How long will it take for the Economy to recover from Obamanomics?

How long will it take for the Economy to recover from Obamanomics?

  • 6 months

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • 1 year

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2 years

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • 3 years

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • 4 years

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • 5 years

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • 10 years

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • 20 years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 30 years

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never

    Votes: 9 40.9%

  • Total voters
Metternich, posting a bunch of rehashed pictures about Obama isn't going to make Reaganomics any better.

Remember this: From 1980 to 2008, we only had 8 years of a Democrat President. So why didn't all those Republicans step up and stop Government waste? Oh wait, they were giving themselves their own kickbacks. :lol:

Whether you like it or not, Reaganomics sucked.
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Hey, I already laid out my position. It's ignored - fine - I got my two cents out there.

I see stupid, nonsensical cartoons - fine, I give my two cents back.

But you can't say that I only tried to defend Reagonmics with cartoons. Unless I'm missing something, my first post in this thread coincides very well with the model.
Hey, I already laid out my position. It's ignored - fine - I got my two cents out there.

I see stupid, nonsensical cartoons - fine, I give my two cents back.

But you can't say that I only tried to defend Reagonmics with cartoons. Unless I'm missing something, my first post in this thread coincides very well with the model.

Don't blame me that nobody else bothered to respond to your post. I find it ironic you get pissed off about my cartoons enough but want the attention so badly that you post your own.

You can't even spell Reaganomics correctly, never mind know exactly how it went. All Reagan did was deregulate, raise taxes on just about everybody, and expanded Government. If Obama did that though, you just might go ape shit. Hypocrite. :eusa_eh:
Hey, I already laid out my position. It's ignored - fine - I got my two cents out there.

I see stupid, nonsensical cartoons - fine, I give my two cents back.

But you can't say that I only tried to defend Reagonmics with cartoons. Unless I'm missing something, my first post in this thread coincides very well with the model.

Don't blame me that nobody else bothered to respond to your post. I find it ironic you get pissed off about my cartoons enough but want the attention so badly that you post your own.

You can't even spell Reaganomics correctly, never mind know exactly how it went. All Reagan did was deregulate, raise taxes on just about everybody, and expanded Government. If Obama did that though, you just might go ape shit. Hypocrite. :eusa_eh:

I don't believe I indicated much emotion - sorry if you felt hostility.

I'm also sorry that you feel that way about 'Reaganomics' (I know how you want it to be spelt properly everytime!) but I'm somewhat sure that no matter how excessive your representations of it become Obamanomics can never reach the level of success, nor Reaganomics (I know how you want it to be spelt properly everytime!) has the ability to reach the former's negligence.

I understand Reagan had his faults but let's not lose perspective.
I don't believe I indicated much emotion - sorry if you felt hostility.

I'm also sorry that you feel that way about 'Reaganomics' (I know how you want it to be spelt properly everytime!) but I'm somewhat sure that no matter how excessive your representations of it become Obamanomics can never reach the level of success, nor Reaganomics (I know how you want it to be spelt properly everytime!) has the ability to reach the former's negligence.

I understand Reagan had his faults but let's not lose perspective.

Well if you're going to try, and come off as intelligent then you might want to spell the important words correctly. Reaganomics reached no level of success at all so the bar would be quite low.

Obamanomics is a made up term since at the moment Obama seems to be continuing much of what Bush did. Honestly, I wish he would stop doing so since it's obvious it didn't work the first time.
I don't believe I indicated much emotion - sorry if you felt hostility.

I'm also sorry that you feel that way about 'Reaganomics' (I know how you want it to be spelt properly everytime!) but I'm somewhat sure that no matter how excessive your representations of it become Obamanomics can never reach the level of success, nor Reaganomics (I know how you want it to be spelt properly everytime!) has the ability to reach the former's negligence.

I understand Reagan had his faults but let's not lose perspective.

Well if you're going to try, and come off as intelligent then you might want to spell the important words correctly. Reaganomics reached no level of success at all so the bar would be quite low.

Obamanomics is a made up term since at the moment Obama seems to be continuing much of what Bush did. Honestly, I wish he would stop doing so since it's obvious it didn't work the first time.

