How many democrats/lefties believe the huge lie that there’s gonna be another “January 6?” if Trump doesn’t win in 2024.

True. Trump wanted to send in the National Guard to control the BLM criminals, but the Democrat governors said NO. They wanted as much mayhem and destruction as possible, even if that meant sacrificing some lives.
Calling out the NG does not end well.

Kent State comes to mind
And the Russian agent excuses fascist violence. No surprise there.

No, the Trump cult losers won't riot again.

Why? Because, first time out, they thought law enforcement backed them up, and that they'd be rewarded for attacking the USA.

Now that they've seen the Jan 6 pussies crying as they get sentenced, they no longer hold that belief. They know they'll go to jail if they commit treason, so they'll stay home and cry in their basement bunkers.
I agree.

But then I never thought those retards would do what they did on Jan 6 either.

My wife somehow knew but I chalked that off to just being a worrier
I am, pointing it out here is start, many people see my posts and the reasoning behind with fact to back it up.

The democrats have no place in this world. Proof? 4 years of terrorist rioting in what were peaceful cities.
There was no “four years” of rioting

Shut the fuck up
No, you got triggered. I also noticed how you edited out the context of my quote (I don't use that word, period.). Because you realise you self-identify with my perfect term, you also believe you somehow magically share a similar level of oppression to black people. :rolleyes: This is a profoundly stupid, entitled argument/narrative, of course, but because you're a lame, predictable magaturd hack, I am supposed to swallow it wholeheartedly, is that the hill you die on? :dunno:

Can Cock Asians be bigoted towards other Cock Asians? That is the question.
I am just pointing out that you, as a democrat, still have a heart of hate, and a mind of bigotry, that needs to always use derogatory slurs, in the past it was the "n" word. Today it is not the "m" word. The word is the different, but the hate of the democrats is as strong and irrational as when the democrats were the KKK
The Black Lives Matter rioters kill 25 people causing billions of dollars of damage setting government buildings on fire, including burning down a police station. Trump supporters never did anything like that not even close to it.

The January 6th rioters tried to burn the US Constitution, by violating the Constitution and Laws of the US in an attempt to deny 81 million people their right to vote for president.
True. Trump wanted to send in the National Guard to control the BLM criminals, but the Democrat governors said NO. They wanted as much mayhem and destruction as possible, even if that meant sacrificing some lives.
That's pure B.S. The governor being against sending in the national guard didn't stop Eisenhower.

When Governor Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to surround Central High School to keep the nine students from entering the school, President Eisenhower ordered the 101st Airborne Division into Little Rock to insure the safety of the "Little Rock Nine" and that the rulings of the Supreme Court were upheld.
I think you're right. But I also think that the right wing loons have pretty much (on the whole) have moved on. One of his most recent arraignments had more press than supporters there. For someone like the blob, the worst thing you can be is unnoticed. Its worse than being criticized or castigated.
Which is why it's so amusing to see the lefty loons on here rush into every single thread about Quid Pro Joe with, "But, but, but, TRUMP!", usually within the first few posts. Literally, what is wrong with them that they can't simply ignore him? They've been doing it since the campaign.
Yes, you do.

My hate? You know nothing of my hate. I don't use that word, period. You make assumptions you have no business making. It makes you appear rather stupid.

I tell you exactly why you are magaturds, down to the short and curlies, and why I will oppose the magaturd agenda at all costs. It hurts the magaturd's delicate sensibilities, I know. I give no fucks. :dunno: So stop trying to make your personal grievances my problem before I have to make it yours.
I know what you post and the word you use, certainly those words come from a part of you that has a deep hatred.

Personal grievances? You really are emotionally attached to your comments. Personal? How does it get personal on the internet? And all I am doing is responding to your comments. How do you think people should respond to your comments.

mumbleweeds, you use derogatory terms, the same as the KKK used the "n" word. That is my observation based on what you choose to do. It is nothing personal. This is a message board. I dont go overboard and out of control like you. Many people do not, mostly the conservatives.

yet you and so many demoRATs cannot post one comment with using a derogatory slur, similar to the KKK using the "n" world.

What response do you expect? I guess you use these terms why? Because it makes you feel big hiding on the internet. Do you use these terms in public, or just here, where you can hide and be safe.

mumblinweeds, you can dish it out, but you cannot take a cleverer response, and now you threaten me?
the "m" word, no different than the "n" word, proving that the democrats just changed their coat, what we see on the outside, the democrats remain the same people that they were when they were the KKK, aint it funny how there are three letters in KKK, and BLM
That's pure B.S. The governor being against sending in the national guard didn't stop Eisenhower.

When Governor Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to surround Central High School to keep the nine students from entering the school, President Eisenhower ordered the 101st Airborne Division into Little Rock to insure the safety of the "Little Rock Nine" and that the rulings of the Supreme Court were upheld.
I don’t know what the laws were 70 years ago, but these days local officials must give permission for the National Guard. Trump wanted them to control the BLM violence, but the Democrat governors didn’t allow it. They WANTED as much violence as possible with the plan to blame Trump.
Which is why it's so amusing to see the lefty loons on here rush into every single thread about Quid Pro Joe with, "But, but, but, TRUMP!", usually within the first few posts.

