How long can the Democratic party hold out for confirmation or denial on Hillary 2016?


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
If she isn't running, other faces need to know whether or not they should seriously pursue running and the Democratic donors are obviously going to want to know exactly what's going on. How late into the year can the Democratic party go before needing to know what Hillary is going to do in order to be ready for 2016?

Somebody remind the former Ms. Rodham that there's an election coming. And while at it, reminder her she married and her name isn't "Rodham" anymore.

Brain damage is a bitch....but not the only bitch.
How long can the Democratic party hold out for confirmation or denial on Hillary 2016?

The Iowa Caucus is currently scheduled for January 18...2016. There is no filing deadline since caucus goers are given blank sheets of paper to write on.

The New Hampshire primary is currently scheduled for January 26...2016. I believe the filing deadline to get on that ballot is the third Friday in November, which would be November 20.

So they can hold out until November 20.
Hillary announced online on January 20th, 2007, for the 2008 race. She used the day that is Inauguration day every four years in order to announce.

I would not be all too surprised if she were to annound in 7 days. I am not saying she will. I am saying that the possiblity exists.

But they funny thing is that the GOP is already showing deference to her. She acts, they then react.

She might as well announce and try to get all the shit she has in the closet, out and done with....


Gives her a year to have the comeback "That's OLD NEWS!"

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