How many lives are saved with estimate....and a good article over all...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
So...with an average of 1.4 million times a year that guns are used to save lives and stop violent many lives are actually saved by a law abiding citizen with a gun, standing against a violent criminal....this article from the truth about guns looks at several issues involving the defensive use of one point the author does some math to come up with an actual number....

The Costs and Benefits of the Second Amendment - Without the Benefits - The Truth About Guns

In addition to the “almost certainly” pool, The K-G study also found that 14.6% of respondents believed that someone “probably would have” been killed if not for their DGU.

Because I want my numbers to be distinctly conservative let’s say that 9 out of 10 of the “almost certainly” folks were wrong, and let’s say that 99 out of 100 of the “probably” people were also incorrect. That means we can state with a fair degree of certainty that at least 1.716% of the 1.46 million DGUs saved a life.

Doing the math that translates to over 25,000 lives that are saved annually by guns.

So we’ve determined that at least 25,000 lives per year are saved by DGUs, and according to the CDC, between 1999 and 2010 there were an average of 11,740 gun-related homicides annually, which means that for every criminal homicide with a firearm there were more than two lives saved by DGUs; this is the human value of the Second Amendment.

As for a focus on preserving life, that is exactly why I carry. I will never draw my weapon unless I am in reasonable fear of imminent death or great bodily harm; this is why I always tell people that you don’t “shoot to kill”, rather you shoot to live.

And even if it weren’t true that the freedom to own and carry the weapon of your choice is a natural, fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil and Constitutional right — subject neither to the democratic process nor to arguments grounded in social utility the fact is that lawful DGUs save 2 lives for every one lost to a CGU.

A great article that looks at several issues involving guns and self defense and takes on several arguments made by anti gunners....

Gun grabbers hates guns because they have been brainwashed to hate guns.
So...with an average of 1.4 million times a year that guns are used to save lives and stop violent many lives are actually saved by a law abiding citizen with a gun, standing against a violent criminal....this article from the truth about guns looks at several issues involving the defensive use of one point the author does some math to come up with an actual number....

The Costs and Benefits of the Second Amendment - Without the Benefits - The Truth About Guns

In addition to the “almost certainly” pool, The K-G study also found that 14.6% of respondents believed that someone “probably would have” been killed if not for their DGU.

Because I want my numbers to be distinctly conservative let’s say that 9 out of 10 of the “almost certainly” folks were wrong, and let’s say that 99 out of 100 of the “probably” people were also incorrect. That means we can state with a fair degree of certainty that at least 1.716% of the 1.46 million DGUs saved a life.

Doing the math that translates to over 25,000 lives that are saved annually by guns.

So we’ve determined that at least 25,000 lives per year are saved by DGUs, and according to the CDC, between 1999 and 2010 there were an average of 11,740 gun-related homicides annually, which means that for every criminal homicide with a firearm there were more than two lives saved by DGUs; this is the human value of the Second Amendment.

As for a focus on preserving life, that is exactly why I carry. I will never draw my weapon unless I am in reasonable fear of imminent death or great bodily harm; this is why I always tell people that you don’t “shoot to kill”, rather you shoot to live.

And even if it weren’t true that the freedom to own and carry the weapon of your choice is a natural, fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil and Constitutional right — subject neither to the democratic process nor to arguments grounded in social utility the fact is that lawful DGUs save 2 lives for every one lost to a CGU.

A great article that looks at several issues involving guns and self defense and takes on several arguments made by anti gunners....

I like this part of it: So the fact of the matter is, if you are not involved in criminal activity your risk of being a homicide victim is miniscule.

So if you aren't a criminal don't bother carrying because you are more likely to shoot yourself then defend yourself from a homicide.

Too bad he is trying to use 1.4 million as the number of defenses. 1.4 million defenses and just around 230 criminals killed each year? Killed criminals is at least 1% of defenses. That would mean there are about 23,000 defenses each year. That is about the same number of accidental shootings. But 600 accidental deaths to only 230 criminals killed. A criminal is more likely to be accidently killed than by someone in defense.
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Interesting, all these lives saved with guns, yet 32,000 gun deaths a year in the US, way higher than for any other first world nation.

U.S. murder rate higher than nearly all other developed countries FBI data

The survey said 14,827 people were murdered last year in the United States, well down from 24,526 in 1993, when the country’s population was smaller.

But the 2012 murder rate — 4.7 murders per 100,000 people — was significantly higher than in most other wealthy nations.