How about because Biden has not been charged, or indicted for ANYTHING. Yet republicans accuse him of bribery, treason, and even sexual assault.

Yet many of the things they "accuse" Biden of, are crimes that Trump has been indicted for, or even found to have committed, as determined by a federal court.
I don’t know what the laws were 70 years ago, but these days local officials must give permission for the Nation Guard. Trump wanted them to control the BLM violence, but the Democrat governors didn’t allow it. They WANTED as much violence as possible with the plan to blame Trump.


The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, or rebellion.

Trump didn't do it, because Trump didn't want to do it. Nothing was stopping him.
Neat. You’re entitled to your opinion but you still don’t get to decide who belongs in the world and who doesn’t.

Sucks for you huh?
It does suck, I dont like to see a world where the democrats terrorize the innocent people in the USA.

It does suck, when the conservative justices on the supreme court are terrorized in their homes by the democrats.

If I could decide who belongs, than I could decide which ideology belongs, I would eliminate the Democrat ideology.

Democrats have no place in this world. The world is place where Justice should rule, not BLM terrorism.
Which is why it's so amusing to see the lefty loons on here rush into every single thread about Quid Pro Joe with, "But, but, but, TRUMP!", usually within the first few posts. Literally, what is wrong with them that they can't simply ignore him? They've been doing it since the campaign.
Remember the number 11.

Presidents get compared to their predecessors all the time.

The number 11, btw is the number of threads started about Obama this month by right wing loons--not the number of mentions; the number of started threads with Obama's name in them. it was not.

Why do you lie like that?

Is it a mental problem?
how many terrorist acts were perpetrated by the Democrat party's BLM? How long did they last?

4 years is accurate


Dreasjon Reed and McHale Rose protests, May 6–November 2020[edit]​

On May 6, Dreasjon Reed was shot and killed by an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department officer; Reed was livestreaming during the incident and his phone captured a second officer remark "I think it's going to be a closed casket, homie." Demonstrations over his killing erupted at the site that afternoon and continued into the night.

Hours later, McHale Rose was shot and killed by four IMPD officers just three miles away. In a third incident that same night, an IMPD officer hit and killed a pregnant woman with his police cruiser. Hundreds of people gathered at the site of Reed's killing the next day.[20] In November, a grand jury decided not to indict the officer who killed Reed.[21]

Ahmaud Arbery protests, May 8, 2020[edit]​

Main article: Murder of Ahmaud Arbery
On February 23, Ahmaud Arbery was murdered in Brunswick, Georgia. Protests ensued in early May after a video surfaced that captured his shooting.[22]

NFAC protests, May 12, 2020[edit]​

Main article: Not Fucking Around Coalition § Activities
Armed members of the Not Fucking Around Coalition (NFAC) have demonstrated in separate protests across the US, making their first appearance on May 12.[23] On July 4, 100 to 200 NFAC members marched through Stone Mountain Park near Atlanta, Georgia, calling for the removal of the Confederate monument.[24] On July 25, more than 300 members were gathered in Louisville, Kentucky, to protest the lack of action against the officers responsible for the March shooting of Breonna Taylor.[25] On October 3, over 400 members of the NFAC along with over 200 other armed protesters marched in downtown Lafayette, Louisiana.[26]

Breonna Taylor protests, May 26, 2020–August 4, 2022; Jury verdict protests, September 23, 2020[edit]​

Main article: Breonna Taylor protests
Further information: Killing of Breonna Taylor
On March 13, Breonna Taylor was shot and killed. Demonstrations over her death began on May 26, 2020, and lasted into August.[27] One person was shot and killed during the protests.[28]

Protest erupted again on September 23, the night after the grand jury verdict was announced, protesters gathered in the Jefferson Square Park area of Louisville, as well as many other cities in the United States, including Los Angeles, Dallas, Minneapolis, New York, Chicago, Seattle.[29] In Louisville, two LMPD officers were shot during the protest and one suspect was kept in custody.[30][31]

George Floyd protests, (U.S.A.) May 26, 2020–May 26, 2021; (Minneapolis–Saint Paul) May 26, 2020–May 2, 2023[edit]​

Main articles: George Floyd protests and List of George Floyd protests in the United States
Further information: Murder of George Floyd

Top: Protesters march past police in Minneapolis on May 28, 2020.
Middle: Minnesota National Guard guard the state capitol building on May 29.
Bottom: George Floyd street art near the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest in Seattle on June 10.
The major catalyst of the unrest was the murder of George Floyd on May 25. Though it was not the first controversial killing of a black person in 2020,[32] it sparked a much wider series of global protests and riots which continued into August 2020.[33][34] As of June 8, there were at least 19 deaths related to the protests.[35] The George Floyd protests are generally regarded as marking the start of the 2020 United States unrest.

