How many democrats/lefties believe the huge lie that there’s gonna be another “January 6?” if Trump doesn’t win in 2024.


Trump has a legitimate chance to win in 2024. Recall in 2016. His odds of winning was much much less.

Alternative media is crushing Fox News, CNN and MSNBC. It’s literally crushing them out of the ballpark when it comes to ratings. More people watched the Tucker Carlson Andrew Tate interview than any interview in the history of the world. So the good guys are winning. He knows about physical fitness, spirituality, religion, traditional values, and dignity. This is making a great comeback in America.

Fox News is playing the matrix propaganda game of attempting to dethrone Donald Trump and they’re gonna lose. Nobody’s watching the station. People are watching rumble, Tucker Carlson, the PBD podcast, millions of people are watching Glenn Greenwald, Tucker, Carlson, all sorts of alternative media outlets on rumble. Far more than whatever Fox News put out.
Trump the candidate in 2024 is much different than Trump the candidate in 2016

In 2016, people looked at Trump and asked…..How bad can he be?
By 2024, we found out
BLM did try to overturn the election, it is all the riots across the country perpetrated to make it look like Trump had no control, was not liked, and was an ineffective president.

If Trump is president again, I will stand with Trump when he sends out the military to arrest BLM rioting, or when BLM pushes back violently, I will stand with Trump while the military puts them down, with those there dam AR style rifles.
If Trump is president again, he needs to do everything possible to prevent the destruction of historical statues in this country. Imagine for a moment if somebody said you know what Malcolm X was a pimp a drug dealer he beat the living hell out of people so we should destroy statues of him. That would be wrong because Malcolm X turned his life around at one point. You can make the same argument for any African emperor or Indian leader of America, who owned slaves. You could justify, tearing down their statues based on the logic of black lives matter who tore down statues of people who had nothing to do with the confederate states by the way. So that’s one massive point right there the only people destroying historical statues in America are left wing racists.

Call it blackwashing or redwashing of history. It’s one of the most apalling Events in American history that is the destruction of historical statues in the summer of 2020 all destruction of pretty much white peoples statues. Some of them were confederate but actually many of them had nothing to do with the confederate states, and lived in a totally different time era, and were Europeans.

The far left on the US message board acts like none of this matters and that is truly apalling. But I believe most Democrats in America are good people same with Republicans. People like RFK Junior are getting millions of views on rumble and millions of Americans are supporting people like RFK Junior
Trump the candidate in 2024 is much different than Trump the candidate in 2016

In 2016, people looked at Trump and asked…..How bad can he be?
By 2024, we found out
In 2020, people looked at Biden and thought….He’s better than Trump.
By 2023, we found out he’s not.
True. Trump wanted to send in the National Guard to control the BLM criminals, but the Democrat governors said NO. They wanted as much mayhem and destruction as possible, even if that meant sacrificing some lives.
25 people were murdered in the summer of 2020 by the BLM rioters. Including a black pawnshop security officer an innocent man.

All one has to do is look at these BLM riots in 2020 types of yelling and screaming. These rioters were engaging in their racism. They attacked police officers they made things very uncomfortable for the police.

they were burning American flags. And this is one of the most despicable sites in American history that summer of 2020. Even the republican governor of Texas should be ashamed of himself for giving a state funeral to George Floyd a man who held a gun to a pregnant lady stomach.
The Coup, the Democrat Party coup began before Trump was elected, it began when they spied on the Trump campaign. In the past spying on the opposition party would result in the president being ran out of office, as in Nixon.

The democrat party coup began with spying on Trump's campaign, the coup is the Mueller investigation, the phony Steele dossier. The ANTIFA BLM riots. The impeachments. The 100% 24/7 propaganda negative news cycle. Covid was the largest part of the coup.

The federal judges blocking Trump.

Trump should of exerted the executive branches equal power and destroyed those in the legislative and judicial branch that were actively participating the democrat coup.

