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How many must die?

Who are "These People"?

There are over 60 million displaced people around the world contributing to the huge flood of migrants and refugees.

How many terrorist attacks?

Jesus not this shit again....
We were at war with these people not long ago,they flew jets into the trade centers fer fukes sake!!!
Now you want to import em?
Those are the actions of a fool!

So you dont remember back when we had zero terrorist attacks in this country? I most certainly do.


What are you 18?

AGAIN. When have we had zero terrorists attacks in this country?

WOW maybe you're right!!! I had no idea muslims were starting shit in the mid seventies in the U.S.!!!!

Islamic Attacks on America

You have no idea about a lot of things.

Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia

Now...when did we have no terrorist attacks?
Last I heard it was terrorists that flew planes into the WTC.

Still trying to figure out why I'm supposed to be at war with my neighbor when we're at the dog park letting our dogs play.

So all the crap going on in Europe isn't really happening?

You mean terrorists?

Never mind.
Not going down that road with someone who is so obviously being willfully blind.

Nothing to do with blind. It's a matter of accuracy. There are extremists and terrorists. I have no liking for them.

You want to conflate all Muslims with them.

You stop importing them period!!!

I have no desire to import terrorists. We may have a point of agreement here.
Jesus not this shit again....
We were at war with these people not long ago,they flew jets into the trade centers fer fukes sake!!!
Now you want to import em?
Those are the actions of a fool!

So you dont remember back when we had zero terrorist attacks in this country? I most certainly do.


What are you 18?

AGAIN. When have we had zero terrorists attacks in this country?

WOW maybe you're right!!! I had no idea muslims were starting shit in the mid seventies in the U.S.!!!!

Islamic Attacks on America

You have no idea about a lot of things.

Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia

Now...when did we have no terrorist attacks?

Again,you're being disingenuous.
I know growing up terrorism was a rarity in the western world.
Now you have the muslim mayor of London telling citizens that being killed by muslims is part of life in the big city.
Here's how to get respect from Muslim barbarians

Again? Do you realize how often that is asked for, how often it is supplied and how often it just gets routinely ignored?

Google muslim condemn violence for a start.

For what a redacted liberal version of some type of lie. You don't know anything at all about the Muslim faith do you? You must not!!! ANY person that is a LEADER in the Muslim faith is MADE a leader BECAUSE he is A HARD LINE Muslim. If you do not understand that any other type of Mosque is an abhorrent sin against Allah and subject to destruction and its members subject to death you Don't know shit and should say so. Apparently you don't have any working knowledge of the Tenets of the religion. Your graphs prove that beyond any DOUBT. It is incumbent upon the believer to shield all members of the religion from disdain, they may use any type of diversionary method to do so. That means if you ask a faithful Muslim, "Do you support killing Christian children"? They will say "Of course not that is terrible" as they go to the mall to detonate a bomb at a daycare, and it is an act of protection and supported by Allah. If you do not believe that you really are a fool.

So you are claiming the average Muslim supports bombing daycare centers?

You don't know much about Islam do you?
Islamic teachings are that the killing of "innocents" is "haram." However, Islam also teaches that "all" non-believers are not innocents, thus regardless of your age, you are a target, hence the deliberate targeting of children in buses and schools. The more devout your beliefs in Islam, the more you see any infractions of Muhammad's teachings as un-Islamic and thus, you cease being a "true" Muslim in their eyes. When Muslims in Pakistan or Afghanistan allow their girls to attend schools, the Taliban (strict Islamists) no longer consider the girls to be "innocents" and thus non-Muslims and fair targets.
Repeated research and polls have found that at least 20% of Muslims believe that killing all "non-believers" is acceptable. That 20% amounts to about 320 million individuals. That's the population of the United States and many believe that they must migrate to infidel nations and change the infidel nations to Islamic nations through all means necessary and violence is simply one of those means. What we call terrorists are simply the paramilitary arm of Islam, seeking to conquer the planet. When it comes to that 320 million hardline Muslims, I'm reminded of something said in the film, "The Terminator." To paraphrase, "they can't be bargained with, they can't be reasoned with, they don't feel pity or remorse, or fear and they absolutely will not stop until you are "in this case" converted, subjugated or, dead. That....is Islam at its purest. Look at all Muslim nations and you won't see advancements in science or the arts and you won't see non-Muslims societies not only thriving, but flourishing as equals.
Before the world recognizes that the problem and the danger is the expansion of Islam (both radical and moderate) ? The recent statements from the British PM are perfect examples of the ignorance that prevails. "the recent attacks by a radical muslim are not Islamic" Really? Then what, pray tell, are they?