In Minneapolis–Saint Paul alone, the immediate aftermath of Floyd's murder was the second-most destructive period of local unrest in United States history, after the 1992 Los Angeles riots.[36][37][38] Over a three night period, the cities experienced two deaths,[39][40] 617 arrests,[8][38] and upwards of $500 million in property damage to 1,500 locations, including 150 properties that were set on fire.[41]

On May 2, 2023, the conclusion of the last criminal case for the four officers responsible for murdering George Floyd fulfilled a key demand of protesters that Chauvin, Kueng, Lane, and Thao all be held legally accountable.[42][43]

George Floyd Square occupied protest, May 26, 2020–ongoing[edit]​

Main article: George Floyd Square occupied protest
George Floyd Square is a memorial site and former occupied protest at the intersection of East 38th Street and Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis.[44][45] The street intersection is where Derek Chauvin, a White police officer with the Minneapolis Police Department, murdered George Floyd, an unarmed 46-year-old Black man, by kneeling on his neck for 9 minutes and 29 seconds[46][47] after Floyd was handcuffed and lying face down outside the Cup Foods convenience store on May 25, 2020.[48][49][50] Soon after Floyd's murder, people left memorials to him there. The intersection was held as an occupation protest by people who had erected barricades to block vehicular traffic and transformed the space with amenities, social services, and public art of Floyd and that of other racial justice themes.[51][52][53] The street intersection reopened to vehicular traffic on June 20, 2021.[54][55] As of May 2, 2023, activists at George Floyd Square said they would continue to protest until the City of Minneapolis met all items on its list of 24 demands.[42]

Sean Monterrosa protests, June 5, 2020–October 2, 2020[edit]​

Main article: Killing of Sean Monterrosa § Memorials, protests, and reactions
On June 5, protests broke out regarding the June 2 killing of Sean Monterrosa, calling for racial justice.[56][57] These protests continued sporadically but prominently all the way into at least October, resulting in some arrests.[58][59][60][61]

Capitol Hill Occupied Protest, June 8, 2020–July 1, 2020[edit]​

Main article: Capitol Hill Occupied Protest
Established on June 8 in Seattle, CHAZ/CHOP was a self-declared autonomous zone established to protest the murder of George Floyd after police abandoned the East Precinct building. Groups like the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club provided security while the protesters themselves provided either resources or assisted the PSJBGC in security. Multiple people were killed in altercations with security[62][63] and on July 1 the autonomous zone/occupied protest was officially cleared by the Seattle Police Department.

Rayshard Brooks protests, June 12, 2020[edit]​

Main article: Killing of Rayshard Brooks § Reactions
Further unrest occurred as a result of the killing of Rayshard Brooks on June 12, largely in Atlanta, where he was killed.[64] An 8-year-old girl was shot and killed during the protests.[65]

Andrés Guardado protests, June 18, 2020[edit]​

Main article: Killing of Andres Guardado
Local protests emerged in response to the killing of Guardado on June 18 and involved protesters and media reporters being tear gassed and shot by rubber bullets at the sheriff's station in Compton.[66][67] The incident was widely reported as the second police killing involving the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deputies within two days of one another, the other being Terron Jammal Boone, who was identified as the half-brother of 24-year-old Robert Fuller.[68][69][70]

Hakim Littleton protests, July 10, 2020[edit]​

Hakim Littleton was a 20-year-old African-American man who was fatally shot by police officers in Detroit, Michigan. In the morning hours of July 5, 2020, police officers were in the process of detaining another individual. Littleton was approached by the officers, pulled out what appeared to be a firearm and shot at one of the officers.[71] An officer tackled him as more shots were fired, and officers responded by shooting Littleton. The incident sparked protests in Detroit which lasted several days, with many protesters disputing the officer's accounts and the body camera footage. Eight individuals were arrested at these protests.[72]

Colorado Springs protest, August 4, 2020[edit]​

In Colorado Springs, a mixture of armed and unarmed Black Lives Matter protesters gathered to mark the one year anniversary of the shooting of De'Von Bailey, protesting in the neighborhood of the officer who shot and killed him. After threats of an armed counterprotest, protesters showed up armed. The protest was largely peaceful, except for multiple cases of heated shouting matches between protesters and residents.[73] Later, on September 11, three people who attended the protest were arrested for various charges in a series of raids.[74]

Stone Mountain incident, August 15, 2020[edit]​

In Stone Mountain, armed Neo-Confederate demonstrators affiliated with the Three Percenters arrived to allegedly protect the Confederate monument, with their operation dubbed "Defend Stone Mountain". They were met with a larger group of anti-racist protesters, some armed, who began pushing them out of the town before the DeKalb County Police Department dispersed both parties.[75] Several minor injuries were reported.