The comparable rate is 0.4 in Japan, 0.8 in Germany, 1.0 in Australia 1.1 in France and 1.2 in Britain, according to figures compiled by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Among nations assessed by the Paris-based club of market economies, only Brazil, Estonia, Mexico and Russia had higher murder rates.
The Rat party uses the "single mom" fright of firearms in the public schools to give a kid the double-whammy. Farm girls ain't afraid of firearms but there's not many of them left so we're stuck with suburban women who've never touched a firearm braying they're "dangerous". The Rats, who fostered the "single mom" outcomes to wreck the family unit, are quite disturbed they haven't gotten our weapons confiscated yet but don't think they'll give up. See, if they ever do seize our weapons, and then try a really bold move to toss out the Constitution, they'll conclude their message to us by saying "what are you going to do about it?", laugh and give us the finger. At that point the United States of America will no longer exist.
Interesting, all these lives saved with guns, yet 32,000 gun deaths a year in the US, way higher than for any other first world nation.

U.S. murder rate higher than nearly all other developed countries FBI data

The survey said 14,827 people were murdered last year in the United States, well down from 24,526 in 1993, when the country’s population was smaller.

But the 2012 murder rate — 4.7 murders per 100,000 people — was significantly higher than in most other wealthy nations.

The comparable rate is 0.4 in Japan, 0.8 in Germany, 1.0 in Australia 1.1 in France and 1.2 in Britain, according to figures compiled by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Among nations assessed by the Paris-based club of market economies, only Brazil, Estonia, Mexico and Russia had higher murder rates.

You'll notice none of the countries this bigot lists have 40M blacks and 12M illegal mehicans living amongst them. One of his ilk actually listed the crime rate in HOLLAND compared to the US trying to make some phony argument about gun control. If you don't want to murdered in the US, stay away from crime and's really just that simple. :blues:
Interesting, all these lives saved with guns, yet 32,000 gun deaths a year in the US, way higher than for any other first world nation.

U.S. murder rate higher than nearly all other developed countries FBI data

The survey said 14,827 people were murdered last year in the United States, well down from 24,526 in 1993, when the country’s population was smaller.

But the 2012 murder rate — 4.7 murders per 100,000 people — was significantly higher than in most other wealthy nations.

The comparable rate is 0.4 in Japan, 0.8 in Germany, 1.0 in Australia 1.1 in France and 1.2 in Britain, according to figures compiled by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Among nations assessed by the Paris-based club of market economies, only Brazil, Estonia, Mexico and Russia had higher murder rates.

You'll notice none of the countries this bigot lists have 40M blacks and 12M illegal mehicans living amongst them. One of his ilk actually listed the crime rate in HOLLAND compared to the US trying to make some phony argument about gun control. If you don't want to murdered in the US, stay away from crime and's really just that simple. :blues:

Per usual...a back door "Blacks and Minorities are dangerous" post.

Per usual...a back door "Blacks and Minorities are dangerous" post.

Nothing "back door" about it, FOOL:

55% of white female rapes are commited by black men
38% of hispanic female rapes are commited by black men
42% of oriental female rapes are commited by black men
92% of black female rapes are commited by black men

source from f.b.i stats (remember, blacks are only 12% of the population)

37% of white murders are commited by blacks
22% of hispanic murders are commited by blacks
85% of oriental murders are commited by blacks
89% of middle eastern murders are commited by blacks
95% of black murders are commited by blacks

source from f.b.i stats (remember, blacks are only 12% of the population

And come to Phoenix sometime if you're interested in how the wetbacks behave when nobody will prosecute them.
Interesting, all these lives saved with guns, yet 32,000 gun deaths a year in the US, way higher than for any other first world nation.

U.S. murder rate higher than nearly all other developed countries FBI data

The survey said 14,827 people were murdered last year in the United States, well down from 24,526 in 1993, when the country’s population was smaller.

But the 2012 murder rate — 4.7 murders per 100,000 people — was significantly higher than in most other wealthy nations.

The comparable rate is 0.4 in Japan, 0.8 in Germany, 1.0 in Australia 1.1 in France and 1.2 in Britain, according to figures compiled by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Among nations assessed by the Paris-based club of market economies, only Brazil, Estonia, Mexico and Russia had higher murder rates.

And you left out the other side of the many times guns save lives and stop violent criminal the average of 1.4 million times a year...

14,287 vs. 1.4 million....the numbers speak for themselves....

