How many hours must minimum-wage earners work to afford rent?

How is a teenager that young allowed to work a 40 hour week?

I started working at 9.

Fun stuff.

From that age to my current age of 53 I've spent maybe 3 years of that unemployed.

And most of that was recently..until I got this job.

Nine year olds are not allowed to be legally employed.

Sure they can.

Before my parents died I had a paper route when i was 9
I lied about my age.

That is illegal...and the business owner should have done a check.

He did. I used my dead older brother's birth certificate.

I am glad I worked as much as i did I have no regrets and don't believe I missed anything. In fact when I quit high school at 17 I has more money in the bank than most of my teachers.

Work is a good thing not something to be tolerated for 8 hours a day.


That is illegal...and the business owner should have done a check.

He did. I used my dead older brother's birth certificate.

I am glad I worked as much as i did I have no regrets and don't believe I missed anything. In fact when I quit high school at 17 I has more money in the bank than most of my teachers.

Work is a good thing not something to be tolerated for 8 hours a day.



So my parents and brother weren't killed in a car accident when i was 10 years old and I didn't spend my teens getting bounced around foster homes. I guess iwasn't declared emancipated at 17 either.

Gee thanks for telling me that. Where have you been my entire life just think it would have been so much better if you were around to tell me none of that shit happened to me.

FYI when I was 15 I could easily pass for 18.
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You do know there's a shortage of affordable housing in America, don't you?
Facing a Critical Shortage of Affordable Housing
Affordable Housing Shortage | Challenges of Affordable Renting
Why the Rent Is Too Damn High
High rents: America?s ridiculous shortage of apartment buildings is pushing rents way up.
Nation's Renters Face Severe Affordable Rental Shortage
Nation's Renters Face Severe Affordable Rental Shortage: National Low Income Housing Coalition
The U.S. Simply Doesn't Have Enough Available Rental Housing, Whether You're Rich or Poor
The U.S. Simply Doesn't Have Enough Available Rental Housing, Whether You're Rich or Poor - Emily Badger - The Atlantic Cities

There should be mandatory, national rent control. Shelter is the # 1 element of human survival, according to anthropologists. It is far too important to be left to the insensitive winds of the MARKET. This is like leaving everyone's security to the winds of a hurricane.
We would adjust for that. Same should be done for housing.

You should move to a communist country comrade

You should try living poor in THIS country for a while. That might teach you a few things.
The highest rents in the country are the direct result of rent controls.

As inflation increases the market price, people in rent controlled apartments are reluctant to move. In places like New York, they would be crazy to move. Because once you move, the rent control is lifted.

So you have people living in the same building paying multiples of what other people are paying. and the available pool of apartments is dramatically reduced by people who "cannot" move due to very advantageous rent.

Rent control is just another bad liberal idea that seems smart at first but turns out to be a disaster. Kinda like the War on Poverty.

Where I live now, there is no rent control. Lots of people have been living in the same apartment for 15 years or more. Did you think everybody moves around ?

PS - we have plenty of available apartments for rent.
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The more Democratic leaning states that are always championing a higher minimum wage also tend to be the least affordable places for minimum wage workers to live. On the flip side, the Republican leaning states who generally oppose increasing the minimum wage consequently are the most affordable places for that demographic to live.

How many hours must minimum-wage earners work to afford rent?

They HAVE TO BE more affordable with so many people there with so little money to spend.
I started working at 9.

Fun stuff.

From that age to my current age of 53 I've spent maybe 3 years of that unemployed.

And most of that was recently..until I got this job.

Nine year olds are not allowed to be legally employed.

Sure they can.

Before my parents died I had a paper route when i was 9

American obviously likes to work its kids into the ground.

You can't have a job here until you are fourteen years and nine months.
At the current $7.25/ hour a worker brings home about $50 per 8 hour shift here.

If there's a family to support:

3 bedroom apartments go for $750/month - that's 15 days' work.

Food and household supplies are around $500/month. That's 10 days' work.

Electricity, $50/month, or 1 days' work,

Gas, $50/ month, or 1 days' work.