Portland "Back the Blue" Rally, August 22, 2020[edit]​

The Downtown Portland "Back the Blue" Rally, organized by members of the Proud Boys and QAnon Movement, sparked violence between right-wing protesters and left-wing counter-protesters. Within an hour of meeting, both sides began pushing, punching, paint-balling, and macing each other. There was one incident in which a right-wing Proud Boys protester pointed a gun at left-wing protesters, with no shots fired.[76][77]

Kenosha unrest and shooting, August 23 and 25, 2020; 2020 American athlete strikes[edit]​

Main articles: Kenosha unrest, Kenosha unrest shooting, and 2020 American athlete strikes
A damaged building following riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin, August 28, 2020
The shooting of Jacob Blake on August 23 sparked protests in a number of American cities, mostly within Kenosha.[78] Two protesters were shot and killed in an incident during the protests.[79] Nationally, athletes from the NHL, NBA, WNBA, MLB, and MLS began going on strike in response to the police shooting of Jacob Blake.[80] On October 14, prosecutors announced that Kyle Rittenhouse, who was charged with killing the two protesters, would not face gun charges in Illinois.[81]

Minneapolis false rumors riot, August 26–28, 2020[edit]​

Main article: Minneapolis false rumors riot
A riot occurred in downtown Minneapolis in reaction to false rumors about the suicide of Eddie Sole Jr., a 38-year-old African American man; demonstrators believed he had been shot by police officers.[82] Surveillance video showed that Sole Jr. shot himself in the head during a manhunt for a homicide suspect in which he was the person of interest.[83] Controversially, the police released the CCTV camera footage of the suicide in attempts to stop the unrest.[84] Overnight vandalism and looting of stores from August 26 to 27 reached a total of 76 property locations in Minneapolis–Saint Paul, including four businesses that were set on fire.[85] State and local officials arrested a total of 132 people during the unrest.[86]

Portland Trump Caravan, August 29, 2020[edit]​

Main article: Killings of Aaron Danielson and Michael Reinoehl
On August 29, a large group of pro-Trump counterprotesters, arrived in downtown Portland by a vehicle convoy. They were met with opposition from the protesters, resulting in multiple instances of physical clashes.[87] 1 counterprotester was shot and killed in an incident during the protest.[88]

Dijon Kizzee protests, August 31, 2020[edit]​

Main article: Killing of Dijon Kizzee
Dijon Kizzee, an armed cyclist, was shot and killed in the unincorporated Los Angeles neighborhood of Westmont on August 31 by deputies of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. For days, protesters gathered outside the heavily guarded South Los Angeles sheriff's station in tense but peaceful demonstrations. By September 6, those demonstrations escalated to clashes, with deputies firing projectiles and tear gas at the crowds and arresting 35 people over four nights of unrest.[89][90]

Daniel Prude protests, September 2, 2020[edit]​

Main article: Killing of Daniel Prude
On March 22, Daniel Prude was killed by Rochester, New York police officers in what was found by the county medical examiner to be a homicide caused through "complications of asphyxia in the setting of physical restraint".[91][92] On September 2, the release of a police body camera video and written reports surrounding his death provoked protests in Rochester.

Deon Kay protests, September 2, 2020[edit]​

On September 2, Deon Kay, an 18-year-old man, was shot and killed by a police officer in Washington, D.C. Later that day, protesters started gathering outside of the Seventh District Metropolitan Police Department building.[93]

Ricardo Munoz protests, September 13, 2020[edit]​

On September 13, Protests erupted in Lancaster, Pennsylvania after a police officer shot and killed Ricardo Munoz who allegedly ran at them with a knife. Police later deployed tear gas on a crowd of protesters, saying demonstrators had damaged buildings and government vehicles and thrown bottles.[94]

Deja Stallings protests, October 1, 2020[edit]​

On September 30, Police arrested 25-year-old Deja Stallings at gas station and convenience store in Kansas City, Missouri, in relation to an alleged 15–20 individuals fighting on the business's property. Video footage showed an officer kneeling on the back of Stallings, who is nine months pregnant. In response to the video, demonstrators began protesting outside city hall demanding the resignation of Kansas City Police Department Chief Richard Smith and for the city to redirect 50% of the police department's budget to social services.[95]

Jonathan Price protests, October 5, 2020[edit]​

On October 5, 31-year old Jonathan Price was killed by a police officer in Wolfe City, Texas, after allegedly trying to break off a fight.[96][97] Protests broke out in major cities to which New York City and Los Angeles faced property damage after night of vandalism.[98][99] Shaun David Lucas, a police officer who shot Price, was arrested and charged with murder.[100]

Alvin Cole protests, October 7, 2020[edit]​

Main article: Killing of Alvin Cole
On the afternoon of October 7, the district attorney in Milwaukee County decided to not press charges in relation to the fatal shooting of Alvin Cole, 17 in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, back in February.[101] Protests subsequently occurred since October 7, leading to the arrest of 24 protesters on October 8[102] and 28 protesters on October 9.[103]

