How many pro-legal abortion people are motivated by something other than choice?

What is your primary motivation for supporting abortion?

  • Belief in overpopulation and imminent negative effects resulting from it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A desire for a lower human population for other reasons (please explain below)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Belief in VHE (voluntary human extinction) on the grounds that humans are a parasite

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Belief in VHE for other reasons (please explain below)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Sometimes when talking to people under the pro-choice banner I can't help but get the feeling that many of them aren't actually motivated by giving women the choice to end their unborn offspring's life and just find giving lip service to this convenient for their own agenda. This is partially due to the sheer number I've encountered since getting educated about this issue who've bluntly stated things like that, such as in the quotes in my sig. I'm not sure if the population control and antinatalism people are even a minority compared to the genuinely choice motivated people at this point.

I thought the simplest and fairest way to find an answer to this question would be... well... to ask. I put together a small poll to do so. You can select one choice. You can't change it once you put it in, but you're more than welcome to explain your reasoning for your position. I ask that my fellow pro-lifers please not interfere with the results of this poll or harass people for their response and that the mods ensure this doesn't become too much of a flame war.
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You're assuming that they will be honest, which is a pretty big assumption. This kind of thing is flying under the radar, and most people are totally unaware of it.
Sometimes when talking to people under the pro-choice banner I can't help but get the feeling that many of them aren't actually motivated by giving women the choice to end their unborn offspring's life and just find giving lip service to this convenient for their own agenda. This is partially due to the sheer number I've encountered since getting educated about this issue who've bluntly stated things like that, such as in the quotes in my sig. I'm not sure if the population control and antinatalism people are even a minority compared to the genuinely choice motivated people at this point.

I thought the simplest and fairest way to find an answer to this question would be... well... to ask. I put together a small poll to do so. You can select one choice. You can't change it once you put it in, but you're more than welcome to explain your reasoning for your position. I ask that my fellow pro-lifers please not interfere with the results of this pole or harass people for their response and that the mods ensure this doesn't become too much of a flame war.

I have never had a discussion with anyone pro-abortion where they didn't bring up too many people in the world and the cost of raising a child. Usually, they say we should support abortion or we will have to pay to raise the child. But most lament on the overpopulation of the world.

Planned Parenthood was started to keep the black population down. The founder saw blacks as lesser humans who shouldn't reproduce. I don't see where much has changed.

The left coddles blacks while keeping them down and encouraging abortion. Someone once said that they are like tadpoles in a stock pot, swimming around happily because the water is getting nice and warm. That sums it up.
Hollywood's attitude on this topic can be seen in the science fiction movie "The Lathe of Heaven."

The Lathe of Heaven film - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The hero can change reality just by dreaming it. The psychologist encourages him to dream up a solution to overpopulation.

The result is a plague that kills off most of the world's population.

But we are explicitly told that most of the victims are WHITE (this is not mentioned in the Wikipedia article).

Hollywood assumes that the audience is so racist, that they would see a plague wiping out most of the world's population as a BAD THING only if the victims were WHITE.

The real racists are the liberals who made this movie.

That's the reason most everyone supports legal abortion.

Pro-lifers have difficulty understanding that concept, being it's so alien to them.

A woman's body does not belong to you, your church or your precious authoritarian state. Learn to deal with it.
To solve the problems surrounding relationship abuse, rape, incest and abortion,
I find it absolutely necessary for all people especially women to work together.
so this prochoice/prolife political division causes harm dividing people unnecessarily
who could better invest resources and efforts into agreed solutions that are more effective
and don't compete with each other's goals.

I defend prochoice on the basis of Constitutional laws protecting all people of all views and beliefs equally;
however on the same note, the belief in the right to life is also protected. Neither political belief should
be imposed upon by biases in the laws, nor should either side fear to be overruled or excluded by the other.
I believe this not only violates equal protection of the laws, but diminishes the right to security, to assemble
peaceably to petition if it exerts PRESSURE on the process, and it causes backlash, division and bullying.

I believe that by respecting a prochoice stance that does not criminalize any views, then a consensus can be formed by educated free choice that meets the standards of both prochoice and prolife in preventing abortion and abuses that otherwise lead up to it.

