CDZ How is Transgender Theory Different from Religion?

How about this.
Stop indoctrinating little kids about a God that does not exist. That is teaching kids blatant lies and can be interpreted as child abuse in a civil court.

Why not teach them about transgender people. After all, they are real, they pay taxes and can serve in many governments. There is nothing false about them whatsoever. They exist unlike your hideous God bullshit.

Teach kids facts, not lies.
A woman who suddenly claims she's a man is not real, it's a religious belief.

If I say I'm a dolphin, I'm not a dolphin. I'm a human. My DNA says as such.

The only child abuse would be to inject children with drugs and blockers before they are able to consent. Can we agree on that?
If you wonder why I dislike religionists as much as I do, it's statements like this. ^^^^^

If anything is unnatural, it's monogamous marriage. It exists almost nowhere else in the animal kingdom except for Homo Sapiens, and there it has to be reinforced with a lot of religious nonsense mostly to keep women in their place.

If you are living your life because you think an invisible pixie in the sky is going to punish you, you are going to have a pretty miserable existence.
You clearly don't understand the Christian faith, and probably ignore everyone who says they live in happiness under God's grace, and enjoy giving that grace to others.

but, you are free to your opinion. IMO there's no more respectful way to value someone than to be exclusive with them in love and marriage. If you want to go screw around, you can do that to your heart's content. Even most non-believers wouldn't approve, as you'd be cheating.
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Uh, dude, kids are going to be curious about sex long before they hit puberty. I went to a pretty repressed Catholic School, and yet we all had our porn stashes, we all tried to cop a feel on Mary Sue at the junior prom, and we all knew that one kid who was stuck with a kid in her teens because she didn't know enough about birth control because the Nuns didn't tell her.

Nobody is going to go out and be gay or trans because a teacher told them it was okay unless they were already inclined to be gay or trans. It was certainly better the Catholic version, which was to hound the LGBTQ kids into the clergy and that wasn't going to be a problem later.
You should speak for yourself. I doubt every single child in your school was falling prey to perversion. Yes, probably a few, but wow.. own your behavior and stop trying to write fan fiction that everyone did it.
The assumption in transgender ideology is that the interconnected sex/gender can be fluid and change based on the feelings of the individual.
No feelings? The Bible will tell you all about those parents, schoolteachers, doctors, nurses and concerned community members.
What give you the impression you have wisdom and capacity to appreciate anything when you believe there is a god you've never seen, heard or interacted with? That's not wisdom. It's straight out delusional. It's not different to believing there are fairies in the garden, which would immediately attract advice to see a doctor. But no. With religion you can believe all the ratbag scenarios in the bible them adopt to assume you have wisdom. Don't make me.laugh.

I think you have it very backward. It is your denial of God that is a solid indication that you seriously lack wisdom and intelligence. God is real, and the day will come when you will stand before Him to be judged. It is a deep folly on your part, to deny Him.

Satan is real, too, and look at the bullshit that he provides to fill in the empty spaces left in the minds of fools, where they have expelled acknowledgement and belief in God.

Indeed, look at the subject of this very thread. “Transgenderism” is not merely ignorance, nor normal madness, nor ordinary folly. It takes a mind that has been badly damaged, to embrace this bullshit. It takes a mind that has rejected God, to give Satan a place to put this crap.
So we have a radical left-wing that is aggressively and successfully pushing transgender ideology into public schools.

The problem I see is that transgender ideology has all the exact same things that a religion has, and thus public schools shouldn't be allowed to champion them.

Let's compare Transgender Ideology to Christianity.

Both are based on an unprovable assumption. The assumption in Christianity is that God the Father exists, Christ Jesus was born to Mary, etc. The assumption in transgender ideology is that the interconnected sex/gender can be fluid and change based on the feelings of the individual.

Both are professed based on feelings. You'll often hear Christians say how they "feel" the spirit. You'll hear transgender people say they "feel" like the opposite sex.

Here is where they differ:

In Transgenderism, if you disagree with their ideological, unprovable claims, you're a transphobe who is guilty of harm. In Christianity, if you disagree with their religious, unprovable claims, you're just fine.