Marcellis Stinnette protests, October 22, 2020[edit]​

Main article: Killing of Marcellis Stinnette
On October 22, 19-year old Marcellis Stinnette was shot and killed by an officer in Waukegan, Illinois. His girlfriend, 20-year old Tafarra Williams, was also wounded, but is expected to survive.[104] Protests occurred in Waukegan on October 22. The family of Jacob Blake, who was shot 16 miles north of Waukegan in Kenosha, Wisconsin, were also in attendance.[105]

Walter Wallace Jr. protests, October 26, 2020[edit]​

Main article: Killing of Walter Wallace
On October 26 Walter Wallace Jr. was killed by Philadelphia police officers while holding a knife and ignoring orders to drop it. A march for Wallace occurred in West Philadelphia, while other areas of the city reported looting and vandalism.[106] Police also said 30 officers were injured, many struck by bricks and other debris and that 91 protesters were arrested.[107]

Kevin Peterson Jr. protests, October 30, 2020[edit]​

On October 29, Kevin Peterson Jr. was shot and killed by three Clark County sheriff's deputies in Hazel Dell, Washington, near Vancouver.[108] Hundreds gathered in Hazel Dell for a vigil the following evening with protesters carrying signs saying "Honk for Black lives. White silence is violence" and "Scream his name," and confronting right-wing counter-protesters. That night, hundreds of protesters marched through Downtown Vancouver, resulting in property damage and a confrontation with federal agents. At least one person was arrested after the protest was declared an unlawful assembly and a dispersal order was issued by police.[109]

Protests against LA Mayor Eric Garcetti, November 23, 2020[edit]​

On November 23, protesters gathered outside Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti's home due to his refusal to further defund the LAPD. Protests increased when news was released regarding president-elect Joe Biden's consideration of adding Garcetti to his cabinet.[110]

Red House eviction defense protest, December 8, 2020[edit]​

Main article: Red House eviction defense
Perimeter barricades erected by protesters during the Red House eviction defense in Portland, Oregon, on December 8
On December 8, protesters in Portland gathered to blockade parts of the Humboldt Neighborhood in order to protect a family who had been evicted after living in said house for 65 years. Protesters blockaded the area similar to the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest.[111]

Casey Goodson protests, December 11, 2020[edit]​

On December 4, police were finishing an unsuccessful search for a fugitive in Columbus, Ohio, when Casey Goodson "drove by and waved a gun" at an officer. A witness heard the officer command Goodson to drop his gun, and when he did not comply, Goodson was shot five times outside his home. Police recovered a gun from the scene.[112]

Bennie Edwards protests, December 11, 2020[edit]​

On December 11, Bennie Edwards, a schizophrenic homeless man, was killed by Oklahoma City police while wielding a knife. Demonstrations were held later that evening.[113]

Andre Hill protests, December 24, 2020[edit]​

Main article: Killing of Andre Hill
On December 22, Andre Hill (also identified as Andre' Hill) was killed by a Columbus Police officer as he left a house where he was a guest. On Christmas Eve, protests were held in response to the shooting. The shooting was the second police killing in Columbus in the month, following the shooting of Casey Goodson.[114]

Dolal Idd protests, December 30, 2020–January 4, 2022[edit]​

Main article: Killing of Dolal Idd
On December 30, Dolal Idd, a 23-year old Somali-American man, was shot and killed by Minneapolis police officers during a felony traffic stop.[115] Idd's death was the first killing by a Minneapolis police since the murder of George Floyd on May 25.[116] Activists and family members of Dolal Idd rallied in Saint Paul on January 4, 2022, outside the official residence of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. At the event, they called for further investigation of the incident that led to Idd's death and the release of additional evidence in the case.[117]


Rochester protests, February 1, 2021[edit]​

About 200 protesters marched in Rochester, New York, on February 1 after a nine-year-old girl was handcuffed and pepper-sprayed by police.[118] Community outrage swelled following release of footage the previous day showing officers restraining and scolding a girl, who was screaming for her father. At one point, an officer is heard telling her to "stop acting like a child," to which she cried, "I am a child."[118] Protesters ripped away barricades protecting a Rochester police precinct as hundreds took to the streets in outrage.[119]

Manhattan protests, February 12, 2021[edit]​

A Black Lives Matter march through Midtown Manhattan became violent with clashes between protesters and authorities on February 12, leading to the arrest of 11 protesters. The authorities arrested 11 people around Times Square in which two officers and a news reporter were also injured. Protesters clashed with police at W. 54th Street and Sixth Avenue around 9 p.m.[120][121]

Trial of Derek Chauvin protests, March 7, 2021–June 25, 2021[edit]​

Main article: George Floyd protests in Minneapolis–Saint Paul § Chauvin trial
Further information: Trial of Derek Chauvin
Protestors march in Minneapolis on March 7, 2021.
Approximately a thousand protesters outside a downtown Minneapolis courthouse as Chauvin's trial commenced on March 8, 2021, to call for justice for Floyd and raise broader issues of racial injustice. Officials surrounded the facility with a concrete barrier, metal fencing, and barbed wire in anticipation of unrest. Protests and rallies planned for the George Floyd Square were halted for several days after a fatal shooting there on March 6, 2021.[122]

