How long before U.S. militia starts terrorizing like Russian malitia?

Another fear mongering story by OP who hates the military. This has nothing to do with militias because they aren't taking over the country.

Yo fukwit, I served in the military 1970-73. We have a military, and it should be for defending THIS country, not taking over other countries. It should be defending us against the terrorist militias that are here blowing up federal buildings and trying to take over BLM land.

Who's freaking land? Look what you just said. You just called the peoples land BLM land.
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Look at what the Russian militia is doing to Ukraine, and ask yourself if you want U.S. militias taking over government buildings in this country. Wake up and smell the coffee. Militias aren't defending this country, they're trying to take it over. Like Timothy McVeigh, when he bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City. These assholes are terrorists, and they belong in Guantanamo.

Furthermore, wtf is a malitia?

One of obama's daughters.
Government oppression normally results in rebellion and insurgency. If you are making a comparison between the Americans and Ukranians, the main one would be that the Ukranians have the assistance of the very powerful Russians. So what you have to worry about is what would happen if an American insurgency got the support of a foreign government.
Another fear mongering story by OP who hates the military. This has nothing to do with militias because they aren't taking over the country.

Yo fukwit, I served in the military 1970-73. We have a military, and it should be for defending THIS country, not taking over other countries. It should be defending us against the terrorist militias that are here blowing up federal buildings and trying to take over BLM land.

Who's freaking land? Look what you just said. You just called the peoples land BLM land.

yep, that's the mindset of some people in this country
how sick and that is what this administration is feeding them
Another fear mongering story by OP who hates the military. This has nothing to do with militias because they aren't taking over the country.

Yo fukwit, I served in the military 1970-73. We have a military, and it should be for defending THIS country, not taking over other countries. It should be defending us against the terrorist militias that are here blowing up federal buildings and trying to take over BLM land.

Who's freaking land? Look what you just said. You just called the peoples land BLM land.
Hangover is an idiot. he has no idea of what he's talking about.
Yo fukwit, I served in the military 1970-73. We have a military, and it should be for defending THIS country, not taking over other countries. It should be defending us against the terrorist militias that are here blowing up federal buildings and trying to take over BLM land.

Tell me? What other countries have we 'taken over' (seized), and not given it back to their people? YOU act as if we are conquerors like the Romans.

YOU are wrong.

That's really lame dude. Iraq wasn't given back to the people, it was given to the radical right wing Shiites.
They're still Iraquis you moron.
FYI, that's the ones that run Iran and Syria
. Really? DO tell?
Your ignorance runeth over.
Does it now? Says the moron that doesn't know the history of militias in this Republic, their purpose, or just who they really are. Instead you pick nutjobs and try to equate them to law-abiding citizens who practice their God Given right to defend their families, friends, towns/villages/cities and country from invaders both foreign and domestic.

Ignorance you say?
Looks like we know whom the ignorant one is...and it isn't ME.:eusa_hand:

McVeigh was a toon. You figured that out. He was also in the militia. So add one plus one and try to come up with number two. If you come up with militias are terrorist organizations, you win a cookie.
Look at what the Russian militia is doing to Ukraine, and ask yourself if you want U.S. militias taking over government buildings in this country. Wake up and smell the coffee. Militias aren't defending this country, they're trying to take it over. Like Timothy McVeigh, when he bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City. These assholes are terrorists, and they belong in Guantanamo.

Furthermore, wtf is a malitia?

This is a great example of how cons try to make a big deal out of something as small as a typo. Notice in the title of the thread, "militia" was spelled correctly the first time. It's like the cons trying to make a big deal out of Benghazi, in order to deflect attention from the 5,000 U.S. troops that died in their stupid Iraq war.

Here's a clue,.....It only draws attention to the fact that it's the cons that are the asshole morons, trying to make a profit from dead Americans.
Look at what the Russian militia is doing to Ukraine, and ask yourself if you want U.S. militias taking over government buildings in this country. Wake up and smell the coffee. Militias aren't defending this country, they're trying to take it over. Like Timothy McVeigh, when he bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City. These assholes are terrorists, and they belong in Guantanamo.

Don't ask that question. You might be surprised and not like the answer at all.
McVeigh was a toon. You figured that out. He was also in the militia. So add one plus one and try to come up with number two. If you come up with militias are terrorist organizations, you win a cookie.

McVeigh wasn't in a militia. He was acting with one other person in retaliation for the government attack on Waco. There was no militia organized attempt to take over any part of the government. You can't make up history to suit yourself.

Now IF we had a militia that took over a BLM office, or IRS office, it would be a different story. The question would be much harder to answer. Were the Tunisians right when they revolted against an oppressive government or were they just some militia? Liberals were quite happy to see the Libyans rising up against Gaddafi. They were a militia too. You can't have it both ways.

The Ukranians now throwing the EU out of Ukraine aren't a militia. They are separatists who want to return to Russia. They have the support of Russia. They are agents of Russian influence which makes them automatically not a militia.
Look at what the Russian militia is doing to Ukraine, and ask yourself if you want U.S. militias taking over government buildings in this country. Wake up and smell the coffee. Militias aren't defending this country, they're trying to take it over. Like Timothy McVeigh, when he bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City. These assholes are terrorists, and they belong in Guantanamo.

Don't ask that question. You might be surprised and not like the answer at all.

Do you know what a question is?

McVeigh wasn't in a militia.

January 1995: Future Oklahoma City Bomber Attends Michigan Militia Meeting
Edit event

According to later statements by Michigan Militia members, Timothy McVeigh, a white supremacist engaged in plotting to blow up a federal building in Oklahoma City (see September 13, 1994, October 20, 1994, and 8:35 a.m. - 9:02 a.m. April 19, 1995), attends a meeting of the group in Jackson, Michigan, where speakers talk of action against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF). Many anti-government groups such as the Michigan Militia have a special hatred for the BATF, which they hold largely responsible for the Branch Davidian debacle (see April 19, 1993 and April 19, 1993 and After). [New York Times, 4/23/1995; New York Times, 5/4/1995] McVeigh is staying for a time in Michigan with a friend, Kevin Nicholas (see December 18, 1994). It is unclear whether Nicholas is a member or a sympathizer of the Michigan Militia.
US Domestic Terrorism: Michigan Militia

Ignorance? Or living in denial?

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