How many adult female converts to Islam would there be if Female Mutilation was required of THEM?

You're a total Identity Politics adherent Progressive Joe, so much so that no one can speak TRUTHS about Islam without you calling them a name which is then misogynistic, but you don't care about that either.

You absolutely are, I don't care how you vote. Identity Politics IS your god.

Except you don't speak truths... you repeat Islamophobic propaganda that FGM is a religious requirement of Islam, which it is not. (It's a cultural practice in one part of Africa that predates Islam and Christianity).

If you had a substantive criticism of Islam beyond the usual taking an out of context verse from the Koran, you might be taken more seriously. You could do the same with the Bible. (Then again, most of the Bible's verses are awful IN context.)

Our problem in the Middle East isn't their religion. 40 years ago, the Zionists had us all convinced the Arabs were a bunch of Commies out to help the Soviets.... because they dared to actually use Oil as an economic weapon.

Our problem is that we have an addiction to oil, and instead of getting clean and sober, we come up with reasons why our pusher is the bad guy here.
You're a brainwashed coward, Joe. It would be wonderful if you would see Identity Politics for the absolute empty crap it is. Destructive, empty, insulting.

I mean, I always have hope. For you, not much, but SOME hope.

"Identity Politics"... the Mating Call of the Racist.
You're a total Identity Politics adherent Progressive Joe, so much so that no one can speak TRUTHS about Islam without you calling them a name which is then misogynistic, but you don't care about that either.

You absolutely are, I don't care how you vote. Identity Politics IS your god.

Except you don't speak truths... you repeat Islamophobic propaganda that FGM is a religious requirement of Islam, which it is not. (It's a cultural practice in one part of Africa that predates Islam and Christianity).

If you had a substantive criticism of Islam beyond the usual taking an out of context verse from the Koran, you might be taken more seriously. You could do the same with the Bible. (Then again, most of the Bible's verses are awful IN context.)

Our problem in the Middle East isn't their religion. 40 years ago, the Zionists had us all convinced the Arabs were a bunch of Commies out to help the Soviets.... because they dared to actually use Oil as an economic weapon.

Our problem is that we have an addiction to oil, and instead of getting clean and sober, we come up with reasons why our pusher is the bad guy here.

You utter liar Joe. I never said it's a "requirement" of Islam; I said it's documents condone it, which they do.

I've made my points and I'm done with you this morning. You will now follow me around and heap invective on me because that's what Cult Progressives do--it's all they know.

Try harder, Joe. Do better, Joe.
You utter liar Joe. I never said it's a "requirement" of Islam; I said it's documents condone it, which they do.

No, they don't... Sorry.. I know that's what you read on Pam Geller's Website, but in fact, it doesn't.

There is shit in the bible that is just awful, like killing witches and stoning your daughter if she isn't a virgin... oddly enough, you guys all try to play that down when anyone calls you on it.

The classic is when you tried to claim that witch burning wasn't the bible's fault, because it didn't specifically say to BURN them.
I've made my points and I'm done with you this morning. You will now follow me around and heap invective on me because that's what Cult Progressives do--it's all they know.

Oh, so after getting bitch-slapped around for all to see, you want to hide now? Okay. Doesn't work like that.

Provoke the Bull, get the horns, baby!
You utter liar Joe. I never said it's a "requirement" of Islam; I said it's documents condone it, which they do.

No, they don't... Sorry.. I know that's what you read on Pam Geller's Website, but in fact, it doesn't.

There is shit in the bible that is just awful, like killing witches and stoning your daughter if she isn't a virgin... oddly enough, you guys all try to play that down when anyone calls you on it.

The classic is when you tried to claim that witch burning wasn't the bible's fault, because it didn't specifically say to BURN them.

try again, joe. I never read anything from Pam Geller-----I read the Koran---probably before you were born and I have interacted with muslims -----for about
50 years. FGM is considered a RELIGIOUS REQUIREMENT of islam by MANY
MUSLIM SCHOLARS thruout the world of islam. Muslims define Islamic law----not you. As to jewish jurisprudence------jews define it. Not you. I also read
the Bhagavad Gita and Ramayana-------and know about as much about hindu
law as a result as YOU know about Islamic and jewish law. For hindu law----ask
a hindu. Keep in mind----SITA died (by some mysterious earthquake or something like that)

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