As long as this PC bullshit continues, innocents will be killed around the world.

I am not advocating a holy war, just recognition of what is behind this current wave of mass murder in the name of islam.

Saw the thread title and I figured you were discussing heart disease, the biggest killer in the western world.

I see you're talking ....terrorism....which ranks behind sharks.

Stop your shrill fearmongering. It's embarrassing for you.
Jesus not this shit again....
We were at war with these people not long ago,they flew jets into the trade centers fer fukes sake!!!
Now you want to import em?
Those are the actions of a fool!

So you dont remember back when we had zero terrorist attacks in this country? I most certainly do.

Last I heard it was terrorists that flew planes into the WTC.

Still trying to figure out why I'm supposed to be at war with my neighbor when we're at the dog park letting our dogs play.

So all the crap going on in Europe isn't really happening?

You mean terrorists?

Never mind.
Not going down that road with someone who is so obviously being willfully blind.

Nothing to do with blind. It's a matter of accuracy. There are extremists and terrorists. I have no liking for them.

You want to conflate all Muslims with them.
Yeah. If only we could single out the 320 million of them that want us dead, simply because we don't obey their religious laws and don't worship their Allah.
Before the world recognizes that the problem and the danger is the expansion of Islam (both radical and moderate) ? The recent statements from the British PM are perfect examples of the ignorance that prevails. "the recent attacks by a radical muslim are not Islamic" Really? Then what, pray tell, are they?

As long as this PC bullshit continues, innocents will be killed around the world.

I am not advocating a holy war, just recognition of what is behind this current wave of mass murder in the name of islam.

Saw the thread title and I figured you were discussing heart disease, the biggest killer in the western world.

I see you're talking ....terrorism....which ranks behind sharks.

Stop your shrill fearmongering. It's embarrassing for you.
Your research ability is seriously lacking.
Number of shark kills between 1958 and 2014: 548. To get killed, you have to be in their environment.
Number of known Islamic terrorist attack kills in 2016 alone: 21,240 in 59 countries. To get killed by a terrorist, you simply have to be targeted by a man or woman armed with a motor vehicle (and a knife or gun for added carnage).
Before the world recognizes that the problem and the danger is the expansion of Islam (both radical and moderate) ? The recent statements from the British PM are perfect examples of the ignorance that prevails. "the recent attacks by a radical muslim are not Islamic" Really? Then what, pray tell, are they?

As long as this PC bullshit continues, innocents will be killed around the world.

I am not advocating a holy war, just recognition of what is behind this current wave of mass murder in the name of islam.

Then it's weird you never mentioned "geopolitics".

By the way can you direct me to your (or anyone's) barrage of teeth-gnashing about the expansion of Catholicism (both radical and moderate) when the UK's main antagonist was the IRA?

Didn't think so.

But, but but, but Christians.......

BZZT. Incorrect again. The correct answer was (again) "Double Standard".

Takes a special kind of "special" to get this one wrong after it's already been spelled out in the thread.
Lol the IRA was seeking a secular democratic republic Islam is seeking a totalitarian theocratic pan-Islamic empire, and the IRA hit military and economic targets and for the most part warned ahead when civilians would be present; whereas, the pedophile worshippers seek to maximize civilian casualties. Fucking moron.
The NWO and Illumaniti are behind the Musllims and the Mexicans? :cuckoo:

Give me one good explanation for flooding the west with dangerous immigrants.

What flood of "dangerous" immigrants? Mexicans? Syrian refugees? Some individuals are dangerous. Many if not most are not. The reasons for displaced people and migrants vary considerably - economy, civil war, political instability, persecution, drought and famine.

NWO? Illuminati? Dude...

You didnt answer the question.
Undoubtedly these people are dangerous as we've seen with all the terrorist attacks and crimes committed by illegals.
You cannot possibly deny that.

Who are "These People"?

There are over 60 million displaced people around the world contributing to the huge flood of migrants and refugees.

How many terrorist attacks?

Jesus not this shit again....
We were at war with these people not long ago,they flew jets into the trade centers fer fukes sake!!!
Now you want to import em?
Those are the actions of a fool!

