How many BILLIONS of $ will it take to vet the DACA criminals?

Obama of course didn't vet any of them and since all illegals have learned to say they came here as infants, most of the daca criminals are lying. School documents are of no value since you can buy forged school docs on every street corner. And since nearly all schools are run by liberals, all you will get is lies if you ask the staff if pedro gomez attended the school.

It's gonna cost a fortune to vet these criminals so why do it? They are here illegally and need to be deported.
It will be cheap because none will actually be vetted. The immigration lawyers will collect a nice fee from them and tell them what to say to avoid "vetting".
When will red state Amerika be vetted????
You mean white people?
Trumpanzee's and Deplorable Red State voters!!!!
Let me guess: to you, "vet" is a synonym for genocide.
It will be cheap because none will actually be vetted. The immigration lawyers will collect a nice fee from them and tell them what to say to avoid "vetting".

Yup - obama didn't even try to vette the dreamers since he knew it was impossible.
How many BILLIONS of $ will it take to vet the DACA criminals?

They've already been vetted, dope.

Retarded thread.
None. They've already been vetted. That's part of the process to being a DREAMer.

HAHAHA. It was supposed to be but it wasn't. Obozo just took their word. I gave you a link to the article where ICE admitted 40-50% were frauds. I bet it was more like 95%. You still haven't told us how you verify the identity of people using fake IDs.

HAHAHA. It was supposed to be but it wasn't. Obozo just took their word. I gave you a link to the article where ICE admitted 40-50% were frauds. I bet it was more like 95%. You still haven't told us how you verify the identity of people using fake IDs.THINK

Live in your delusional world, then. A big middle finger to you and your beliefs.
HAHAHA. Oh wow!!! That's a really good rebuttal. HAHA

What is the point in trying to have a conversation or debate with someone who doesn't know the facts? The very basic facts. Conservatives have all given up on facts and prefer to debate in fantasyland.
Obama of course didn't vet any of them and since all illegals have learned to say they came here as infants, most of the daca criminals are lying. School documents are of no value since you can buy forged school docs on every street corner. And since nearly all schools are run by liberals, all you will get is lies if you ask the staff if pedro gomez attended the school.

It's gonna cost a fortune to vet these criminals so why do it? They are here illegally and need to be deported.
How do you respond to a guy with racist pic and I'll bet zero college?
They are better educated and will contribute more to the economy than our white boy speeders (which is all he prob knows how to do)
They had to sign up & provide information you God damn stupid shit.

Yeah and obozo took their word !!! That doesn't work. All illegals claim they were brought here when they were 5.

They have to be vetted and that will cost a fortune.They're illegals frecrissake and all have false IDs.;

You do know we are like > 50 th in the world as a % of pop in immigrants?
Prefer to blab 12mm etc?
Please do some research.
They will increase the average IQ of our uneducated white boy pop
They had to sign up & provide information you God damn stupid shit.

Yeah and obozo took their word !!! That doesn't work. All illegals claim they were brought here when they were 5.

They have to be vetted and that will cost a fortune.They're illegals frecrissake and all have false IDs.;

Obozo, says it all.
I prefer lesbian daughters in the WH , a little more inventive.
Our white grade school boys are reduced to stupid chimp pics of people with a few more degrees and money than he I'll bet
The people engaged in DACA have already been checked out. The only liars are those who do not know the truth.

HAHAHA. How were they checked out? They're illegals and all have false IDs. THINK you miserable white-hating racist wretch.
Apparently you do not think immigration knows how to check out a persons place of birth or to learn when they started school in the USA. Do not bother to espouse any more reply's as you know nothing.

Facts mean nothing to our ignorant speeder white boy.
I wish he would tell us he's white and list his PhD
Don't hold your breath - ZERO
How many BILLIONS of $ will it take to vet the DACA criminals?

They've already been vetted, dope.


HAHAHA. Hey einstein. Obozo didn't verify any of them. How can you when they all have fake IDs?. THINK
Red state Trumpanzee's failed to vet Trump's mental capacity to be President, now look,we have 70 year old over weight white male with dementia. The world is laughing at the idiot you elected.

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