How many people will Biden be directly responsible for who get fired because of his mandate?

Ahh but Isreal would disagree with you, and the vaccine is useless to the Wu strain. Sucks to be you.

Yes we have discussed this. The mere 10% of unvaccinated Israelis are a canard which you loons keep pushing. Obviously, areas with high vax rates create outcomes where 60-70% of those contracting the COVIDS are vaxed.

Big deal, they aren't filling ER beds and they are not dying. Please cut it out with your disinformation Baghdad Bob - Or is this Joe? :lol:

Yes we have discussed this. The mere 10% of unvaccinated Israelis are a canard which you loons keep pushing. Obviously, areas with high vax rates create outcomes where 60-70% of those contracting the COVIDS are vaxed.

Big deal, they aren't filling ER beds and they are not dying. Please cut it out with your disinformation Baghdad Bob - Or is this Joe? :lol:

Might want to see where you get your figures from, because if they are right. Biden would've used them the other night. Quit being a tool.
Okay stop being STOOPID ;)
You're the one showing ignorance, if Biden could've used Isreal for his benefit he would've. So yes, after 50 years. Biden is still a failure and you still support him! Lol, you're an idiot!
Yes we have discussed this. The mere 10% of unvaccinated Israelis are a canard which you loons keep pushing. Obviously, areas with high vax rates create outcomes where 60-70% of those contracting the COVIDS are vaxed.

Big deal, they aren't filling ER beds and they are not dying. Please cut it out with your disinformation Baghdad Bob - Or is this Joe? :lol:

Kid, you are absolutely pathetic. You're not even a good troll anymore.
No one is being forced to take the vaccine. Just get tested weekly. Don't worry, just take ivermectin and you'll always test negative for the virus :laugh: :laugh:
Tens of thousands?

Employers are have a hard enough time just finding employees and now Biden will force businesses to fire many.

Do any of Bidens ideas not include fucking up our nation?
How many people will die or have a serious adverse reaction to a vaccine because of Biden's mandate?

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