So we're left with a choice.. do we:
A. Call people who reject Christianity as horrible Christophobes who are maliciously attacking the identities of believers? (to maintain the standard that transgenderism demands)
B. Treat transgenderism like we do Christianity, keep it out of our public schools, and realize it's a belief that you can follow or not follow, and you're not a bad person if you don't believe.

Very good post. Regardless of what the progressive are throwing at you. I don't buy into this trans BS.
I won't go out of my way to treat a trans person any better than they treat me. If it's a guy dressed as a gal, and he's a friggin mean drama queen, I'll call him sir. And then laugh about it.
If they show me respect and kindness, they'll get the same in return.

There is one that is a cashier at the local Walmart. She's a biological female, trying to pass as a guy. BUT, she is extremely nice. And not just with her words. But you can tell she's a pleasant person. So, when I go through her line, I always great her with sir, pal, man or something masculine. And it's no big deal.

If I had a daughter in school athletics, who would forced to compete with a trans-woman (a guy pretending to a girl) I would highly object and file a lawsuit against the school. And would suggest to my daughter, that when the match started, that she just stand there in protest. Maybe "take a knee" for right to compete with biological females.
There is no such thing as ‘transgender theory,’ whatever that’s supposed to be, having nothing to do with religion.

Being transgender is an expression of individual liberty, consistent with the right to self-determination.

Persons have a fundamental right to express themselves as individuals, to make choices about their personal lives, including how they identify and express themselves with regard to gender.

Conservatives’ unwarranted hostility toward transgender Americans is therefore understandable, given the authoritarian right’s fear of diversity and dissent and desire to compel conformity.
I am not hostile to transgenders, they are free to express themselves. I am also free to believe in real science and that real science talks about two and only two sexes. I am also free to call a man a man and a woman a woman no matter what they might believe they are. They are not allowed to force their ideals on to me. They are not allowed to force me to call them whatever they want to be called, just as I don't expect anyone to conform to my lifestyle choice.
I think you have it very backward. It is your denial of God that is a solid indication that you seriously lack wisdom and intelligence. God is real, and the day will come when you will stand before Him to be judged. It is a deep folly on your part, to deny Him.

Prove it. You can't. What you have is faith. Faith is believing in something you can't prove.
Satan is real, too, and look at the bullshit that he provides to fill in the empty spaces left in the minds of fools, where they have expelled acknowledgement and belief in God.

If God is so powerful, then he could kill satan and eliminate sin, child molesters, rapist, murderers and all the other atrocities that god allows.

It is said that God knows everything everyone is going to do, when he places a soul into a child. You're destiny is already known before your even born. And even though the person has free will, God still knows what you're going to do before you're even born.
So if god knows this is a bad soul, that this soul is going to reek havoc on people during his life (as in sodomize a 6yr old boy, rip his anus apart, causing excruciating pain and bleeding. Damaging his little body and mind for the rest of his life. Then why would god even use that soul? Why not cast that soul into hell. After all, it is our souls that's supposed to go to hell after we die, right?

Personally, I think if God is real, he's one evil mother Fker. All the disease, starvation, human atrocities that humans commit on each other and children. He knows all these things are going to happen.

It's possible that the devil left heaven because God was just too damn evil. And Christians have been worshipping the wrong one, this whole time.
I think you have it very backward. It is your denial of God that is a solid indication that you seriously lack wisdom and intelligence. God is real, and the day will come when you will stand before Him to be judged. It is a deep folly on your part, to deny Him.

Satan is real, too, and look at the bullshit that he provides to fill in the empty spaces left in the minds of fools, where they have expelled acknowledgement and belief in God.

Indeed, look at the subject of this very thread. “Transgenderism” is not merely ignorance, nor normal madness, nor ordinary folly. It takes a mind that has been badly damaged, to embrace this bullshit. It takes a mind that has rejected God, to give Satan a place to put this crap.

There is No God and never has been. You have never experienced any God to the point where you can say it is real other than delusions and hallucinations.

I'll ask again. Produce any did evidence of your silly God here and now. I know you can't so I keep embarrassing you while ever you persist with your silly rot.

You objection to trans etc is based on your hideous religion. You want your freedom to practice your superstition of religion but you done want them to have the same freedom.
Don't give me the rubbish about God says this or that because you done have access to anything some ghost thinks or says.
Every time you reply I get another whack at you. Keep going.
You're obviously confused. It's not Christians who kill people for not believing. It's muslims.


