ill definition of marriage, it doesn't mean that they're haters or bigots. The millions of people that believed marriage is a Male and female for thousands of years aren't haters or bigots. You're the freak, not us.
The world defined marriage as a male and female for thousands of years. Simply because people won't acquiesce to your mentally ill definition of marriage, it doesn't mean that they're haters or bigots. The millions of people that believed marriage is a Male and female for thousands of years aren't haters or bigots. You're the freak, not us.

Slavery was acceptable for thousands of years.. until it wasn't.
Witch burning was acceptable for thousands of years... until we all realized there actually weren't any witches.

Most of history, the woman was little more than property in the institution of marriage (and still is in some cultures today), with traditions such as dowry, the father giving the bride away, carrying her across the threshold and other vestiges of this unequal relationship. The term "Rule of Thumb" comes from it being acceptable to beat your wife as long as the stick wasn't any thicker than your thumb. And try to get a divorce from a cruel or cheating husband? Forget it!!!

So appeal to tradition is a nice dodge, but basically, all arguments against gay marriage still boil down to

1) My imaginary friend in the sky says it's bad.
2) I think it's icky!
Slavery was acceptable for thousands of years.. until it wasn't.
Witch burning was acceptable for thousands of years... until we all realized there actually weren't any witches.

Most of history, the woman was little more than property in the institution of marriage (and still is in some cultures today), with traditions such as dowry, the father giving the bride away, carrying her across the threshold and other vestiges of this unequal relationship. The term "Rule of Thumb" comes from it being acceptable to beat your wife as long as the stick wasn't any thicker than your thumb. And try to get a divorce from a cruel or cheating husband? Forget it!!!

So appeal to tradition is a nice dodge, but basically, all arguments against gay marriage still boil down to

1) My imaginary friend in the sky says it's bad.
2) I think it's icky!
We're talking about definition here. Slavery is still slavery. Marriage is still a Male and female.
Um, no. Marriage even for straight people is a LOT different than what it was hundreds of years ago.

A pathetic Incel in his late fifties, who has never been married, is trying to lecture people who have been married for decades on what marriage is like or about.

So we have a radical left-wing that is aggressively and successfully pushing transgender ideology into public schools.

The problem I see is that transgender ideology has all the exact same things that a religion has, and thus public schools shouldn't be allowed to champion them.

Let's compare Transgender Ideology to Christianity.

Both are based on an unprovable assumption. The assumption in Christianity is that God the Father exists, Christ Jesus was born to Mary, etc. The assumption in transgender ideology is that the interconnected sex/gender can be fluid and change based on the feelings of the individual.

Both are professed based on feelings. You'll often hear Christians say how they "feel" the spirit. You'll hear transgender people say they "feel" like the opposite sex.

Here is where they differ:

In Transgenderism, if you disagree with their ideological, unprovable claims, you're a transphobe who is guilty of harm. In Christianity, if you disagree with their religious, unprovable claims, you're just fine.

So we're left with a choice.. do we:
A. Call people who reject Christianity as horrible Christophobes who are maliciously attacking the identities of believers? (to maintain the standard that transgenderism demands)
B. Treat transgenderism like we do Christianity, keep it out of our public schools, and realize it's a belief that you can follow or not follow, and you're not a bad person if you don't believe.
I have said numerous times here that wokism is a religion.
And the stark hypocrisy of losing one's shit over a teacher wearing a cross, while supporting that same teacher to proselytize to 5 years olds about the lunacy of the transfad.
A pathetic Incel in his late fifties, who has never been married, is trying to lecture people who have been married for decades on what marriage is like or about.

Mormon Bob, a guy who wishes that Marriage was what it was 100 years ago, and joins the Cult that keeps it that way.
I have said numerous times here that wokism is a religion.
And the stark hypocrisy of losing one's shit over a teacher wearing a cross, while supporting that same teacher to proselytize to 5 years olds about the lunacy of the transfad.

Okay, when did someone lose their shit over somene wearing a cross? Do you have a link to that?

Or are you going to provide the link, and find out the teacher was screaming "JAY-A-ZUS" at the kids.
Nope. You don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Do some research.

Look at what the divorce laws were like 150 years ago. They kind of sucked for the women.

Heck, we had a very casual view towards domestic violence in the last century.


Hah---- It funny because she's getting beaten for serving bad coffee!!!


I think they still issue these in Utah..
Do some research.

Look at what the divorce laws were like 150 years ago. They kind of sucked for the women.

Heck, we had a very casual view towards domestic violence in the last century.

View attachment 529053

Hah---- It funny because she's getting beaten for serving bad coffee!!!

View attachment 529060
I think they still issue these in Utah..
Off topic. We're talking about the definition of marriage. You lost.
Off topic. We're talking about the definition of marriage. You lost.

Right. 100 years ago, Marriage was a man's right to turn a woman into a domestic sex slave.

Today it's the right of people to equally share in a relationship... no matter what their gender.

Frankly, until recently, I've known gay folks who've been in long term committed relationships.

And I've know straight couples where we all said they'll be divorced in a year.
Okay, when did someone lose their shit over somene wearing a cross? Do you have a link to that?

Or are you going to provide the link, and find out the teacher was screaming "JAY-A-ZUS" at the kids.

And on and on.... Christian religion prohibited. Wokist religion, not just prohibited, but encouraged.
And on and on.... Christian religion prohibited. Wokist religion, not just prohibited, but encouraged.

