How Kaiser Health Found 88% Approve ObamaCare--Item By Item


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Since The National Health Plan registrations are under way, and since so many are trying to get in line, the computers cannot keep up: Then taking a business approach to marketing surveys, Kaiser Health is able to show that ObamaCare has an 88% approval rate.

The truth is, Americans love Obamacare -

Mostly, people like the provisions of the National Health Plan, but are unaware that they are the provisions of the national health care plan.

So with registrations under way, and with the provisions becoming clear, then the Republicans have taken the losing position, more or less relegating their innaugural parade to the level of OJ Simpson running away, all over the Freeways, of Los Angeles.

That is their brand!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe all go to religious camp in forest. Drink poison Kool-Aid. . . .meant for death-visions! Maybe name their party after Rev. Jim Jones! Not too likely to name their party after Rev. Jeremiah Wright(?). . .After all(?)!)
Americans will feel the pain of the ACA in time. Liz Fowler of the WellPoint Insurance Group wrote the foundation for this law. And it will prove to have been written with insurance companies in mind.
Actually Kaiser asked about the 'items' everyone has been in agreement about 'fixing' for more than 30 years. Those are the items any 'reform' would have been based upon, that instead it's forced is not going to stand in the long run. There is nothing 'settled' because a law was passed.
Just shows the power of the Pub propaganda machine, and the incompetence and cowardice of the media in general, and the ignorance of the electorate...after a few years, the approval of universal health care will be in the 80s, like every other country that has it...
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To quote from the article linked:
Tax credits for small businesses to buy insurance: 88% in favor.

Closing the Medicare drug benefit doughnut hole: 81% in favor.

Extension of dependent coverage to offspring up to age 26: 76% in favor.

Expanding Medicaid: 71% in favor.

Ban on exclusions for preexisting conditions: 66% in favor.

Employer mandate: 57% in favor.

If you agree with those provisions, congratulations: You love Obamacare. Yet when respondents are asked how they feel about "Obamacare," they're against it.

So Boehner is against the Points of Agreement. Cantor is against the Points of Agreement. McConnell is against the Points of Agreement. Rand Paul is against the Points of Agreement. Ted Cruz is against the Points of Agreement.

Those are people hollering "Compromise, or Else," and they fail to come on board the widely conceded, Points of Agreement!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Compromise not what Rev Jim Jones brand wants, if it could(?)! Rev. Jeremiah Wright probably not asked, at all!(?)! "Chantilly Lace, and a pretty face, and a pony tail . . . .")
LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- A middle-aged man in a red golf shirt shuffles up to a small folding table with gold trim, in a booth adorned with a flotilla of helium balloons, where government workers at the Kentucky State Fair are hawking the virtues of Kynect, the state’s health benefit exchange established by Obamacare.
The man is impressed. "This beats Obamacare I hope," he mutters to one of the workers.

It's the same idiots that like the ACA but hate Obamacare.
To quote from the article linked:
Tax credits for small businesses to buy insurance: 88% in favor.

Closing the Medicare drug benefit doughnut hole: 81% in favor.

Extension of dependent coverage to offspring up to age 26: 76% in favor.

Expanding Medicaid: 71% in favor.

Ban on exclusions for preexisting conditions: 66% in favor.

Employer mandate: 57% in favor.

If you agree with those provisions, congratulations: You love Obamacare. Yet when respondents are asked how they feel about "Obamacare," they're against it.

So Boehner is against the Points of Agreement. Cantor is against the Points of Agreement. McConnell is against the Points of Agreement. Rand Paul is against the Points of Agreement. Ted Cruz is against the Points of Agreement.

Those are people hollering "Compromise, or Else," and they fail to come on board the widely conceded, Points of Agreement!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Compromise not what Rev Jim Jones brand wants, if it could(?)! Rev. Jeremiah Wright probably not asked, at all!(?)! "Chantilly Lace, and a pretty face, and a pony tail . . . .")

You first lay out a false premise, that there was 88% approval on 'all issues.' Not so, the only issues addressed were those at least 80% wanted addressed years ago.

What ACA 'adds' are many features no one wants, that values personal choices and a lack of government interference.

Real reform would bgin with the agreed upon issues and then have conversations, not back room one party giveaways, followed by exemptions for the favored businesses.
Annie-Poster says that a false premise was asserted, when in fact only Points of Agreement were asserted, including the concept, "government interference" taxes on insurance plans, "privately selected." That is an 88% Agreement Point.

