How many adult female converts to Islam would there be if Female Mutilation was required of THEM?

Here's a thread for us JoeB131 So let's have it out right here. I would LOVE to know why you feel duty-bound to defend a religion like Islam. Let's hear it, as well as the defense of FGM, a practice which IS remarked upon in the Hadith.

There is nothing like it in the Bible, of course.

No, the bible has much, much, much worse stuff, like stoning a girl to death if her hymen wasn't intact on her wedding night.

FGM is not in the Koran.

It is mentioned in a single Hadith as a practice, but it is not condoned.

It is practiced by Christians in Ethiopia and the Sudan.

I don't feel honor-bound to defend any religion.. All religions are equally silly in my viewpoint.

But that religion is happening on the other side of the planet, and it doesn't effect me.

The reason why we have a 'problem' with the Islamic World is because they have things we want. We want their oil, and you idiots want to control the Holy Land so Jesus can come back. It has nothing to do with whose religion is right or wrong. It's how the One Percent manipulate stupid people like you into sending kids off to unnecessary wars.
Here's a thread for us JoeB131 So let's have it out right here. I would LOVE to know why you feel duty-bound to defend a religion like Islam. Let's hear it, as well as the defense of FGM, a practice which IS remarked upon in the Hadith.

There is nothing like it in the Bible, of course.

No, the bible has much, much, much worse stuff, like stoning a girl to death if her hymen wasn't intact on her wedding night.

FGM is not in the Koran.

It is mentioned in a single Hadith as a practice, but it is not condoned.

It is practiced by Christians in Ethiopia and the Sudan.

I don't feel honor-bound to defend any religion.. All religions are equally silly in my viewpoint.

But that religion is happening on the other side of the planet, and it doesn't effect me.

The reason why we have a 'problem' with the Islamic World is because they have things we want. We want their oil, and you idiots want to control the Holy Land so Jesus can come back. It has nothing to do with whose religion is right or wrong. It's how the One Percent manipulate stupid people like you into sending kids off to unnecessary wars.
Does it say anything about throwing gays off cliffs in the Koran, or beating your wife if she didn't make you your tea?
I found THIS article interesting, which prompted the headline title...

Large increase in Finnish women converting to Islam

Voice of Europe ^

Then this.....How many adult female converts to Islam would there be if Female Mutilation was required of THEM?....

What would the new adult female converts to Islam do if their acceptance was contingent upon Female Genital Mutilation? If they had some - eh skin in the game- we could respect them. White religiously "pure" women like Sinead O'Connor want little brown girls to undergo FGM so why not them?

The creeps KNOW it is wrong and barbaric that is why it can not even be spoken about elsewhere.

FGM is not a requirement of Islam.

It is a cultural practice in SOME parts of North Africa - mostly Egypt, the Sudan and Ethiopia- done by Christians as well as Muslims, and the practice predates both religions.

Female genital mutilation is not a uniqeuly Muslim problem

According to UNICEF, the practice of FGM is mostly limited to central Africa. It’s not common in Morocco or Algeria or Libya or Saudi Arabia or Oman or Jordan or Syria or Iran. Basically, it’s concentrated in a small swath of states in western Africa and another swath of states along the Red Sea (those in red and orange). With the exception of a handful of countries, only a small percentage of women who undergo FGM believe the practice is required by religion.
I found THIS article interesting, which prompted the headline title...

Large increase in Finnish women converting to Islam

Voice of Europe ^

Then this.....How many adult female converts to Islam would there be if Female Mutilation was required of THEM?....

What would the new adult female converts to Islam do if their acceptance was contingent upon Female Genital Mutilation? If they had some - eh skin in the game- we could respect them. White religiously "pure" women like Sinead O'Connor want little brown girls to undergo FGM so why not them?

The creeps KNOW it is wrong and barbaric that is why it can not even be spoken about elsewhere.

FGM is not a requirement of Islam.

It is a cultural practice in SOME parts of North Africa - mostly Egypt, the Sudan and Ethiopia- done by Christians as well as Muslims, and the practice predates both religions.

Female genital mutilation is not a uniqeuly Muslim problem

According to UNICEF, the practice of FGM is mostly limited to central Africa. It’s not common in Morocco or Algeria or Libya or Saudi Arabia or Oman or Jordan or Syria or Iran. Basically, it’s concentrated in a small swath of states in western Africa and another swath of states along the Red Sea (those in red and orange). With the exception of a handful of countries, only a small percentage of women who undergo FGM believe the practice is required by religion.
And killing gays?
Does it say anything about throwing gays off cliffs in the Koran, or beating your wife if she didn't make you your tea?

Uh, guy, we have lots of domestic violence here in America...

