How many here believe Jesus rose from the dead after his crucifixion

How many here believe Jesus rose from the dead to eternal life

  • Yes

    Votes: 44 65.7%
  • No

    Votes: 23 34.3%

  • Total voters
After being crucified do you believe Jesus rose from the dead.

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani” - - “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.

whether Jesus's Spirit was freed is no more known today than for anyone else that has died.
How many people have you seen rise from the dead? I've seen none. So to believe, and it is just believing, that it can happen, is kind of ridiculous.

The eyewitness accounts of the disciples being spooked by Jesus after the crucifixion, popping in and out of locked rooms, eating fish, poking his wounds, etc. were eyewitness accounts of what was seen and heard in dreams.

It was the Jewish belief that dreams are the medium through which God speaks to man. Seeing Jesus in dreams after he died would have convinced them that Jesus survived death and had been granted the reward of the righteous, eternal life in the realm of God.

It has been my experience that more than one person I have known personally came to me in dreams after they died specifically to tell me that they were not dead.

I'm a believer.

So you are saying almost everyone's dead relative resurrected, because we all have dreams of them?

Which dead relative appeared to you and what did they say?

My Zada and it wasn't a lucid vision, just a dream.


Why would a dream have less meaning or significance?

Was your Zada righteous?

If God only communicates with people through dreams and visions, altered states of consciousness, how could the righteous worthy of place in the world to come, the incorporeal realm of God, communicate with the living in any other way?

Can you see how a dedicated first century Jew who wasn't sure whether his sacrilegious friend who liked to party with sinners and prostitutes was the Messiah like he claimed or just another poor slob that cracked up and went off the deep end would be convinced that Jesus was righteous and the teaching true after all because they saw and heard from him in a dream and communicated with them in this way as if he was completely unscathed by his torture and death?

My Zada through his mother's side had the Aaronic gene, but he was not a Rabbi.
His last name though is very significant and you'd laugh knowing the meaning and symbolic nature in addition to the historical reference. It's possible his family ancestors got the name in an important part of history that is Biblically recorded, but it also has the other 2 layers to it by symbolism to repeat history & spiritual emulation.
Ironically, I probably got to repeat what my ancestors were part in achieving, assuming that is how they got their last name.

This is the Zada I convey the story of his gruesome find of dead babies in the basement halls between a Seminary and Nunery in Philly.
The earliest Christians did not have church buildings. They typically met in homes. (The first actual church building to be found is at Dura Europos on the Euphrates, dating about 231.) They did not have public ceremonies that would introduce them to the public. They had no access to the mass media of their day. So how can we account for their steady and diverse expansion over the first three centuries?

The early churches were the people, not the buildings, and it still has that primary reference today in religious discussion.

After the Apostle Paul, we do not run across many "big names" as missionaries in the first few hundred years of Christian history. Instead the faith spread through a multitude of humble, ordinary believers whose names have been long forgotten.

I dont know about all that.
Polycarp - Wikipedia
Saint Blaise - Wikipedia
Cyril of Jerusalem - Wikipedia
Saint George - Wikipedia
Saints Nereus and Achilleus - Wikipedia
Saint Matthias - Wikipedia
Augustine of Canterbury - Wikipedia
Saint Boniface - Wikipedia
Pope Clement I - Wikipedia
Ignatius of Antioch - Wikipedia
Polycarp - Wikipedia
Papias of Hierapolis - Wikipedia
Justin Martyr - Wikipedia
Irenaeus - Wikipedia
Clement of Alexandria - Wikipedia
Origen - Wikipedia
Athanasius of Alexandria - Wikipedia

To the cities!
Early Christianity was primarily an urban faith, establishing itself in the city centers of the Roman Empire. Most of the people lived close together in crowded tenements. There were few secrets in such a setting. The faith spread as neighbors saw the lives of the believers close-up, on a daily basis.

Yes, and that was probably their most powerful validating evidence; how they lived their lives.

Some say today that if you want to spread the Gospel then live it, and only if necessary use words.

And what kind of lives did they lead? Justin Martyr, a noted early Christian theologian, wrote to Emperor Antoninus Pius and described the believers: "We formerly rejoiced in uncleanness of life, but now love only chastity; before we used the magic arts, but now dedicate ourselves to the true and unbegotten God; before we loved money and possessions more than anything, but now we share what we have and to everyone who is in need; before we hated one another and killed one another and would not eat with those of another race, but now since the manifestation of Christ, we have come to a common life and pray for our enemies and try to win over those who hate us without just cause."

