How long will the shut down last?

How many days in total?

  • Total voters
You read it here, first.

My prediction for today, Oct. 9:

The Republicans have, by now, realized that they are playing a losing game, and hold a losing hand. By Oct. 14, they will pass a bill reopening the government, and providing a short term debt ceiling increase, with the provision that negotiations begin immediately over cuts in spending on Medicare and other programs. They will also throw in the repeal of the medical device tax. They will be conspicuosly silent about ACA, and will pretend that that has never been an issue. In order to appease the tea party, they will do a 180 degree turn, and instead of ranting about ACA, will make a lot of noise that no matter how much the democrats want to raise taxes, the GOP will never agree to that. The deal will be made, and negotiations will commence. However, before they get very far on that, they will throw in something that is totally unacceptable for the democrats, intentionally creating another crisis which they STILL will be hoping will save their face and let them keep their jobs.
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I think they'll open it up by Friday. Everyone will go back to work on Monday and they'll have the parks and monuments open for the weekend.

It makes some sense for it to happen this way.
As long as Obama believes more blame is placed on Republicans he will never meet half way and will keep holding the country hostage. Good news is, Obama is taking a beating in the polls, so maybe he will be forced to meet half way on something by the will of the people.
As long as Obama believes more blame is placed on Republicans he will never meet half way and will keep holding the country hostage. Good news is, Obama is taking a beating in the polls, so maybe he will be forced to meet half way on something by the will of the people.

Maybe the sun will freeze and the earth will burn. President Obama is not running for office. The tea paty folks are. You have nothing to put on the table, except obstruction. Nobody is buying it anymore...not even Boehner.
As long as Obama believes more blame is placed on Republicans he will never meet half way and will keep holding the country hostage. Good news is, Obama is taking a beating in the polls, so maybe he will be forced to meet half way on something by the will of the people.

Interestingly enough, if you'd look to something other than FAUX Nooze and the far right wing sites (aka the media), you'd see that Obama is more popular than the GOP and people are starting to figure out that it was the Reps who shut down the government.

The only ones holding the country hostage are those in the Tea Party contingent, and they've been funded by the Koch brothers (who funded almost all of the tea party members and those they've elected, but said they were not responsible for the shutdown or the debt ceiling crisis).

BTW................................might wanna check the polls again, Obama is miles ahead of the GOP.

But..................keep spinning the lies....................if you get good enough, you may make GOP spider status (like Breitbart).

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