How many children under age 18 have died specifically from COVID, i.e. no comorbidity symptoms... ZERO! So why the mask mandates?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

To think about what others say to you is for sure not your favorite hobby.

Democrats are constantly calling for the rape, torture, assault, death, imprisonment and murder of non-Democrats.

What's nonsense.

There are literally millions of internet search returns which document these appalling cries for extreme violence by Democrats, including legislators and other prominent figures.

Written from you?

I'd be happy to post some of the most disgusting if you claim you can't find them - just let me know.

Democrats: 21st century Nazis.

This idiocy fropm you to try to be a Nazi calling others "Nazi" remembers me to an old Irish joke. No idea why.

An old Irish man is lying in bed, very ill. His son is sitting at his bedside, expecting the end to come at any moment. The old man looks up at the boy and says, "Son, it's time for you to get me a Protestant minister."
The son is astounded. "But, Dad!" he protests, "You've been a good Catholic all you life! You're delirious. It's a priest ye be wanting now, not a minister."The old man looks up at him and says, "Son, please. It's me last request. Get a minister for me!" "But, Dad," cries the son, "Ye raised me a good Catholic. You've been a good Catholic all your life. Ye don't want a minister at a time like this!" The old man manages to croak out the words, "Son, if you respect me and love me as a father, you'll go out and get me a Protestant minister right now."
The son relents and goes out and gets the minister. They come back to the house, and the minister goes upstairs and converts him. As the minister is leaving the house, he passes Father O'Malley coming quickly through the door. The minister stares solemnly into the eyes of the priest. "I'm afraid you're too late, Father," he says. "He's a Protestant now." Father O'Malley rushes up the steps and bursts into the old man's room. "Pat! Pat! Why did ye do it?" he cries. "You were such a good Catholic! We went to St. Mary's together! You were there when I performed my first mass! Why in the world would ye do such a thing like this?" "Well," the old man says as he looks up at his dear friend. "I figured if somebody had to go, it was better one of *them* than one of *us*."
source: Religious jokes
That's right, you want to teach them that wanting their God given rights and individual freedoms is 'selfish', that their concern should be for the 'collective', not for themselves. I often wonder if you lefties all get synchronized emails giving you your marching orders for the next several months, or if you just naturally gravitate to imposing governmental authoritarianism? You have under your avatar, 'Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism', yet the truth is the complete opposite, you advocate for it every day on here. All those on 'the left' know how to do is lie, you couldn't get through one day without them.

The hypocrisy of conservatives knows no bounds. It's not "authoritarianism" to require people to have vaccines for the "public good". You're free to refuse, and we're free to require you to sit on your ass at home, because we don't want to be around the unvaxxed.

You also have no right to require people to risk their own lives and freedom to accommodate your lack of concern for others. That includes care and treatment if you get sick, since treatment for the disease is on the taxpayers' dime.

If you expect to get care and treatment for the virus, you better fucking well get a vaxx, or pony up the millions it will take to care for you if you get this.
Screen Shot 2021-09-03 at 1.09.30 PM.png

No, no one is saying Derek Chauvin should kneel on your kid's neck.

It is odd that a simple, painless, and effective prophylactic, preventative measure should be hyped into such an ideological taboo by the nutters.

Citizens of Japan and other southeast Asian nations routinely wear masks in public to prevent the transmission of colds and flu. Why not be concerned about being infected by such a malady or infecting others?

As long as there has been an understanding of transmissible diseases, no healthcare professional would enter a high-risk venue unmasked.

Social distancing and masking evidence a grasp of reality, and a sense of social responsibility.

Why do some fanatics need to defy common sense? Typhoid Maryism is spreading unchecked among the nut jobs.

I was required to wear a necktie as part of the dress code in school. It offered no protection against disease, but my preference not to wear one did not occasion my hysterically claiming that

Screen Shot 2021-08-23 at 11.49.56 AM.png

"I can't breathe!"

Cowboy up, Wimpy. It's not the unendurable torment that makes you wee your bloomers.

Yes, our government of, by, and for the People also requires you to wear pants in public. Please do - and without whining about it.
The hypocrisy of conservatives knows no bounds. It's not "authoritarianism" to require people to have vaccines for the "public good". You're free to refuse, and we're free to require you to sit on your ass at home, because we don't want to be around the unvaxxed.

You also have no right to require people to risk their own lives and freedom to accommodate your lack of concern for others. That includes care and treatment if you get sick, since treatment for the disease is on the taxpayers' dime.

If you expect to get care and treatment for the virus, you better fucking well get a vaxx, or pony up the millions it will take to care for you if you get this.

Ha ha, aren't you just a hoot??? lol Too bad you're not in charge, you can only sit behind your keyboard and spread your Nazi bullshit, why don't you go out and try to put it into action and see how far you get?? Stupid bitch.
Ha ha, aren't you just a hoot??? lol Too bad you're not in charge, you can only sit behind your keyboard and spread your Nazi bullshit, why don't you go out and try to put it into action and see how far you get?? Stupid bitch.
Triggered huh?
It's not "authoritarianism" to require people to have vaccines for the "public good". You're free to refuse, and we're free to require you to sit on your ass at home, because we don't want to be around the unvaxxed.

You also have no right to require people to risk their own lives and freedom to accommodate your lack of concern for others. That includes care and treatment if you get sick, since treatment for the disease is on the taxpayers' dime.

