How many Democrats and Republicans here are Christians and in what way does it affect your political views?

Are you a Christian?

  • Yes I am a Christian and I am a Democrat

  • Yes I’m a Christian and I am a republican

  • Yes I’m a Christian and I am a independent

  • I’m not a Christian and I’m a Republican

  • I’m not a Christian and I’m a democrat

  • I’m not a Christian and I’m a independent

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As a Christian I won't vote for a Democrat and have major major issues with the gop as well. As I aged I became more independent. In all cases I will always stand with the worker over the employer. I hear people say get rid of social security and Medicare. That is an anti average worker stance and a pro wealthy stance.
That which you have done to the least among you, you have also done to Me
Wise words from Jesus' sermon on the mount.
Jesus was a cool guy.
It's a shame he couldn't just stay dead, you know, like normal people.
But NO!
He had to rise from the dead and become this brain eating ZOMBIE God!
That's really the only thing I have against him.

I believe that God gave us free will to rule the Earth. We’re not doing a very good job of it,
Why did God do that I wonder?
Didn't he KNOW in advance how badly that was going to work out....putting US in charge of the world?
What kind of SICK fucking joke is THAT supposed to be?
Maybe God actually has a very sick and dark sense of humor huh?
Or maybe he didn't. Really. Know!
Maybe God is REALLY like this absentee, deadbeat dad....just producing "children" everywhere. Never checking up on them...never keeping them safe or correcting them.
Only waking up every now and then from his boozy nap to curse at his children and maybe throw something at them before passing out again?
Or.....maybe there's ANOTHER God out there who is actually responsible for all the "bad" shit that God 1 has no control over?
Now THAT would be freaky!
If there are actually TWO Gods out good and one bad.....but the good God is incapable of saving HIS "children" from the wicked influences of the bad God....then that would suck!
Would TOTALLY blow the whole biblical "alpha and omega," omniscent "knitted us in the womb....has counted every hair on our heads" bullshit all to hell wouldn't it?

Wise words from Jesus' sermon on the mount.
Jesus was a cool guy.
It's a shame he couldn't just stay dead, you know, like normal people.
But NO!
He had to rise from the dead and become this brain eating ZOMBIE God!
That's really the only thing I have against him.

Why did God do that I wonder?
Didn't he KNOW in advance how badly that was going to work out....putting US in charge of the world?
What kind of SICK fucking joke is THAT supposed to be?
Maybe God actually has a very sick and dark sense of humor huh?
Or maybe he didn't. Really. Know!
Maybe God is REALLY like this absentee, deadbeat dad....just producing "children" everywhere. Never checking up on them...never keeping them safe or correcting them.
Only waking up every now and then from his boozy nap to curse at his children and maybe throw something at them before passing out again?
Or.....maybe there's ANOTHER God out there who is actually responsible for all the "bad" shit that God 1 has no control over?
Now THAT would be freaky!
If there are actually TWO Gods out good and one bad.....but the good God is incapable of saving HIS "children" from the wicked influences of the bad God....then that would suck!
Would TOTALLY blow the whole biblical "alpha and omega," omniscent "knitted us in the womb....has counted every hair on our heads" bullshit all to hell wouldn't it?


What would be the point of creating life without giving it free will?
I’m Catholic but I’m not very religious. I have been attending church once a week. If folks look at my signature you will see I have a tremendous deal of respect for the Knights hospitalier who during the crusades stood up to help out their fellow man but also provided medical relieve to not only their own soldiers but to the enemy. They were true Christians men of the cross, men who serve the poor.

I cannot support far left wing or far right wing extremists who engage in racism, I could never support Black Lives Matter or the major corporations in America who have racist hiring policies. This is all against Christianity. Of course there are almost no far right wingers in America … perhaps maybe 5% of the country is pro BLM and therefore on the extremist far left. So again just hear what I say to my fellow Democrats because you can’t just make up other peoples views …..Black Lives Matter is a racist organization due to their attacks on American history, due to their support for racism in the job place. To the far left You can’t make up other peoples viewpoints and turn around what I said.

I also admire atheist people who donate money to the poor and who work to help people all over the world. God bless us all.
I was born Christian and baptized when I was a baby.

Never felt the need to become “born again” if that’s what you are referring to.