So you dont remember back when we had zero terrorist attacks in this country? I most certainly do.
Evidently she doesn't understand that war is ongoing for her Muzzy buds.
Coyote Here is a portion from what you want links to. You won't even have to translate it as I did that for you in these. Next batch of links you can translate for yourself what I don't put here. Seventeen years is how long the 120 people in the Besaki neighborhood have waited for a church building of their own and the people north of them are willing to fight and riot to make sure they do not get a building of their own to worship in. Riots are reported on this site how the poor people who fought police were sprayed with pepper spray. Arrahmah News – Arrahmah.com

[Galeri Foto] Tolak Pembangunan Gereja Santa Clara, Ribuan Umat Islam Kepung Kantor Walikota Bekasi- Subtract the Church of Santa Clara, thousands of Muslims Surround Bekasi Mayor's Office

BEKASI (Panjimas.com) – Ribuan umat Islam yang tergabung dalam Majelis Silaturahim Umat Islam Bekasi (MSUIB) mengepung Kantor Walikota Bekasi yang terletak di Jalan Ir H Juanda No 1, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, pada hari Senin (10/8/2015). Thousands of people Islam belonging to the Muslimims of Turkey Friendship Assembly (MSUIB) surrounded the office of Mayor of Bekasi, located in Jalan Ir H Juanda No. 1, Bekasi, West Java, on Monday

Dalam aksi tersebut, umat Islam menolak pembangunan Gereja Katolik Paroki Santa Clara, yang berlokasi di RW 11, Kelurahan Teluk Pucung Bekasi Utara, Kota Bekasi. Mereka membawa spanduk yang berisi penolakan, “Kami Warga Muslim Duta Harapan dan Telaga Mas Harapan Baru / Bekasi Utara, Menolak Dengan Tegas Pembangunan Gereja Santa Clara Bekasi Utara,” demikian tulisan dalam spanduk tersebut. / In these actions, Muslims deny the development of the Catholic Church Parish of Santa Clara, which is located in RW 11, Village Heron Bay North Bekasi, Bekasi. They carried banners with rejection, "We are Muslims and Telaga Mas Ambassador Hope New Hope / North Bekasi, Pushing Unequivocally Church of Santa Clara North Bekasi," the inscription in the banner.

Aksi umat Islam tersebut dimulai dari Islamic Center Kota Bekasi, lalu long march menuju Kantor Walikota Bekasi. Tiba di depan kantor Walikota, umat Islam melakukan pembakaran keranda jenazah, sebagai simbol matinya hati nurani Walikota Bekasi, Rahmat Efendi. / Action Muslims started from the Islamic Center of the City and the long march towards the office of Mayor of Bekasi. Arriving in front of the Mayor's office, Muslims burning coffin, symbolizing the death of conscience Mayor of Bekasi, Rahmat Efendi.

Umat Islam yang mengepung kantor Walikota Bekasi sempat panas lantaran perwakilan Umat Islam tak kunjung keluar karena negosiasi yang alot dengan Walikota Bekasi. // Islams besieged the office of Mayor of Besaki was hot because the representation People of Islam would not go out because of tough negotiations with the Mayor of Bekasi.

Massa umat Islam yang semula melakukan aksi damai, sempat terprovokasi lantaran kaum Muslimin yang menuntut masuk menemui perwakilan mereka, dihadang dengan Satpol PP bersenjatakan tameng. Namun berkat kesigapan para laskar dan Koordinator Lapangan, Alhamdulillah, kericuhan tak sempat membesar.// People of Islam initially peaceful protest, was provoked by the Muslimim who come in to claim their representatives, confronted with municipal police armed with shields. But thanks to the alertness of the troops and field coordinator, thank God, riots did not have time to grow.

Setelah massa umat Islam dihadang aparat dan tak diperbolehkan masuk, akhirnya umat Islam memblokir Jalan Ahmad Yani.//After the people of Islam confronted by officials and not allowed to enter, the people of Islam finally block Jalan Ahmad Yani.

Selain itu, umat Islam juga melaksanakan shalat Zhuhur berjamaah disambung dengan doa di tengah Jalan Ahmad Yani yang diblokir. // In addition, people of Islam also pray Zuhr prayer in congregation is connected with the central Jalan Ahmad Yani blocked.

Setelah mendapatkan keputusan hasil kesepakatan antara perwakilan umat Islam dengan Walikota Bekasi, bahwa pembangunan Gereja Santa Clara adalah “status quo” umat Islam meninggalkan lokasi dengan tertib. [AW] // After getting the results of an agreement between the representatives of the people Islam with the Mayor of Bekasi, that the construction of the Church of Santa Clara is the "status quo" people of Islam left the scene with the order.