We now have more people with firearms and the gun murder rate is going down as is the gun accident rate....

80% of our gun murders are comitted by criminal gangs in Democrat controlled cities...that spend their money on everything else instead of enough police to protect those communities...just look at chicago...a classic money for police or for all of emanuals pet projects...
As to Britain and the U.S. an interesting look at how they record their murder stats...

US Vs Emgland Murder Rate Extrano s Alley a gun blog

would dearly love to know what England (Legally England and Wales) murder total actually is. While the British Crime Survey reported 537 murders among 53,512,000 people for a homicide rate of 1.004 per 100,000 population – a “death that is a matter of interest to the police” is not a murder until someone has been tried, convicted, and has exhausted their appeals.
The United States does things very differently. When the medical examiner or coroner declares a death a murder it is duly counted as such.

Turning to the FBI tables for 2012, the latest available, 62.5 percent or 7,970 of 12,765 murders will be ‘solved by arrest.’

That gives the United States a “solved” homicide rate of 2,54 per 100,000 population. But we still have to determine a “conviction rate.” (click on the graphic for a clearer view)

What is the United States mean conviction rate for murders. It ranges from more than 80 percent in some venues to as low as eight percent in others. Overall, it appears to be approximately 44 percent.

That would bring us to approximately 3,310 murder convictions. So on a “fair comparison basis” to England’s “It is unfair to label a man a murderer until he has been tried, convicted, and exhausted his appeals” the United States murder rate is approximately 1.06 per 100,000 population, a rate that is very close to England’s.
Again, I don't think most folks think frequently about "gun rights." They clearly are not in danger of regulation.

Also, gun ownership is something for the families of gun owners to worry about; they are the ones in danger, not me. As for me, I would really, really warn a daghter against marrying a gun nut. Drunkenness, abuse, and negiligence cause most domestic shootings by gun nuts.

This last weekend, a local man was shot in the face in yet another hunting accident.

Again, that's their problem--not mine.
Drunkenness, abuse

these are the problems....wether or not they have a gun and use it properly depends on the above...guns don't create drunkenness or abuse...
Again, I don't think most folks think frequently about "gun rights." They clearly are not in danger of regulation.

Also, gun ownership is something for the families of gun owners to worry about; they are the ones in danger, not me. As for me, I would really, really warn a daghter against marrying a gun nut. Drunkenness, abuse, and negiligence cause most domestic shootings by gun nuts.

This last weekend, a local man was shot in the face in yet another hunting accident.

Again, that's their problem--not mine.

Good hit on all your side's idiotic stereotypes while claiming there is "no danger of regulation" thinking we believe your ilk has given up on confiscation. But we aren't buying.....the NRA has stopped every conceivable tactic you leftists have tried and failed trying to outlaw the cartridges, banning possession around schools, interstate sales without a federal dealer in the middle, silencers, high capacity magazines, 3 day waiting periods, etc etc. Hopefully your daughter will marry a man who can protect her from a home invasion or stalker and if that involves him using a firearm, you can apologize to everybody in this thread. -
Per usual...a back door "Blacks and Minorities are dangerous" post.

Nothing "back door" about it, FOOL:

55% of white female rapes are commited by black men
38% of hispanic female rapes are commited by black men
42% of oriental female rapes are commited by black men
92% of black female rapes are commited by black men

source from f.b.i stats (remember, blacks are only 12% of the population)

37% of white murders are commited by blacks
22% of hispanic murders are commited by blacks
85% of oriental murders are commited by blacks
89% of middle eastern murders are commited by blacks
95% of black murders are commited by blacks

source from f.b.i stats (remember, blacks are only 12% of the population

And come to Phoenix sometime if you're interested in how the wetbacks behave when nobody will prosecute them.

No office pogue jr., you come off as the fool; normal people don't see black boogeymen everywhere.

How about you post a link to the FBI stats that support your rant and I post the FBI stats that show whites leading in every indicator of violent crimes, white collar crimes and victimless crimes...

Now be a good little pogue, go back over to Stupid Front and get some help....
Per usual...a back door "Blacks and Minorities are dangerous" post.

Nothing "back door" about it, FOOL:

55% of white female rapes are commited by black men
38% of hispanic female rapes are commited by black men
42% of oriental female rapes are commited by black men
92% of black female rapes are commited by black men

source from f.b.i stats (remember, blacks are only 12% of the population)

37% of white murders are commited by blacks
22% of hispanic murders are commited by blacks
85% of oriental murders are commited by blacks
89% of middle eastern murders are commited by blacks
95% of black murders are commited by blacks

source from f.b.i stats (remember, blacks are only 12% of the population

And come to Phoenix sometime if you're interested in how the wetbacks behave when nobody will prosecute them.

