How many NY China Virus victims had lung damage from 9/11?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
We have this massive concentration of critical cases and deaths in New York and New Jersey. Has anyone considered the after effects of 9/11? We all know that thousands have died of 9/11 lung related diseases but maybe there was a larger population that had damage from the airborne particles but it didn't manifest into a disease. But instead they created enough inflammation for the COVID-19 to stick. Just a thought.
We have this massive concentration of critical cases and deaths in New York and New Jersey. Has anyone considered the after effects of 9/11? We all know that thousands have died of 9/11 lung related diseases but maybe there was a larger population that had damage from the airborne particles but it didn't manifest into a disease. But instead they created enough inflammation for the COVID-19 to stick. Just a thought.
Good question, Mike. This makes a lot of sense.
We have this massive concentration of critical cases and deaths in New York and New Jersey. Has anyone considered the after effects of 9/11? We all know that thousands have died of 9/11 lung related diseases but maybe there was a larger population that had damage from the airborne particles but it didn't manifest into a disease. But instead they created enough inflammation for the COVID-19 to stick. Just a thought.
Excellent critical thinking.

The comorbidity on those victims would have been extreme.

If you dig into the pollution, you will find that the victims in both Italy and Wuhan, those areas were the most polluted areas in both Europe and China.

I did some digging. . . the reason the minority community is disproportionately affected has to do with where they live, the quality of the food they eat, and the air they breath, and limited access to health care.
We have this massive concentration of critical cases and deaths in New York and New Jersey. Has anyone considered the after effects of 9/11? We all know that thousands have died of 9/11 lung related diseases but maybe there was a larger population that had damage from the airborne particles but it didn't manifest into a disease. But instead they created enough inflammation for the COVID-19 to stick. Just a thought.
its a very good question .
We have this massive concentration of critical cases and deaths in New York and New Jersey. Has anyone considered the after effects of 9/11? We all know that thousands have died of 9/11 lung related diseases but maybe there was a larger population that had damage from the airborne particles but it didn't manifest into a disease. But instead they created enough inflammation for the COVID-19 to stick. Just a thought.
it's a solid question....
But did the ITALIANS or the SPANISH, both with high death rates, go through 9/11?

this virus is the mother of all mothers when it comes to who, what, when, where and's baffling, in many ways....
Interesting question. I know nothing of the science involved. What I'm thinking about, just off the top of my head, given that the 9/11 tragedy occurred 19 years ago and many deaths related to 9/11 occurred in the years immediately following, particularly among first responders:

the recently deceaseds' distance from the 9/11 site at the time that it occurred, how long would any particles have remained circulating in the air, would they have settled permanently somewhere that they could be picked up by humans and cause lung damage, the fact that more densely populated areas such as NY and NJ have a greater amount of air pollution than less densely populated areas, the abundance of chemical plants in the area (if you've ever driven by Rahway and Elizabeth, you know what I mean, as you can smell it for miles), are there any chest ex-rays of these people taken before the outbreak of the coronavirus that could be used for further study, how does the death rate from this virus compare with those in other cities that were not affected by the events of 9/11.

I'm sure that this is by no means a complete list.
We have this massive concentration of critical cases and deaths in New York and New Jersey. Has anyone considered the after effects of 9/11? We all know that thousands have died of 9/11 lung related diseases but maybe there was a larger population that had damage from the airborne particles but it didn't manifest into a disease. But instead they created enough inflammation for the COVID-19 to stick. Just a thought.
it's a solid question....
But did the ITALIANS or the SPANISH, both with high death rates, go through 9/11?

this virus is the mother of all mothers when it comes to who, what, when, where and's baffling, in many ways....
Italians and Spanish smoke like the Devil, but we arent supposed to know that either..The young kids in the US, were those affected by the Wuhan virus previous Vapor users? We arent getting the whole story, just what the left wants to deal US.
We have this massive concentration of critical cases and deaths in New York and New Jersey. Has anyone considered the after effects of 9/11? We all know that thousands have died of 9/11 lung related diseases but maybe there was a larger population that had damage from the airborne particles but it didn't manifest into a disease. But instead they created enough inflammation for the COVID-19 to stick. Just a thought.
it's a solid question....
But did the ITALIANS or the SPANISH, both with high death rates, go through 9/11?

