How Long Can the Obama Economic Reality Be Ignored?

Obama never said he would cut the "DEBT" in half, and the GOP National Debt was 12 trillion at the end of Bush's last fiscal year and is 18 trillion now. 6 trillion in Right-wing fuzzy math lying becomes 15.5 trillion.

So you are still a serial liar!
And obama said doubling the debt was unAmerican. Don't forget that part.
And how is 6 trillion double 12 trillion? :cuckoo:
When did I say that, Crazyman?
Even your lie of 15.5 trillion is not double 12 trillion.
. You'll give him all sorts of credit yet say none of the spending belongs to him

You a real fucking whack job dude. You the one bitching about Obama and his 30 trillion dollars of debt. Yet you don't know what he spent all that money on.

Was it Obama care? Wars? Did he give it all to friends? Medicare drug programs? Did I say wars?

What the fuck did he spend all that money on? Evidently you think the government had no monetary commitments from Bush that Obama had to pay for.

So if the ledger was balanced when Obama came into office, what in the fuck did he spend all that money on.

With your understanding of all things political, this question should be a piece of cake.

Can you answer this simple question or not?

I'm still waiting on proof of your claim I said $20 trillion belonged to Obama. Anything? Didn't think so, liar.

Are you going to hide behind you're lawyer, pussy? When you're not man enough to back up what you say face to face, that's what you are.
Didn't Obama say he was going to cut the debt in half? So, giving him the credit he is due, he created 15.5 trillion in debt....
Obama never said he would cut the "DEBT" in half, and the GOP National Debt was 12 trillion at the end of Bush's last fiscal year and is 18 trillion now. 6 trillion in Right-wing fuzzy math lying becomes 15.5 trillion.

So you are still a serial liar!

Your own video shows Obama didn't say he would cut the "DEBT" in half.

Thank you for proving YOURSELF to be a serial liar!

I don't believe Obama either...:lol:
Obama never said he would cut the "DEBT" in half, and the GOP National Debt was 12 trillion at the end of Bush's last fiscal year and is 18 trillion now. 6 trillion in Right-wing fuzzy math lying becomes 15.5 trillion.

So you are still a serial liar!
And obama said doubling the debt was unAmerican. Don't forget that part.
And how is 6 trillion double 12 trillion? :cuckoo:
When did I say that, Crazyman?
Even your lie of 15.5 trillion is not double 12 trillion.
What lie did I tell, Crazyman?
Obama never said he would cut the "DEBT" in half, and the GOP National Debt was 12 trillion at the end of Bush's last fiscal year and is 18 trillion now. 6 trillion in Right-wing fuzzy math lying becomes 15.5 trillion.

So you are still a serial liar!

Your own video shows Obama didn't say he would cut the "DEBT" in half.

Thank you for proving YOURSELF to be a serial liar!

I don't believe Obama either...:lol:

And that is why you lie!
. You'll give him all sorts of credit yet say none of the spending belongs to him

You a real fucking whack job dude. You the one bitching about Obama and his 30 trillion dollars of debt. Yet you don't know what he spent all that money on.

Was it Obama care? Wars? Did he give it all to friends? Medicare drug programs? Did I say wars?

What the fuck did he spend all that money on? Evidently you think the government had no monetary commitments from Bush that Obama had to pay for.

So if the ledger was balanced when Obama came into office, what in the fuck did he spend all that money on.

With your understanding of all things political, this question should be a piece of cake.

Can you answer this simple question or not?

I'm still waiting on proof of your claim I said $20 trillion belonged to Obama. Anything? Didn't think so, liar.

Are you going to hide behind you're lawyer, pussy? When you're not man enough to back up what you say face to face, that's what you are.
He's a lying liar lying....
I'm still waiting on proof of your claim I said $20 trillion belonged to Obama. Anything? Didn't think so, liar.

You poor dumb motherfucker.

You backing off your claim Obama spent 20 trillion dollars?
I am not surprised. When lying motherfuckers like you get asked to prove your bullshit, you can't back up fast enough. To fucking funny.

Btw, how old are you? You don't work. You keep asking for an ass whipping and y o u were too fucking stupid to figure out how to use an attorney to maybe take my money.

How fucking old are you and when will you move from mommies basement?
I'm still waiting on proof of your claim I said $20 trillion belonged to Obama. Anything? Didn't think so, liar.

You poor dumb motherfucker.

You backing off your claim Obama spent 20 trillion dollars?
I am not surprised. When lying motherfuckers like you get asked to prove your bullshit, you can't back up fast enough. To fucking funny.

