How many democrats/lefties believe the huge lie that there’s gonna be another “January 6?” if Trump doesn’t win in 2024.

Nothing “flipped” on election night. They just counted the votes and Trump lost.

After they counted the votes, Trump tried to get his cronies to destroy some of them. That’s how he wanted to steal the election.

But he failed.
You can't count illegal votes as many times as you want. Those votes came from voter rolls and were forged that night and for days before then put in drop boxes. That is what happened. Massive fraud then massive censorship. Trump won those states.
Pedo Joe won swing states by more votes than registered voters. Total fraud.
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Nothing “flipped” on election night. They just counted the votes and Trump lost.

After they counted the votes, Trump tried to get his cronies to destroy some of them. That’s how he wanted to steal the election.

But he failed.

Yes, they counted the votes, and kept counting them until Democrats got the result you wanted, so it's all good
Yes, they counted the votes, and kept counting them until Democrats got the result you wanted, so it's all good
They kept counting until all the votes had been counted.

The Trump supporting morons don’t understand that so they think there’s something sinister when they’re ahead after half the vote is counted and behind when they complete the count. In truth, they’re just morons who don’t understand what’s going on. Or maybe they just don’t want to understand.
Firstly, because the January 6 protesters shot nobody…. practically every American knows the difference between January 6 compared to the hundreds of different Black Lives Matter riots in 2020.

The Black Lives Matter rioters kill 25 people causing billions of dollars of damage setting government buildings on fire, including burning down a police station. Trump supporters never did anything like that not even close to it.

What percentage of democrats believe this type of propaganda that there’s going to be another “January 6” if trumps not elected in 2024? ….I’d say it’s under 10%.

Many of us lack confidence in the elections and I don’t think most Democrats buy into the racist propaganda we see on CNN and MSNBC and from practically every Democrat in Congress and the Senate.

The sincere question is what type of drugs do far left Democrats use to get to the type of insane points that they get to?

People died during the capitol riots. MAGA killed people. They wanted to hang Mike Pence. Several have been sentenced to years in prison for sedition. Yet you believe The Big Lie that your Orange Jesus won the election.

One can be outraged at both the 2020 riots and the Jan 6 coup. Too bad you MAGA can't walk and chew gum at the same time.
What’s January 6. It was a protest and it was nothing compared to the hundreds of BLM violent riots.
No, The LARGE stop the steel rally there at the capital WAS a protest.
The attack & destruction inside OUR capital, and trying to stop the certification of OUR election, was NOT a protest.
Give an example of a Trump quote where he supported insurrection. Oh, wait, you're lying, he didn't. This post won't get a response from you with an actual Trump quote because there isn't one.

It's the chance you take when you lie, that you'll be nailed for it.

This won't be responded to by you with an actual Trump quote, oops, sucks to be you ...
"I just want to find 11,780 votes............"
Right, that's what I said you stupid fuck. How many times are you going to confirm you're a total mindless Democrat dweeb.

Kaz: You actually believe that stupid leftist bull shit

XphonentialChaos: No, kaz, I totally believe the Democrats.

I'd say nice comeback, if it was a nice comeback
You seem angry. I simply said that I don’t believe the election was stolen. Because it wasn’t.
I thought the rumor was if trump was convicted for any of his crimes then there would be mayhem?
He’s already been thrown through hell, and no Trump supporters have burned down. Cities or shot people in the streets, like the Black Lives Matter rioters did.

It’s blatantly and utterly obvious that the anti-Trump protesters are the most violent racist people in this country
People died during the capitol riots. MAGA killed people. They wanted to hang Mike Pence. Several have been sentenced to years in prison for sedition. Yet you believe The Big Lie that your Orange Jesus won the election.

One can be outraged at both the 2020 riots and the Jan 6 coup. Too bad you MAGA can't walk and chew gum at the same time.
I go by the facts brother. Nobody was killed other than Ashli Babbitt the innocent Trump protester on January 6. That’s it that’s just a fact. The blm riots caused billions of dollars worth of damage and 25 people were murdered and not to mention the hundreds if not thousands of people who were assaulted.

You talk about January six you talk about some windows being broken and fist fights with cops. And that’s wrong. Now by logic by common sense, the Black Lives Matter riots were much worse. It’s not even close.

At least with many of the Trump supporters on J6 they were peaceful. They had American flags with them. There is no comparing January 6 to hundreds of different Black Lives Matter riots , far left wing riots and anti-Trump riots in the summer of 2020. There could never be any logical comparison between the two.

You talk about the BLM riots were talking about police stations Getting burned to the ground, massive looting and Mayham.

you seem normal…But certainly your fellow Democrats are on drugs and or They are extremists and racist. They literally believe white people are born privileged.

The writings on the wall nothing more needs to be sad.
With this country being turned into a banana republic what we really need is a million armed men march on DC.

