How many democrats/lefties believe the huge lie that there’s gonna be another “January 6?” if Trump doesn’t win in 2024.

I think it was at least one thousand, but sure. THOSE ones deserve all the punishment coming to them.
What about the tens of thousands of violent BLM thugs who burned down buildings, set cars afire, destroyed property, assaulted people, looted stores, and even killed people.

Sure, some of them are in jail, but the majority are not, and they certainly weren’t prosecuted like the 1/6 participants were. They even but an elderly woman with cancer in jail, where months earlier Kamala Harris was raising money to bail out BLM thugs.

Two very different standards of justice, depending on whether or not you supported Trump.
What about the tens of thousands of violent BLM thugs who burned down buildings, set cars afire, destroyed property, assaulted people, looted stores, and even killed people.
Same. They deserve to be punished to the full extent of the law.

Anything else?
Nope. No WAY could a batch of a thousand ballots come in, with 999 for Biden and 1 for Trump. Statistically impossible.
That’s pretty impressive for someone to declare when they clearly don’t understand anything about statistics.
LOL, clearly math isn't your strong suit. The odds every one of those States flipped from solid Trump to Biden by a nose is astronomical and didn't happen, Democrats stealing the election happened. But that's if you believe math, which I do
Probability has nothing to do with it. People aren’t random. You simply can’t calculate any such thing.

I will note that Biden won three states by less than 1%. Georgia, Wisconsin and Arizona. Two of those states Biden came from behind. One of them Biden was ahead early and was almost caught by Trump.

It simply didn’t happen the way you claim.
But they weren’t. Kamala wanted them bailed out and raised money to help them.

But non-violent Granda with cancer gets sent to jail.
Did Kamala ask for the "tens of thousands of violent BLM thugs who burned down buildings, set cars afire, destroyed property, assaulted people, looted stores, and even killed people" to be bailed out?

Link please.
Yes, it happened all over the place. Large batches of ballots that went 99% for Biden - that appeared after the halt. Guess CNN and MSNBC didn’t report that to their useful idiots.
I asked for a link.

Did that happen?

Link please.
First need to separate facts from hyperbole. Did you intentionally fail to back up your claim or was it an accident? Please provide a link backing up your claim this time.
What about the tens of thousands of violent BLM thugs who burned down buildings, set cars afire, destroyed property, assaulted people, looted stores, and even killed people.

Sure, some of them are in jail, but the majority are not, and they certainly weren’t prosecuted like the 1/6 participants were.

The Capitol Building is full of security cameras. Not so much for the streets of Kenosha Wi. If the rioters were stupid enough to record and post their crimes, I bet the PoPo would have had better luck figuring out who they were too.
I asked for a link.

First need to separate facts from hyperbole. Did you intentionally fail to back up your claim or was it an accident? Please provide a link backing up your claim this time.
There used to be lots of articles, but I use Google and they’ve censored all that information. Perhaps someone who has a search engine not censored by liberal social media can find some.
She specified that it was innocent protesters who were said to be illegally detained during protests not riots.
Yeah, and some criminals were bailed out as well.

Why was innocent 1/6 Grandma put in jail? Oh right….she was protesting against the Liberal Narrative.
There used to be lots of articles, but I use Google and they’ve censored all that information. Perhaps someone who has a search engine not censored by liberal social media can find some.
Oh. So there "used to be lots of articles". And now they're not there. And now you're unable to back up your claim. Gotcha.

Thank you.
Oh. So there "used to be lots of articles". And now they're not there. And now you're unable to back up your claim. Gotcha.

Thank you.
Yup. It’s well known how social media censors information that is negative for the Biden Regime. Google is one of the worst.
Firstly, because the January 6 protesters shot nobody…. practically every American knows the difference between January 6 compared to the hundreds of different Black Lives Matter riots in 2020.

The Black Lives Matter rioters kill 25 people causing billions of dollars of damage setting government buildings on fire, including burning down a police station. Trump supporters never did anything like that not even close to it.

What percentage of democrats believe this type of propaganda that there’s going to be another “January 6” if trumps not elected in 2024? ….I’d say it’s under 10%.

Many of us lack confidence in the elections and I don’t think most Democrats buy into the racist propaganda we see on CNN and MSNBC and from practically every Democrat in Congress and the Senate.

The sincere question is what type of drugs do far left Democrats use to get to the type of insane points that they get to?
So how is it you can't stay on topic in your own OP?

I say when Trump loses in November you guys should go for it.
Fewer MAGATS makes everyone's life better.
Yup. It’s well known how social media censors information that is negative for the Biden Regime. Google is one of the worst.
I know, right. I was going to post a link that says your claim is false, but it's not there anymore. They must have censored it. Oh well, you're just going to have to take my word now.

It's crazy, you know?
I know, right. I was going to post a link that says your claim is false, but it's not there anymore. They must have censored it. Oh well, you're just going to have to take my word now.

It's crazy, you know?
No, it’s the Democrats doing the censoring. Social media has been the worst, in collusion with the Democrats. You did hear that the SCOTUS ruled that a violation of the 1st Amendment, didn’t you?
If President Trump loses in 2024, there ain't gonna be no January 6 repeat.

Potential protestors do not want to go to jail -- in D.C.!!!

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