How many here believe Jesus rose from the dead after his crucifixion

How many here believe Jesus rose from the dead to eternal life

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 65.7%
  • No

    Votes: 23 34.3%

  • Total voters
After being crucified do you believe Jesus rose from the dead.

How many people have you seen rise from the dead? I've seen none. So to believe, and it is just believing, that it can happen, is kind of ridiculous.

The eyewitness accounts of the disciples being spooked by Jesus after the crucifixion, popping in and out of locked rooms, eating fish, poking his wounds, etc. were eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams.

It was the Jewish belief that dreams are the medium through which God speaks to man. Seeing Jesus in dreams after he died would have convinced them that Jesus survived death and had been granted the reward of the righteous, eternal life in the realm of God.

It has been my experience that more than one person I have known personally came to me in dreams after they died and told me that they were not dead.

I'm a believer.
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After being crucified do you believe Jesus rose from the dead.

How many people have you seen rise from the dead? I've seen none. So to believe, and it is just believing, that it can happen, is kind of ridiculous.

The eyewitness accounts of the disciples being spooked by Jesus after the crucifixion, popping in and out of locked rooms, eating fish, poking his wounds, etc. were eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams.

It was the Jewish belief that dreams are the medium through which God speaks to man. Seeing Jesus in dreams after he died would have convinced them that Jesus survived death and had been granted the reward of the righteous, eternal life in the realm of God.

It has been my experience that more than one person I have known personally came to me in dreams after they died specifically to tell me that they were not dead.

I'm a believer.

And eye witnesses don't like, make stuff up etc?

Also we don't even know if the "eye witness" was the person who wrote what is written. We don't know how much of it was edited, changed, etc.

Okay, so you've dreamed that people who died came into your head. I've dreamed I could float in air. Does that mean I can float in air?
After being crucified do you believe Jesus rose from the dead.

How many people have you seen rise from the dead? I've seen none. So to believe, and it is just believing, that it can happen, is kind of ridiculous.

The eyewitness accounts of the disciples being spooked by Jesus after the crucifixion, popping in and out of locked rooms, eating fish, poking his wounds, etc. were eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams.

It was the Jewish belief that dreams are the medium through which God speaks to man. Seeing Jesus in dreams after he died would have convinced them that Jesus survived death and had been granted the reward of the righteous, eternal life in the realm of God.

It has been my experience that more than one person I have known personally came to me in dreams after they died specifically to tell me that they were not dead.

I'm a believer.

So you are saying almost everyone's dead relative resurrected, because we all have dreams of them?
After being crucified do you believe Jesus rose from the dead.

How many people have you seen rise from the dead? I've seen none. So to believe, and it is just believing, that it can happen, is kind of ridiculous.

The eyewitness accounts of the disciples being spooked by Jesus after the crucifixion, popping in and out of locked rooms, eating fish, poking his wounds, etc. were eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams.

It was the Jewish belief that dreams are the medium through which God speaks to man. Seeing Jesus in dreams after he died would have convinced them that Jesus survived death and had been granted the reward of the righteous, eternal life in the realm of God.

It has been my experience that more than one person I have known personally came to me in dreams after they died specifically to tell me that they were not dead.

I'm a believer.

And eye witnesses don't like, make stuff up etc?

Also we don't even know if the "eye witness" was the person who wrote what is written. We don't know how much of it was edited, changed, etc.

Okay, so you've dreamed that people who died came into your head. I've dreamed I could float in air. Does that mean I can float in air?

Apparently there is place where you can because there is place where you did.
After being crucified do you believe Jesus rose from the dead.

How many people have you seen rise from the dead? I've seen none. So to believe, and it is just believing, that it can happen, is kind of ridiculous.

The eyewitness accounts of the disciples being spooked by Jesus after the crucifixion, popping in and out of locked rooms, eating fish, poking his wounds, etc. were eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams.

It was the Jewish belief that dreams are the medium through which God speaks to man. Seeing Jesus in dreams after he died would have convinced them that Jesus survived death and had been granted the reward of the righteous, eternal life in the realm of God.

