How many live in a white America fantasy land

You need to check the last census. America is still majority white. It's just the way it is. And I don't know anyone who is sweating it.

They become less of a majority with each passing year. I believe by 2040 white are expected to comprise less than 50% of the American population.
It is articles like this that stroke the insecurities of these individuals.

White people have became the new bourgeois of the left that has to be eliminated just like the rich industrialist that had to be eliminated in the soviet union. It isn't necessarily that they are trying to get rid of white people but more trying to push the capitalist mentality out of this country. It doesn't make any sense but in the mind's of people like Sanders, Obama, and perhaps even clinton that is how they see this.
This author says he benefited from affirmative action. I really despise affirmative action because it really is a handout and denies other people the opportunities offered to them. This guy got into many high end jobs with affirmative action but he also got an advantage over someone who didn't have affirmative action. I wouldn't call that fair at all.
White America Rocks! I know that because minorities move out of their own neighborhoods and move into white neighborhoods. I can't really blame them because who wants to live in drug infested zones in big cities. White America must be awesome if everyone is trying to get their hands on it.
Does the left have anything this election other than the GOP is racist? Oh and the GOP hates women, old people, and baby kittens?
You need to check the last census. America is still majority white. It's just the way it is. And I don't know anyone who is sweating it.

They become less of a majority with each passing year. I believe by 2040 white are expected to comprise less than 50% of the American population.
What this means to individuals is where it gets confusing. To black people it means that the majority will be black. To hispanics, it means that the majority will be hispanic. Neither is true. Majority and minority status is largely controlled by immigration which is controlled by politics. Open immigration to countries where the people are fleeing muslims and the racial percentage again changes.
I live in a "white neighborhood" families on either side of me...[/QUOTE]

You're an Oreo :rolleyes:
Does the left have anything this election other than the GOP is racist? Oh and the GOP hates women, old people, and baby kittens?

Why would they use anything else when it has been so effective for them so far? We can point out that the left is a bunch of commies but that doesn't seem to get any traction in the public's attitude. Maybe it has became a plus to be a communist in the democratic party in this country.
You need to check the last census. America is still majority white. It's just the way it is. And I don't know anyone who is sweating it.

They become less of a majority with each passing year. I believe by 2040 white are expected to comprise less than 50% of the American population.

No the census shows an increase in the caucasian population.Many from the ME are caucasian and ditto Latinos/Hispanics.

White alone, percent, July 1, 2014, (V2014) (a)

i White alone, percent, April 1, 2010 (a)

Population estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015)
You need to check the last census. America is still majority white. It's just the way it is. And I don't know anyone who is sweating it.

They become less of a majority with each passing year. I believe by 2040 white are expected to comprise less than 50% of the American population.

No the census shows an increase in the caucasian population.Many from the ME are caucasian and ditto Latinos/Hispanics.

White alone, percent, July 1, 2014, (V2014) (a)

i White alone, percent, April 1, 2010 (a)

Population estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015)

But but but...demographics were supposed to give Dems control :crybaby:why doesn't anything ever go to plan :crybaby: that was my liberal impression.

Donnie has given these people hope that once again, whites will dominate America. His message to make America great again is code of Make White America great again. The skin heads and racists love it!

In case anybody forgot, if the Baltimore Police are ordered to stand down again, and relegated to targets for rock-throwing punks, the citizens themselves can take action on their own. Al Sharpton and Stephanie Rawling can't really control that. Want to get the rioters to disperse ? Just pull up in a large truck or two and let about 50 of these guys loose on the rioters >>> Bye bye rioters


As for the looters, THIS could work >>>

The fantasies of the crackerstanies dashed due to the demographic shift

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