The individual mandate includes a subsidy, and a tax, including government interference and privately selected choices. Courts usually interpret rationale for interference to include an overriding national interest. "Avoiding Pandemics," and "Avoiding Epidemics," through medical practice is included. So paying for a standardiized list of services is included in the National Plan.

Businesses can still offer plans, and there is a national standard to fall back on, in the event they don't work out, or even happen.

The real reform is already under way, and the "Conversations" from the Republicans are about doing away with them.

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Ancient Sumerians invented fixed percentage usury. Ancient Code of Hammurabi would allow male household head, later on, to sell wife and child into slavery: To Settle debts--or maybe they were colored, or something(?). Jesus would teach that anyone can actually save their sorry asses, even on the Sabbath. Still later on, the Jews would go into the boxcars by the millions, and then off to camps. The Clintons would take preventive measures. Bush-Cheney would allow the rich to get richer, such that the poor could not afford the mortgages--Back to the ancient Sumers, and the Code of Hammurabi! Instead of boxcars, foreclosures would happen--discussed by Jesus, and in print for 500 years. Obama-Biden-Reid-Pelosi would put into place the "Make Work Pay, Refundable Income Tax Credit remedy: Discussed by Jesus, and in print for 500 years. The Republicans would soon take that away. At Some Point, the Conservations stop. So far, anyone notices that not even starting to happen, even starting just last week! If Annie Poster even foals, then the intent is to harm the spawn--like in all the other 5000 years!)
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So in Matthew 20:1-16, Jesus Ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called, O'Christ, would show the first hired really whizzed off that the last hired would get the equal amount of daily pay. In Obama-Biden, the Refundable, Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit was also paid equally, regardless if those filing had worked all the year or not.

Usually, low-income people are sent off to wars, or the salt mines, or onto the galleys to row the boats. In the different math, the last and first each get the equal amount--effectively, the market gets the poor participating, just like the rich. They buy things.

After 2000 years, that actually happend when Obama-Biden came up with the other problem: Taking what deficit there was, and sending in off to the already prosperous, bureaucrats and public school teachers instead(?). Reagan Trajectory One had sent the deficit off to the already prosperous defense contractors. Aside from the two stupid guys, times two: Then Obama-Biden also did the Math of Matt 20:1-16

In the original story, the first hired murmured against the Householder. "Is Thine Eye Evil, because I am good?" would be the reply.

Famously, Barack Obama would eventually nod off, when faced with an empty chair. The Ivy League is actually being discussed, here: And a former Carmel, CA mayor. Actually, the arithemetic is what makes the story of interest. In the recent flurry of posts over ObamaCare, others have even referred to the uninsured getting Medical coverage as, "Obama and the 40 mil. thugs." The new arithmetic is even discussed as somehow, "Unfair," to the rest of the people.

The boxcar phenomenon is not that way discussed, by anyone like Boehner, of German Hertitage. The Good Germans, too, all kept what money they could--while it was happening. The contrary usury arithemetic outcome is also there. Not only should the poor not get enough--take what they have, and kill them off. (Matt:25:14-30). That is even in print over 500 years--the part about the arithmetic--and the Catholics thinking poorly of all the Jews. . . well. . . .even before any of that.

That math is largely regarded, "fair."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations have maybe better housing than boxcars, unless they don't. Probably in both cases, indoor plumbing they likely do not have, or did not have.)
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Just shows the power of the Pub propaganda machine, and the incompetence and cowardice of the media in general, and the ignorance of the electorate...after a few years, the approval of universal health care will be in the 80s, like every other country that has it...

i delivered Mail to many Democrats Frankie that were just as unsure of this thing as the Righties are......yea i know..... someone as Far left as you are just cant see a fellow Democrat being "unsure" .....i know its an eye opener....
Since The National Health Plan registrations are under way, and since so many are trying to get in line, the computers cannot keep up: Then taking a business approach to marketing surveys, Kaiser Health is able to show that ObamaCare has an 88% approval rate.

The truth is, Americans love Obamacare -

Mostly, people like the provisions of the National Health Plan, but are unaware that they are the provisions of the national health care plan.

So with registrations under way, and with the provisions becoming clear, then the Republicans have taken the losing position, more or less relegating their innaugural parade to the level of OJ Simpson running away, all over the Freeways, of Los Angeles.

That is their brand!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe all go to religious camp in forest. Drink poison Kool-Aid. . . .meant for death-visions! Maybe name their party after Rev. Jim Jones! Not too likely to name their party after Rev. Jeremiah Wright(?). . .After all(?)!)