It has been my experience that more than one person I have known personally came to me in dreams after they died specifically to tell me that they were not dead.

I'm a believer.

So you are saying almost everyone's dead relative resurrected, because we all have dreams of them?

Which dead relative appeared to you and what did they say?
After being crucified do you believe Jesus rose from the dead.

How many people have you seen rise from the dead? I've seen none. So to believe, and it is just believing, that it can happen, is kind of ridiculous.

The eyewitness accounts of the disciples being spooked by Jesus after the crucifixion, popping in and out of locked rooms, eating fish, poking his wounds, etc. were eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams.

It was the Jewish belief that dreams are the medium through which God speaks to man. Seeing Jesus in dreams after he died would have convinced them that Jesus survived death and had been granted the reward of the righteous, eternal life in the realm of God.

It has been my experience that more than one person I have known personally came to me in dreams after they died specifically to tell me that they were not dead.

I'm a believer.

And eye witnesses don't like, make stuff up etc?

Also we don't even know if the "eye witness" was the person who wrote what is written. We don't know how much of it was edited, changed, etc.

Okay, so you've dreamed that people who died came into your head. I've dreamed I could float in air. Does that mean I can float in air?

Apparently there is place where you can because there is place where you did.

Uh huh?
I have doubts he died on the cross

Really? Why?

Most take days on the cross to die

Jesus was up their four hours

Medicine were use on him when laying him in the crypt/cave

Too many stories of him beyond the middle east after his death.

So when they stuck Jesus in the side with a spear and fluid came out of his side that obviously showed he was dead means nothing to you?

Fluid can build up before death

Sorry if you don't like it. You follow the story of faith

Here is what is stupid, you are choosing to believe what you want from the story in the Bible and discarding what you don't like.

Why believe any of it at all?

I got news for ya, historically no one ever survives a crucifixion. No one. If they did, their executioners would face death themselves and they were very good at what they did.
After being crucified do you believe Jesus rose from the dead.

How many people have you seen rise from the dead? I've seen none. So to believe, and it is just believing, that it can happen, is kind of ridiculous.

The eyewitness accounts of the disciples being spooked by Jesus after the crucifixion, popping in and out of locked rooms, eating fish, poking his wounds, etc. were eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams.

It was the Jewish belief that dreams are the medium through which God speaks to man. Seeing Jesus in dreams after he died would have convinced them that Jesus survived death and had been granted the reward of the righteous, eternal life in the realm of God.

It has been my experience that more than one person I have known personally came to me in dreams after they died specifically to tell me that they were not dead.

I'm a believer.

So you are saying almost everyone's dead relative resurrected, because we all have dreams of them?

Which dead relative appeared to you and what did they say?

My Zada and it wasn't a lucid vision, just a dream.
I have doubts he died on the cross

Really? Why?

Most take days on the cross to die

Jesus was up their four hours

Medicine were use on him when laying him in the crypt/cave

Too many stories of him beyond the middle east after his death.

Did you read "The Jesus Scroll" by Donovan Joyce?

That was an eye-opener around 1972.

JOHN stated his christ figure was closer to 50, since Theudas lasted to 45 ad the AD era christ John is probably talking about
is revolter Theudas by the Jordan.
There is no other early AD Christ, but Baracopa later.
I believe he rose from a coma induced state that they assumed was death because they did not have the medical knowledge to understand the condition.
And he was strong enough to move that stone and walk out on his own. And, had no benefit of any routine medical benefits of today.

Wow. Just bravo.
Makes just as much sense as rising from the dead. I made the wild assumption that the story was factual to begin with.
I have doubts he died on the cross

Really? Why?

Most take days on the cross to die

Jesus was up their four hours

Medicine were use on him when laying him in the crypt/cave

Too many stories of him beyond the middle east after his death.

So when they stuck Jesus in the side with a spear and fluid came out of his side that obviously showed he was dead means nothing to you?
Depends on how long he was dead. Blood can not flow once coagulation occurs
I have doubts he died on the cross

Really? Why?

