How Many Of You Have Never Committed A Crime?

Have you broken the law some time in your life?

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  • No

  • I'm a Democrat so the law doesn't apply to me the way it does to Republicans

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How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
I don't remember any pseudocons asking if anyone had never committed a crime when Clinton was being impeached.
Clinton DID commit a crime He lied under OATH.
I don't remember any pseudocons asking if anyone had never committed a crime when Clinton was being impeached.
This is how you know the writing's on the wall for the Trump Administration.

When self-professed conservatives, Republicans and other assorted Trump supporters are creating threads like this.


They typical response from an asshole that doesn't care if the government is corrupt.
You must be a Democrat.

Democrats don't believe the law matters.
Winning is all that matters, even if winning means you're gonna get fucked like the rest of us by the corrupt motherfuckers you helped get into power.

How is the government corrupt if they are investigating people who broke laws?

You aren't very good at logic are you?
The fact is the DOJ is not holding Mueller to his assigned task, which was completing a counterintelligence investigation.

I guess you didn't read the charge letter he was given.

You're wrong...but you know that

Actually I know a blank check when I see one. That's not what that law is for. Personally I think it was a violation of the law, because a special counsel is only supposed to be utilized when the DOJ is unable to adequately do the investigation, which they had been doing for more than a year before the appointment. And don't come up with any shit about Comey be fired, he wasn't the investigator.

How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
I don't remember any pseudocons asking if anyone had never committed a crime when Clinton was being impeached.
Clinton DID commit a crime He lied under OATH.

Clinton should have thanked Republicans for that silly stunt. They boosted his popularity higher than it had ever been.
Personally I think it was a violation of the law,

Personally what you think means shit...until you get to be Attorney General

Because the CURRENT Deputy Attorney General ...who had the power to do so...gave Mueller his mandate. And he has the mandate to investigate where the evidence takes him
There are hundreds of thousands of laws. There is no way to avoid breaking one by intent or ignorance.

That's the way totalitarians like it. All citizens are considered criminal by default.
So we should not prosecute crimes then?

I guess we have a lot of people that need to be let out of jails then huh?

Fucking stupid shit

Please make sense so that I can respond.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
I don't remember any pseudocons asking if anyone had never committed a crime when Clinton was being impeached.

Because the fucker was caught red handed for perjury and obstruction and plead to both.


Over a blowjob. Big deal.
He ILLEGAL used his influence on a subordinate now adays people get sued for that and do jail time.
When I was 7 yrs old, living on an AF Base, walking home from school, I crossed the street in the middle of the road and not the corner....

A Military Police Airman spotted me doing this, and basically took me in to his custody, explained to me I was breaking the law, by Jaywalking and in his custody, walked me home to my house and turned me over to my mother's custody!!! It scared the pajesus out of me!! And I never jaywalked again, so help me God!!! Even now, as an adult.... I cross the street only at legal corner crossroads!!!
The MP was a prick
He was stern!

But honestly, my mother was very grateful at the time and was really concerned that I could have been killed by a car some day if I had continued doing such....

and looking back on it, he did a good thing by scaring me like that.... this was Westover AF Base in western Massachusetts, I was in 2nd grade...

the following year, 3rd grade, we lived in Brooklyn, NY with my Italian grandparents (because my father was in Vietnam) and traffic and big avenues to cross walking home from school was really dangerous... if you jay walked and didn't use the cross walks and green walk lights for safe crossing, you really could be killed!!!!

My older sister would jaywalk and cross the Avenue mid stream if she saw no cars, and I used to tell her, don't do it! It is against the law!!! But she never listened to me!!!

And the last day of school, I went down to the corner to cross and she crossed midway and was hit by a motor cycle... she survived but a big chunk of her knee was cut open with skin hanging there, some lady sitting on her stoop, called the police and maybe an ambulance, but I left her there with them and ran home as fast as the fastest runner of my age could ever run, to get home to tell my mother and grand father that my sister had been hit by a motor cycle...I lost a shoe on the way home, and my Winnie the Poo coloring book that I had won for writing the best book reports the whole year from my teacher, and had no idea at the time... talk about adrenaline!!! I just knew I had to get home and tell mom what happened so she could get help!!! Amazing all these years it still seems like yesterday!

When I got home, my mom was in the shower but my Italian grandfather was outside on the stoop waiting for us to get home from school... he didn't speak English and I spoke very little Italian at the time and what I did know, I couldn't remember, nor speak... not even in English if memory serves, I was crying, out of breath, really upset and could not put words together....totally traumatized! So I said my sister's name to him then made a noise like a car or motorcycle and got out, ''broooom brooom brooom Bang'' and like anyone of Italian decent, used my hands while saying that, to speak as well...

he got and understood what I was trying to say, though did not know if a car or motorcycle and ran the way to the school to find her and I ran in and got my mom out of the shower and was able to speak at that point and told her and by the time she was quickly dressed my grandfather had carried my sister home the several blocks, and my mom had called a cab, which was there lickedy spit and we were on our way to the hospital clinic at Fort Hamilton 57 stitches she got to sew up her knee!!!