Umat Islam Bekasi: Kami akan Berjuang Sampai Gereja Liar Santa Clara tak Ada Lagi! // Muslims Bekasi: We'll Fight Until Church Liar of Santa Clara is No More!
BEKASI (Panjimas.com) – Cucu KH Amin Noer, Ustadz Iman mengungkapkan lima tuntutan umat Islam terhadap Gereja Santa Clara manipulasi data yang diduga telah melakukan untuk mendapatkan izin pembangunan. // Amin KH Noer grandchildren, Ustadz Iman reveals five demands of people of Islam against the Church of Santa Clara alleged to have committed manipulation of data to obtain construction permits.

“Kesatu, kami umat Islam Bekasi dan sekitarnya menolak dengan tegas pembangunan gereja liar Santa Clara dan gereja-gereja liar lainnya, khususnya yang ada di Bekasi,” ujar cucu KH. Amin Noer, Ustadz Iman, di depan SMK Panjatek, Jalan Lingkar Luar, Bekasi Utara, Jum’at //"One, we people of Islam in Bekasi and surrounding areas strongly rejected the illegal construction of the church of Santa Clara and other unauthorized churches, particularly in Bekasi," said KH grandchildren. Amin Noer, Ustadz Iman, in front of SMK Panjatek, Outer Ring Road, North Bekasi Friday (24/3/2017).

“Kedua, kami mendesak kepada panitia pembangunan Gereja Santa Clara untuk menghentikan segala aktivitas pembangunannya. Ketiga, kami mendesak kepada Pemerintah Kota Bekasi agar segera mencabut perizinan IMB Gereja Santa Clara,” tuturnya. // "Secondly, we urge the Santa Clara Church building committee to stop any further development. Thirdly, we urge the Bekasi City Government to immediately revoke permissions IMB Church of Santa Clara, "he said.

“Keempat, kami mendesak kepada Forum Kerukunan Umat Beragama Kota Bekasi untuk segera mencabut atau membatalkan surat rekomendasi pembangunan Gereja Santa Clara yang secara jelas terdapat kekeliruan dan kesalahan fatal. // "Fourth, we pressure the Forum for Religious Harmony City Bekasi to immediately suspend or revoke the construction of the Church of Santa Clara recommendation which clearly there is a mistake and the fatal error.

Kelima, kami umat Islam Bekasi dan sekitarnya tidak akan berhenti untuk berjuang sampai gereja liar Santa Clara tidak ada lagi di Bekasi,” tandasnya. // Fifth, we Islam people in Bekasi and surrounding areas will not cease to fight the liar Santa Clara church no longer in Bekasi, "he said.

Ustadz Iman berharap bahwa kelima tuntutan umat Islam tersebut di dengar oleh Wali Kota Bekasi Rahmat Effendi. [DP] // Ustadz Iman hoped that a fifth of the people Islam demands heard by Mayor of Bekasi Rahmat Effendi."

Today is Monday (07/03/2016) mass of People of Islam se-Bekasi Raya joined in friendship Assembly of Islam Bekasi (MSUMB) will conduct a peaceful demonstration rejecting the establishment of liar church of Santa Clara, at Jalan Raya Kaliabang, New Hope, North Bekasi believed to be the largest church in Southeast Asia.

Citing Panjimas.com, in the invitation signed by the Chairman MSUMB, KH Ishomudin Muchtar peaceful protest will start at 07.00 s / d is completed by the rallying point of the masses in some places.

The Muslims from the end of Hope and surrounding areas in the grounds of Masjid At-Taqwa Edge Hope. While people Islasm of Kaliabang and surrounding areas gathered at the Officers / front North Jakarta District.

As for the peaceful action to be taken by the Santa Clara - Bekasi Mayor's Office - Office of Bekasi City DPRD II

People Islam are expected to wear white clothes on the action.

Insha Allah, this action will be attended by the Ulema and the Habaib se-Bekasi Raya.

Contact Person:

Ismail (081210032884)
Arifin SH (+6281219995656)
KH Ishomudin (08111782288)

Violation of Santa Clara Bekasi

Earlier, People Islam Bekasi has seeked to reject the establishment of the church bureaucracy wild Santa Clara, but once agreed the status quo by the Mayor of Bekasi, Rahmat Efendi, but it turns out the construction of the church are still ongoing

In the invitation letter spread on social media mentioned a number of reasons why people Islam Bekasi reject the establishment of the church of Santa Clara:

Santa Clara proven to perform data manipulation
Santa Clara convicted of fraud
The location is not in accordance with a permit
Contrary to local wisdom and others

On that basis, Raya Bekasi Muslimims should move to straighten the evils done Bekasi Mayor, Rahmat Efendi related to the establishment of wild church of Santa Clara, with staged a demonstration to be held on.
- See more at: Hari ini umat Islam demo Walikota Bekasi tolak gereja Santa Clara – Arrahmah.com

Tokoh Jawara Bekasi, H Damin Sada angkat bicara terkait aksi Umat Islam menolak pembangunan Gereja Santa Clara.