The Romans were beginning to wish that they had more virtuous people by the 4th century as will we soon as well.
Hello, Christian adoption of the basilica

By extension the name was applied to Christian churches which adopted the same basic plan and it continues to be used as an architectural term to describe such buildings, which form the majority of church buildings in Western Christianity

Structural elements of a gothic basilica.
Variations: Where the roofs have a low slope, the gallery may have own windows or may be missing
The remains of a large subterranean Neopythagorean basilica dating from the 1st century AD were found near the Porta Maggiore in Rome in 1915. The ground-plan of Christian basilicas in the 4th century was similar to that of this Neopythagorean basilica, which had three naves and an apse.

In the 4th century, once the Imperial authorities had decriminalised Christianity with the 313 Edict of Milan, and with the activities of Constantine the Great and his mother Helena, Christians were prepared to build larger and more handsome edifices for worship than the furtive meeting-places (such as the Cenacle, cave-churches,house churches such as that of the Roman consuls John and Paul) they had been using. Architectural formulas for temples were unsuitable, for their pagan associations, and because pagan cult ceremonies and sacrifices occurred outdoors under the open sky in the sight of the gods, with the temple, housing the cult figures and the treasury, as a backdrop. The usable model at hand, when Constantine wanted to memorialise his imperial piety, was the familiar conventional architecture of the basilicas.[6]

Floor plan of a Christian church of basilical form, with the transept shaded. Either the western part of the nave or the choir may have a hall structure instead. The choir also may be aisleless
There were several variations of the basic plan of the secular basilica, always some kind of rectangular hall, but the one usually followed for churches had a central navewith one aisle at each side and an apse at one end opposite to the main door at the other end. In, and often also in front of, the apse was a raised platform, where the altar was placed, and from where the clergy officiated. In secular building this plan was more typically used for the smaller audience halls of the emperors, governors, and the very rich than for the great public basilicas functioning as law courts and other public purposes. Constantine built a basilica of this type in his palace complex at Trier, later very easily adopted for use as a church. It is a long rectangle two storeys high, with ranks of arch-headed windows one above the other, without aisles (there was no mercantile exchange in this imperial basilica) and, at the far end beyond a huge arch, the apse in which Constantine held state.

Comparison of profiles of churches[edit]

  • Basilical structure: The central nave extends to one or two storeys more than the lateral aisles, and it has upper windows.

  • Pseudobasilica (i. e. false basilica): The central nave extends to an additional storey, but it has no upper windows.

  • Stepped hall: The vaults of the central nave begin a bit higher than those of the lateral aisles, but there is no additional storey.

  • Hall church: All vaults are almost on the same level.

  • Aisleless church with wallsidepilasters, a barrel-vault and upper windows above lateral chapels
    Basilica - Wikipedia
You forgot the part about borrowing the contents of previous tenants. Mithraism was popular in Rome. The Mithraic cross with the sickly man on it predates Christianity. The Roman Church used old Mithraic temples with their altar and cross and used them as Bascilicas like the The Basilica of Saint Clement.
Turns out more than 25% of us may not actually believe in god

U.S. surveys in recent years have calculated atheists make up between 3 percent and 10 percent of the population. But the percentage may actually be much higher, because the stigma surrounding disbelief in God likely prevents people from honestly answering pollsters’ questions about their beliefs, according to a new report. Study concluded the true number of American atheists may be as high as 26 percent of the population.

There are profound social pressures to be — or at least appear — religious.”

There is social stigma surrounding atheism in the U.S., which may lead people to tell pollsters they believe in God even if they don’t. A January Pew asked respondents to rate different groups from 0 to 100. Atheists received a rating of 50, the second-lowest rating for a religious group, after Muslims. Why? What do we do for theists to be so negative towards us? I mean besides here. Other than here we are virtually silent.