Sorry for the long story... but it all confirmed to me that young MP did a good service by scaring me like that, and if the guy's alive, I OWE HIM great thanks!!! IF ONLY he had caught my sister and scared her, like he did me... she probably would not have been hit!!!
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Because the fucker was caught red handed for perjury and obstruction and plead to both.

But wouldn't those be the famous "process crimes"?


Nope, they would be cover up crimes by a sworn member of the bar, he lied in a sworn deposition. It's not like he didn't have a lawyer to advise him. The same reason Cohen had no excuse for breaking the law.

.'re makin it up as ya go along

Simple, prove me wrong, Troll.

How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
I don't remember any pseudocons asking if anyone had never committed a crime when Clinton was being impeached.

Because the fucker was caught red handed for perjury and obstruction and plead to both.


Over a blowjob. Big deal.
He ILLEGAL used his influence on a subordinate now adays people get sued for that and do jail time.

His subordinate wanted to blow him. I would have let her too.
Because the fucker was caught red handed for perjury and obstruction and plead to both.

But wouldn't those be the famous "process crimes"?


Nope, they would be cover up crimes by a sworn member of the bar, he lied in a sworn deposition. It's not like he didn't have a lawyer to advise him. The same reason Cohen had no excuse for breaking the law.

.'re makin it up as ya go along

Simple, prove me wrong, Troll.

Better your claims and we'll examine them.

Just saying stupid shit doesn't cut it
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
I don't remember any pseudocons asking if anyone had never committed a crime when Clinton was being impeached.

Because the fucker was caught red handed for perjury and obstruction and plead to both.


Over a blowjob. Big deal.
He ILLEGAL used his influence on a subordinate now adays people get sued for that and do jail time.

His subordinate wanted to blow him. I would have let her too.
And it is illegal, now a days you go to jail for that and get sued. AND lose your job.
How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
I don't remember any pseudocons asking if anyone had never committed a crime when Clinton was being impeached.

Because the fucker was caught red handed for perjury and obstruction and plead to both.


Over a blowjob. Big deal.

Only really ignorant people think that way, willie was the president and a sworn member of the bar, he was suppose to know better. Too bad you don't.


So he was charged (impeached by the house republicans) but found not guilty by the senate. Again --- big deal --- over a blow job.The entire partisan stunt bit you in the ass too. You were worse off after your little tap dance, and you boosted his approval ratings to boot. That's just funny.

That just tells you commies put party before country, he plead out in State court, admitting his guilt. So the senate finding was a farce.

How many of you have never committed a crime?

Anyone who supports the Mueller probe is essentially admitting that eventually Mueller will find something to charge Trump with. Who cares that it's not even remotely related to the original reason for the investigation. Everyone has either accidentally or on purpose, broken laws.

Heck, some people break laws every single day.
If you jaywalk, or go one mph over the speed limit, or parked in a handicapped parking space, you've broken the law.

That is the purpose of the Mueller probe. It is a fraudulent investigation in search of a crime. Anyone who supports this kind of witchhunt is essentially saying that they support overturning the election results at any costs. This is immoral and unconstitutional.
I don't remember any pseudocons asking if anyone had never committed a crime when Clinton was being impeached.
Clinton DID commit a crime He lied under OATH.

Clinton should have thanked Republicans for that silly stunt. They boosted his popularity higher than it had ever been.
So much so that he signed Welfare reform and had lower debt that he later claimed it was his idea..........LOL

Did the Dems win the next election..........why no they didn't........and under Clinton the GOP made historic gains in the House and Senate.....sound familiar.......

It is a swaying voters each going to the other side.
I don't remember any pseudocons asking if anyone had never committed a crime when Clinton was being impeached.

Because the fucker was caught red handed for perjury and obstruction and plead to both.


Over a blowjob. Big deal.
He ILLEGAL used his influence on a subordinate now adays people get sued for that and do jail time.

His subordinate wanted to blow him. I would have let her too.
And it is illegal, now a days you go to jail for that and get sued. AND lose your job.

For about the millionth time-----big deal. The hyper partisan house impeached him; they had been looking for any excuse to do that for a long time, anyway. The senate didn't convict him. All over a blowjob. What did a blowjob have to do with Starr's investigation into Whitewater, anyway?

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