Most take days on the cross to die

Jesus was up their four hours

Medicine were use on him when laying him in the crypt/cave

Too many stories of him beyond the middle east after his death.

They broke the legs of Jesus, which made it impossible to support his body .. Which would kill someone much quicker, but much more painful.

Gentle disagreement. In concession to Jewish law, their intent was to break the legs to hasten his death so that the body could be taken down before the Sabbath began at sundown. But when they got to him, he was already dead as testified by the piercing of the sword. Thus the passage in Psalms believed to be prophecy was fulfilled.

"He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken" Psalm 34:20

"But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs: But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced His Side, and forthwith came there out blood and water. And he that saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe. For these things were done, that The Scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken." John 19: 33-36

In deeper theology, this was important re symbolism of Jesus being the lamb of God as well as the sacrificial lamb. And in the ancient rules regarding the sacrificial lamb is that it must be unblemished, i.e. perfect, and its legs could not be broken.

Interesting, this last part --- because it furnishes ample reason why the whole description that precedes it could have been fabricated, specifically to fit said 'ancient rules'.

Anything can be fabricated from the history of any of the Presidents or historical figures before the days of radio and television and video, and as history bears out, even what you hear on the radio or see on television or video can be fabricated. So, much of the lore and legend of George Washington, Davy Crockett, and Daniel Boone etc. we suspect or know to be more fiction than fact.

Unless we were there ourselves, the only basis we have to believe anything is via the eye witness accounts and/or informed opinion of those who were there or who personally examined the evidence.

There are those who teach now that the Holocaust was fabricated. The reason we believe it is because of all the eye witnesses to the horror, the people who knew those witnesses and who have recorded what they saw, what they experienced, reported what they were told at the time when there was no motive to distort it.

There are those who teach now that the moon landings were fabricated. The reason we believe it is because of all the eye witnesses and what they told to others.

There are those who teach now that 9/11 was fabricated.

Likewise there are those who desperately want to believe that the life and times of Jesus, the resurrection, all of it were fabricated. But there were many eye witnesses to the event and Paul of Tarsus was writing about them within 20 years of the crucifixion when there were still many eye witnesses to the events of the New Testament still around and long before any mythology had time to develop.

Those manuscripts, either in whole as some of the letters, or edited together as we find in the synoptic gospels, that are considered sufficiently authoritative to include in the New Testament are testimony of eye witnesses or those who knew eye witnesses of the events and teachings recorded.

There is still symbolic and metaphorical content in the New Testament, just as there is the Old Testament, and of course people who were writing it down as they saw it or recorded the testimony of others were not all witnesses to all the same events. And eye witnesses will remember various details differently--I can testify to that in my own work. So you have some disagreement in the manuscripts, and you will have accounts in one manuscript that were omitted in another. This in fact gives me more reason to believe--if the story was fabricated, there would not be so much difference in memory or detail.

They might remember various details differently, but all the writers of the New Testament were agreed on the core of the Gospel that is Jesus was crucified and his tomb could not contain him--he did appear to many people in the days following the crucifixion. He rose from the dead.

The basics are there, and I believe them to be reliable.
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Not true, even the icon and nt says self testimony is false.
Both Jesus and Paul are made of many historical characters. Jesus is also plagiarized of many cultures mythologies and the OT Bible stories and figures.
There can be witness to historical christs but you'll notice Paul and James seem to be at odds that each is teaching another christcthen they are and John of Patmos is teaching someone else as well while claiming Rome is teaching another figure.
Many of the apostles are combined as well with other eras figures hence all given new names.
After being crucified do you believe Jesus rose from the dead.

How many people have you seen rise from the dead? I've seen none. So to believe, and it is just believing, that it can happen, is kind of ridiculous.

The eyewitness accounts of the disciples being spooked by Jesus after the crucifixion, popping in and out of locked rooms, eating fish, poking his wounds, etc. were eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams.

It was the Jewish belief that dreams are the medium through which God speaks to man. Seeing Jesus in dreams after he died would have convinced them that Jesus survived death and had been granted the reward of the righteous, eternal life in the realm of God.

