How many democrats/lefties believe the huge lie that there’s gonna be another “January 6?” if Trump doesn’t win in 2024.

We all know what would happen if he wins.

And probably if DeSantis wins as well.

The Floyd riots were partially rage about Trump as well.
They would murder DeSantis

The DNC has been emboldened with virtually zero push back from the GOP after what they did to Trump.
They would murder DeSantis

The DNC has been emboldened with virtually zero push back from the GOP after what they did to Trump.

I don't think they have the stones for that.

However keeping up the hysteria will eventually lead to some nutter getting lucky and penetrating whatever security is around Trump or DeSantis.
They would murder DeSantis

The DNC has been emboldened with virtually zero push back from the GOP after what they did to Trump.
You people have lost your minds.

We never needed the national guard to defend the Capitol during the counting of electoral votes until 2020.

But here comes 2020 and Republicans want to have hearings about how it was the height of incompetence not to have 20,000 armed military personnel surrounding the Capitol.
Statistically, that every close race flipped overnight from Republican to Democrat where Democrats got barely enough in each state without fraud is astronomical and clearly didn't happen. You stole the election, nothing else is mathematically possible
This has been explained ad naseum ever since November 2020.
Trump was warned about the "red mirage" by his own team....don't get excited by the appearance of an early lead because that only reflects the real time, in person voting tallies up to that point. Then throughout the night as all the absentee ballots are counted (most of which will favor Democrats) expect that early lead to narrow, if not vanish.
But little golf boy didn't want to hear that.
He told his team "bullshit! If I am ahead it the count when the last polls close in the west I'm declaring victory!"
So he did.
And that is how this myth of the stolen election got started.
Well actually Trump began setting the stage for this BIG LIE back in the summer of 2020 when he refused to say whether he would concede to the winner if he lost.
He started the lie then when he began claiming that the only way he could lose was if "cheating" was involved.
And you Trumptards swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.
Look at you.
You are STILL making fools out of yourself constantly recycling your "stolen election" conspiracy crap LONG after it has become common knowlege among normal people that that is a complete fabrication.
Basically all you are is a cult of sore losers.
And your cult god Trump is laughing at you suckers all the way to the bank as your continued donations go CH-CHING right into his bank account.
The ONLY thing this shifty grifter has with common people like you is that he needs your money....and you are happy to give it to him.
Other than that he finds you people (his supporters) disgusting.
He'd NEVER hang around with any of you.
The vast majority did protest peacefully.

But now you lump them all into one group and treasonous and all racist, etc..
The vast majority aren’t the problem. The people who broke into the building and/or attacked police officers are the problem.

That includes your precious Darwin Award winning Ashlii Babbitt.

Compare that to the Black police officer that shot the white woman at the Capital. She was not even armed and the media instantly declared the police officer a hero with NO investigations. The media did not even put his name out there so as to protect him and his family and never implied racism had anything to do with it.
The man is clearly a hero. He protected our elected officials from a violent mob. The media didn’t put his name out there because they didn’t want you psychopaths trying to kill him.
The vast majority aren’t the problem. The people who broke into the building and/or attacked police officers are the problem.

That includes your precious Darwin Award winning Ashlii Babbitt.

The man is clearly a hero. He protected our elected officials from a violent mob. The media didn’t put his name out there because they didn’t want you psychopaths trying to kill him.
that didn't happen and tucker proved it with his video he released. too fking funny. All staged for boobs like you!
The vast majority aren’t the problem. The people who broke into the building and/or attacked police officers are the problem.

That includes your precious Darwin Award winning Ashlii Babbitt.

So out of 70 million Trump voters, a few hundred took things too far for a couple of hours in one city. NOTHING compared to the arson, assaults, and murders of the thousands of BLM savages over the course of a few months, and in hundreds of cities.
The election wasn’t flipped. Trump never won the 6 states you’re talking about.

The same votes weren’t counted “over and over”. They couldn’t. There would be massive discrepancies in the registers that would have been picked up on canvassing.

LOL, clearly math isn't your strong suit. The odds every one of those States flipped from solid Trump to Biden by a nose is astronomical and didn't happen, Democrats stealing the election happened. But that's if you believe math, which I do
Did someone on the left make that prediction or is that wishful thinking, or made up by some Right Wing Social Warrior? The National Guard will not be caught off guard again.
This has been explained ad naseum ever since November 2020.
Trump was warned about the "red mirage" by his own team....don't get excited by the appearance of an early lead because that only reflects the real time, in person voting tallies up to that point. Then throughout the night as all the absentee ballots are counted (most of which will favor Democrats) expect that early lead to narrow, if not vanish.
But little golf boy didn't want to hear that.
He told his team "bullshit! If I am ahead it the count when the last polls close in the west I'm declaring victory!"
So he did.
And that is how this myth of the stolen election got started.
Well actually Trump began setting the stage for this BIG LIE back in the summer of 2020 when he refused to say whether he would concede to the winner if he lost.
He started the lie then when he began claiming that the only way he could lose was if "cheating" was involved.
And you Trumptards swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.
Look at you.
You are STILL making fools out of yourself constantly recycling your "stolen election" conspiracy crap LONG after it has become common knowlege among normal people that that is a complete fabrication.
Basically all you are is a cult of sore losers.
And your cult god Trump is laughing at you suckers all the way to the bank as your continued donations go CH-CHING right into his bank account.
The ONLY thing this shifty grifter has with common people like you is that he needs your money....and you are happy to give it to him.
Other than that he finds you people (his supporters) disgusting.
He'd NEVER hang around with any of you.

Actually, no one explained how Democrats defied the laws of mathematical probability when you stole the election. With all the shit Democrats make up, I would think you'd be better at it by now
LOL, before everything I tried to say and you went right to anger, now suddenly it is "not the topic," LOL. So why did you keep going on obsessing about anger then?
Neat. Anything to say about the topic now? Or do you need to vent some more?
Welcome to your world where any post is met with your bull shit that everyone is angry but you when the total reverse is true
Let me know when you're ready to stop whining about me and ready to address the topic.:popcorn:

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