“Given the centrality of religious belief to many societies, and the degree to which many equate religious belief with morality, there are profound social pressures to be ― or at least appear ― religious,” Bottom of Form
You forgot the part about borrowing the contents of previous tenants. Mithraism was popular in Rome. The Mithraic cross with the sickly man on it predates Christianity. The Roman Church used old Mithraic temples with their altar and cross and used them as Bascilicas like the The Basilica of Saint Clement.
Thank you for your explanation but is it not true that the first Christians began in Pompei?

The Sator Square (or Rotas Square) is a word square containing a five-word Latin palindrome:

In particular, this is a square 2D palindrome, which is when a square text admits four symmetries: identity, two diagonal reflections, and 180 degree rotation. As can be seen, the text may be read top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top, left-to-right, or right-to-left; and it may be rotated 180 degrees and still be read in all those ways.

The Sator Square.
The Sator Square is the earliest dateable 2D palindrome. It was found in the ruins of Pompeii, at Herculaneum, a city buried in the ash of Mount Vesuvius. It consists of a sentence written in Latin: "Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas." Its translation has been the subject of speculation with no clear consensus; see below for details.

Palindrome on the font at St Martin, Ludgate
Other 2D Palindrome examples may be found carved on stone tablets or pressed into clay before being fired.

Jérôme Carcopino published a critical study of the square and the interpretations known up to that point in "The Secret Christianity of the Magic Square", reprinted in "Etudes d'Histoire Chrétienne" (Albin Michel 1953).

F. Grosser interpreted the square as a sign of recognition used by the early Christians in order to recognize each other without showing themselves in the sight of all for fear of repression. Grosser read as follows: the letters of this square constitute an anagram, which, arranged in a cross, gives twice: Pater noster, to which is added twice the letters "A" and "O". The latter may represent the "Alpha and Omega" quoted in the apocalypse of St. John: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. In addition, TENET forms an image of the cross, as suggested by the shape of the T. The archaeologist Amedeo Maiuri deduced there the presence of a Christian community in Pompeii. Presumed anachronisms are put forward to oppose this theory: Christians of the first century would pray in Greek and the symbols of Tau, alpha and omega would be posterior to the destruction of Pompei in 79.

Anagram formed with the letters of the Square Sator, which corresponds to the first two words in Latin of the prayer of the first Christians: Pater Noster.

Carré Sator — Wikipédia
You forgot the part about borrowing the contents of previous tenants. Mithraism was popular in Rome. The Mithraic cross with the sickly man on it predates Christianity. The Roman Church used old Mithraic temples with their altar and cross and used them as Bascilicas like the The Basilica of Saint Clement.
Thank you for your explanation but is it not true that the first Christians began in Pompei?

The Sator Square (or Rotas Square) is a word square containing a five-word Latin palindrome:

In particular, this is a square 2D palindrome, which is when a square text admits four symmetries: identity, two diagonal reflections, and 180 degree rotation. As can be seen, the text may be read top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top, left-to-right, or right-to-left; and it may be rotated 180 degrees and still be read in all those ways.

The Sator Square.
The Sator Square is the earliest dateable 2D palindrome. It was found in the ruins of Pompeii, at Herculaneum, a city buried in the ash of Mount Vesuvius. It consists of a sentence written in Latin: "Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas." Its translation has been the subject of speculation with no clear consensus; see below for details.

Palindrome on the font at St Martin, Ludgate
Other 2D Palindrome examples may be found carved on stone tablets or pressed into clay before being fired.

Jérôme Carcopino published a critical study of the square and the interpretations known up to that point in "The Secret Christianity of the Magic Square", reprinted in "Etudes d'Histoire Chrétienne" (Albin Michel 1953).

F. Grosser interpreted the square as a sign of recognition used by the early Christians in order to recognize each other without showing themselves in the sight of all for fear of repression. Grosser read as follows: the letters of this square constitute an anagram, which, arranged in a cross, gives twice: Pater noster, to which is added twice the letters "A" and "O". The latter may represent the "Alpha and Omega" quoted in the apocalypse of St. John: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. In addition, TENET forms an image of the cross, as suggested by the shape of the T. The archaeologist Amedeo Maiuri deduced there the presence of a Christian community in Pompeii. Presumed anachronisms are put forward to oppose this theory: Christians of the first century would pray in Greek and the symbols of Tau, alpha and omega would be posterior to the destruction of Pompei in 79.

Anagram formed with the letters of the Square Sator, which corresponds to the first two words in Latin of the prayer of the first Christians: Pater Noster.

