How many Congressmen Would it Take to Change a Light Bulb?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
(a take off on a similar email a friend sent me)
What would happen if Congress decided to change a light bulb?

1) First the Democrats in the Senate and House will have to figure out why it's George W. Bushes fault the old light bulb burned out.

2) A panel will be convened to study the short and long term effects of changing or not changing the light bulb. Speaker Boehner will announce that the Republicans are opposed to any wasteful spending on new light bulbs.

3) An environmental impact group will examine the correct wattage for the proposed bulb so that it complies with low carbon foot-print Global Warming standards.

4) The Congressional Black Caucus will call a press conference and protest because all the light bulbs will be white. They will slip in an amendment that 12% of all light bulbs included in any future light bulb installation be black light bulbs. Speaker Boehner will announce that the Republicans support any and all light bulbs to be installed that truly want to be installed.

5) The government will begin to change the light bulb, hiring contractors and funding the logistical infrastructure to change future light bulbs. Speaker Boehner will announce that the Republicans fully support the efforts to keep America well lit.

6) They will find out that some enterprising citizen already changed the light bulb five years before when the light bulb first went out. He will be arrested for violations of EPA regulations, his taxes audited, and the legality of any political campaign donations he has made will be investigated. There will be public hearings inviting anyone forward to testify if the offender has ever made any racist, sexist or other discriminatory statements in his life time. He will plead down to mere EPA violations, time served, and forced to remove the offending light bulb at his own cost by court order.

7) Four years later after strikes, budget over-runs, billions of dollars of pork and five bridges to nowhere later, the light bulb will have been replaced. Congressional leaders will then vote themselves all a pay raise. Speaker Boehner will announce that the Republicans only reluctantly support a pay raise for themselves but had to vote for it to allow them to implement vital legislation.

8) The lawyers for the Association for the Protection of Electronics will win a lawsuit to remove the light bulb because no light bulb should be forced to change if it doesn't want to. Speaker Boehner will announce that the Republicans were opposed to this reckless and discriminatory effort from day one.

9) Someone will wait till all the press leaves and stays gone then quietly put in a light bulb and sneak away in the middle of the night.
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None of them would change a lightbulb. They would get their staffers to do it, and the lobbyists would write up the bill for them to pass.
None of them would change a lightbulb. They would get their staffers to do it, and the lobbyists would write up the bill for them to pass.

Well, of course, that falls under the general category of 'Congress', including staffers of all sorts.

And if it wasn't for the contractors that they would later hire, it would never get done at all.
If you factor man hours, lost E mails, requisition red tape, medical coverage, the haz-mat team standing by in case the bulb breaks, the light bulb operation might come in under the estimated five million.
If you factor man hours, lost E mails, requisition red tape, medical coverage, the haz-mat team standing by in case the bulb breaks, the light bulb operation might come in under the estimated five million.

Wow, you have more confidence in these monkeys than I do.

Five mill doesn't even cover the cost of one bridge to nowhere.

Even the pros in Vegas would have trouble coming up with the over/under for that operation.
I started reading that thinking it was a joke. Then I realized it was all true.

Oh, yeah, every bit of it true.

Have you actually seen this crap?

The federal Congress specializes in wasting money. Someone I think once said that a camel was a horse designed by committee, then the horse design by the federal Congress would be a koala bear.
Republicans would only change it if they could replace it with an incandescent

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Republicans would only change it if they could replace it with an incandescent


as if......

But why not let people put in their own bulbs and chose whatever they want?

We don't need Republicans or Democrats doing things for us that we can do our own selves; just get them BOTH out of the way and let 'We the People' do what we need to do.
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Republicans would only change it if they could replace it with an incandescent


as if......

But why not let people put in their own bulbs and chose whatever they want?

We don't need Republicans or Democrats doing things for us that we can do our own selves; just get them BOTH out of the way and let 'We the People' do what we need to do.

The Party of No would block the replacement of lightbulbs unless they could be sure they wouldn't be replaced with one of those "Obamabulbs"
Republicans would only change it if they could replace it with an incandescent


as if......

But why not let people put in their own bulbs and chose whatever they want?

We don't need Republicans or Democrats doing things for us that we can do our own selves; just get them BOTH out of the way and let 'We the People' do what we need to do.

The Party of No would block the replacement of lightbulbs unless they could be sure they wouldn't be replaced with one of those "Obamabulbs"

Obamabulbs are an urban legend.
How many Democrats does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Only two, but the trick is finding a big enough light bulb for them both to fit into.
What's the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a dead Democrat in the road?
Vultures will eat the skunk.
How many Democrats does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Just one, but it really gets screwed.
Why should Democrats be buried 100 feet deep?
Because deep down, they're really good people.
What's the difference between a Democrat and a catfish?
One is an ugly, scum sucking bottom-feeder and the other is a fish.

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