Add that up and our min wage worker's been at it for 27 days. Does that mean she gets 4 days off per month? Not if she wants transportation to work, schoolclothes for her kids, medicine when they get sick, internet access, basic cable tv, and a cheap cell phone.

She actually has to work another 10 or so days per month for those little extras. Except most months don't have 37 days. She'll have to get a second min wage job.

Oh, I forgot day care and babysitters. Did you see that commercial where the girl usually charges $40 per night?

Looks like our min wage worker's only going to have $10/day when the kids are on school break. She's going to have to get a third full-time minimum wage job just to pay the sitter

And the republicans call her lazy.
Nine year olds are not allowed to be legally employed.

Sure they can.

Before my parents died I had a paper route when i was 9

American obviously likes to work its kids into the ground.

You can't have a job here until you are fourteen years and nine months.
A paper route? Come on, use your head. At 30 you're still not self sufficient and dependent on your mother but you take swipes at kids who have ambition and display independence.
At the current $7.25/ hour a worker brings home about $50 per 8 hour shift here.

If there's a family to support:

3 bedroom apartments go for $750/month - that's 15 days' work.

Food and household supplies are around $500/month. That's 10 days' work.

Electricity, $50/month, or 1 days' work,

Gas, $50/ month, or 1 days' work.

Add that up and our min wage worker's been at it for 27 days. Does that mean she gets 4 days off per month? Not if she wants transportation to work, schoolclothes for her kids, medicine when they get sick, internet access, basic cable tv, and a cheap cell phone.

She actually has to work another 10 or so days per month for those little extras. Except most months don't have 37 days. She'll have to get a second min wage job.

Oh, I forgot day care and babysitters. Did you see that commercial where the girl usually charges $40 per night?

Looks like our min wage worker's only going to have $10/day when the kids are on school break. She's going to have to get a third full-time minimum wage job just to pay the sitter

And the republicans call her lazy.

No one supports a family on a minimum wage job.

Minimum wage used to be reserved for teens. Now it is reserved for illegal aliens.
Noomi Jesus, we are talking about a paper route not digging ditches or laying brick.:eusa_shhh:

When I was 15, I spent a summer laying bricks. All these years later, I go by that house and marvel at the brick work. Not only did I make a lot of money - enough to buy a car at 16, but was part of something that has endured.
At the current $7.25/ hour a worker brings home about $50 per 8 hour shift here.

If there's a family to support:

3 bedroom apartments go for $750/month - that's 15 days' work.

Food and household supplies are around $500/month. That's 10 days' work.

Electricity, $50/month, or 1 days' work,

Gas, $50/ month, or 1 days' work.

Add that up and our min wage worker's been at it for 27 days. Does that mean she gets 4 days off per month? Not if she wants transportation to work, schoolclothes for her kids, medicine when they get sick, internet access, basic cable tv, and a cheap cell phone.

She actually has to work another 10 or so days per month for those little extras. Except most months don't have 37 days. She'll have to get a second min wage job.

Oh, I forgot day care and babysitters. Did you see that commercial where the girl usually charges $40 per night?

Looks like our min wage worker's only going to have $10/day when the kids are on school break. She's going to have to get a third full-time minimum wage job just to pay the sitter

And the republicans call her lazy.

The commercial was a joke..:eusa_whistle:

You tossed on the family to support. Lazy, no. Guilty of making bad choices, you betcha
Noomi Jesus, we are talking about a paper route not digging ditches or laying brick.:eusa_shhh:

When I was 15, I spent a summer laying bricks. All these years later, I go by that house and marvel at the brick work. Not only did I make a lot of money - enough to buy a car at 16, but was part of something that has endured.

Thats a good work experience but I don't see too many kids doing that anymore.
Noomi Jesus, we are talking about a paper route not digging ditches or laying brick.:eusa_shhh:

When I was 15, I spent a summer laying bricks. All these years later, I go by that house and marvel at the brick work. Not only did I make a lot of money - enough to buy a car at 16, but was part of something that has endured.

Thats a good work experience but I don't see too many kids doing that anymore.

Sadly, the bricklayer would hire an illegal these days.

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