How Many Names Do Dems / Lib MSM / Snowflakes Have For Those Not On-Board W/Their Ideology?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Add ' Representatives of Old Confederate States' to the already extremely long list of names Democrat / Fake News Leftist Media / Snowflakes use to attack and silence anyone who does not embrace their ideology and agenda.
* CNN's John Harwood ridiculed for claiming 25 senators voting against impeachment witnesses represent 'old Confederacy' states

How many can you list? Here are a few:


'Squealing Political Pigs'
'Christian Sharia'
'Starbucks Cup'
'Uncle Tom'

10 names Democrats have called Republicans on the brink of a government shutdown

Hillary Clinton Calls Many Trump Backers ‘Deplorables,’ and G.O.P. Pounces

Every Insult the Left Uses to Troll Conservatives, Explained

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