Of course that won't happen so we will just have to deal with the oppression and corruption and watch our country quickly become a Socialist shithole.
BLM was not carrying Obama or Biden banners
BLM did not try to overturn an election
BLM did not attack our Capitol
There is no comparing the BLM riots. In the summer of 2020. Many of these folks of course are democrats. They hate Donald Trump. They don’t have to be carrying Biden signs.

Plenty of people think elections are rigged. But only an Air Force and Army is going to overturn a government. Not 100 people going into the Capitol Hill building on January 6.

There is absolutely no logical common sense behind the small percentage of Americans, who think that January 6 was an “attempt to overthrow the government”. You need tanks. You need an army you need an Air Force. Not senior citizens in a shaman that’s literally what January 6 was and yes, there was a handful of fist fights with cops, and broken windows which was wrong.

The Black Lives Matter riots saw 25 murders you didn’t bring that up, billions of dollars of damage you did not mention that, and it’s saw extremist racism against white people. You did not mention that. It’s saw mass hatred against Donald Trump. So it’s all logic common sense brother hope you’re doing well.

The most hate filled Americans are the far left the most racist Americans are the far left. You just have to look at how they talk. Look at how they react to people who disagreed with supporting Ukraine or those that think that BLM is racist. That’s all you need to see man.
I go by the facts brother. Nobody was killed other than Ashli Babbitt the innocent Trump protester on January 6.
Ashli was bad blood and she had it coming. He family can take solace in the belief that she served as the warning shot that saved other more 'innocent' lives.

You want to talk about Babbitt? Let's do it!
Ashli was bad blood and she had it coming. He family can take solace in the belief that she served as the warning shot that saved other more 'innocent' lives.

You want to talk about Babbitt? Let's do it!
No unarmed 5 foot two woman ever has that coming. You are a dumbass and support political terrorism because that is what her murder was.
What we need to worry about is the reaction if Trump DOES win. We will have major riots in every Democrat city in America - arson, looting, assaults, and all sorts of personal property damage.
This is absolutely something to look out for because it is only the left-wing who are violent and racist in America now. They show this every time with their celebrities in millionaire billionaire leaders who don’t give a damn about poor people. And the billionaires give money to BLM. Like the CEO of Starbucks, or the various CEOs of major banks, who gave billions of dollars to blm and similar organizations.

I can’t believe that there are a tiny percentage of democrats who literally don’t care that for sometime colleges and major corporations(Many still do) We’re giving jobs to people based on their skin color not their merit.

Blm has the support of all of the Democrat party. They all “take a knee” for that. So rightwinger either doesn’t notice or he doesn’t care about it.

I mean were talking again about BLM supporter and Democrats on the US message board who think it’s totally normal and justified to say hateful things about police officers. They actually think that the police officers in America are racist against blacks. That’s a horrible way to live and a terrible way to talk about fellow Americans.
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Trump has a legitimate chance to win in 2024. Recall in 2016. His odds of winning was much much less.

Alternative media is crushing Fox News, CNN and MSNBC. It’s literally crushing them out of the ballpark when it comes to ratings. More people watched the Tucker Carlson Andrew Tate interview than any interview in the history of the world. So the good guys are winning. He knows about physical fitness, spirituality, religion, traditional values, and dignity. This is making a great comeback in America.

Fox News is playing the matrix propaganda game of attempting to dethrone Donald Trump and they’re gonna lose. Nobody’s watching the station. People are watching rumble, Tucker Carlson, the PBD podcast, millions of people are watching Glenn Greenwald, Tucker, Carlson, all sorts of alternative media outlets on rumble. Far more than whatever Fox News put out.
There is no comparing the BLM riots. In the summer of 2020. Many of these folks of course are democrats. They hate Donald Trump. They don’t have to be carrying Biden signs.

Plenty of people think elections are rigged. But only an Air Force and Army is going to overturn a government. Not 100 people going into the Capitol Hill building on January 6.

There is absolutely no logical common sense behind the small percentage of Americans, who think that January 6 was an “attempt to overthrow the government”. You need tanks. You need an army you need an Air Force. Not senior citizens in a shaman that’s literally what January 6 was and yes, there was a handful of fist fights with cops, and broken windows which was wrong.

The Black Lives Matter riots saw 25 murders you didn’t bring that up, billions of dollars of damage you did not mention that, and it’s saw extremist racism against white people. You did not mention that. It’s saw mass hatred against Donald Trump. So it’s all logic common sense brother hope you’re doing well.

The most hate filled Americans are the far left the most racist Americans are the far left. You just have to look at how they talk. Look at how they react to people who disagreed with supporting Ukraine or those that think that BLM is racist. That’s all you need to see man.
Of course there is no comparison
BLM riots were nationwide protests against ongoing police brutality

Jan 6 was an attempt to overtake Congress and stop an election because a Crybaby Loser created a lie and convinced his followers to do something about it

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