How many people will Biden be directly responsible for who get fired because of his mandate?

Holy shit, do any of you actually believe in personal responsibility or was that just another con?

This is like whining over who is going to lose their drivers license because they refuse to wear seat belts.

Man up, little boy. Just fucking try, once!
Since you loons want everyone to carry around proof of vaccinations. You need to turn on this also.
How is that all the dems on this board proclaim to follow politics yet they never know anything?
I ask this all the time. It’s like they don’t read anything current events related.

Maybe because so few of them work? I have no idea. I know because it is effecting the industry I work in.
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Only the ones that won’t get tested weekly. Let me guess, the YouTube video you watched to enrage you didn’t tell you that it’s not a vaccine mandate. The employer must ask for vaccinations or that the employee get tested weekly.
Yep. The employer will have to deal with those of us who will neither vaccinate OR test. People like ME. Especially since I am working completely remotely at this time and will likely be for at least the next seven months.
Some companies with a little over 100 employees are laying off vaccinated people to get below the threshold so they don't have to let their more valuable non vaccinated people go.

Unintended consequences.

Like Obama said "never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to screw something up".
Biden's mandate will save thousands of lives. And the unvaxed, irresponsible idiots who give up their jobs because they don't want to be responsible - or live - can find another damn job, or die. Everyone is replaceable.
You can get rid of all the unvaccinated and you loons will still spread covid amongst yourselves forever. I cannot understand how ignorant you are.
Some companies with a little over 100 employees are laying off vaccinated people to get below the threshold so they don't have to let their more valuable non vaccinated people go.

Unintended consequences.

Like Obama said "never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to screw something up".
Wow, could you imagine if that were remotely true?'s been FDA approved.

The proof that it is not dangerous is also confirmed by the fact that 95% plus of all deaths are from goobers like yourself who listen to complete nonsense where the vaccine is concerned.
No it's not. The one fda approved is not available. My source? If it's fda approved, the company that makes it can get sued. You still cannot sue Johnson and Johnson. Do a little research, you're being played.
What does President Potatohead care if you get fired or if you quit because of his tyrannical mandate?

There are thousands of Illegals that are flooding across the border each day that will need employment once their welfare runs out. They can take your place.
Biden's mandate will save thousands of lives. And the unvaxed, irresponsible idiots who give up their jobs because they don't want to be responsible - or live - can find another damn job, or die. Everyone is replaceable.
No it won’t.
Biden’s handlers are pissed off because recent events have made them look like the incompetent boobs they are.

This is them flexing their muscles out of desperation.
This one is going to cost him too, the people I know that is trying to get me to get the shot. Would be againt the government stepping in and making me lose my job, but they can't. Because I work for myself.
How is that all the dems on this board proclaim to follow politics yet they never know anything?
Have you noticed how all our facts and logic are correct, while you can only parrot dumb talking points? Probably not, since you live in an alternate kook reality. Rest assured that all the normal people see it. You're a sad cult loon.

I kind of feel for you. I was just forced to spend 3 days in a car listening to the FOX News Channel. The constant hysterical meltdown levels there were even warping my brain. Those of low intelligence and weak minds, such as the Trump cultists, they don't stand a chance against such a concentrated propaganda barrage.
Have you noticed how all our facts and logic are correct, while you can only parrot dumb talking points? Probably not, since you live in an alternate kook reality. Rest assured that all the normal people see it. You're a sad cult loon.

I kind of feel for you. I was just forced to spend 3 days in a car listening to the FOX News Channel. The constant hysterical meltdown levels there were even warping my brain. Those of low intelligence and weak minds, such as the Trump cultists, they don't stand a chance against such a concentrated propaganda barrage.
No. But I have noticed all of the lefties on this boards talking points match up to the DNC’s rhetoric 100% of the time.

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