How many here believe Jesus rose from the dead after his crucifixion

How many here believe Jesus rose from the dead to eternal life

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 65.7%
  • No

    Votes: 23 34.3%

  • Total voters
I have doubts he died on the cross

Really? Why?

Most take days on the cross to die

Jesus was up their four hours

Medicine were use on him when laying him in the crypt/cave

Too many stories of him beyond the middle east after his death.

So when they stuck Jesus in the side with a spear and fluid came out of his side that obviously showed he was dead means nothing to you?

Fluid can build up before death

Sorry if you don't like it. You follow the story of faith
Most take days on the cross to die

Jesus was up their four hours

Medicine were use on him when laying him in the crypt/cave

Too many stories of him beyond the middle east after his death.
Are you familiar with the 'Passion'? I am not speaking of the movie, but of what they did to Christ before he was crucified.

By the time they put Him upon the cross, he was nearly dead. The spear and the cross were the final blows.

Of course. Even so, romans like the spectacle to last and it was really to short a time.

Few were allowed to take down loved ones and bury them, regardless of so call religious practices.

the items for Jesus burial were anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial common used at the time for healing at that time
The Romans liked order and obedience above all else. The Jews had Pilot convinced that Jesus would foment insurrection. A quick death to dispell the messiah myth was exactly what they wanted. His removal was a knife in the Jewish temples ribs. They wanted him discredited and the Romans took that away from them.

Regardless. The OP asked if I believed Christ rose from the dead and I do. That is good enough for me.

Pilate is an AD era figure, there is only one historical Christ from the early AD era, that being Theudas by the Jordan died 45ad who's apostles were the martyrs.
But that Christ isn't the 6bc crucified Galilean in the time of King Herod [4bc] and Lysanias (35bc), also not the same as the Passover hanged Yeshu son of Mary the Harlot sentenced around 85bc.

>>It came to pass, while Fadus was procurator of Judea, that a certain charlatan, whose name was Theudas, persuaded a great part of the people to take their effects with them, and follow him to the river Jordan; for he told them he was a prophet, and that he would, by his own command, divide the river, and afford them an easy passage over it. Many were deluded by his words. However, Fadus did not permit them to make any advantage of his wild attempt, but sent a troop of horsemen out against them. After falling upon them unexpectedly, they slew many of them, and took many of them alive. They also took Theudas alive, cut off his head, and carried it to Jerusalem.<<

Not the same

1)your NT says Theudas who died in 45ad died before Yehuda (6bc)
2)you ignored Josephus on Theudas
3)You have no list of all the historical christs of that period because only Theudas 45 ad was a Pilate era christ.
There is no Jew named Jesus a greek term meaning Swine(IeSous).
You are warned not to partake of swine.
legs were often broken, Jesus were not

I never even thought about some of the good comments that you are bringing up, like why He died in 4 hours.. And they touched His flesh after death...

Why did Jesus stay around for 40 days after He came back from the grave, instead of going immediately into heaven? This came up in our Bible class the other day and no one seemed to have an answer.

Another reason, however, why Jesus stayed on earth then was to teach His disciples, and prepare them for the task of telling the world about Christ.
But when Jesus appeared among them after the resurrection, their lives were changed. The greatest miracle in all history had just taken place: Jesus Christ was alive! During those 40 days, He appeared to various groups of disciples, proving beyond doubt to them that he had been raised from the dead by the power of God. Over two decades later, the Apostle Paul wrote that “he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living” (1 Corinthians 15:6).
After being crucified do you believe Jesus rose from the dead.

How many people have you seen rise from the dead? I've seen none. So to believe, and it is just believing, that it can happen, is kind of ridiculous.

As long as they have Christian hospitals, mortuaries & grave yards they will prove to be Epic fails on this subject of Resurrection.
As long as they teach life in the sky dying which is an opposing teaching to the Judaic resurrection ideology of "Returning" to life is more evidence of playing all fields to attract all cultures to their one world religion whereby they reap the benefit of the harvesting money seeds on their priests of bel scam.
I have doubts he died on the cross

Really? Why?