Did you miss out on the Crusades?
The Inquisition?
Witch Burnings?

When Christians aren't killing other faiths for not believing Jesus did Magic Tricks, they are killing each other over which Magic Tricks Jesus Did... like turning himself into wafers.
A woman who suddenly claims she's a man is not real, it's a religious belief.

How could that possibly be related to a religion when most if them are atheist and couldn't give a rat's about silly God.

If I say I'm a dolphin, I'm not a dolphin. I'm a human. My DNA says as such.

The only child abuse would be to inject children with drugs and blockers before they are able to consent. Can we agree on that?

Inject them to stop their free will ?
Who is doing that?
A woman who suddenly claims she's a man is not real, it's a religious belief.

If I say I'm a dolphin, I'm not a dolphin. I'm a human. My DNA says as such.

You might be on to something. A dolphin doesn't call itself a dolphin, it calls itself an "ackity-ack-ack-ak" Dolphin is a label we've come up with, and it can describe this.


or this..


Which are both called Dolphins... but they can't both be dolphins can they?

So a transwoman thinks she's a woman, because that's how she identifies, and legally, that's how she's recognized. If you check off "Female" on a government form, they aren't going to make you drop trou and look for your junk. They are going to take your word for it.

The only child abuse would be to inject children with drugs and blockers before they are able to consent. Can we agree on that?

Except no one is doing that, really, unless the case of Gender Dysphoria is severe, and parents and professionals have been involved.

Funny thing, they make little Timmy take Ritalin if he wants to come to school. I don't hear anyone talking about consent then. So okay to drug him up with a psychotropic drug to make him easier to handle, but not okay to give him hormones if he is clearly gender dysphoric. Got it.

You clearly don't understand the Christian faith, and probably ignore everyone who says they live in happiness under God's grace, and enjoy giving that grace to others.
Oh, I'm sure you are happy. It's a delusional happy, but you are happy. I mean, it's a happy little fantasy, that if you grovel in front of your imaginary sky man for long enough, he'll let you see your loved ones and childhood puppies again... Except no one is any hurry to die and get there...

but, you are free to your opinion. IMO there's no more respectful way to value someone than to be exclusive with them in love and marriage. If you want to go screw around, you can do that to your heart's content. Even most non-believers wouldn't approve, as you'd be cheating.

I agree. and frankly, I don't, really. Never cheated on a relationship in my life. Have been cheated on in relationships, which is another reason why I don't hold Marriage as this sacred thing Mormon Bob seems to think it is. (Of course, joining a whacky cult where women are second class citizens never appealled to me, either.)

You should speak for yourself. I doubt every single child in your school was falling prey to perversion. Yes, probably a few, but wow.. own your behavior and stop trying to write fan fiction that everyone did it.

Well, no, most of us were smart enough to never let us get into a room with Fr. McCreepy alone.

But the whole craziness of forcing people who were gay into the priesthood, which the Catholics did for years, had horrible effects. My biggest complaint wasn't a priest hitting on me, it was old frustrated lesbians in habits who hated children being put in charge of children.
I think you have it very backward. It is your denial of God that is a solid indication that you seriously lack wisdom and intelligence. God is real, and the day will come when you will stand before Him to be judged. It is a deep folly on your part, to deny Him.

Okay, if God is real, why have people only been worshipping him for the last 3000 years. As there is no proof of organized worship of the Judeo-Christian God before about 900 BCE. How come the majority of humans DON'T worship the Christian God? Again, only 2 billion out of 7 Billion humans. Are the other five billion all wrong, Mormon Bob? (We haven't even gotten in the whole Catholic v. Orthodox v. Protestant v. Mormon things yet.)

Satan is real, too, and look at the bullshit that he provides to fill in the empty spaces left in the minds of fools, where they have expelled acknowledgement and belief in God.

Now, here's my problem with that. Our image of Satan has less to do with the Bible and more to do with the invention of Dante and Milton. And while those guys are great writers, who drew upon Classical Mythology to create their images, they have little to do with the bible. In fact, if you go through the Old Testament, there were very few mentions of "Satan". He doesn't pop up until the book of Job and Chronicles, which were written much later.