Menurutnya, kalau bicara toleransi, selama ini masyarakat Bekasi sudah sangat toleransi terhadap kaum minoritas.

“Kalo bicara rumah ibadah, gereja lebih banyak daripada masjid. Apakah kita kurang toleransi?” kata Tokoh Jawara Bekasi, H. Damin Sada, di depan SMK Panjatek, Jalan Lingkar Utara, Bekasi Utara, Jum’at (24/3/2017).

Dalam aksi umat Islam di lokasi pembangunan Gereja Santa Clara guna menolak perizinan dan pembangunan Gereja Santa Clara, Damin Sada menjelaskan makna toleransi.

“Toleransi itu saling menghargai, yang mayoritas menyayangi minoritas, yang minoritas menghargai mayoritas,” tuturnya.

Ia menambahkan, “Kalau umat Islam mayoritas, di situ akan damai, karena apa? Karena umat Islam tidak memaksakan. Itulah makna toleransi,” ujarnya.

“Di sini beda, toleransi itu mendirikan rumah ibadah di tempat mayoritas, tidak menghargai (itu)!” imbuhnya.

Oleh karenanya, Tokoh Jawara Betawi, H Damin Sada berharap aksi menolak perizinan dan pembangunan Gereja Santa Clara terus berlanjut.

“(Jadi) saya berharap, teruskan perjuangan ini dan kita jadikan Bekasi bukan hanya Kota Patriot tapi kota yang Islami,” tandasnya. [DP]

Champion figure Bekasi, H Damin Sada spoke related action of people Islam reject the building of the Church of Santa Clara.

According to him, if we talk about tolerance, for this community of Bekasi have been very tolerant of minorities.

"If talking houses of worship, the church is more than a mosque. Are we less tolerance? "People said Jawara Bekasi, H. Damin Sada, in front of SMK Panjatek, North Ring Road, North Bekasi, Friday (03/24/2017).

Under the action of people Islam at the construction site of the Church of Santa Clara in order to reject the licensing and construction of the Church of Santa Clara, Damin Sada explain the meaning of tolerance.

"Tolerance was respectful, loving majority minority, that minority appreciate the majority," he said.

He added, "If people Islam are the majority, there will be peace, because what? Because Islam people do not impose. That is the meaning of tolerance," he said.

"This is different, of tolerance was set up houses of worship in the majority, do not appreciate (it)!" He added.

Therefore, Figure Jawara Betawi, H Damin Sada hope that action reject permitting and construction of the Church of Santa Clara continues.

"(So) I hope, continue this struggle and we make not only City of Bekasi Patriot but the city is Islamic," he said. [DP]

Jawara Bekasi Serukan Umat Islam Teruskan Perjuangan Tolak Gereja Santa Clara

AGAIN. When have we had zero terrorists attacks in this country?

WOW maybe you're right!!! I had no idea muslims were starting shit in the mid seventies in the U.S.!!!!

Islamic Attacks on America

You have no idea about a lot of things.

Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia

Now...when did we have no terrorist attacks?

Again,you're being disingenuous.
I know growing up terrorism was a rarity in the western world.
Now you have the muslim mayor of London telling citizens that being killed by muslims is part of life in the big city.

Except it WASN'T. Hell, look at the record. You either didn't CARE before (because it wasn't Muslims?) or we didn't have the degree of media coverage we now have, but a simple look the list of terrorist attacks will show you how wrong you are.
What are you 18?

AGAIN. When have we had zero terrorists attacks in this country?

WOW maybe you're right!!! I had no idea muslims were starting shit in the mid seventies in the U.S.!!!!

Islamic Attacks on America

You have no idea about a lot of things.

Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia

Now...when did we have no terrorist attacks?

Again,you're being disingenuous.
I know growing up terrorism was a rarity in the western world.
Now you have the muslim mayor of London telling citizens that being killed by muslims is part of life in the big city.

Except it WASN'T. Hell, look at the record. You either didn't CARE before (because it wasn't Muslims?) or we didn't have the degree of media coverage we now have, but a simple look the list of terrorist attacks will show you how wrong you are.
They ramped up their take over because their book claimed they would win in war. They counted on that in Dijab but they had their asses handed to them so they reset their goals even though their prophecy turned to shit and thousands were slaughter in their quest for control.

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