CDZ How is Transgender Theory Different from Religion?

Oh well, then I suppose to you progressives, a members dick is OK to flash to a young girl. But a non member isn't.

WTF is wrong with you people? Are you arguing just to argue? Who ITF supports any guy flashing his privates to to kids?

except no one is flashing their privates. They are getting dressed before or after a workout at a club they paid good money to join.

I'm wondering who takes their child into a locker room because they can't find someone to watch them while they are working out.
Oh well, then I suppose to you progressives, a members dick is OK to flash to a young girl. But a non member isn't.

WTF is wrong with you people? Are you arguing just to argue? Who ITF supports any guy flashing his privates to to kids?
There was a recent story about a mom who took her kids to a spa and pool.. and her young girls were in the locker room when some trans person was walking around the locker room naked with their penis hanging out in front of the girls. The mom was furious. She went to the spa front counter and complained that there was a member who was actively exposing their penis to her young girls, and they wouldn't do anything about it because of PC.

When you're advocating for the right of a person with a penis to be able to expose it in front young girls.. that's when you know your ideology is a bit perverse. It's against the law to expose your genitals to people of the opposite sex without their consent.
There was a recent story about a mom who took her kids to a spa and pool.. and her young girls were in the locker room when some trans person was walking around the locker room naked with their penis hanging out in front of the girls. The mom was furious. She went to the spa front counter and complained that there was a member who was actively exposing their penis to her young girls, and they wouldn't do anything about it because of PC.

When you're advocating for the right of a person with a penis to be able to expose it in front young girls.. that's when you know your ideology is a bit perverse. It's against the law to expose your genitals to people of the opposite sex without their consent.

This is the very incident I'm talking about. According to the spa owners, showing your penis to little girls, isn't against the law in California.

Funny thing about this, there are a lot of trans people who would object to even a trans person showing his genitals to kids. But, within the week, people showed up to protest the spa allowing men in the women's dressing room, and flashing little kids. The LGBTQ-abcde community (and antifa) showed up to protest them. Cops were called to try to de escalate the crowds.

Showing ones penis to a kid is child abuse. Pedophilia. But not in California.
This is the very incident I'm talking about. According to the spa owners, showing your penis to little girls, isn't against the law in California.

Funny thing about this, there are a lot of trans people who would object to even a trans person showing his genitals to kids. But, within the week, people showed up to protest the spa allowing men in the women's dressing room, and flashing little kids. The LGBTQ-abcde community (and antifa) showed up to protest them. Cops were called to try to de escalate the crowds.

Showing ones penis to a kid is child abuse. Pedophilia. But not in California.
I think this needs to be addressed. Many suburban leftists are all "Go leftism"! But I'm not sure how many would want their 7 year old daughters to have to see penises.

And, if you have a problem with your 7 year old daughter being exposed to male genitalia, YOU'RE the bigot!

I don't think many casual leftists know what the end results of transgender ideology are.
I think this needs to be addressed. Many suburban leftists are all "Go leftism"! But I'm not sure how many would want their 7 year old daughters to have to see penises.

And, if you have a problem with your 7 year old daughter being exposed to male genitalia, YOU'RE the bigot!

I don't think many casual leftists know what the end results of transgender ideology are.

Many of them are surface level thinkers. They don't consider the unintended consequences of all this. Like how transwomen step on women's right. Or how young people can become exposed to things that the parents don't want their children exposed to.
And something that's equally important, is exposing their children to chemicals like puberty blockers, without knowing how or what their child will be when they were supposed to hit puberty. Even next month.
You might as well ask a house fly not to be a shit-eating insect.

Good point. I think i'm debating a progressive wall that thinks it's Ok for a man to expose himself kids, as long as they identify as something else.

Funny thing, the penis still identifies as a penis. Even the trans knows it's a penis.
This is a good call by a spa in VA.
VA Spa Refuses LGBT Clients, Citing “Abnormal Sexual Behaviors And Orientation”

"The Better Business Bureau opened an investigation, and on Jan. 28, Spa World representative Sang Lee responded to the BBB in writing by stating “It is our policy to not accept any kinds of abnormal sexual oriented customers to our facility such as homosexuals, or transgender(s).”The Spa World written reply goes on to say that the spa stands by this policy for the sake of young children who utilize the facility. “Also, for the safety and the comfort of young children at Spa World, we strongly forbid any abnormal sexual behaviors and orientation in our facility. Despite the controversial issue of homosexuality and transgender, it is our policy to not accept them,” Lee wrote."
Like who gives a shit? Really, while our foreign policy collapses, allies are kicked in the balls, government credibility shrinks, government pork shoots through the roof, boarders collapse, crime escalates, while our constitutional freedoms wither away, and the most important issue is LBGT and transgender feel good crap. Are you nuts?
Oh so it's OK to expose your dick to a little kid, if you're a member, and your just changing clothes, right?


Don't be a perverted sicko, dude. Because supporting this sort of thing is supporting pedo's. Are you a pedo supporting progressive?
1) Reported. Nice knowing you.
2) That incident wasn't what the right wing press presented it as.

Many of them are surface level thinkers. They don't consider the unintended consequences of all this. Like how transwomen step on women's right. Or how young people can become exposed to things that the parents don't want their children exposed to.

Okay, if they don't want their children exposed to that... don't take them to a place where complete strangers are changing their clothes. This isn't complicated, buddy.
Aw, poor baby. You support a man showing a little kid his dick, I called you on it. And you reported me. LMAO.. The mods should bad you for supporting pedo's.