Man 'Snapped' After Cancer-Stricken Wife Called Him 'Useless,' Beat Her To Death With A Crowbar, Lawyer Says

California man who beat wife to death with cement block claims group infected him with mayonnaise, reports say
Not talking about here talking systemic killing of gsys by a religion!....stay on topic instead of always diverting!
Here's a thread for us JoeB131 So let's have it out right here. I would LOVE to know why you feel duty-bound to defend a religion like Islam. Let's hear it, as well as the defense of FGM, a practice which IS remarked upon in the Hadith.

There is nothing like it in the Bible, of course.

No, the bible has much, much, much worse stuff, like stoning a girl to death if her hymen wasn't intact on her wedding night.

FGM is not in the Koran.

It is mentioned in a single Hadith as a practice, but it is not condoned.

It is practiced by Christians in Ethiopia and the Sudan.

I don't feel honor-bound to defend any religion.. All religions are equally silly in my viewpoint.

But that religion is happening on the other side of the planet, and it doesn't effect me.

The reason why we have a 'problem' with the Islamic World is because they have things we want. We want their oil, and you idiots want to control the Holy Land so Jesus can come back. It has nothing to do with whose religion is right or wrong. It's how the One Percent manipulate stupid people like you into sending kids off to unnecessary wars.

It is mentioned and condoned if it is not too severe. That's why some imams recommend it today.

Joe why do you feel duty bound to defend Islam? Did you convert?
It is mentioned and condoned if it is not too severe. That's why some imams recommend it today.

Joe why do you feel duty bound to defend Islam? Did you convert?

Why do you keep trying to change the subject?

Where is it condoned IN THE KORAN? It isn't.

And the quote in the Hadith you found on Pam Geller's website is completely out of context.

I don't "Defend" any religion.


I can't make it any simpler for you than that.

We've bombed, invaded or occupied 15 Islamic Countries since 1980... we haven't tried to change their religion or practices in any of them.

I was in the service during the Gulf War... Rather than try to change Saudi Arabia when we were defending it, we told our soldiers to conform to their customs. Don't let them catch the females driving trucks, make sure you shake hands with your right hand (even if you are left handed) because the left hand is the one they use to wipe their ass.
Do not let your BIGOTRY against Christians lead you astray. We want to talk about why you feel the need to DEFEND Islam

Yes, "I don't think we should travel to the other side of teh world to steal other people's stuff" is totally a defense of Islam.

Or it's just common sense...
Islam and Homosexuality - The Religion of Peace
(It bears mentioning that this does not mean that every Muslim wants to kill every ... Quran. Quran (7:80-84) - "...For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to

You realize Christianity has the same kinds of penalties for gays, right?

God isn't changing his mind, so we have to change ours.
If we ever have a big financial downturn for any reason somebody is going to penalize somebody.
Is that and others few on Americs as systematic as all that happens in Islam?

It happens all the time in Christian countries, too.

Why Is Russia So Homophobic?

The Russian Duma unanimously approved a law on Tuesday that prohibits the distribution of homosexual "propaganda" to minors. Holding gay pride events, speaking in defense of gay rights, or equating gay and heterosexual relationships can now result in fines of up to $31,000.
In the Soviet Union, homosexuality was a crime punishable by prison and hard labor, and Stalinist anti-gay policies persisted throughout the 60s and 70s. Gays were considered "outsiders," and homosexuality was thought to be the domain of pedophiles and fascists.

Measures like the propaganda ban show that many Russians still haven't shed that view, even decades after the fall of the regime that kept homophobia in place.

Gay in Latin America: Legal but deadly - CNN

Latin America offers a contradictory narrative: The region has the highest rates of violence against the LGBT community, according to research done by Transgender Europe, a non-governmental organization, but it also has some of the most progressive laws for LGBT equality and protection.
Here's a thread for us JoeB131 So let's have it out right here. I would LOVE to know why you feel duty-bound to defend a religion like Islam. Let's hear it, as well as the defense of FGM, a practice which IS remarked upon in the Hadith.

There is nothing like it in the Bible, of course.

No, the bible has much, much, much worse stuff, like stoning a girl to death if her hymen wasn't intact on her wedding night.

FGM is not in the Koran.

It is mentioned in a single Hadith as a practice, but it is not condoned.

It is practiced by Christians in Ethiopia and the Sudan.

I don't feel honor-bound to defend any religion.. All religions are equally silly in my viewpoint.

But that religion is happening on the other side of the planet, and it doesn't effect me.

The reason why we have a 'problem' with the Islamic World is because they have things we want. We want their oil, and you idiots want to control the Holy Land so Jesus can come back. It has nothing to do with whose religion is right or wrong. It's how the One Percent manipulate stupid people like you into sending kids off to unnecessary wars.

in the history of Jewish jurisprudence----no girl was stoned to death for
lack of an intact hymen. For problems with the Islamic world----talk to non-
muslims who have escaped it.
in the history of Jewish jurisprudence----no girl was stoned to death for
lack of an intact hymen. For problems with the Islamic world----talk to non-
muslims who have escaped it.

So they just put that stoning shit in the bible for the fun of it, they really didn't mean it? Really? This is what you are going with?

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