Btw, how old are you? You don't work. You keep asking for an ass whipping and y o u were too fucking stupid to figure out how to use an attorney to maybe take my money.

How fucking old are you and when will you move from mommies basement?
So, you're telling us a GED is beyond your reach....sad...
The reality of the so-called Obama economy is finally sinking in.

That's why the president's approval rating is up 9 points since January.
Even the LWNJs know there is something wrong.....this post is really,for them and not the smart people here....

How Long Can Economic Reality Be Ignored? | Zero Hedge

Well, let's see: Unemployment rate below 5%, NYSE, S&P 500, and NASDAQ all at record highs, wages rising, national debt has gone down each of the last 3 years, and the ranks of the long term unemployed shrinking. This looks like a HORRIBLE situation. Better get Trump in here now to fix this!!
Shit for brains - "national debt has gone down?" U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

People altogether quit even looking for a job, you fucking moron...

''Hope and change" was and is a load of shit
I'm still waiting on proof of your claim I said $20 trillion belonged to Obama. Anything? Didn't think so, liar.

You poor dumb motherfucker.

You backing off your claim Obama spent 20 trillion dollars?
I am not surprised. When lying motherfuckers like you get asked to prove your bullshit, you can't back up fast enough. To fucking funny.

Btw, how old are you? You don't work. You keep asking for an ass whipping and y o u were too fucking stupid to figure out how to use an attorney to maybe take my money.

How fucking old are you and when will you move from mommies basement?

Why don't you show me where I said Obama spent $20 trillion.

I've offered you the opportunity to be a man and you said NO. It's funny the one that hides talks about whipping ass. If you could do it, you would have given where I needed to land, when I needed to land, and who I needed to land on when you said if I feel froggy, jump.

I told you, son, some things like what you're afraid you'll get are worth doing for free. It's not about the money.

I have a basement where I live at my house. When are you going to stop your wife from coming to it?
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Even the LWNJs know there is something wrong.....this post is really,for them and not the smart people here....

How Long Can Economic Reality Be Ignored? | Zero Hedge
It is not for nothing that your source is called Zero Credibility!

From your link:
"the unemployment rate is 23%"

I suppose reading the truth for the first time, must be jarring.

23% unemployment is an accurate number, but you must be willing to educate yourself to understand the truth. You can't.

Is it? Let's look. The 23% number comes from John Williams at In his page on Alternate Unemployment Charts he explains his methodology as "The seasonally-adjusted SGS Alternate Unemployment Rate reflects current unemployment reporting methodology adjusted for SGS-estimated long-term discouraged workers, who were defined out of official existence in 1994. That estimate is added to the BLS estimate of U-6 unemployment, which includes short-term discouraged workers."

  • He ignores that discouraged workers, regardless of when they stopped looking, have never been part of the official UE rate so that changing the definition had no effect on the UE rate(1).
  • He ignores that "marginally attached," a component of the U-6, did not exist as a concept prior to 1994(1)
  • He accepts the numbers of Unemployed, Marginally Attached, and Part Time for Economic Reasons as accurate.
  • He thinks they are incomplete and should include "long term discouraged workers" defined as people who want and are available for work but who have not looked in the last 4 weeks and who stopped looking because they believed they would not find work.
  • The U-6 is (Unemployed + Marginally Attached + Part Time for Economic reasons)/(Labor Force + Marginally Attached) = 0.097 (2)
  • Williams' formula then would be (U + M + P + X)/(L + M + X) =0.23

Ok. Math time. From Table A1 Unemployed is 7,770,000; and Labor Force is 159,287,000. From Table A8 Part Time for Economic Reasons is 5,940,000. From Table A16, Marginally Attached is 1,950,000

Plugging into Williams' formula then, (7,770,000+1,950,000+5,940,000+X)/(159,287,000+1,950,000+X)=.23

So he's claiming there are around 28 million people who are "long-term discouraged"....people who want a job, are available to start work, but have not done anything at all to find a job in the last year and who stopped looking because they believed they would find no work. Does this sound right?

Now, since Mr. Williams has already accepted the BLS level data as accurate (he only argues the rate is incomplete), let's see what BLS says in Table A38
Not in the Labor Force, Want a job now, did not search for work in previous year: 3,714,000
Huh. And since of the 2,530,000 who looked in the last year but not last 4 weeks, only 591,000 were discouraged, where the Hell is Williams getting 28 million from?

So who wants to tell me I need education in this field? Can anyone present any kind of defense of Williams' absurd numbers?

1. BLS Introduces New Range of Alternative Unemployment Measures.
2. Definitions are in Table A16, and also in Glossary

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