If you expect to get care and treatment for the virus, you better fucking well get a vaxx, or pony up the millions it will take to care for you if you get this.
Someone clearly doesn't understand what authoritarianism or hypocrisy means... :cuckoo:
This stupidity has to to stop. Having a co-morbidity doesn't mean these kids didn't die of covid. Even the that don't die could face life changing illness, and they can carry it home to family and friends. Masks don't harm anyone, and the do help mitigate the spread.

Stop with the misinformation and lies. You are hurting people.
A) it is comorbidity.. not "co-morbidity"!
B) I agree! Stupidity has to stop. The MSM and idiots don't seem to comprehend the reality that 335 children out of 74 million have died.
But where is the MSM on this good news? Kids get Covid... 4 million. But the majority of kids don't have again comorbidity conditions!
So why are you idiots penalizing the kids to the point that school closings, mask wearing idiocy are doing MORE harm to these kids.
You are full-filling your screen name, i.e. God of Farts by smelling up the place with ignorance! You pretend to be "smart" and follow the "science" well why don't you follow these experts advice i.e. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
or do you believe your science doesn't follow this "scientific" organization?

Adverse consequences of school closures​

School closures carry high social and economic costs for people across communities. Their impact however is particularly severe for the most vulnerable and marginalized boys and girls and their families. The resulting disruptions exacerbate already existing disparities within the education system but also in other aspects of their lives. These include:
My research team at Johns Hopkins worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately
48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020.
Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia. If that trend holds, it has significant implications for healthy kids and whether they need two vaccine doses. The National Education Associationhas been debatingwhether to urge schools to require vaccination before returning to school in person. How can they or anyone debate the issue without the right data?

And these children have had enough! If they want to wear a mask...let them... but don't force them especially when not one kid has died directly from COVID!
Knock yerself out.

COVID-19 deaths by age U.S. 2021 | Statista
If you have any credible evidence for your claim,
"Credible" meaning a conspiracy theory promoted by CNN?

Or credible as in real/non-fabricated?
please provide documented quotations and sources.
For starters, a forum where Democrats wish death upon non-Democrats - primarily conservatives - on a daly basis:

If you are the hyper-partisan zealot you appear,
you won't have any,
Here's a tidy greatest hits package in which many high-profile Democrats say - in their own words - that they'd like to assault and murder various Republicans; these celebrated Democrats include the sitting president (demented rapist Biden) and vice president (psychopath Harris):

Psychopath Harris wildly cackling after fantasizing about murdering Trump, Pence and Sessions while Ellen Degeneres cackles and applauds, and the Democrats in the audience erupt in deranged support, is particularly chilling.
of course,
There was never any doubt that Democrats are now deranged Brownshirts.
and we can accept your inability to do so
See above.
as confirmatory.
What will you do now?

I imagine a Nazi who insists Jews are sub-human hearing the name Einstein, and either exploding in rage, or calmly replying that he'd like to see how smart Einstein would be after Mengele injected acid into his veins; this is how deranged the Democrat Party has become.
To think about what others say to you is for sure not your favorite hobby.
What pathetic derailing nonsense.
What['s] nonsense.
No. Fact.
Written from you?
I'm neither a Democrat nor insane, so no.
This idiocy fropm you to try to be a Nazi calling others "Nazi"
Exceptionally pathetic nonsense.
remembers me to an old Irish joke. No idea why.

An old Irish man is lying in bed, very ill. His son is sitting at his bedside, expecting the end to come at any moment. The old man looks up at the boy and says, "Son, it's time for you to get me a Protestant minister."
The son is astounded. "But, Dad!" he protests, "You've been a good Catholic all you life! You're delirious. It's a priest ye be wanting now, not a minister."The old man looks up at him and says, "Son, please. It's me last request. Get a minister for me!" "But, Dad," cries the son, "Ye raised me a good Catholic. You've been a good Catholic all your life. Ye don't want a minister at a time like this!" The old man manages to croak out the words, "Son, if you respect me and love me as a father, you'll go out and get me a Protestant minister right now."
The son relents and goes out and gets the minister. They come back to the house, and the minister goes upstairs and converts him. As the minister is leaving the house, he passes Father O'Malley coming quickly through the door. The minister stares solemnly into the eyes of the priest. "I'm afraid you're too late, Father," he says. "He's a Protestant now." Father O'Malley rushes up the steps and bursts into the old man's room. "Pat! Pat! Why did ye do it?" he cries. "You were such a good Catholic! We went to St. Mary's together! You were there when I performed my first mass! Why in the world would ye do such a thing like this?" "Well," the old man says as he looks up at his dear friend. "I figured if somebody had to go, it was better one of *them* than one of *us*."
source: Religious jokes
Good joke.
What pathetic derailing nonsense.

No. Fact.

I'm neither a Democrat nor insane, so no.

Exceptionally pathetic nonsense.

Good joke.

Yes. The only problem is that you don't understand the joke - otherwise you would let it be to be a structural Nazi calling your self chosen political counterpart on defaming reasons "Nazis".
Yes. The only problem is that you don't understand the joke - otherwise you would let it be to be a structural Nazi calling your self chosen political counterpart on defaming reasons "Nazis".
I'm not a farfist so can't really appreciate - nor understand - your post, but God bless. :)
I'm not a farfist so can't really appreciate - nor understand - your post, but God bless. :)

No no no no no no no. Keep this what you call "God" in you. I don't like to have to do anything with such an entity.
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