The democrats never accepted the results of the election. They rioted in the streets and then locked us in our houses with Covid.
Great points in all throughout the Trump presidency our economy was improving. Getting us a very low gas prices low home prices. Now look at today astronomical home prices very high interest rates on loans. So many Americans are infuriated at this …so there’s no way Biden’s coming back in 2024.
Why do you Trumptard MAGAts always have to do the BLM riots whataboutism whenever they are faced with the Jan 6th insurrection?
These issues were like apples and oranges.
BLM protests were about systemic and institutionalized racism in America that results in the murdering of people of color by police officers at a disproportionate rate compared to whites.
The BLM riots of the summer of 2020 only happened because more peaceful forms of protest like athletes taking a knee, had been ignored for years.
If bigoted white people are going to be so dense and hard headed that they can't hear a peaceful protest then yeah, ya gotta break shit and lught it up.
Get louder.

The January 6th insurgency though was just about a redneck cult of dumbasses that was recruited to do the dirtywork for a narcissistic tyrant who couldn't handle losing an election and thought he could hang onto power by launching a coup.
It was a direct attack on our democracy and our counrry.

I’m on your side. And there’s so many men across the country that’s right, there’s a movement of men across the country who are rejecting feminism that is to say ultra feminism. There’s nothing wrong with a woman being a CEO. But there’s a great movement of men in this country, black and white, arabs, Jews, and Catholics, and atheists. We’ve had enough of this garbage. Enough of these millionaires, and billionaires who are democrats who have brainwashed good people like you.

January 6 was simply an event where some windows were broken and police officers were attacked at the capitol building. Most January 6 protesters were peaceful and did not even enter the building and many of those who did we’re old people including also the shaman Guy …You can’t compare that to BLM riots across dozens of cities in 2020 where people were murdered and billions of dollars of damage was caused. That’s just common sense that has nothing to do with politics. It’s common sense.

Black commit crimes in violent categories in much much higher rates than whites. But that’s not because they’re black it’s because of the crack epidemic since the 1980s. The loss of many factory jobs in America in most recently this race hatred race hustling by some Democrats and even Republicans that hype up Black people in America. Since the 1980s, there has been some level of race hustling by politicians in America, both Republican and Democrat they tell blacks the white man is the problem …and that’s also part of the reason why there’s been a huge spike in crimes committed by Black people in America.

Black ministers and black scholars know … people like professor Walter E Williams you might not know him.

It is racist and hate filled to suggest the police officers in America are problematic. That’s not how we talk about fellow Americans.

Your post is very low on context and High on nonsense. With great respect to you. You’re simply repeating BLM talking points but I’m giving you the statistics and you and I both know that BLM riots in 2020 caused the murders of 25 innocent people hundreds if not thousands were injured and billions of dollars worth of damage ….there is literally no logical comparison between that and the January 6 protest which some police officers get punched in the face and windows get broken. You cannot compare that to murder. You cannot compare that to a police station getting burned down. You cannot compare that to the Looting and Mayham in major cities across America. Buildings on fire across America during the George Floyd riots.

The name BLM alone is racist and divisive .

Nobody in this country because of their skin color should ever have to apologize to anybody or feel bad for them. Democrats want white people to feel bad for Black people and there’s no room for that in America. It’s all about respecting African history and European history.

The American middle class was stronger in the middle of the 20th century. There was segregation in some areas but there was also a lot of love and unity between blacks and whites. Even the 1980s was better than now. This is garbage time we live in now with Instagram, TikTok, the trash, we see on television. The celebrities engaging in such a lewd behavior wasn’t like that back in the day. You know the black middle class was much stronger the American past. You know that for a time in the American history, the black divorce rate was lower than that of the white divorce rate in the American past. I’m a Christian I’m an American a proud American I care about my fellow citizens… everybody with common sense knows this country was better in the past.
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Lest anyone forget, the 2020 election was HIGHLY irregular - UNPRECEDENTED, in fact. Regardless of who won, there were bound to be extraordinary protestations from the other side. Before the Pandemic, who could even imagine an election where ballot security was so lax that the election was actually decided by mail-in ballots (as opposed to Absentee Ballots, which everyone was comfortable with), and ballots dropped off in the middle of the night to a lockbox?