Reported again... But let's look at your argument. I am minding my own business in a health club and some guy brings his 4 year old daughter into the men's locker room because he's too lazy to find a sitter. So how is that my fault, exactly?

Same thing here.

Complete strangers of the same gender. Preopt transwomen are not the same sex or gender. Why? Because they have a dick.

You guys claim post-op transwomen aren't really women, either... so again, not sure what your point is.


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Reported again... But let's look at your argument. I am minding my own business in a health club and some guy brings his 4 year old daughter into the men's locker room because he's too lazy to find a sitter. So how is that my fault, exactly?

LMAO. You're being exposed. And instead of just walking away, you're digging even deeper. And moving the goal posts.
This is about a woman and her young daughter, in the ladies dressing area, being exposed by someone with a dick. That's a pedo. No matter how the perp identifies. No matter what you think a real woman is. A woman with a dick, is NOT a woman. Period. End of story.
LMAO. You're being exposed. And instead of just walking away, you're digging even deeper. And moving the goal posts.
This is about a woman and her young daughter, in the ladies dressing area, being exposed by someone with a dick. That's a pedo. No matter how the perp identifies. No matter what you think a real woman is. A woman with a dick, is NOT a woman. Period. End of story.

Uh, no, the guy was a member of the club and the law of that state legally recognizes him as a woman.

He's really not legally at fault here.

The parent who brought the kid into a locker room... quite a bit more.
Uh, no, the guy was a member of the club and the law of that state legally recognizes him as a woman.

He's really not legally at fault here.

The parent who brought the kid into a locker room... quite a bit more.

Sorry, but the mother of the child says differently. Had the spa had a sign up that said "You're daughter can be exposed to male genitals in the ladies dressing room, I'm sure that would've been different and the mom would've been at fault for allowing her daughter to be exposed.
BUT, that's THE ONLY way the mom was responsible.
Had the tranny had any common decency, and respected the fact that there was a little girl in there, and that the mom might not be supportive of the Trans BS, IT would've went around the corner, out of sight of the little girl, and gotten dressed. Or showered at home. What ever the circumstances were.

California law makers didn't take into consideration a lot of important things when passing this stupid law. It's against the law for a man to show his private parts to anyone's daughter. Even in their own homes. Even in CA.
Sorry, but the mother of the child says differently. Had the spa had a sign up that said "You're daughter can be exposed to male genitals in the ladies dressing room, I'm sure that would've been different and the mom would've been at fault for allowing her daughter to be exposed.
BUT, that's THE ONLY way the mom was responsible.
Had the tranny had any common decency, and respected the fact that there was a little girl in there, and that the mom might not be supportive of the Trans BS, IT would've went around the corner, out of sight of the little girl, and gotten dressed. Or showered at home. What ever the circumstances were.

California law makers didn't take into consideration a lot of important things when passing this stupid law. It's against the law for a man to show his private parts to anyone's daughter. Even in their own homes. Even in CA.

Again, you can't ask people to work their entire lives around what other people MIGHT do.

Unless you can prove to me this trans-woman went out with that intent that day, this is just more fake outrage.

The spa told The Times Monday that they are required to follow California law that prohibits businesses from discriminating against customers based on race, gender, sexual identity or expression.

“Like many other metropolitan areas, Los Angeles contains a transgender population, some of whom enjoy visiting a spa,” it said in a statement, adding that the spa “strives to meet the needs and safety of all of its customers.”
Uh, no, the guy was a member of the club and the law of that state legally recognizes him as a woman.

He's really not legally at fault here.

The parent who brought the kid into a locker room... quite a bit more.

JoeB131, you are one sick sumbich to even think that there's ANY reason for a man to expose his dick to a child. There's NO circumstances what so ever where that's OK. NONE.

If the mods are going to punish me for NOT supporting pedo's because they're trans, then screw this forum. I don't want ANY part of ANY group, business, forum or anything else that supports pedo's, child abuse or anything that harms children.
Is this the road the mods want to go down, supporting men exposing themselves to children? And supporting member of this forum, who do support that sick crap.
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@JoeB131, you are one sick sumbich to even think that there's ANY reason for a man to expose his dick to a child. There's NO circumstances what so ever where that's OK. NONE.

I don't disagree. . That's not what happened here, though.

A transwoman used a facility she paid good money to use, under the constraints of CA law..

If the mods are going to punish me for NOT supporting pedo's because they're trans, then screw this forum. I don't want ANY part of ANY group, business, forum or anything else that supports pedo's, child abuse or anything that harms children.
Is this the road the mods want to go down, supporting men exposing themselves to children? And supporting member of this forum, who do support that sick crap.

Actually, you need to follow the rules.

1) No accusing other members of criminal activity
2) No accusing other members of pedophilia
3) No using personal insults in the CDZ.

This isn't complicated, buddy.

I'll give USMB it's props, it's usually a pretty open place for debates compared to other forums.
Uh, no, the guy was a member of the club and the law of that state legally recognizes him as a woman.

He's really not legally at fault here.

The parent who brought the kid into a locker room... quite a bit more.

Used to be that women and girls could undress in women's locker rooms, safe from having some creepy, degenerate male pervert leering at them, or exposing his genitalia to them.

That this can no longer safety be assumed to be the case is indefensible and insane. “Trans women” do not belong in women's locker rooms or other intimate facilities, and those who try belong in prison for a very long time, and should be marked for life as dangerous sex offenders.

So should those, such as yourself, who openly take their side against that of actual human beings, especially against that of women and girls.

Any decent man has a duty to protect women and girls from these kind of perverts.

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