this virus is the mother of all mothers when it comes to who, what, when, where and's baffling, in many ways....
There may be things unique to Italy or Spain that made them a global hot spot as well. I'm just looking for something unique to the New York/New Jersey area that might explain how such a small geographic area could have nearly half of all US COVID-19 cases.
We have this massive concentration of critical cases and deaths in New York and New Jersey. Has anyone considered the after effects of 9/11? We all know that thousands have died of 9/11 lung related diseases but maybe there was a larger population that had damage from the airborne particles but it didn't manifest into a disease. But instead they created enough inflammation for the COVID-19 to stick. Just a thought.
We have this massive concentration of critical cases and deaths in New York and New Jersey. Has anyone considered the after effects of 9/11? We all know that thousands have died of 9/11 lung related diseases but maybe there was a larger population that had damage from the airborne particles but it didn't manifest into a disease. But instead they created enough inflammation for the COVID-19 to stick. Just a thought.
it's a solid question....
But did the ITALIANS or the SPANISH, both with high death rates, go through 9/11?

this virus is the mother of all mothers when it comes to who, what, when, where and's baffling, in many ways....
There may be things unique to Italy or Spain that made them a global hot spot as well. I'm just looking for something unique to the New York/New Jersey area that might explain how such a small geographic area could have nearly half of all US COVID-19 cases.
Does Sodom and Gomorrah ring a bell.
We have this massive concentration of critical cases and deaths in New York and New Jersey. Has anyone considered the after effects of 9/11? We all know that thousands have died of 9/11 lung related diseases but maybe there was a larger population that had damage from the airborne particles but it didn't manifest into a disease. But instead they created enough inflammation for the COVID-19 to stick. Just a thought.
/----/ It's a valid question. Thank you.
We have this massive concentration of critical cases and deaths in New York and New Jersey. Has anyone considered the after effects of 9/11? We all know that thousands have died of 9/11 lung related diseases but maybe there was a larger population that had damage from the airborne particles but it didn't manifest into a disease. But instead they created enough inflammation for the COVID-19 to stick. Just a thought.
A lot of them are already dead
We have this massive concentration of critical cases and deaths in New York and New Jersey. Has anyone considered the after effects of 9/11? We all know that thousands have died of 9/11 lung related diseases but maybe there was a larger population that had damage from the airborne particles but it didn't manifest into a disease. But instead they created enough inflammation for the COVID-19 to stick. Just a thought.
it's a solid question....
But did the ITALIANS or the SPANISH, both with high death rates, go through 9/11?

this virus is the mother of all mothers when it comes to who, what, when, where and's baffling, in many ways....
There may be things unique to Italy or Spain that made them a global hot spot as well. I'm just looking for something unique to the New York/New Jersey area that might explain how such a small geographic area could have nearly half of all US COVID-19 cases.
This virus is totally baffling, in many ways.... the scientists are even baffled by it!

But if I were to take a couple of guesses...

NYC is the number 1 most visited place by foreign and domestic tourists in the USA....Lots of Asians and Europeans travel there for business as well.... So we know the virus likely entered the east coast in a massive way, thru New York....

Scientists now believe this virus is airborne... at first they thought it was like the flu and passed from coughing and sneezing and wet airborne particle from that action.... but then they figured out that people with no symptoms, the A-symptomatic were infectious and passing the virus as well.... through dry air.... just by someone around them, breathing their exhale.... which to me, seems impossible and frightening at the same time!

But the really tight quarters in New York Metro area makes it prime real estate for passing this Corona virus...

Also, that Chinese doctor who was the whistleblower, and eventually died from it, was a healthy 34 year old man.... the reason it killed him but not most other young men is likely due to his multiple exposures to it... I think they call it, viral load.... anyway, he was exposed to the virus so so many times by different patients, that it made him get as sick as he did.... is the claim.... tight quarters with lots of different exposures from different people, could be making New Yorkers viral load, greater.

So, maybe this is why New Yorkers seem to be getting much sicker and dying at greater rates?
Other baffling things are why are the old dying at greater rates?

Usually, with an influenza virus, it is the old and the young that are the ones most susceptible to dying... sometimes the old survive better than the youngsters because they've been exposed to the virus previously and have antibodies that fight it.... like with H1N1.... turns out the old folks had been exposed to a form of the virus in an earlier decade, and were still protected....

Which would make sense.....

But this virus bitch, is basically not affecting the very young kids....Why? Makes no sense that it wouldn't?

And doctors are baffled why men are dying at greater rates than women...

Two compromised 70 year old smokers with lung damage, contract the virus... the male will die, the female will not.... the docs and scientists don't know why this is happening....?

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