Carré Sator — Wikipédia

>>first building identifiable as a house-church Dura-Europos on the River Euphrates<< around 220 CE or so
>>>>quoted in the apocalypse of St. John: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

THIS too is plagiarized. It's from prexisting Zoroastrian sayings. The John Apochryphon admits that they "Borrowed much from Zoroastrianism"
The church nor Jesus ever explain the details into how one can be from beginning and end, but I have left that as an Easter Egg many a times. In fact I'm the only one in the history of mankind that has ever described how that is possible and why. Do the math.
King of the Zombies... Now where did the other hundreds that supposedly Rose with him go or was it the blind leading the blind as those crucified usually have their eyes pecked out of their heads and eaten by the birds of the field...
>>>>quoted in the apocalypse of St. John: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

THIS too is plagiarized. It's from prexisting Zoroastrian sayings. The John Apochryphon admits that they "Borrowed much from Zoroastrianism"
The church nor Jesus ever explain the details into how one can be from beginning and end, but I have left that as an Easter Egg many a times. In fact I'm the only one in the history of mankind that has ever described how that is possible and why. Do the math.

You were the first???

>>Little more was known of this text until 1945, when a cache of thirteen papyrus codices (bound books) that had been hidden away in the 4th century, was fortuitously discovered at Nag Hammadi in Egypt (CG II). The Apocryphon of John was among the texts, in three Coptic versions translated from the Greek. Two of the versions are very similar and represent one manuscript tradition; they incorporate a lengthy excerpt from a certain Book of Zoroaster appended to the Apocryphon (as chapters 15:29 – 19:8f) A shorter version of the Apocryphon found at Nag Hammadi does not contain the interpolation and represents another manuscript tradition. Still another version of this short edition of the text was discovered in an ancient Coptic Codex acquired by Dr. Carl Reinhardt in Cairo in 1896. This manuscript (identified as the "Berlin Gnostic Codex" or BG 8502) was used along with the three versions found at Nag Hammadi to produce the translations now available. The fact that four manuscript "editions" of this text survived — two "long" versions and two "short" versions — suggests how important this text was in early gnostic Christian circles. In the three Nag Hammadi codices the Apocryphon of John appears always in the first version.<<
I'd say the event is more spiritual and not so much a physical literal event.
Had Jesus literally come back, then why wouldn't his friends recognize him?
I believe he appeared to people spiritually and he TRANSCENDED physical death.
His physical body may have dematerialized, but when he appeared to people
it was spiritual and no longer dependent on his physical body.

He is also supposedly to have appeared to the Native Americans
in the form of the Great Manito, so his ascension transcends time and space.

Jesus is the spirit of Eternal Justice, so that is much bigger than human form.
The whole point is for humanity to receive the spirit of
Restorative Justice
Justice with Mercy
Peace and Justice
which are secular names of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

That is the meaning and it is much greater than the physical manifestations
that follow from the spiritual process of realizing and embodying "peace and justice"
on a universal level that saves all humanity from suffering and strife.

Thank you for asking
take care and enjoy a
happy season of rebirth and renewal
which the Resurrection represents:
the end of the old ways that lead to death,
and birth of the new ways that bring new life

There's actual historical evidence, ie proof of the physical crucifixion of Yeshua Ha'Mashiac (Christ the Messiah) as first hand accounts and witnesses.
I'd say the event is more spiritual and not so much a physical literal event.
Had Jesus literally come back, then why wouldn't his friends recognize him?
I believe he appeared to people spiritually and he TRANSCENDED physical death.
His physical body may have dematerialized, but when he appeared to people
it was spiritual and no longer dependent on his physical body.

He is also supposedly to have appeared to the Native Americans
in the form of the Great Manito, so his ascension transcends time and space.

Jesus is the spirit of Eternal Justice, so that is much bigger than human form.
The whole point is for humanity to receive the spirit of
Restorative Justice
Justice with Mercy
Peace and Justice
which are secular names of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

That is the meaning and it is much greater than the physical manifestations
that follow from the spiritual process of realizing and embodying "peace and justice"
on a universal level that saves all humanity from suffering and strife.

