how many main stream media outlets are covering just how bad ACA is going?

how many main stream media outlets are covering just how bad ACA is going?

Very few

once MSNBC and others embarrassed themselves trying to log into the system
and it failed...
they knew it was time to pack it up and go home
how many main stream media outlets are covering just how bad ACA is going?

Very few

once MSNBC and others embarrassed themselves trying to log into the system
and it failed...
they knew it was time to pack it up and go home

You are not being truthful.
Better question is, how many USMB conservatives are posting threads talking about how well the exchanges are working in the states that chose to set up their own operations at the state level?

Answer: None.
In more late-Friday news, the expected rollout of the Spanish-language website and tools has been delayed — with no definite new launch date

[ame=]NBC: Obama Admin Taking Down ObamaCare Website Again & Delaying Spanish Website - YouTube[/ame]

The reactionary Left's War on Spanish speaking people
Obama also made this promise:

“I will sign a universal health-care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”

[ame=]You Lied To Me - YouTube[/ame]
Obama also made this promise:

“I will sign a universal health-care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”

You Lied To Me - YouTube

My ins has went up 2.5 times at least

Of course it has "went up". You are a nutter. The ACA is designed to make health insurance affordable for liberals only, silly!
Obama also made this promise:

“I will sign a universal health-care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”

You Lied To Me - YouTube

My ins has went up 2.5 times at least

Of course it has "went up". You are a nutter. The ACA is designed to make health insurance affordable for liberals only, silly!

Ths may suprise you
but there is allot of the ACA I agree with
I am a cancer survivor and I can tell you I have no sympathy for ins companies, even though they covered my cancer and to date have had little issue with them
They tried not to pay for some originally, but when I proved other wise
they paid
My biggest issue is with people who are doing all they can to do it right, get laid off, lose there ins
I know
one of the things that stops this would be allowing drilling in places like oil shale in Florida and other states that are it is not being allowed
Jobs created (good jobs) is part of the problem
(lack of)
Seriously... what do you expect from a group HHS that continues to say there were 46 million "uninsured" when even the
Census admits that 10 million counted as "uninsured" were not citizens AND that when the Census counted 14 million as uninsured the Census failed to recognize these 14 million were eligible poverty level wise for Medicaid.. all they need do is register!
But the really big puffing of the number was counting 18 million under 34 making over $50K who could afford but didn't NEED their employers' health plan.

That adds up to 42 million that make up the bogus 46 million!
Less the 4 million folks! Simple taxing 10% of lawyers $270 billion a year would provide the $5,000 premium for each of the 4 million that really want it.

problem is most lawyers are getting hit with 38%+ all ready

ACA already has a 10% tax on tanning salons because the cost of non-melanoma skin cancer care in the United States in the Medicare population is $426 million/year and tanning salons cause that right?
Cost of nonmelanoma skin cancer treatment in t... [Dermatol Surg. 2001] - PubMed - NCBI

So per doctors Lawyers cause FEAR of lawsuits which cause duplicate tests,etc. $850 billion! So yes tax the lawyers!
The rollout problems? All of them. You would have to check them to know.

and then who knows what you get
I goggled aca is killing full time job now and BHO smacking down Cruz comes up 2nd

The myth about job-killing Obamacare - Washington Post

The potential for some reduction in the availability of low-wage work is real. But mainstream economists aren’t seeing anything like the catastrophe Republicans have foretold, and they don’t anticipate a calamity, either.

That is because only 3 percent of small businesses — those with fewer than 500 employees — have more than 50 workers, so 97 percent of small employers are exempt from the law’s mandates. Meanwhile, virtually all large companies already offer health insurance to their employees. Aside from things such as reporting requirements, Obamacare’s mandates will directly obligate only about 1 percent of American businesses to do anything different.
You can download applications here: Other Resources - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

You can get ObamaCare insurance at this number: 800-318-2596.

There are also organizations trained as Navigators who can help you get insurance. You can find one for your area here:

SO you can sign up for ins over the phone?

Yes. And that's what I would do if I was going to buy ObamaCare insurance, regardless of how well the website worked. I might use the site to compare plans before calling.

SO why didnt we just use the phone to start with?

Every insurance company has a website, but most people probably still prefer to sign up over the phone or in person.

You buy pizza over the phone, not something as complicated as health insurance. This isn't a basic auto policy.

Stop with your liberal bs spin

That is bullshit. Do a little work. Check it out. Find an opposing opinion. Try harder.

I do not see any-one disputing it
and this?
Obamacare will increase the long-term federal deficit by $6.2 trillion, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released today.
GAO Report: Obamacare Adds $6.2 Trillion to Long-Term Deficit | National Review Online

you do not need any articles - go try it YOURSELF.

the prices are unbelievable.

like the family of four whose income is 95,000$ per year and if they have an accident and are treated out of the network - they will have to pay 63,000$ ( yes, sixty three thousand per year) before any of the benefits kick in.
The family of 4 is living in Chattanooga, TN - that is what I uploaded into the TN site for exchanges and that is what came back.
RomneyCare had huge startup problems. And its costs skyrocketed way past the predictions. It's imminent doom was regularly pronounced by its opponents with glee.

It's still here. And five years after implementation, 74 percent of the people of Massachusetts said they wanted to keep it around, even though it still needed some kinks worked out.

This is the GOP's nightmare scenario. It has chained itself to a rock called "ObamaCare FAIL", and swallowed the key to the padlock, and is in a very leaky boat. So it is singing reassuring hymns to itself, but few people are joining in.
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Obama also made this promise:

“I will sign a universal health-care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”

You Lied To Me - YouTube

My ins has went up 2.5 times at least

Millions of people will have insurance who did not have it before.

You were never going to vote Democratic anyway, but those millions of other people probably will.

The GOP gave the finger to all of them for decades by doing nothing about the problem of rising healthcare costs.

As healthcare costs rose and rose and rose, more and more and more people were priced out of the market. And the GOP said, "Fuck you. Who cares?"

Now your costs are going up? There's no one left to care.

Now those millions are all fish to be scooped into the Democratic boat. Well done, GOP! Well done.

Meanwhile, in the Republican boat, they are chained to a rock that says, "ObamaCare will fail", and have swallowed the key to the padlock. And the boat is leaking.
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