On March 28, 2021, the day before opening statements in the trial of Derek Chauvin, several rallies and protests were held in Minneapolis. Separately, protesters marched in downtown Minneapolis to demand justice for Floyd and rallied at the Hennepin County Government Center and City Hall, and some demonstrators parked cars on the Metro light-rail tracks, which closed train traffic for several hours. At 38th and Chicago Avenue, the street intersection where Floyd was murdered, a group of people held a training workshop at the square on how to avoid arrest and keep calm if detained by police.[123]

Atlanta shooting protests, March 16, 2021–2022[edit]​

Main article: Stop Asian Hate
On March 16, 2021, a series of mass shootings occurred at three spas in metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia. Eight people were killed, six of whom were Asian women. A suspect, 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long, was taken into custody later that day.[124] Several anti-Asian violence rallies have been held across the United States in 2021 in response to the recent rise of racism against Asian Americans. Several of the rallies are named "Stop Asian Hate".[125][126][127]

Daunte Wright protests, April 11, 2021–December 23, 2021; Sentencing protests, February 18, 2022[edit]​

Main article: Daunte Wright protests
Further information: Killing of Daunte Wright
Mourners gather near the site where Daunte Wright was killed, April 11, 2021.
On April 11, 2021, at 1:48 p.m., 20-year-old Daunte Wright was shot and killed during a traffic stop by Kim Potter, an officer with the police department of Brooklyn Center, a suburb of Minneapolis. His girlfriend, a passenger in his car, was also injured. An initially peaceful demonstration at the scene of the shooting turned violent following a strengthened police presence, and looting was reported.[128][129][130] On April 13, 2021, Potter resigned, as well as Brooklyn Center police chief Tim Gannon, who said that Potter accidentally fired her gun.[131] The next day, Potter was charged with second-degree manslaughter.[132]

Adam Toledo protests, April 15–16, 2021[edit]​

Main article: Killing of Adam Toledo
On March 29, 2021, at 2:38 a.m., a 13-year-old Mexican American boy, Adam Toledo, was shot and killed by Eric Stillman, a Chicago Police Department officer, in the Little Village neighborhood on the West Side of Chicago. After the incident, the Chicago Police Department stated Toledo had been killed after an "armed confrontation" with police.[133] Several days later, Cook County prosecutor James Murphy alleged in court that Adam was holding a gun the instant when Stillman shot him.[134][135][136] When Stillman's body cam footage was released on April 15, 2021, Toledo could be seen raising his hands unarmed immediately prior to being killed.[137][138] The release of the footage sparked protests in Chicago and around the country.[139][140]

Ma'Khia Bryant protests, April 20–22, 2021[edit]​

Main article: Killing of Ma'Khia Bryant
On April 20, 2021, Ma'Khia Bryant, a 16-year-old African-American girl, was fatally shot by Columbus police officer Nicholas Reardon in Columbus, Ohio.[141] Bryant was transported to Mount Carmel East hospital, where she was pronounced dead.[142] The killing sparked protests in Columbus and around Ohio.[143][144] A few dozen protesters would hold a sit-in protest outside the Colorado state capitol starting on the evening of April 23 and ending on the afternoon of April 24.[145]

Andrew Brown Jr. protests, April 24, 2021–May 2, 2021[edit]​

Main article: Killing of Andrew Brown Jr.
On April 21, 2021, 42-year-old Andrew Brown Jr. was fatally shot in the back of the head by police as he drove away. Protesters gathered in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, where the shooting occurred, demanding for body camera footage to be released.[146]

David McAtee protests, May 26, 2021–June 5, 2021[edit]​

On June 1, 2020, business owner David McAtee was shot and killed by two Louisville Metro Police Department officers and by two Kentucky Army National Guard soldiers.[147] In May 2021, the state of Kentucky announced that there will not be chargers file against the officers and soldiers involved in the shooting. Shortly after the announcement was made people in Kentucky began to protest. Several demonstrators were arrested including the brother of David McAtee. The brother of David McAtee was charged with unlawful assembly and obstructing the highway.[148]

Tulsa Race Massacre Anniversary protests, May 31, 2021[edit]​

Main article: Tulsa race massacre
Hundreds of African-American gun owners from around the US marched in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to remember those murdered in the massacre on the eve of its 100th anniversary. The Elmer Geronimo Pratt Gun Club of Austin, Texas, and New Black Panther Party organized the event. Slogans of "Black Power" and "Black Lives Matter" were heard during the rally.[149]

Winston Boogie Smith protests and Uptown Minneapolis unrest, June 3, 2021–November 3, 2021; vehicle-ramming attack June 13, 2021[edit]​