Thank you for asking
take care and enjoy a
happy season of rebirth and renewal
which the Resurrection represents:
the end of the old ways that lead to death,
and birth of the new ways that bring new life

There's actual historical evidence, ie proof of the physical crucifixion of Yeshua Ha'Mashiac (Christ the Messiah) as first hand accounts and witnesses.

Hope (but doubt) you'll post that proof in a new thread.

Sent from my iPad using
From the book of Ludicrous, Chapter 9, verse 19:

And verily, I say unto you, that he who would scoff at the Son of Man. shall be doomed forever to to seek the answer as to why the Son of God is referred to in the Bible as the "Son of Man".
I'd say the event is more spiritual and not so much a physical literal event.
Had Jesus literally come back, then why wouldn't his friends recognize him?
I believe he appeared to people spiritually and he TRANSCENDED physical death.
His physical body may have dematerialized, but when he appeared to people
it was spiritual and no longer dependent on his physical body.

He is also supposedly to have appeared to the Native Americans
in the form of the Great Manito, so his ascension transcends time and space.

Jesus is the spirit of Eternal Justice, so that is much bigger than human form.
The whole point is for humanity to receive the spirit of
Restorative Justice
Justice with Mercy
Peace and Justice
which are secular names of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

That is the meaning and it is much greater than the physical manifestations
that follow from the spiritual process of realizing and embodying "peace and justice"
on a universal level that saves all humanity from suffering and strife.

Thank you for asking
take care and enjoy a
happy season of rebirth and renewal
which the Resurrection represents:
the end of the old ways that lead to death,
and birth of the new ways that bring new life

There's actual historical evidence, ie proof of the physical crucifixion of Yeshua Ha'Mashiac (Christ the Messiah) as first hand accounts and witnesses.

That's not historically correct nor accurate.
There is no historical evidence of Jesus nor physical proof, however where you are confused and deceived is that one of the many figures (Yeshu) used to create the Jesus legend does have historical records and that is NOT OF A CRUCI-fiction.
THE HISTORICAL YESHU son of Mary of 100bc was stoned and hanged on Passover.
The crucified christs were Yehuda in 6bc and Theudas by the Jordan in 45ad.
The resurrected SUN on the CROSS is plagiarized from the predated ancient passion play on Bel (Baal) the harvest god which is why preachers always talk about & use the priests of bel scam harvest seed (now money) scam called the prosperity movement.

The figure (Yeshu)sent to death on Passover (per John 18-19 and Mark 14-15)
was stoned (slew) and hanged around 85bc.
Source: Acts 5:30 , Acts 10:39, Acts 13:29 , 1 Peter 2:24, Galatians 3:13.
Sources for the history of (Yeshu) partially used for the Jesus icon: philosopher Celsus (178 CE) Christian writer Epiphanius (c.320-403 CE), the Christian apologist Origen (c.185-254 CE) Within the Talmud Shabbos 104, the gemara explicitly discusses the mother being Mary ben Stada("strayed"=had a fling with Roman soldier Pantheras) and the father being Pandera(Panthera). Jerusalem Talmud (Avodah Zerah II 40d)and in the Tosefta on Hullin II, and (Sanhedrin 43a & 67a). This story is further expanded upon in the Tosefta and Baraitas.
2 accounts:
-Dr. Franz Hartman -
& Gerald Massey's Lectures Originally published in a private edition c. 1900

According to the Babylonian Gemara to the Mishna of Tract "Shabbath," this Jehoshua, the son of Pandira and Stada, was stoned to death as a wizard, in the city of Lud, or Lydda,

Jesus ben Stada (or Pandera) was placedin the time period of about 90 B.C. in Lydda, a town Peter is said tohave visited in Acts.
The early church father Epiphanius around 400 said Pandera was the grandfather of Jesus (the story of Yeshu ben Panderas called Yeshu ben Stada son of Mary Stada).

This is not the same figure (Yehuda the Galilean tax revolter) in the time of Lysanias(died 35bc) and King Herod(4bc) nor the AD Pilate and Herod era figure (Theudas by the Jordan died 45ad) crucified for his revolt against Rome and who's apostles were the martyrs.
There's at least 3-6 christ figures combined to make the Jesus image, which is why he's given a new name.