Most take days on the cross to die

Jesus was up their four hours

Medicine were use on him when laying him in the crypt/cave

Too many stories of him beyond the middle east after his death.

They broke the legs of Jesus, which made it impossible to support his body .. Which would kill someone much quicker, but much more painful.

Gentle disagreement. In concession to Jewish law, their intent was to break the legs to hasten his death so that the body could be taken down before the Sabbath began at sundown. But when they got to him, he was already dead as testified by the piercing of the sword. Thus the passage in Psalms believed to be prophecy was fulfilled.

"He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken" Psalm 34:20

"But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs: But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced His Side, and forthwith came there out blood and water. And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe. For these things were done, that The Scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken." John 19: 33-36

In deeper theology, this was important re symbolism of Jesus being the lamb of God as well as the sacrificial lamb. And in the ancient rules regarding the sacrificial lamb is that it must be unblemished, i.e. perfect, and its legs could not be broken.
Are you familiar with the 'Passion'? I am not speaking of the movie, but of what they did to Christ before he was crucified.

By the time they put Him upon the cross, he was nearly dead. The spear and the cross were the final blows.

Of course. Even so, romans like the spectacle to last and it was really to short a time.

Few were allowed to take down loved ones and bury them, regardless of so call religious practices.

the items for Jesus burial were anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial common used at the time for healing at that time
The Romans liked order and obedience above all else. The Jews had Pilot convinced that Jesus would foment insurrection. A quick death to dispell the messiah myth was exactly what they wanted. His removal was a knife in the Jewish temples ribs. They wanted him discredited and the Romans took that away from them.

Regardless. The OP asked if I believed Christ rose from the dead and I do. That is good enough for me.

Pilate is an AD era figure, there is only one historical Christ from the early AD era, that being Theudas by the Jordan died 45ad who's apostles were the martyrs.
But that Christ isn't the 6bc crucified Galilean in the time of King Herod [4bc] and Lysanias (35bc), also not the same as the Passover hanged Yeshu son of Mary the Harlot sentenced around 85bc.

>>It came to pass, while Fadus was procurator of Judea, that a certain charlatan, whose name was Theudas, persuaded a great part of the people to take their effects with them, and follow him to the river Jordan; for he told them he was a prophet, and that he would, by his own command, divide the river, and afford them an easy passage over it. Many were deluded by his words. However, Fadus did not permit them to make any advantage of his wild attempt, but sent a troop of horsemen out against them. After falling upon them unexpectedly, they slew many of them, and took many of them alive. They also took Theudas alive, cut off his head, and carried it to Jerusalem.<<

Not the same

1)your NT says Theudas who died in 45ad died before Yehuda (6bc)
2)you ignored Josephus on Theudas
3)You have no list of all the historical christs of that period because only Theudas 45 ad was a Pilate era christ.
There is no Jew named Jesus a greek term meaning Swine(IeSous).
You are warned not to partake of swine.

You were not paying attention. #57

If you don't want or don't like the conclusions and opinions of others, why do you even post?
I have doubts he died on the cross

Really? Why?

Most take days on the cross to die

Jesus was up their four hours

Medicine were use on him when laying him in the crypt/cave

Too many stories of him beyond the middle east after his death.

They broke the legs of Jesus, which made it impossible to support his body .. Which would kill someone much quicker, but much more painful.

Gentle disagreement. In concession to Jewish law, their intent was to break the legs to hasten his death so that the body could be taken down before the Sabbath began at sundown. But when they got to him, he was already dead as testified by the piercing of the sword. Thus the passage in Psalms believed to be prophecy was fulfilled.

"He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken" Psalm 34:20

"But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs: But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced His Side, and forthwith came there out blood and water. And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe. For these things were done, that The Scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken." John 19: 33-36

In deeper theology, this was important re symbolism of Jesus being the lamb of God as well as the sacrificial lamb. And in the ancient rules regarding the sacrificial lamb is that it must be unblemished, i.e. perfect, and its legs could not be broken.