It has been my experience that more than one person I have known personally came to me in dreams after they died specifically to tell me that they were not dead.

I'm a believer.

So you are saying almost everyone's dead relative resurrected, because we all have dreams of them?

Which dead relative appeared to you and what did they say?

My Zada and it wasn't a lucid vision, just a dream.


Why would a dream have less meaning or significance?

Was your Zada righteous?

If God only communicates with people through dreams and visions, altered states of consciousness, how could the righteous worthy of place in the world to come, the incorporeal realm of God, communicate with the living in any other way?

Can you see how a dedicated first century Jew who wasn't sure whether his sacrilegious friend who liked to party with sinners and prostitutes was the Messiah like he claimed or just another poor slob that cracked up and went off the deep end would be convinced that Jesus was righteous and the teaching true after all because they saw and heard from him in a dream and communicated with them in this way as if he was completely unscathed by his torture and death?
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How many people have you seen rise from the dead? I've seen none. So to believe, and it is just believing, that it can happen, is kind of ridiculous.

The eyewitness accounts of the disciples being spooked by Jesus after the crucifixion, popping in and out of locked rooms, eating fish, poking his wounds, etc. were eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams.

It was the Jewish belief that dreams are the medium through which God speaks to man. Seeing Jesus in dreams after he died would have convinced them that Jesus survived death and had been granted the reward of the righteous, eternal life in the realm of God.

It has been my experience that more than one person I have known personally came to me in dreams after they died specifically to tell me that they were not dead.

I'm a believer.

So you are saying almost everyone's dead relative resurrected, because we all have dreams of them?

Which dead relative appeared to you and what did they say?

My Zada and it wasn't a lucid vision, just a dream.


Why would a dream have less meaning or significance?

Was your Zada righteous?

If God only communicates with people through dreams and visions, altered states of consciousness, how could the righteous worthy of place in the world to come, the incorporeal realm of God, communicate with the living in any other way?

Can you see how a dedicated first century Jew who wasn't sure whether his sacrilegious friend who liked to party with sinners and prostitutes was the Messiah like he claimed or just another poor slob that cracked up and went off the deep end would be convinced that Jesus was righteous and the teaching true after all because they saw and heard from him in a dream and communicated with them in this way after death?
I'm just a dumb farmer from Idaho. Would explain this in crayon so I could understand it.
My belief is that there was a Pharisee called Saul who systematically persecuted the followers of the great prophet, Jesus. He persecuted them because of Jesus' actual message of love, tolerance, sincerity and honesty. Having failed to eliminate the movement, he saw and opportunity when Jesus died. What better way to eliminate the movement than to co-opt it himself?

It was a brilliant move, coming up with a story of Jesus resurrection, as it placed the now "Paul", and not Jesus at the center of the new movement he created called Christianity.

Jesus warned of wolves in sheep's clothing. Despite this, precious few were able to recognize the wolf in question as he took over the movement so as to stamp it in his own image rather than that of Jesus.
I have doubts he died on the cross

Really? Why?

Most take days on the cross to die

Jesus was up their four hours

Medicine were use on him when laying him in the crypt/cave

Too many stories of him beyond the middle east after his death.

So when they stuck Jesus in the side with a spear and fluid came out of his side that obviously showed he was dead means nothing to you?

Fluid can build up before death

Sorry if you don't like it. You follow the story of faith

Here is what is stupid, you are choosing to believe what you want from the story in the Bible and discarding what you don't like.

Why believe any of it at all?

I got news for ya, historically no one ever survives a crucifixion. No one. If they did, their executioners would face death themselves and they were very good at what they did.

I personally don't but I understand some find a truth even if not absolutely factual.

Crucifixion was intended to be a slow torture and as far as abuse and stress to the body, people can survive worse.

Many stories of a living breathing Jesus years beyond the crucifixion and his death at close to hundred yrs of age. More years of his life and travels after his presumed death than his life before.

more people believe that jesus survived the cross than believe he died.

Methods of how he survived vary, but they believe he lived as a man well beyond the cross.

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