That's pretty hilarious. They basically admit that the survey wasn't asking about the total package, but line items taken out of context. I guess they're just bragging that they know how to formulate a survey that will give skewed results. Shysters gonna shyste.
Since The National Health Plan registrations are under way, and since so many are trying to get in line, the computers cannot keep up: Then taking a business approach to marketing surveys, Kaiser Health is able to show that ObamaCare has an 88% approval rate.

The truth is, Americans love Obamacare -

Mostly, people like the provisions of the National Health Plan, but are unaware that they are the provisions of the national health care plan.

So with registrations under way, and with the provisions becoming clear, then the Republicans have taken the losing position, more or less relegating their innaugural parade to the level of OJ Simpson running away, all over the Freeways, of Los Angeles.

That is their brand!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe all go to religious camp in forest. Drink poison Kool-Aid. . . .meant for death-visions! Maybe name their party after Rev. Jim Jones! Not too likely to name their party after Rev. Jeremiah Wright(?). . .After all(?)!)

That's pretty hilarious. They basically admit that the survey wasn't asking about the total package, but line items taken out of context. I guess they're just bragging that they know how to formulate a survey that will give skewed results. Shysters gonna shyste.

The point is exactly that, when presented with a survey, people are to stupid to know that ACA is Obamacare. And they like ACA, just not "Obamacare". There is no "context" except a word....."Obamacare" and the "Oh, I don't like that......"

It is exactly the same stupidity effect that had them saying "Keep the government hands off my Medicare".

Why is that so hard for you grasp? Did he use to many words?
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Since The National Health Plan registrations are under way, and since so many are trying to get in line, the computers cannot keep up: Then taking a business approach to marketing surveys, Kaiser Health is able to show that ObamaCare has an 88% approval rate.

The truth is, Americans love Obamacare -

Mostly, people like the provisions of the National Health Plan, but are unaware that they are the provisions of the national health care plan.

So with registrations under way, and with the provisions becoming clear, then the Republicans have taken the losing position, more or less relegating their innaugural parade to the level of OJ Simpson running away, all over the Freeways, of Los Angeles.

That is their brand!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe all go to religious camp in forest. Drink poison Kool-Aid. . . .meant for death-visions! Maybe name their party after Rev. Jim Jones! Not too likely to name their party after Rev. Jeremiah Wright(?). . .After all(?)!)

That's pretty hilarious. They basically admit that the survey wasn't asking about the total package, but line items taken out of context. I guess they're just bragging that they know how to formulate a survey that will give skewed results. Shysters gonna shyste.

The point is exactly that, when presented with a survey, people are to stupid to know that ACA is Obamacare. And they like ACA, just not "Obamacare". There is no "context" except a word....."Obamacare" and the "Oh, I don't like that......"

Why is that so hard for you grasp? Did he use to many words?

Apparently he used enough words to baffle you with bullshit. It's deliberately deceptive to ask about isolated features of a program without taking into account the entire package, including the costs and drawbacks. The fact of the matter is, that when those costs and drawbacks are taken into account, in particular when the individual mandate is considered, most people don't want this kind of 'reform'. They see it as yet another corporatist swindle. Kinda like the linked article trying to spin it otherwise.
Since The National Health Plan registrations are under way, and since so many are trying to get in line, the computers cannot keep up: Then taking a business approach to marketing surveys, Kaiser Health is able to show that ObamaCare has an 88% approval rate.

Well , let's see:

In 2012 126 million people cast their votes.

It is calculated that from 47 to 50% of the electorate are Parasites or tax consumers, ie 60 MMMMMMMMillion Americans are members of the Gimme Caucus,

So you do the math.


Since The National Health Plan registrations are under way, and since so many are trying to get in line, the computers cannot keep up: Then taking a business approach to marketing surveys, Kaiser Health is able to show that ObamaCare has an 88% approval rate.

The truth is, Americans love Obamacare -

Mostly, people like the provisions of the National Health Plan, but are unaware that they are the provisions of the national health care plan.

So with registrations under way, and with the provisions becoming clear, then the Republicans have taken the losing position, more or less relegating their innaugural parade to the level of OJ Simpson running away, all over the Freeways, of Los Angeles.

That is their brand!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe all go to religious camp in forest. Drink poison Kool-Aid. . . .meant for death-visions! Maybe name their party after Rev. Jim Jones! Not too likely to name their party after Rev. Jeremiah Wright(?). . .After all(?)!)

You do know that the Federal Government created HMOs and PPOs to make healthcare more affordable. Kaiser Permanente became the main HMO supplier forcing the vast majority of its membership to join through unions. Is it really all that surprising Kaiser would try to boast any appearance of a government health care program success like Obamacare? The are the health care beneficiaries behind its success. No big shocker of a surprise there.

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