No office pogue jr., you come off as the fool; normal people don't see black boogeymen everywhere.

How about you post a link to the FBI stats that support your rant and I post the FBI stats that show whites leading in every indicator of violent crimes, white collar crimes and victimless crimes...

Now be a good little pogue, go back over to Stupid Front and get some help....

Kiss a fist bitch....."recon" is a word that means something to those of us who've done it, boy. 11F40 and you don't have a fucking clue what that to the word "pogue" you can rinse and repeat, Jody.
Per usual...a back door "Blacks and Minorities are dangerous" post.

Nothing "back door" about it, FOOL:

55% of white female rapes are commited by black men
38% of hispanic female rapes are commited by black men
42% of oriental female rapes are commited by black men
92% of black female rapes are commited by black men

source from f.b.i stats (remember, blacks are only 12% of the population)

37% of white murders are commited by blacks
22% of hispanic murders are commited by blacks
85% of oriental murders are commited by blacks
89% of middle eastern murders are commited by blacks
95% of black murders are commited by blacks

source from f.b.i stats (remember, blacks are only 12% of the population

And come to Phoenix sometime if you're interested in how the wetbacks behave when nobody will prosecute them.

No office pogue jr., you come off as the fool; normal people don't see black boogeymen everywhere.

How about you post a link to the FBI stats that support your rant and I post the FBI stats that show whites leading in every indicator of violent crimes, white collar crimes and victimless crimes...

Now be a good little pogue, go back over to Stupid Front and get some help....

Kiss a fist bitch....."recon" is a word that means something to those of us who've done it, boy. 11F40 and you don't have a fucking clue what that to the word "pogue" you can rinse and repeat, Jody.

That's what I thought, the shit rolled out your mouth with no facts to back it up.
Ok, were ranting about FBI stats...let's see them or STFU!!!!

You were recon alright...needed those warehouse skills to find!!!

Again, produce the FBI lying piece of shit...
So...with an average of 1.4 million times a year that guns are used to save lives and stop violent many lives are actually saved by a law abiding citizen with a gun, standing against a violent criminal....this article from the truth about guns looks at several issues involving the defensive use of one point the author does some math to come up with an actual number....

The Costs and Benefits of the Second Amendment - Without the Benefits - The Truth About Guns

In addition to the “almost certainly” pool, The K-G study also found that 14.6% of respondents believed that someone “probably would have” been killed if not for their DGU.

Because I want my numbers to be distinctly conservative let’s say that 9 out of 10 of the “almost certainly” folks were wrong, and let’s say that 99 out of 100 of the “probably” people were also incorrect. That means we can state with a fair degree of certainty that at least 1.716% of the 1.46 million DGUs saved a life.

Doing the math that translates to over 25,000 lives that are saved annually by guns.

So we’ve determined that at least 25,000 lives per year are saved by DGUs, and according to the CDC, between 1999 and 2010 there were an average of 11,740 gun-related homicides annually, which means that for every criminal homicide with a firearm there were more than two lives saved by DGUs; this is the human value of the Second Amendment.

As for a focus on preserving life, that is exactly why I carry. I will never draw my weapon unless I am in reasonable fear of imminent death or great bodily harm; this is why I always tell people that you don’t “shoot to kill”, rather you shoot to live.

And even if it weren’t true that the freedom to own and carry the weapon of your choice is a natural, fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil and Constitutional right — subject neither to the democratic process nor to arguments grounded in social utility the fact is that lawful DGUs save 2 lives for every one lost to a CGU.

A great article that looks at several issues involving guns and self defense and takes on several arguments made by anti gunners....

Only need 1 life saved because of guns. Someone you care about. Proof of concept right there. Everything else is just gravy.
Per usual...a back door "Blacks and Minorities are dangerous" post.

Nothing "back door" about it, FOOL:

55% of white female rapes are commited by black men
38% of hispanic female rapes are commited by black men
42% of oriental female rapes are commited by black men
92% of black female rapes are commited by black men

source from f.b.i stats (remember, blacks are only 12% of the population)

37% of white murders are commited by blacks
22% of hispanic murders are commited by blacks
85% of oriental murders are commited by blacks
89% of middle eastern murders are commited by blacks
95% of black murders are commited by blacks

source from f.b.i stats (remember, blacks are only 12% of the population

And come to Phoenix sometime if you're interested in how the wetbacks behave when nobody will prosecute them.