And seriously, what is the justification for NOT going back to the same rules that applied in 2016 - other than that the Democrat would surely lose?
Every American voter ought vote by paper ballots, and they have to present their ID. That’s just logical common sense and it’s an unfortunate thing that somebody would protest it.
Bingo. The massive mail-in campaign was supposed to reduce the crowds on Election Day because of COVID (while ironically claiming there was no danger for the thousands of BLM rioters) - not to permanently institute a new way of holding elections.

If there wasn’t a risk to mail-in ballots, we would have instituted it 100 years ago.
That tells us a ton in the hay Day of the coronavirus, the media and Democrats, and even some Republicans were totally fine with the BLM riots were thousands of people were in such close proximity with each other
That tells us a ton in the hay Day of the coronavirus, the media and Democrats, and even some Republicans were totally fine with the BLM riots were thousands of people were in such close proximity with each other
And it was all a farce anyway in order to push through mail-in cheating. We still had 90 million people vote on Election Day, and there was no spike in cases the following week.
I’m on your side. And there’s so many men across the country that’s right, there’s a movement of men across the country who are rejecting feminism that is to say ultra feminism. There’s nothing wrong with a woman being a CEO. But there’s a great movement of men in this country, black and white, arabs, Jews, and Catholics, and atheists. We’ve had enough of this garbage. Enough of these millionaires, and billionaires who are democrats who have brainwashed good people like you.

January 6 was simply an event where some windows were broken and police officers were attacked at the capitol building. Most January 6 protesters were peaceful and did not even enter the building and many of those who did we’re old people including also the shaman Guy …You can’t compare that to BLM riots across dozens of cities in 2020 where people were murdered and billions of dollars of damage was caused. That’s just common sense that has nothing to do with politics. It’s common sense.

Black commit crimes in violent categories in much much higher rates than whites. But that’s not because they’re black it’s because of the crack epidemic since the 1980s. The loss of many factory jobs in America in most recently this race hatred race hustling by some Democrats and even Republicans that hype up Black people in America. Since the 1980s, there has been some level of race hustling by politicians in America, both Republican and Democrat they tell blacks the white man is the problem …and that’s also part of the reason why there’s been a huge spike in crimes committed by Black people in America.

Black ministers and black scholars know … people like professor Walter E Williams you might not know him.

It is racist and hate filled to suggest the police officers in America are problematic. That’s not how we talk about fellow Americans.

Your post is very low on context and High on nonsense. With great respect to you. You’re simply repeating BLM talking points but I’m giving you the statistics and you and I both know that BLM riots in 2020 caused the murders of 25 innocent people hundreds if not thousands were injured and billions of dollars worth of damage ….there is literally no logical comparison between that and the January 6 protest which some police officers get punched in the face and windows get broken. You cannot compare that to murder. You cannot compare that to a police station getting burned down. You cannot compare that to the Looting and Mayham in major cities across America. Buildings on fire across America during the George Floyd riots.

The name BLM alone is racist and divisive .

Nobody in this country because of their skin color should ever have to apologize to anybody or feel bad for them. Democrats want white people to feel bad for Black people and there’s no room for that in America. It’s all about respecting African history and European history.

The American middle class was stronger in the middle of the 20th century. There was segregation in some areas but there was also a lot of love and unity between blacks and whites. Even the 1980s was better than now. This is garbage time we live in now with Instagram, TikTok, the trash, we see on television. The celebrities engaging in such a lewd behavior wasn’t like that back in the day. You know the black middle class was much stronger the American past. You know that for a time in the American history, the black divorce rate was lower than that of the white divorce rate in the American past. I’m a Christian I’m an American a proud American I care about my fellow citizens… everybody with common sense knows this country was better in the past.
Are you normally on medication?
So you support burning down businesses and murdering people, gotcha. Fucking hoodrat shitbag.
So you support storming The U.S. Capitol in an attempt to subvert American Democracy and install a ruthless, narcissistic, whiny pansy-boy into The Oval Office against the will of the American people?

