How long before the left wing media blames guns?

Did this kunt just do the old but but but Christians and Boooooosh on a day where 3 filthy N words killed cops?

Holy shit

What is your solution to police brutality?


Dunno, but I bet this is your perfectly regressive solution:

I can tell you mine... Black people stop committing an absurd amount of crimes and resisting arrests. That works very well for every other race.

So you have EVIDENCE that Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were in the process of committing crimes?


I don't know and neither do you, so shut the FUCK up.

Also, I never said police never act wrong. However, the hoards of criminals in the black community do so consistently. That is a much bigger issue. They kill many more black people than the cops ever have.

All we know is Michael Brown was a fat fucking thug.

That is what we know. He also got exactly what he deserved. That is one example of things we know.


racist trash like that is why we have a problem in this country.
What is your solution to police brutality?


Dunno, but I bet this is your perfectly regressive solution:

I can tell you mine... Black people stop committing an absurd amount of crimes and resisting arrests. That works very well for every other race.

So you have EVIDENCE that Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were in the process of committing crimes?


I don't know and neither do you, so shut the FUCK up.

Also, I never said police never act wrong. However, the hoards of criminals in the black community do so consistently. That is a much bigger issue. They kill many more black people than the cops ever have.

All we know is Michael Brown was a fat fucking thug.

That is what we know. He also got exactly what he deserved. That is one example of things we know.


racist trash like that is why we have a problem in this country.

Criminal apologists are an important reason why the black community is having a problem... with the cops...


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