How many Congressmen Would it Take to Change a Light Bulb?

Someone reeks of desperation

Happens when your own thread fails
What happens when you cross a pig with a Democrat?
Nothing. There are some things a pig won't do.
Crafty Republicans would replace the lamp with one of those Obamacurl thingies. Then sit back and watch Democrats try to find a contractor to locate the light switch and then go out to bid for a separate contractor to do an environmental impact statement. Finally, send somebody a work order, in triplicate, to turn it on.

Then kick back and wait as Democrats start at the Obamacurl waiting for it to achieve full brilliance which, in a cool room, could be eternity. Meanwhile no new gun confication legislation can move.
They say that Christopher Columbus was the first Democrat.

When he left to discover America, he didn't know where he was going.

When he got there he didn't know where he was.

And it was all done on a government grant.
They say that Christopher Columbus was the first Democrat.

When he left to discover America, he didn't know where he was going.

When he got there he didn't know where he was.

And it was all done on a government grant.

Democrats will proudly claim Columbus as one of their own

Thank you
If the House passed a bill to change a light bulb nothing will happen.
They would move it to the Senate and Harry Reid would throw it in the trash.

Lol, bullshit, they cant two words past the Dimbocraps blaming it all on Bush.

no kidding, the poor babies....waaa you'll just blame WHAT if all we do is STILL blame Bush FOR our dear leaders problems
None of them would change a lightbulb. They would get their staffers to do it, and the lobbyists would write up the bill for them to pass.

good one
It doesn't matter what 'party' runs the show when it comes down to it, also dated a mid-range lobbyist once. Republican and Democratic congressmen/senators share drinks and eat with each other, when the public backs are turned (and at taxpayers expense no doubt).

It isn't any surprise that the tea party on the 'right', and radical progressives on the 'left' are getting more votes these days.

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