The Roman empire one world religion leaves a clue at the end of it's formed book.
Rev 22:16 Jesus is revealed as the Morning Star (the fallen Nemesis of The God of Israel and his mediator Evening Star)
The Morning Star is the son of Baal and Ishtar(easter). The morning star was a giant fish hatched out of an egg hence the Easter Egg. Many don't know Dagon (fishman god)was the father of Baal & the priests of Dagon wore fishead hats (mitres) and scale trim robes like the Pope wears today.
In fact the ring the Pope wears is the fishman god ring of dagon, the circle sun cross baal's cross. The Jesus death scene existed in Assyrian tablets found in 900bc about the death and resurrection of Bel (Baal). *can be found in Brittish Museum - called Marduk tablet.
The original trinity was Father (Baal)-Mother (Ishtar)-son (morning star=Lucifer) which is why they never dare mention this mysterious father they say is one in the same myth as Jesus=because they are masking Baal worship with a Jewish image trying to get Jews to fall and worship Baal= this was an early form of satanism.

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

"So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts." -- 2 Peter 1:19
"... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER)." -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)
Last edited:
I'd say the event is more spiritual and not so much a physical literal event.
Had Jesus literally come back, then why wouldn't his friends recognize him?
I believe he appeared to people spiritually and he TRANSCENDED physical death.
His physical body may have dematerialized, but when he appeared to people
it was spiritual and no longer dependent on his physical body.

He is also supposedly to have appeared to the Native Americans
in the form of the Great Manito, so his ascension transcends time and space.

Jesus is the spirit of Eternal Justice, so that is much bigger than human form.
The whole point is for humanity to receive the spirit of
Restorative Justice
Justice with Mercy
Peace and Justice
which are secular names of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

That is the meaning and it is much greater than the physical manifestations
that follow from the spiritual process of realizing and embodying "peace and justice"
on a universal level that saves all humanity from suffering and strife.

Thank you for asking
take care and enjoy a
happy season of rebirth and renewal
which the Resurrection represents:
the end of the old ways that lead to death,
and birth of the new ways that bring new life

There's actual historical evidence, ie proof of the physical crucifixion of Yeshua Ha'Mashiac (Christ the Messiah) as first hand accounts and witnesses.

That's not historically correct nor accurate.
There is no historical evidence of Jesus nor physical proof, however where you are confused and deceived is that one of the many figures (Yeshu) used to create the Jesus legend does have historical records and that is NOT OF A CRUCI-fiction.
THE HISTORICAL YESHU son of Mary of 100bc was stoned and hanged on Passover.
The crucified christs were Yehuda in 6bc and Theudas by the Jordan in 45ad.
The resurrected SUN on the CROSS is plagiarized from the predated ancient passion play on Bel (Baal) the harvest god which is why preachers always talk about & use the priests of bel scam harvest seed (now money) scam called the prosperity movement.

The figure (Yeshu)sent to death on Passover (per John 18-19 and Mark 14-15)
was stoned (slew) and hanged around 85bc.
Source: Acts 5:30 , Acts 10:39, Acts 13:29 , 1 Peter 2:24, Galatians 3:13.
Sources for the history of (Yeshu) partially used for the Jesus icon: philosopher Celsus (178 CE) Christian writer Epiphanius (c.320-403 CE), the Christian apologist Origen (c.185-254 CE) Within the Talmud Shabbos 104, the gemara explicitly discusses the mother being Mary ben Stada("strayed"=had a fling with Roman soldier Pantheras) and the father being Pandera(Panthera). Jerusalem Talmud (Avodah Zerah II 40d)and in the Tosefta on Hullin II, and (Sanhedrin 43a & 67a). This story is further expanded upon in the Tosefta and Baraitas.
2 accounts:
-Dr. Franz Hartman -
& Gerald Massey's Lectures Originally published in a private edition c. 1900

According to the Babylonian Gemara to the Mishna of Tract "Shabbath," this Jehoshua, the son of Pandira and Stada, was stoned to death as a wizard, in the city of Lud, or Lydda,

Jesus ben Stada (or Pandera) was placedin the time period of about 90 B.C. in Lydda, a town Peter is said tohave visited in Acts.
The early church father Epiphanius around 400 said Pandera was the grandfather of Jesus (the story of Yeshu ben Panderas called Yeshu ben Stada son of Mary Stada).