Sorry to disappoint but I do not try to come off as intelligent. If I did, I'm fairly sure I would disregard all media, trendy, terms and instead concentrate on what the actual fundamentals are. Anything from Austrian to Supply-Side to Say's Law. Never, ever, 'Reaganomics' (I know how you want it to be spelt properly everytime!) unless I was having a casual conversation and was not overly concerned about spelling.

Bush certainly did no wonders economically, but I think we will have to consider if he would have taken the policies to such extremes.
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Wrong question.

How long before we wake up and change our economic formula?

If you're partisan enough to think this mess is all about Obama, Xisted, you're missing forest for the trees
You mean change it so we can somehow end up with more money to spend if we give more money to government and shut down industry?

I'm all ears. How does one go about changing an economic formula?
I don't believe I indicated much emotion - sorry if you felt hostility.

I'm also sorry that you feel that way about 'Reaganomics' (I know how you want it to be spelt properly everytime!) but I'm somewhat sure that no matter how excessive your representations of it become Obamanomics can never reach the level of success, nor Reaganomics (I know how you want it to be spelt properly everytime!) has the ability to reach the former's negligence.

I understand Reagan had his faults but let's not lose perspective.

Well if you're going to try, and come off as intelligent then you might want to spell the important words correctly. Reaganomics reached no level of success at all so the bar would be quite low.

Obamanomics is a made up term since at the moment Obama seems to be continuing much of what Bush did. Honestly, I wish he would stop doing so since it's obvious it didn't work the first time.

You're bitching about the spelling of words that aren't even words to begin with, but are made up?

Wrong question.

How long before we wake up and change our economic formula?

If you're partisan enough to think this mess is all about Obama, Xisted, you're missing forest for the trees

And that's the question. That's why I included 'Never' in the poll.

BTW, I used to call Obama "Bush-III" since he's just cotinuing the same mistakes Bush made. However, he's gone WAY beyond that. Now the existence of our country is at stake.

One more thing: this IS a partisan issue. Conservatives have been smart enough to distance themselves from the Neoconservatives, but most of the Democrats still cozy up to the Marxist Liberals like Obama, Reid and Pelosi. Now that the Left-wing wackos have control of our government, there's little anyone can do. And they were all put in power by gullible dimwits who thought 'hope' and 'change' was somehow a great idea.

Did you vote for Obama? If so, you're part of the problem. If not, good for you.
Obamanomics is putting a huge strain on our economy. Can it recover? I certainly hope so. But how long will Obamanomics prolong the recession?

Poll to follow.

Lies!!! All lies!!! Obama has only spent 10% of the $700 billion stimulus.

Such fucking liars and spinsters.

Corporate America loves the GOP so they will just keep the economy bad until the 2010 or even 2012 election. It keeps wages down.

Didn't one of the banks just report a $2 billion profit?

Seems to me that Obama's biggest problem is that he's staying on course with the status quo. We won the election. It was like a revolution. We have a huge mandate. He's blowing his political capitol.

And the right wingers will attack him for being a socialist when the reality is that he is a sellout just like Bush. But they'll attack him from both angles because its double effective!!

That's why the Dems better get their heads out of their asses and stop pussyfooting around. MAKE the Corporations do what we want or fuck them hard in the ass. Take away tax breaks and tax the fuck out of them if they don't start acting right.

We own this country, not the corporations. Actually, they own it, but we should. But clearly when people think like the POS that started this thread, we have already lost.

Start by taxing any auto manufacturer who is not union. Fuck them hard in the ass!!!! Bye Bye Toyota and Honda.

yea, as if it's Obama who killed the economic residue of the greatest generation instead of free market "have some more jobs, china!" capitalistas.

give me a fucking break.
Obamanomics is putting a huge strain on our economy. Can it recover? I certainly hope so. But how long will Obamanomics prolong the recession?

Poll to follow.


Seems to me that Obama's biggest problem is that he's staying on course with the status quo. ... He's blowing his political capitol.

... the reality is that he is a sellout just like Bush.