Main article: 2021 Uptown Minneapolis unrest
Further information: Killing of Winston Boogie Smith and Killing of Deona Marie Knajdek
Police clearing makeshift barricades during protests in Minneapolis on June 15, 2021
Winston Boogie Smith, a 32-year old black man, was shot and killed by law enforcement authorities on June 3, 2021, as they attempted to apprehend him at a parking ramp in the Uptown neighborhood of Minneapolis. Protests following the killing began on June 3 and continued for several days, primarily in Uptown.[150][151][152] Soon after the shooting, Smith's family demanded greater law enforcement transparency and the release of any surveillance footage that might have captured the incident.[153] Civil rights activists and Smith's friends and family disputed the law enforcement accounts of the incident. Local organization Communities United Against Police Brutality held a press conference near the shooting site on June 4 to call for officials to release video footage and other details of the shooting.[154][155] Family and friends of Smith held a peaceful vigil the evening of June 4 at the parking ramp where he was killed, and participated in a protest march on June 6.[156][150] Activist Nekima Levy Armstrong led a protest on June 8 outside the home of Minnesota's U.S. Marshal, Ramona Dohman, calling for her resignation. Armstrong alleged that Dohman, a Trump administration appointee, had a conflict of interest due to a past working relationship with the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.[157] On June 13, a demonstrator was killed and three others were injured when a vehicle rammed into a protest at the intersection of Lake Street and Girard Avenue.[158]

On June 13, 2021, a man drove a car into a crowd of demonstrators who had gathered as a part of the ongoing Winston Boogie Smith protests, killing Deona Marie Knajdek and injuring three others. That evening, demonstrators had blocked the intersection of West Lake Street and Girard Avenue.[159][160] At approximately 11:39 p.m. CDT, a man in a Jeep Cherokee drove into the crowd at a high speed, striking a parked vehicle that had been used to block off the intersection to traffic, which then collided with protesters.[160][161][162] On June 16, 2021, the driver was charged with second-degree intentional murder and two counts of assault with a deadly weapon in relation to the crash, after allegedly telling investigators that he had accelerated towards the crowd in an attempt to clear the barricades that were protecting protesters.[163]

Kyle Rittenhouse protests, November 1, 2021–November 19, 2021[edit]​

Several protests took place outside the Kenosha County Courthouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin during the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse between November 1, 2021, and November 19, 2021. Following Rittenhouse's acquittal on November 19, rioting broke out in Portland, Oregon. Large protests also occurred in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Minneapolis.[164]


Jason Walker protests, January 10–20, 2022[edit]​

On January 8, 2022, Jason Walker was shot and killed by an off-duty police lieutenant in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Police claim Walker jumped on the lieutenant's truck. Walker was unarmed during the incident. Protests were held after the shooting and on Martin Luther King Jr. Day.[165][166]

Civil rights trial of Kueng, Lane, and Thao protests, January 24, 2022–August 15, 2022[edit]​

Counter-protest security measures at the Warren E. Burger Federal Building, January 23, 2022
In early 2022, local officials prepared counter-protest measures for potential unrest ahead of the scheduled January 20 start of the federal civil rights trial of J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane, and Tou Thao—Minneapolis police officers who were at the scene of George Floyd's murder on May 25, 2020. Officials erected security fencing around the Warren E. Burger Federal Building in Saint Paul, Minnesota, that contained the courtroom for the trial.[167][168][169] Ahead of the trial, protesters said they were concerned about the trial's potential outcome and were prepared to demonstrate.[170]

Protest demonstrations were held in the streets surrounding the courtroom building during the trial.[171][172]

Amir Locke Protests, February 2, 2022–April 8, 2022[edit]​

Civil rights activists speak about the killing of Amir Locke, February 2, 2022
Main article: Killing of Amir Locke
On February 2, Amir Locke was shot and killed by a police officer in Minneapolis. As a result of Locke's death, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey announced a moratorium on no-knock warrants.[173] A group of advocates held a vigil on the evening of February 2 outside the downtown apartment building where the law enforcement killing took place.[174] On February 5, hundreds of people in Minneapolis protested Locke's death.[175]

Patrick Lyoya Protests, April 4, 2022–June 10, 2022[edit]​

Main article: Killing of Patrick Lyoya
On April 4, Patrick Lyoya was fatally shot in the back of the head by a police officer in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Protestors gathered outside the Grand Rapids Police Department demanding the name of the officer involved be released.[176]

Jayland Walker protests, June 27, 2022–July 17, 2022[edit]​

Main article: Killing of Jayland Walker § Reactions
On June 27, 2022, at approximately 12:30 a.m., Akron, Ohio, police officers killed Jayland Walker, a 25-year-old American black man from Akron. Following a traffic stop and car chase, officers pursued on foot and fired more than 90 times at Walker.[177] The day of the shooting, protesters gathered outside the police department in downtown Akron. Standoffs with police occurred. Barricades were installed around the police department on July 2. Protests occurred for more than three days straight.[178] Akron officials announced that July 4 celebrations would be cancelled due to the shooting.[179] Akron mayor Dan Horrigan declared a state of emergency and issued a curfew for the downtown Akron area in response to property destruction during night-time protests.[180] The curfew was lifted on July 17, 2022.[181]