This is not the same figure (Yehuda the Galilean tax revolter) in the time of Lysanias(died 35bc) and King Herod(4bc) nor the AD Pilate and Herod era figure (Theudas by the Jordan died 45ad) crucified for his revolt against Rome and who's apostles were the martyrs.
There's at least 3-6 christ figures combined to make the Jesus image, which is why he's given a new name.

The Roman empire one world religion leaves a clue at the end of it's formed book.
Rev 22:16 Jesus is revealed as the Morning Star (the fallen Nemesis of The God of Israel and his mediator Evening Star)
The Morning Star is the son of Baal and Ishtar(easter). The morning star was a giant fish hatched out of an egg hence the Easter Egg. Many don't know Dagon (fishman god)was the father of Baal & the priests of Dagon wore fishead hats (mitres) and scale trim robes like the Pope wears today.
In fact the ring the Pope wears is the fishman god ring of dagon, the circle sun cross baal's cross. The Jesus death scene existed in Assyrian tablets found in 900bc about the death and resurrection of Bel (Baal). *can be found in Brittish Museum - called Marduk tablet.
The original trinity was Father (Baal)-Mother (Ishtar)-son (morning star=Lucifer) which is why they never dare mention this mysterious father they say is one in the same myth as Jesus=because they are masking Baal worship with a Jewish image trying to get Jews to fall and worship Baal= this was an early form of satanism.

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

"So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts." -- 2 Peter 1:19
"... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER)." -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)

I choose to believe historical recorded FACTS over your gibberish.
Interestingly enough, there is ample historical evidence that Muhammad existed, but no historical evidence from contemporary sources that Abraham, Moses, or Jesus existed.
I'd say the event is more spiritual and not so much a physical literal event.
Had Jesus literally come back, then why wouldn't his friends recognize him?
I believe he appeared to people spiritually and he TRANSCENDED physical death.
His physical body may have dematerialized, but when he appeared to people
it was spiritual and no longer dependent on his physical body.

He is also supposedly to have appeared to the Native Americans
in the form of the Great Manito, so his ascension transcends time and space.

Jesus is the spirit of Eternal Justice, so that is much bigger than human form.
The whole point is for humanity to receive the spirit of
Restorative Justice
Justice with Mercy
Peace and Justice
which are secular names of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

That is the meaning and it is much greater than the physical manifestations
that follow from the spiritual process of realizing and embodying "peace and justice"
on a universal level that saves all humanity from suffering and strife.

Thank you for asking
take care and enjoy a
happy season of rebirth and renewal
which the Resurrection represents:
the end of the old ways that lead to death,
and birth of the new ways that bring new life

There's actual historical evidence, ie proof of the physical crucifixion of Yeshua Ha'Mashiac (Christ the Messiah) as first hand accounts and witnesses.

That's not historically correct nor accurate.
There is no historical evidence of Jesus nor physical proof, however where you are confused and deceived is that one of the many figures (Yeshu) used to create the Jesus legend does have historical records and that is NOT OF A CRUCI-fiction.
THE HISTORICAL YESHU son of Mary of 100bc was stoned and hanged on Passover.
The crucified christs were Yehuda in 6bc and Theudas by the Jordan in 45ad.
The resurrected SUN on the CROSS is plagiarized from the predated ancient passion play on Bel (Baal) the harvest god which is why preachers always talk about & use the priests of bel scam harvest seed (now money) scam called the prosperity movement.

The figure (Yeshu)sent to death on Passover (per John 18-19 and Mark 14-15)
was stoned (slew) and hanged around 85bc.
Source: Acts 5:30 , Acts 10:39, Acts 13:29 , 1 Peter 2:24, Galatians 3:13.
Sources for the history of (Yeshu) partially used for the Jesus icon: philosopher Celsus (178 CE) Christian writer Epiphanius (c.320-403 CE), the Christian apologist Origen (c.185-254 CE) Within the Talmud Shabbos 104, the gemara explicitly discusses the mother being Mary ben Stada("strayed"=had a fling with Roman soldier Pantheras) and the father being Pandera(Panthera). Jerusalem Talmud (Avodah Zerah II 40d)and in the Tosefta on Hullin II, and (Sanhedrin 43a & 67a). This story is further expanded upon in the Tosefta and Baraitas.
2 accounts:
-Dr. Franz Hartman -
& Gerald Massey's Lectures Originally published in a private edition c. 1900

According to the Babylonian Gemara to the Mishna of Tract "Shabbath," this Jehoshua, the son of Pandira and Stada, was stoned to death as a wizard, in the city of Lud, or Lydda,

Jesus ben Stada (or Pandera) was placedin the time period of about 90 B.C. in Lydda, a town Peter is said tohave visited in Acts.
The early church father Epiphanius around 400 said Pandera was the grandfather of Jesus (the story of Yeshu ben Panderas called Yeshu ben Stada son of Mary Stada).

