How long before spineless establishment GOP’ers call for the “convicted felon” to stop campaigning & deny the nomination ‘for the good of the country’


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
You know it’s coming. Who will be the first to put their political career on the line and spearhead such a thing?
I suspect washed-up has-beens like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and Justin Amash will try to kickstart the narrative.
You know it’s coming. Who will be the first to put their political career on the line and spearhead such a thing?
I suspect washed-up has-beens like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and Justin Amash will try to kickstart the narrative.
You arent going to see that. You are going to see the opposite of that. Those previous nay sayers are going to back him like diehards now.

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