Thank you

I might just delete that post, I was wrong. I never paid attention to how long it took to die..
I have doubts he died on the cross

Really? Why?

Most take days on the cross to die

Jesus was up their four hours

Medicine were use on him when laying him in the crypt/cave

Too many stories of him beyond the middle east after his death.

They broke the legs of Jesus, which made it impossible to support his body .. Which would kill someone much quicker, but much more painful.

Gentle disagreement. In concession to Jewish law, their intent was to break the legs to hasten his death so that the body could be taken down before the Sabbath began at sundown. But when they got to him, he was already dead as testified by the piercing of the sword. Thus the passage in Psalms believed to be prophecy was fulfilled.

"He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken" Psalm 34:20

"But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs: But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced His Side, and forthwith came there out blood and water. And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe. For these things were done, that The Scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken." John 19: 33-36

In deeper theology, this was important re symbolism of Jesus being the lamb of God as well as the sacrificial lamb. And in the ancient rules regarding the sacrificial lamb is that it must be unblemished, i.e. perfect, and its legs could not be broken.

Interesting, this last part --- because it furnishes ample reason why the whole description that precedes it could have been fabricated, specifically to fit said 'ancient rules'.
Passover didn't start at Sundown on Sabbat. The Friday Jesus died. The Last supper was the Passover Seder.
Passover began according to the various things I have read, it began at sundown Friday which is why the Romans had the order to break the mens thighs.
I prefer to seek plausible medical reasons for him to walk out three days later.
And that is why you cannot believe in something we think of as miraculous, though it is only a matter of knowing how God revived Him.

We can revive people who have been dead for hours, 3D print organs and revive people who h ave been in comas for years.

Why is the resurrection so hard to accept as plausible?
Amazing how many people become Dr's in discussion, yet never discuss how Jesus can sweat blood when it's only a trait of
Being that the church claimed a relic
the skull of Jesus (catheri relic labeled "Caput LVIII" ), only later to be realized a skull of a woman=Jesus has to be a woman who because of Turners syndrom appears like a man. Otherwise you wanna be Dr's need to admit the church is the father of all lies from stories to fake relics trying to help sell the story.

Shades of Pope Joan! :eek:
Omni magazine in 1988 or 1989 made that question a valid argument "was Jesus a woman?" The gnostic text of Judas showing a Bi Jesus I believe showed up later then the article, and would have furthered the argument.
Whereby the newly found texts show Lazarus and John and Mary were his lovers would then make sense, these are sexual identity traits of Woman with Turners Syndrom.
But which christ figure would this be if not fully fictional tales? BY DEDUCTION I want to rule out Yehuda the Galilean who Josephus mentions had 2 sons also crucified.
That leaves Theudas who has no mention of kids. Interestingly Jesus (Iesous) is a females name as the only time it pops up is a woman I think in 70 or 90 ad named Jesus.
I think he rose from the Dead...there is no Christianity without Him rising from the dead... :)

I don't know how he did it, or what ''it'' really is...especially having the shroud image on the burial cloth that wrapped him, if that all is true....?
But in all logical fairness, you have to remember the story of Satan offering this character popularity throughout the world.
The church story Either means he sold out to Satan,
the unrecognizable appearance was Satan making him popular through the resurrection scam or a charlatan, but realistically the church was the accuser and adversary (satan) towards the righteous Preisthood thus their creation of the reinacted Baal resurrection scene made the image of the man popular as stated in the story. Everyway you look at their own accts points towards deceptions including their own expectation that Rome would lift an image of a false prophet to deceive he world into a one world religion. That occured already in 70ad=Christianity.
Scripture about the time of these events, clearly show these events were to occur in that generation, even specifically mentioning that, like in: (I John 2:18, Rev 1:1,3,9,19, Rev 3:11,
Rev 22:6,7,10,12,Matthew 24:31-34?)
So the beast is not to come, John of Patmos said the anti anointed was already there in his day.
example: by combining Luke 21:24 & Romans 11:25 by history of that era, shows that Revelation 11:1-3 occurred in aprox 70ad.

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