This is not the same figure (Yehuda the Galilean tax revolter) in the time of Lysanias(died 35bc) and King Herod(4bc) nor the AD Pilate and Herod era figure (Theudas by the Jordan died 45ad) crucified for his revolt against Rome and who's apostles were the martyrs.
There's at least 3-6 christ figures combined to make the Jesus image, which is why he's given a new name.

The Roman empire one world religion leaves a clue at the end of it's formed book.
Rev 22:16 Jesus is revealed as the Morning Star (the fallen Nemesis of The God of Israel and his mediator Evening Star)
The Morning Star is the son of Baal and Ishtar(easter). The morning star was a giant fish hatched out of an egg hence the Easter Egg. Many don't know Dagon (fishman god)was the father of Baal & the priests of Dagon wore fishead hats (mitres) and scale trim robes like the Pope wears today.
In fact the ring the Pope wears is the fishman god ring of dagon, the circle sun cross baal's cross. The Jesus death scene existed in Assyrian tablets found in 900bc about the death and resurrection of Bel (Baal). *can be found in Brittish Museum - called Marduk tablet.
The original trinity was Father (Baal)-Mother (Ishtar)-son (morning star=Lucifer) which is why they never dare mention this mysterious father they say is one in the same myth as Jesus=because they are masking Baal worship with a Jewish image trying to get Jews to fall and worship Baal= this was an early form of satanism.

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

"So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts." -- 2 Peter 1:19
"... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER)." -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)

I choose to believe historical recorded FACTS over your gibberish.
1)you have 0 historical sources
2) the NT is self testified with 50 thousand errors and many of those historical mistakes & thus not historical record.
And I posted NT sources whereby you called it gibberish.
BRILLIANT Ad Hominem response!
Interestingly enough, there is ample historical evidence that Muhammad existed, but no historical evidence from contemporary sources that Abraham, Moses, or Jesus existed.
Actually Moses has historical records in Egyptian Hyroglyphs.
Moses was born about 1525 B.C., and the daughter of the reigning Pharaoh (Tutmoses I) who found him in the Nile was princess Nefure, who later became known as Queen Hatshepsut, Pharaoh of Egypt.
Moses is found as the son held by her in Egyptian statues and was historically called
Tutmoses II which had a semitic nosed Egyptian statue as well.

1) we don't worship Moses nor any of the characters, so they don't have to be real
to know theft and murder is wrong.
I think you are confusing us with Luciferians who need their fallen icon to be real because they worship him as a god.
2) The Kohanim Gene shows the Aaronic (Moses Brother) lineage is real.
3)The Egyptian Heiroglyphs and records show a Moses existed in high status at that time.
Moses was born about 1525 B.C., and the daughter of the reigning Pharaoh (Tutmoses I) who found him in the Nile was princess Nefure, who later became known as Queen Hatshepsut, Pharaoh of Egypt.
Moses is found as the son held by her in Egyptian statues and was historically called
Tutmoses II which had a semitic nosed Egyptian statue as well.
4)I think I remember there being other cultures also written. Phonecians?
I forget.
5)The archeological evidence of the Egyptian army getting stuck in the mud of the reed sea, srtifacys were fpund burried there I believe spears and wheels?
6)the traditions and holidays help validate events.
7)history shows there was an event from the famine years where stored grains got tainted and were used to feed the elder sons (first borns did die).
8)it's a fact that migratory birds often don't make the trip and drop from exhaustion (manna food dropping from the sky).
9)Moses being highly educated and knowledgable of the region would know how to get water flowing out the hallowed rock flow of water by breaking off the tips of formation he would recognize through that education.
10) The commands on tablets were stored in the ark since that time and this is recorded to have existed by many writers.
It was stored with
staff of Moses to be placed back(HaShevet)
in the ark.

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