I am a staunch liberal and Dem.

I don’t think of poking religious terms very often but when I do, the teachings of Jesus match up much better with my liberal views

Love they neighbor
Do unto others
Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven

Ya know… like that
What would be the point of creating life without giving it free will?
I don't know. Do you let your own children play in the freeway?
Do tgey have "free will" to do any dangerous thing they choose?
Probably not.
That wouldn't be good parenting would it?
So again I would ask....what kind of "father" is this Christian God?
Leftism is evil. While there are some Democrats - maybe even the majority of them - who do not support the insanity of today's Left, they stay with the party that sponsors and promotes evil. They point to President Trump's conspicuous "sins," and pretend that they justify remaining with the party of evil. They don't.

Examples of the evil of Leftism:
  • Promoting and at times even exalting abortion,
  • Supporting sexual perversion - not just the inclination, but the activities of sexual perversion,
  • Supporting measures that destroy the FAMILY, especially in minority communities,
  • Supporting and patronizing the evil of "transgenderism,"
  • Supporting racism and bigotry in the name of D.E.I.,
  • Antagonizing and ridiculing religious faith and people of faith,
  • Constant lies about everything from elections to climate change,
  • Supporting "law enforcement" practices that promote irresponsibility (e.g., looting without punishment).
The list is almost infinitely long, but you get the idea.

Yes I do get the idea. You don't have the first idea of what leftists believe in or stand for. You believe every right wing media lie and distortion about abortion, religion and crime. And all of your political beliefs are based on culture wars and lies about Democrats.

The party that rips babies limbs off in abortions and sells their dead baby parts will have some explaining to do.

Nobody does that. So try again.

And try to imagine what God will think about doctors denying care to women in crisis and leaving them to have their miscarriages and hemorage in a public bathroom. Jesus was pretty clear that turning away those in need would condemn even a Pharisee.
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Non-Christian and Non-Affiliated politically.

I am spiritual, not religious. I’m a Traditionalist, Conservative Authoritarian; politically.
Non-Christian and Non-Affiliated politically.

I am spiritual, not religious. I’m a Traditionalist, Conservative Authoritarian; politically.
I believe in God...not so sure about bible and thousands of different
I’m Catholic but I’m not very religious. I have been attending church once a week. If folks look at my signature you will see I have a tremendous deal of respect for the Knights hospitalier who during the crusades stood up to help out their fellow man but also provided medical relieve to not only their own soldiers but to the enemy. They were true Christians men of the cross, men who serve the poor.

I cannot support far left wing or far right wing extremists who engage in racism, I could never support Black Lives Matter or the major corporations in America who have racist hiring policies. This is all against Christianity. Of course there are almost no far right wingers in America … perhaps maybe 5% of the country is pro BLM and therefore on the extremist far left. So again just hear what I say to my fellow Democrats because you can’t just make up other peoples views …..Black Lives Matter is a racist organization due to their attacks on American history, due to their support for racism in the job place. To the far left You can’t make up other peoples viewpoints and turn around what I said.

I also admire atheist people who donate money to the poor and who work to help people all over the world. God bless us all.
Not a Christian, Independent MAGA voter. I grew up in the church, I think Christianity has done a lot of good in the world. I also think fighting over whose God is stronger is stupid. If they are Gods they can come down and fight for themselves. I do think there is some kind of intelligent design to this planet and everything in it as far as who is right? Idk I don't know how anyone can look at the Catholic Church and think they match anything described in the Bible. I've never had a spiritual awakening or come to Jesus moment. I'm firmly in the camp of I don't know. I want to be believe I really do but I don't know.
All of the founding fathers were Christians or deists .. afaik none were atheists.

what is difficult about this topic is to actually delve into the lives of the founding fathers and really who knows what they truly thought in their own private lives and until their death beds. What went through their minds in terms of as they went on with life ….what did they think about Christianity and other religions.?

Many people are agnostic believing in some sort of a higher power. I think that makes sense ….. how could anybody look at this world and our universe and believe that there’s nothing above us. ? Agnostics believe that there is something …. atheists believe in nothing although they have a belief system of nothing. They look up to people like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris.

Atheism is a religion of having no belief believing that there is no God or no higher powers.
Deists are Christians.

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