How many democrats/lefties believe the huge lie that there’s gonna be another “January 6?” if Trump doesn’t win in 2024.

Wrong again, I'm not supporting Trump and I've already said that includes if he's the Republican nominee. So you're wrong ... again ...
I didn’t say anything about you, weirdo.

Trump did indeed try to steal the election, which is what he was doing when he was calling a bunch of state government officials.
You conflate two separate ideologies - racism and political disagreement. :dunno:
no i do not, i am showing how your hate went from the people democrats called the "n" word, to the democrats who hate, creating a new derogatory slur, the "m" word.

Try as you must to write an essay to obfuscate from my simple observation, you can not.
Magaturds is my 'm' word
That is right, no different than when those who would later become the KKK. Did you join the democrat's equivalent to the KKK, that would be BLM. Have you got your black hooded mask yet?
i see that the democrat party is the enemy of the people, that they will lie cheat steal rob terrorize intimidate jail all that oppose them

i see that the democrats will use all the power of tyrants to stop trump

of course trump is a terrible candidate, no single man has ever had to fight a modern tyranny with so many avenues of propaganda

yep, you got biden, the great candidate that has begun World War III, biden and the democrats that made sure our enemies can build nuclear bombs, biden and the democrats who gave more weapons to terrorists than they gave the USMC in the current budget
We agree that Trump is a terrible candidate.

Not much else.
We agree that Trump is a terrible candidate.
Not much else.
That is why democrats do not belong in this world. You can not agree that America should be great again and I can not agree that inflation must be out of control. You can not agree that the Justice and America is the best for the world. I can not agree with you that Marxism should be our government.

Yep, there is not much else we agree on.
You don’t get to decide who belongs here and who doesn’t.
Trump is a shitty candidate is all I’m saying.
Nope, you are doing much more than that, and all I am saying is your proving how democrats have no place in the world.
Nope, you are doing much more than that, and all I am saying is your proving how democrats have no place in the world.
Neat. You’re entitled to your opinion but you still don’t get to decide who belongs in the world and who doesn’t.

Sucks for you huh?
no i do not
Yes, you do.
i am showing how your hate went from the people democrats called the "n" word
My hate? You know nothing of my hate. I don't use that word, period. You make assumptions you have no business making. It makes you appear rather stupid.
creating a new derogatory slur, the "m" word.
I tell you exactly why you are magaturds, down to the short and curlies, and why I will oppose the magaturd agenda at all costs. It hurts the magaturd's delicate sensibilities, I know. I give no fucks. :dunno: So stop trying to make your personal grievances my problem before I have to make it yours.
Yes, you do.

My hate? You know nothing of my hate. I
Sure I do, when I see you substituted the "n" world for the "m" word. You do not recognize it your hate because bigot are always on the wrong side of history and have no ability to see themselves for who you are.
Sure I do, when I see you substituted the "n" world for the "m" word.
No, you got triggered. I also noticed how you edited out the context of my quote (I don't use that word, period.). Because you realise you self-identify with my perfect term, you also believe you somehow magically share a similar level of oppression to black people. :rolleyes: This is a profoundly stupid, entitled argument/narrative, of course, but because you're a lame, predictable magaturd hack, I am supposed to swallow it wholeheartedly, is that the hill you die on? :dunno:
You do not recognize it your hate because bigot are always on the wrong side of history and have no ability to see themselves for who you are.
Can Cock Asians be bigoted towards other Cock Asians? That is the question.
It wasn’t stolen even though when they stopped counting the “old” votes continued to come in and when counting restarted those “old” votes were 99% Biden
When Trump watches MAGA attack our Capitol…….

He gets a Hard On
When democrats watched BLM/ANTIFA torture puppies in pet shops,shoot police and security guards. Lock people in burning buildings,then open fire on Firemen and EMT’s . Beat and Murder people in the streets. I’m sure they creamed their shorts. Especially you. Did ya get moist??
“Everyone who saw the BS Democrats pulled in every close State and noticed that every one of them counted until they flipped them stopped knows you stole it, including you, which is why you're working so hard to deny it”

K. Well I honestly don’t believe the election was stolen.

Right, that's what I said you stupid fuck. How many times are you going to confirm you're a total mindless Democrat dweeb.

Kaz: You actually believe that stupid leftist bull shit

XphonentialChaos: No, kaz, I totally believe the Democrats.

I'd say nice comeback, if it was a nice comeback
I didn’t say anything about you, weirdo.

Trump did indeed try to steal the election, which is what he was doing when he was calling a bunch of state government officials.

Yes, clearly all the close States flipped from Trump to Biden on election night because Trump stole the election. My God you're stupid
Yes, clearly all the close States flipped from Trump to Biden on election night because Trump stole the election. My God you're stupid
Nothing “flipped” on election night. They just counted the votes and Trump lost.

After they counted the votes, Trump tried to get his cronies to destroy some of them. That’s how he wanted to steal the election.

But he failed.

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