How many democrats/lefties believe the huge lie that there’s gonna be another “January 6?” if Trump doesn’t win in 2024.​

Is that really a problem? A bigger problem would be if another election is stolen and we DON'T have riots and protests--- that is what this country was FOUNDED on.

Funny that the Left are more concerned about that but not another BLM riot that engulfed 350 cities doing billions in damage killing dozens of people.
Is that really a problem? A bigger problem would be if another election is stolen and we DON'T have riots and protests--- that is what this country was FOUNDED on.

Funny that the Left are more concerned about that but not another BLM riot that engulfed 350 cities doing billions in damage killing dozens of people.
That’s why I’m hoping that we have ID laws and paper voting. No more of this mail in voting. Everyone has to go to the polls present ID.

Democrats and Republicans are opposed to such a process..

We should all be on the lookout in 2024 and watch out for the racist BLM leaders who speak with there black washing and rewriting of American history. And we will stand up w no doubt about it. Freedom will prevail equality will prevail.
How will Trump react if he loses in 2024?

Will he congratulate Biden and admit he just didn’t have enough votes?
Will he take the blame himself for losing?


Will he claim the election was stolen and he is the rightful winner?
Will he file unsupported legal claims?
Will he force endless recounts?
Will he call in MAGA to protest?
Will there be another riot?
So you support storming The U.S. Capitol in an attempt to subvert American Democracy and install a ruthless, narcissistic, whiny pansy-boy into The Oval Office against the will of the American people?
The Progressive Socialist Communists never let up. You actually think that some of the Progs with power over the decades are salt of the earth.
When Trump loses again there is no question he will claim the election was stolen and that he is the rightful President.

What will be different from Jan 6 is there is no way he will receive a permit to hold a rally anywhere near the Capitol Region
So you support storming The U.S. Capitol in an attempt to subvert American Democracy and install a ruthless, narcissistic, whiny pansy-boy into The Oval Office against the will of the American people?
Didn't I put you on the ignore list, stupid leftard?

If not, I will now.
If Trump is president again, he needs to do everything possible to prevent the destruction of historical statues in this country. Imagine for a moment if somebody said you know what Malcolm X was a pimp a drug dealer he beat the living hell out of people so we should destroy statues of him. That would be wrong because Malcolm X turned his life around at one point. You can make the same argument for any African emperor or Indian leader of America, who owned slaves. You could justify, tearing down their statues based on the logic of black lives matter who tore down statues of people who had nothing to do with the confederate states by the way. So that’s one massive point right there the only people destroying historical statues in America are left wing racists.

Call it blackwashing or redwashing of history. It’s one of the most apalling Events in American history that is the destruction of historical statues in the summer of 2020 all destruction of pretty much white peoples statues. Some of them were confederate but actually many of them had nothing to do with the confederate states, and lived in a totally different time era, and were Europeans.

The far left on the US message board acts like none of this matters and that is truly apalling. But I believe most Democrats in America are good people same with Republicans. People like RFK Junior are getting millions of views on rumble and millions of Americans are supporting people like RFK Junior
yes, but the Terrorist Moslem world does the same thing, is the reply the democrats would give

Trump has a legitimate chance to win in 2024. Recall in 2016. His odds of winning was much much less.

Alternative media is crushing Fox News, CNN and MSNBC. It’s literally crushing them out of the ballpark when it comes to ratings. More people watched the Tucker Carlson Andrew Tate interview than any interview in the history of the world. So the good guys are winning. He knows about physical fitness, spirituality, religion, traditional values, and dignity. This is making a great comeback in America.

Fox News is playing the matrix propaganda game of attempting to dethrone Donald Trump and they’re gonna lose. Nobody’s watching the station. People are watching rumble, Tucker Carlson, the PBD podcast, millions of people are watching Glenn Greenwald, Tucker, Carlson, all sorts of alternative media outlets on rumble. Far more than whatever Fox News put out.
I am trying to find carlson on TV, I thought he was going to be on blazetv, I dont think he is. I saw one interview with him there, it was pretty good. Seems like a real good man. .

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