I read the bible, I have a hard time figuring out who the evil one is. God kills people with the randomness of a Batman Villain. Oops. Used the wrong incense? Dead. Your parents cheated? Dead baby. Make fun of a bald prophet? Dead by Bear. Dad made a foolish oath before a battle? Sucks to be you, kid, you are getting hacked up and burned.

Meanwhile, Satan in the bible only kills 10 people, on a bet with God on whether or not Job was faithful.

Indeed, look at the subject of this very thread. “Transgenderism” is not merely ignorance, nor normal madness, nor ordinary folly. It takes a mind that has been badly damaged, to embrace this bullshit. It takes a mind that has rejected God, to give Satan a place to put this crap.

Again, how is it God is so concerned about "transgenderism", and he isn't doing anything about THIS>>>>


or war or disease or famine? But man, don't put on a dress, that will make Baby Jesus cry.

Did you miss out on the Crusades?
The Inquisition?
Witch Burnings?

When Christians aren't killing other faiths for not believing Jesus did Magic Tricks, they are killing each other over which Magic Tricks Jesus Did... like turning himself into wafers.
The Crusades was self defense against terrorist muslims. The inquisition and witch burnings were a handful of misguided ignorant pawns. I don't have to go back a thousand years for Muslim atrocities. Today will suffice.
The Crusades was self defense against terrorist muslims. The inquisition and witch burnings were a handful of misguided ignorant pawns. I don't have to go back a thousand years for Muslim atrocities. Today will suffice.

Okay, this guy never cracked open a history book...

The Crusades were an invasion of Islamic Lands because the Pope told people to do that. There wasn't an "Islamic Threat" to the west. If anything, the Crusades made them worse. For instance, the FOURTH CRUSADE (LOok it up), never got anywhere near a Muslim, but it so weakened they Byzantine Empire that it was easy for the Ottomans to roll it up like a rug.
There is one that is a cashier at the local Walmart. She's a biological female, trying to pass as a guy. BUT, she is extremely nice. And not just with her words. But you can tell she's a pleasant person. So, when I go through her line, I always great her with sir, pal, man or something masculine. And it's no big deal.

The trans community skips over this possibility. I may not agree with X, but I will be kind and compassionate to them.

They have jumped and head and said "If you disagree with me, you hate me"

.. which of course is ridiculous by any standard
Okay, this guy never cracked open a history book...

The Crusades were an invasion of Islamic Lands because the Pope told people to do that. There wasn't an "Islamic Threat" to the west. If anything, the Crusades made them worse. For instance, the FOURTH CRUSADE (LOok it up), never got anywhere near a Muslim, but it so weakened they Byzantine Empire that it was easy for the Ottomans to roll it up like a rug.
The muslims were invading Christian and Jewish land. Fact. You're mistaken, mister.
Okay, this guy never cracked open a history book...

The Crusades were an invasion of Islamic Lands because the Pope told people to do that. There wasn't an "Islamic Threat" to the west. If anything, the Crusades made them worse. For instance, the FOURTH CRUSADE (LOok it up), never got anywhere near a Muslim, but it so weakened they Byzantine Empire that it was easy for the Ottomans to roll it up like a rug.
Um... you never cracked open a history book.

The Muslims began in Arabia and between 600 and 750 conquered all the way up to Turkey, all of North Africa, into Spain and up towards France.

They aggressively expanded, conquered, murdered, and pillaged the entire region. By the 11th century, Muslims conquered Christian Anatolia.

But by gosh, the darned Christians fight back and they're the aggressors? LMAO.

Cambridge University historian Jonathan Riley-Smith: “The denigrators of the crusades stress their brutality and savagery, which cannot be denied; but they offer no explanation other than the stupidity, barbarism and intolerance of the crusaders, on whom it has become conventional to lay most blame. Yet the original justification for crusading was Muslim aggression...”
You objection to trans etc is based on your hideous religion.

No, it has nothing to do with religion.

It's about basic, hard science. The distinction between men and women is based entirely on objective, observable, provable biological traits.

To deny this is to deny science and reason, and to embrace madness.

The only thing that this has to do with religion is that belief in ”transgenderism” is rooted in the same folly that causes one to deny and rebel against God. And ironically, it is those fools who fall down this path who profess to adhere to “science”, while accusing sane people of being “anti-science”.

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