How many democrats/lefties believe the huge lie that there’s gonna be another “January 6?” if Trump doesn’t win in 2024.

I think the persecution of the J6 protesters will have the desired effect of suppressing future protests. It's unreal how America has become a police state under Biden.
Yes, you do.

My hate? You know nothing of my hate. I don't use that word, period. You make assumptions you have no business making. It makes you appear rather stupid.

I tell you exactly why you are magaturds, down to the short and curlies, and why I will oppose the magaturd agenda at all costs. It hurts the magaturd's delicate sensibilities, I know. I give no fucks. :dunno: So stop trying to make your personal grievances my problem before I have to make it yours.
There is no more hate than the hate generated by people like you.
I think the persecution of the J6 protesters will have the desired effect of suppressing future protests. It's unreal how America has become a police state under Biden.

I'd tend to disagree on the first part. My take is, if there's another J6 it won't be because of Trump. More than half of America is completely fed up with the leftards, and wants them gone yesterday. The idea that lifelong racist Biden could get more black votes than Obama is ludicrous.
Everything is relative. There is no GOOD, if there is no EVIL to compare it to.
There is no Heaven if there is no Hell.
Everything is a comparison.
Only when things are otherwise nearly identical so as to make the comparison valid. For one example, TRUMP! didn't have to deal with an emboldened Putin striking a neighbor and Quid Pro didn't have to deal with a previously unknown disease that was sweeping the world. "But, but, but TRUMP!" is just an attempt to deflect attention.
I'm not a Democrat, nor a "lefty", but I seriously doubt the next election will succeed. Regardless of which side loses, we'll have far worse than Jan 6th.
Firstly, because the January 6 protesters shot nobody…. practically every American knows the difference between January 6 compared to the hundreds of different Black Lives Matter riots in 2020.

The Black Lives Matter rioters kill 25 people causing billions of dollars of damage setting government buildings on fire, including burning down a police station. Trump supporters never did anything like that not even close to it.

What percentage of democrats believe this type of propaganda that there’s going to be another “January 6” if trumps not elected in 2024? ….I’d say it’s under 10%.

Many of us lack confidence in the elections and I don’t think most Democrats buy into the racist propaganda we see on CNN and MSNBC and from practically every Democrat in Congress and the Senate.

The sincere question is what type of drugs do far left Democrats use to get to the type of insane points that they get to?

The more pertinent question is what will the hard left do if Trump DOES win in 2024?
They kept counting until all the votes had been counted.
Yes, and they kept counting and counting the right votes, the Biden ones, repeatedly until they got the results they wanted State by State, one by one, flip to Joe, the most corrupt President in US history put in power by the most corrupt party in US history, yours
You seem angry. I simply said that I don’t believe the election was stolen. Because it wasn’t.

Angry people see anger everywhere, like you angry guy. Take a pill and relax, gay boy. You obviously have no idea how I feel even if your dream is to be a chick, girlfriend
Yes, and they kept counting and counting the right votes, the Biden ones, repeatedly until they got the results they wanted State by State, one by one, flip to Joe, the most corrupt President in US history put in power by the most corrupt party in US history, yours
Have you got any credible proof of this beyond the baseless crap that Trump's attorneys kept getting laughed out of court over?
Give an example of a Trump quote where he supported insurrection. Oh, wait, you're lying, he didn't. This post won't get a response from you with an actual Trump quote because there isn't one.

It's the chance you take when you lie, that you'll be nailed for it.

This won't be responded to by you with an actual Trump quote, oops, sucks to be you ...

Funny, huh, Donald H , I directly challenged you to show any Trump quote supporting violence on January 6 and said you were too brainless to back up what you claimed and too dickless to man up and admit it, and I was right!!! I mean who saw that coming!
Georgia was only one of the States Democrats stole
It's convenient for me to believe that America's election was stolen. Thus America has fallen to 3rd. world status on democratic freedoms.

You should stay the extremist course and steal another one.

And you should resort to vigilante justice to right all the wrongs!

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