No office pogue jr., you come off as the fool; normal people don't see black boogeymen everywhere.

How about you post a link to the FBI stats that support your rant and I post the FBI stats that show whites leading in every indicator of violent crimes, white collar crimes and victimless crimes...

Now be a good little pogue, go back over to Stupid Front and get some help....

Kiss a fist bitch....."recon" is a word that means something to those of us who've done it, boy. 11F40 and you don't have a fucking clue what that to the word "pogue" you can rinse and repeat, Jody.

That's what I thought, the shit rolled out your mouth with no facts to back it up.
Ok, were ranting about FBI stats...let's see them or STFU!!!!

You were recon alright...needed those warehouse skills to find!!!

Again, produce the FBI lying piece of shit...

Suck it harder this time, wigger. :whip:
Per usual...a back door "Blacks and Minorities are dangerous" post.

Nothing "back door" about it, FOOL:

55% of white female rapes are commited by black men
38% of hispanic female rapes are commited by black men
42% of oriental female rapes are commited by black men
92% of black female rapes are commited by black men

source from f.b.i stats (remember, blacks are only 12% of the population)

37% of white murders are commited by blacks
22% of hispanic murders are commited by blacks
85% of oriental murders are commited by blacks
89% of middle eastern murders are commited by blacks
95% of black murders are commited by blacks

source from f.b.i stats (remember, blacks are only 12% of the population

And come to Phoenix sometime if you're interested in how the wetbacks behave when nobody will prosecute them.

No office pogue jr., you come off as the fool; normal people don't see black boogeymen everywhere.

How about you post a link to the FBI stats that support your rant and I post the FBI stats that show whites leading in every indicator of violent crimes, white collar crimes and victimless crimes...

Now be a good little pogue, go back over to Stupid Front and get some help....

Kiss a fist bitch....."recon" is a word that means something to those of us who've done it, boy. 11F40 and you don't have a fucking clue what that to the word "pogue" you can rinse and repeat, Jody.

That's what I thought, the shit rolled out your mouth with no facts to back it up.
Ok, were ranting about FBI stats...let's see them or STFU!!!!

You were recon alright...needed those warehouse skills to find!!!

Again, produce the FBI lying piece of shit...

Suck it harder this time, wigger. :whip:

That's what I FBI stats.
You are a lying piece of shit....

No FBI stats
No Military Service...

Take the ROTC posters off your wall...
Go back to Storm Front, you have been proved a liar and a stupid racist.

FBI stats my ass...LOL!!!!
Nothing "back door" about it, FOOL:

55% of white female rapes are commited by black men
38% of hispanic female rapes are commited by black men
42% of oriental female rapes are commited by black men
92% of black female rapes are commited by black men

source from f.b.i stats (remember, blacks are only 12% of the population)

37% of white murders are commited by blacks
22% of hispanic murders are commited by blacks
85% of oriental murders are commited by blacks
89% of middle eastern murders are commited by blacks
95% of black murders are commited by blacks

source from f.b.i stats (remember, blacks are only 12% of the population

And come to Phoenix sometime if you're interested in how the wetbacks behave when nobody will prosecute them.

No office pogue jr., you come off as the fool; normal people don't see black boogeymen everywhere.

How about you post a link to the FBI stats that support your rant and I post the FBI stats that show whites leading in every indicator of violent crimes, white collar crimes and victimless crimes...

Now be a good little pogue, go back over to Stupid Front and get some help....

Kiss a fist bitch....."recon" is a word that means something to those of us who've done it, boy. 11F40 and you don't have a fucking clue what that to the word "pogue" you can rinse and repeat, Jody.

That's what I thought, the shit rolled out your mouth with no facts to back it up.
Ok, were ranting about FBI stats...let's see them or STFU!!!!

You were recon alright...needed those warehouse skills to find!!!

Again, produce the FBI lying piece of shit...

Suck it harder this time, wigger. :whip:

That's what I FBI stats.
You are a lying piece of shit....

No FBI stats
No Military Service...

Take the ROTC posters off your wall...
Go back to Storm Front, you have been proved a liar and a stupid racist.

FBI stats my ass...LOL!!!!

HARDER! :whip:

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