Okay, let's look at your original statement.

And the stark hypocrisy of losing one's shit over a teacher wearing a cross,

Your first link was about a STUDENT wearing a cross, not a teacher, probably in violation of the dress code, in THE UNITED KINGDOM, not the US.

The second one was about girls in France not being allowed to wear crosses - Again- not the teachers, and not in the US.

The Third one was about a student who put up a sign in the classroom with a religious message... Not a teacher being banned form wearing a cross.

SO where are all these teachers who are banned from wearing crosses in the classroom, like you claimed.

Now, there is actually a good reason why you ban religion in the classroom... Because then you have to decide which religion. Are you going to do Catholic Religion or Orthodox or Protestant? Assuming you go Protestant, do you go Evangelical, Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopalian... you kind of see the problem here, right?
Then you are getting beyond the whole "Jesus Did Magic Tricks" part of it and well into "Arguing over whether or not the Eucharists literally turns into Jesus or if it just symbolizes Jesus".

On the other hand, Wokism is easy.

Don't be a racist. Don't be a misogynist. Don't be a homophobe and don't be a transphobe.

This really isn't complicated... and shouldn't be controversial.
Okay, let's look at your original statement.

Your first link was about a STUDENT wearing a cross, not a teacher, probably in violation of the dress code, in THE UNITED KINGDOM, not the US.

The second one was about girls in France not being allowed to wear crosses - Again- not the teachers, and not in the US.

The Third one was about a student who put up a sign in the classroom with a religious message... Not a teacher being banned form wearing a cross.

SO where are all these teachers who are banned from wearing crosses in the classroom, like you claimed.

Now, there is actually a good reason why you ban religion in the classroom... Because then you have to decide which religion. Are you going to do Catholic Religion or Orthodox or Protestant? Assuming you go Protestant, do you go Evangelical, Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopalian... you kind of see the problem here, right?
Then you are getting beyond the whole "Jesus Did Magic Tricks" part of it and well into "Arguing over whether or not the Eucharists literally turns into Jesus or if it just symbolizes Jesus".

On the other hand, Wokism is easy.

Don't be a racist. Don't be a misogynist. Don't be a homophobe and don't be a transphobe.

This really isn't complicated... and shouldn't be controversial.
Student/Teacher - point is the same.
Losing one's shit over ANYONE in a school with something religious on, yet demanding teachers prosthelytize kindergartners over the trans fad is A OK.
Got it.
Student/Teacher - point is the same.
Losing one's shit over ANYONE in a school with something religious on, yet demanding teachers prosthelytize kindergartners over the trans fad is A OK.
Got it.

No, guy, it isn't nearly the same.... I asked you to come up with examples where Teachers were being banned from wearing crosses, and the best you could come up with were incidents with students in OTHER FREAKIN' COUNTRIES.

So you were just wrong.

Funny thing, guy... if proselytizing worked, I would be a religious fanatic today. I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years, and got the Daily Dose of Jesus Did Magic Tricks nonsense. This includes having clergy we knew damned well was queer (because that's what they did to gays in the Oldy Times Church, they made them join the clergy) telling us homosexuality was bad, but we all had the good sense not to get in a room alone with one of these guys.
A pathetic Incel in his late fifties, who has never been married, is trying to lecture people who have been married for decades on what marriage is like or about.
Mormon Bob, a guy who wishes that Marriage was what it was 100 years ago, and joins the Cult that keeps it that way.

Someone who is an utter, unmitigated failure at an important part of life, really hasn't much useful to say to someone who has succeeded at that part of life.

Right. 100 years ago, Marriage was a man's right to turn a woman into a domestic sex slave.

Today it's the right of people to equally share in a relationship... no matter what their gender.

Frankly, until recently, I've known gay folks who've been in long term committed relationships.

And I've know straight couples where we all said they'll be divorced in a year.

And then there are late fifty-something-year-old incels who have completely, utterly failed at the whole marriage thing entirely, and yet somehow feel compelled to lecture those who have long, successful marriages, on the subject of marriage.
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Someone who is an utter, unmitigated failure at an important part of life, really hasn't much useful to say to someone who has succeeded at that part of life.

Only if you think that signing away half your property is an important part of life. I really didn't think it was, that's the thing.

Funny thing is, I don't fret over whatever cult relationship you are in. If it works for you, that's fine.

I'm a live and let live kind of guy. I don't worry about other people's business.

Academically, professionally, I've achieved most of the things I wanted to achieve.
And then there are late fifty-something-year-old incels who have completely, utterly failed at the whole marriage thing entirely, and yet somehow feel compelled to lecture those who have long, successful marriages, on the subject of marriage.

I didn't have to sign away half my property to get sex... I know this is a bizarre concept for you...

When most people of my generation were making that mistake, I was in the military.... where marriage just doesn't mix well with the military life.

So I lived in sin with someone for years, I guess, because she didn't want to sign away half her property, either.
Only if you think that signing away half your property is an important part of life. I really didn't think it was, that's the thing.

We're just going around in circles.

I've been married for more than twenty-six years, and expect to be in this marriage for the rest of my life, and beyond.

You are such a pathetic loser incel, that in your late fifties, you still have never been married, and almost certainly never will be.

You are in no position to tell me anything about marriage. The only thing that you accomplish by trying to do so is to emphasize just how much of a pathetic, worthless loser you are.

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