Female genital mutilation almost universal in Indonesia

They may have told you that, but Islam itself doesn't teach that

You would think that somone really considering conversion would know something - anything - about it. Of course, 4littleponies there is completely full of shit about the whole thing.

It's amazing how you can hold your dick in one hand and type with the other. truly talented asshole you are...lol

I really don't need to know about any other 'conversions' you might be considering, kid. Keep it to yourself.
Islam is a mixed bag of bullshit anyway, which is why I stepped off. the Nation of Islam and the Shiites don't even congregate together. splintered.
Nitwit the Nation of Islam is just a racist cult group and has nothing to do with Islam except it's name.

Basically, a black KKK for racist retards. :cool:
Imam Khomeini says that Islam dictates girls must be circumcised at a young age..... to prepare them for the abuse and control she will endure as a Muslim wife.
I think that some of them do choose it, but only because they have been brainwashed into thinking that its a 'special' thing that will land them a husband.
Yes it is a "special thing", and yes; it will land them a husband. :cool:
I think that some of them do choose it, but only because they have been brainwashed into thinking that its a 'special' thing that will land them a husband.
Yes it is a "special thing", and yes; it will land them a husband. :cool:

Does it shake your faith to know that Allah made women wrong? That's he's an imperfect creator, needing Muslim men to fix his mistakes?
Does it shake your faith to know that Allah made women wrong? That's he's an imperfect creator, needing Muslim men to fix his mistakes?
Nope, doesn't shake my faith at all.

So according to you then, God make a mistake; and that is why Jews and most Christians circumcise their male children. :cool:

Really? You think it is ok if it is a cultural norm to torture a little girl just because daddy or mommy says it's ok?

The reason we have different countries is so we know where the boundries are between "cultural norms." We live in the USA. Here, what they consider the cultural norm throughout the mid-African nations, is illegal.

The USA has no right to impose its cultural norms over other nations unless those cultural norms threaten our country.

The Genitalia of African Females in not a national security threat.

"Cultural norm," sure as you try to pretend you have some great wisdom here.

Unless you are an atheist there is a God and there is something referred to as natural moral law. It is written in the hearts of man certain instinctual knowledge of right and wrong. Murder is intrinsically evil and inherently understood. So is stealing. So is maiming another individual. Cutting off the clitoris of a young girl which greatly inhibits her to live a normal live and a pyscholigically free life is just as inherently wrong as is cutting off someone's foot.

Now maybe you are some follower of a strange sect of Allah that approves of this and so maybe that is why you are talking so strange? Question: Is it ok for a Muslim to throw acid in the face of a girl who rejects his wedding proposal? Is that another culutral norm?
Question: Is it ok for a Muslim to throw acid in the face of a girl who rejects his wedding proposal? Is that another culutral norm?
Throwing acid on a persons face is a criminal act even in muslim countries.

Generally it is done by Hindus in India as a form of retribution. :cool:
Question: Is it ok for a Muslim to throw acid in the face of a girl who rejects his wedding proposal? Is that another culutral norm?
Throwing acid on a persons face is a criminal act even in muslim countries.

Generally it is done by Hindus in India as a form of retribution. :cool:

It's also done by some in the Islam cultures in India and elsewhere. And in many cases it is not prosecuted as a crime. Where is the outrage of the highest order from the moderates in that religion? And the govts?

Really? You think it is ok if it is a cultural norm to torture a little girl just because daddy or mommy says it's ok?

The reason we have different countries is so we know where the boundries are between "cultural norms." We live in the USA. Here, what they consider the cultural norm throughout the mid-African nations, is illegal.

The USA has no right to impose its cultural norms over other nations unless those cultural norms threaten our country.

The Genitalia of African Females in not a national security threat.

So would you oppose all global or domestic interventions made in the name of humanity against inhumanity if they fall under what you or others deem a cultural norm?
Why should people in non western nations be forced to accept the west's definitions of what constitutes correct cultural behavior?

Which has been, and still is; standard practice of western colonialism world wide for the last several centuries. :cool:
Why should people in non western nations be forced to accept the west's definitions of what constitutes correct cultural behavior?

Which has been, and still is; standard practice of western colonialism world wide for the last several centuries. :cool:

correct cultural behavior

I had no idea there existed such a "guideline" in the world or specifically in the west. Got a link?

I am curious Sunni about something. If a country or a particular group simply adds the word "cultural" before the word "behavior" does that somehow exonerate that behavior and those who do that behavior from any scrutiny, criticism or condemnations from others? In your opinion of course.
Why should people in non western nations be forced to accept the west's definitions of what constitutes correct cultural behavior?

Because jingoistic conservatives want them to.

Funny, the first colonists were essentially kicked out of England for being overt religious prudes (Pilgrims/Brownist) trying to force their views on others, a bit later the USA was formed (at expense to many demographics) and now we still have some weird idea that people will accept our version values.
Why should people in non western nations be forced to accept the west's definitions of what constitutes correct cultural behavior?

Because jingoistic conservatives want them to.

Funny, the first colonists were essentially kicked out of England for being overt religious prudes (Pilgrims/Brownist) trying to force their views on others, a bit later the USA was formed (at expense to many demographics) and now we still have some weird idea that people will accept our version values.

FGM is condemned by many countries.

WHO | Female genital mutilation

The only countries still engaging in it:

Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Ivory Coast
Sierra Leone

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