You must've read my last post. Great reading comprehension.
Obamanomics is putting a huge strain on our economy. Can it recover? I certainly hope so. But how long will Obamanomics prolong the recession?

Poll to follow.


Seems to me that Obama's biggest problem is that he's staying on course with the status quo. ... He's blowing his political capitol.

... the reality is that he is a sellout just like Bush.


You must've read my last post. Great reading comprehension.

Huh? No I didn't read your last post. You started the thread and that's all I need to know to determine you are a fucking idiot.

Read Shogun's reply for my response.
Wrong question.

How long before we wake up and change our economic formula?

If you're partisan enough to think this mess is all about Obama, Xisted, you're missing forest for the trees

And that's the question. That's why I included 'Never' in the poll.

BTW, I used to call Obama "Bush-III" since he's just cotinuing the same mistakes Bush made. However, he's gone WAY beyond that. Now the existence of our country is at stake.

One more thing: this IS a partisan issue. Conservatives have been smart enough to distance themselves from the Neoconservatives, but most of the Democrats still cozy up to the Marxist Liberals like Obama, Reid and Pelosi. Now that the Left-wing wackos have control of our government, there's little anyone can do. And they were all put in power by gullible dimwits who thought 'hope' and 'change' was somehow a great idea.

Did you vote for Obama? If so, you're part of the problem. If not, good for you.

Make up your mind. Is Obama just like Bush or is he a Socialist? Seems you attack him from both angles.

You guys said the same thing about Clinton and he was absolutely a centrist. Were you wrong or liars? Pick one.

The GOP had a great formula. Socialize the losses and privatize all the profits. How did that work out for us?

Seems to me that Obama's biggest problem is that he's staying on course with the status quo. ... He's blowing his political capitol.

... the reality is that he is a sellout just like Bush.


You must've read my last post. Great reading comprehension.

Huh? No I didn't read your last post. You started the thread and that's all I need to know to determine you are a fucking idiot.

Read Shogun's reply for my response.

Nice insults, but it won't work. We essentially said the same thing. So whether you like it or not, we both agree on this issue:

... the reality is that he (Obama) is a sellout just like Bush.
Wrong question.

How long before we wake up and change our economic formula?

If you're partisan enough to think this mess is all about Obama, Xisted, you're missing forest for the trees

And that's the question. That's why I included 'Never' in the poll.

BTW, I used to call Obama "Bush-III" since he's just cotinuing the same mistakes Bush made. However, he's gone WAY beyond that. Now the existence of our country is at stake.

One more thing: this IS a partisan issue. Conservatives have been smart enough to distance themselves from the Neoconservatives, but most of the Democrats still cozy up to the Marxist Liberals like Obama, Reid and Pelosi. Now that the Left-wing wackos have control of our government, there's little anyone can do. And they were all put in power by gullible dimwits who thought 'hope' and 'change' was somehow a great idea.

Did you vote for Obama? If so, you're part of the problem. If not, good for you.

Make up your mind. Is Obama just like Bush or is he a Socialist? Seems you attack him from both angles.


It's a simple Yes/No question. It looks like your answer is "Yes" and you have some major buyer's remorse. No amount of insults in my direction will change that fact. You'll just have to deal with it on your own. You might even need professional help.
True, but they used the economic "crisis" fears to pump extra into their own pet projects, and because of the paranoia people let them.

This also has been going on before Obama and Bush, LONNNNNNGGGGG before them. :lol:

Never to the degree he's doing it, Bush didn't come close.

Save the banks (Bush and Obama) For now seems to be working
Stimulate the economy (Obama) Is not working
Cap & Trade (Obama) Is going to cost jobs and increased cost of living-2 ways to hurt the economy
Push for Value Added Tax (Obama) Will increase cost of living
Push for Health Care coverage (Obama) Will increase costs and lower health care
You must've read my last post. Great reading comprehension.

Huh? No I didn't read your last post. You started the thread and that's all I need to know to determine you are a fucking idiot.

Read Shogun's reply for my response.

Nice insults, but it won't work. We essentially said the same thing. So whether you like it or not, we both agree on this issue:

... the reality is that he (Obama) is a sellout just like Bush.

So the rich own/run this country?

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