Andrew Tekle Sundberg protests, July 2022[edit]​

Further information: 2020–2023 Minneapolis–Saint Paul racial unrest § Andrew Tekle Sundberg protests, July 14 & 16
Andrew Tekle Sundberg, a 20-year-old Ethiopian-American man, was shot and killed by Minneapolis police officers on July 14. At 9:30 p.m. on July 13 at an apartment building on the 900 block of 21st Avenue in the Seward neighborhood, Minneapolis police responded to reports of gunshots being fired from one apartment unit into another. Police that arrived at the scene observed more shots being fired through interior walls and evacuated the apartment building. A six-hour standoff ensued with Sundberg, the alleged assailant, who, according to police, also fired at officers.[182] At about 4:30 a.m. on July 14, two police offer snipers fired their rifles, fatally wounding Sundberg. The shooting is under investigation.[183][184]

Family of Sundberg and activists held a vigil near the apartment building the evening of July 14.[183] Another rally was held near the apartment building on July 16. Family members, who retained civil rights attorneys Benjamin Crump and Jeff Storms, questioned why Sundberg was shot by police and sought release of police body camera footage.[185] A woman whose apartment was shot up confronted Sundberg's family and activists during the July 16 demonstration.[186]

Sundberg's killing led to further mistrust between police and community activists who questioned why police used deadly tactics to end the standoff.[187] Public outrage gave way to protests in Minneapolis, but demonstrations were dwindling in size compared to the period after Floyd's murder.[188]


Boston police brutality protest, January 16, 2023[edit]​

Sayed Faisal, a 20-year old student at the University of Massachusetts Boston, was confronted by police on January 4, 2023, while holding a kukri to his neck, and as Faisal allegedly moved towards officers with the kukri, an officer fatally shot him.[189] On January 16, 2023, the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday, about 75 protesters marched between Boston and Cambridge. The protest began near the home of Terrence Coleman, who was killed by police in 2016. Protesters chanted the names of several Black men who had been killed by police and held a moment of silence for Faisal.[190][191]

Manuel Terán protests, January 20–22, 2023; Atlanta riot, January 21, 2023[edit]​

Further information: Killing of Manuel Esteban Paez Terán and Stop Cop City
Protests were held in several U.S. cities in reaction to the killing of Manuel Terán, a Venezuelan-born person,[192] who was fatally shot by a Georgia State Patrol officer on January 18, 2023, while protesting the construction of a police training facility in Atlanta, Georgia.[193] Notable protests and vigils were held in Atlanta, Bridgeport, Minneapolis, Nashville, Philadelphia, and Tucson from January 20–22, 2023.[193] Protests in Atlanta on January 21, 2023, briefly turned violent as some demonstrators threw objects, set police car on fire, and smashed windows of bank buildings with hammers.[194] The Atlanta riot had broad participation from people across the United States. Six people—most of whom were White and from outside of the U.S. state of Georgia[195]—were arrested and charged criminally for actions during the January 21 riot.[196][197]

Tyre Nichols protests, January 27, 2023–February 1, 2023[edit]​

Further information: Killing of Tyre Nichols and Tyre Nichols protests
A protester in Columbus, Ohio
Several major cities in the United States prepared for potential unrest ahead of the scheduled January 27, 2023, official release of video that captured the arrest and police beating of Tyre Nichols in Memphis, Tennessee, on January 7, 2023. Nichols died three days later, and five black officers from the Memphis Police Department have been charged with murder.[198] President Joe Biden joined Nichols' family in calling for peaceful protests.[199] Several protests at police department facilities in the United States were planned ahead of the video's release. State and local governments have prepared security measures, such as the Georgia National Guard, which was mobilized proactively.[200]

Jordan Neely protests, May 3–12, 2023​

how many terrorist acts were perpetrated by the Democrat party's BLM? How long did they last?

4 years is accurate

And in that time, how many times did President Trump order the National Guard by his authority under law (1807 Insurrection Act) to quell the civil disturbances?

I'll answer that for you. ZERO.
I am just pointing out that you, as a democrat, still have a heart of hate, and a mind of bigotry, that needs to always use derogatory slurs, in the past it was the "n" word. Today it is not the "m" word. The word is the different, but the hate of the democrats is as strong and irrational as when the democrats were the KKK
Dude. Are you seriously talking about hate from Dems?

We’ve READ your hatefilled posts
And in that time, how many times did President Trump order the National Guard by his authority under law (1807 Insurrection Act) to quell the civil disturbances?

I'll answer that for you. ZERO.
Oh, zero? Outside of martial law, does the Federal Government have the power to infringe on States Rights?

How many times did Trump offer the National Guard, to the governor of the states where the rioting was and how ofter did the governors say no.

I will answer that for you, every time!

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