Prolife goals of preventing any abortions can be accomplished within a prochoice environment,
but not the opposite; defending prochoice beliefs in not criminalizing and burdening women with the
legal responsibilities that come with banning abortion is not possible under a prolife ban. The men would have to be equally held responsible to be fair, and that is not who is affected by prolife policies banning abortion.
Planned Parenthood was started to keep the black population down. The founder saw blacks as lesser humans who shouldn't reproduce.

An outright lie, but pro-lifers don't care. That's why they have the nickname of "pro-liars". They literally believe that god has given them special dispensation to lie for the greater good, therefore every word they say is suspect.

Go on, paste your list of fabricated quotes that supposedly came from Margaret Sanger. You know you want to. It will the same list of fake quotes that every other pro-liar uses. Even after they know the quotes are fake, they'll still use them.

That's the reason most everyone supports legal abortion.

Pro-lifers have difficulty understanding that concept, being it's so alien to them.

A woman's body does not belong to you, your church or your precious authoritarian state. Learn to deal with it.

they understand liberty, but in the case of abortion see this as murder.

What is more puzzling is liberals who claim to be prochoice and for "liberty" when it comes to the choice of abortion, and will fight off any regulation; but when it comes to choice of paying for health care, suddenly the liberals endorse federal mandates that not only regulate but PENALIZE free choice with tax fines if you don't choose the options restricted and regulated by govt.

Can you explain that, mamooth? How is the ACA prochoice if it penalizes anyone who refuses to comply and buy insurance as MANDATED by federal laws? Why is free choice of abortion protected from govt, but free choice to pay for health care without govt is PUNISHED?
Planned Parenthood was started to keep the black population down. The founder saw blacks as lesser humans who shouldn't reproduce.

An outright lie, but pro-lifers don't care. That's why they have the nickname of "pro-liars". They literally believe that god has given them special dispensation to lie for the greater good, therefore every word they say is suspect.

Go on, paste your list of fabricated quotes that supposedly came from Margaret Sanger. You know you want to. It will the same list of fake quotes that every other pro-liar uses. Even after they know the quotes are fake, they'll still use them.

mamooth do prochoicers care that ACA is anti-choice? Am I the only one who cares enough to point that out?

That's the reason most everyone supports legal abortion.

Pro-lifers have difficulty understanding that concept, being it's so alien to them.

A woman's body does not belong to you, your church or your precious authoritarian state. Learn to deal with it.
(Underline mine.) I'm getting tired of pointing out that I'm an atheist. I don't go to any church. Religion and abortion are completely separate things.

Planned Parenthood was started to keep the black population down. The founder saw blacks as lesser humans who shouldn't reproduce.

An outright lie, but pro-lifers don't care. That's why they have the nickname of "pro-liars". They literally believe that god has given them special dispensation to lie for the greater good, therefore every word they say is suspect.

Go on, paste your list of fabricated quotes that supposedly came from Margaret Sanger. You know you want to. It will the same list of fake quotes that every other pro-liar uses. Even after they know the quotes are fake, they'll still use them.
See above. I'm an atheist. I don't believe that any god has given me anything because - read closely now - I'm pro-life and an atheist. That's right. It's possible. We exist. I don't believe in any gods to give anyone anything AND I believe that abortion isn't an ethical procedure. These are not mutually incompatible positions.
mamooth do prochoicers care that ACA is anti-choice? Am I the only one who cares enough to point that out?

You mean the ACA forces women to remain pregnant agains their will?

Oh, it doesn't? Then it's not even remotely the same.

Your word games, they don't impress.

Antichoice in terms of no longer defending the argument about protecting
individual free choice in personal health decisions from regulation by govt, in this case FINES.

That's the reason most everyone supports legal abortion.

Pro-lifers have difficulty understanding that concept, being it's so alien to them.

A woman's body does not belong to you, your church or your precious authoritarian state. Learn to deal with it.
I'm getting tired of pointing out that I'm an atheist. I don't go to any church. Religion and abortion are completely separate things.
Hi Pedro de San Patricio
Are you for separation of church and state? some of the prolife Democrats push for complete
separation of federal funds from going into abortion.
What do you think of having a completely separate system of party beliefs
where members invest in their own programs there, and keep those out of govt?

so only things that all the public AGREES should be public are sanctioned for govt.
And the rest remains private like a church. (but political beliefs stay with that party).
Hi Pedro de San Patricio
Are you for separation of church and state? some of the prolife Democrats push for complete
separation of federal funds from going into abortion.
What do you think of having a completely separate system of party beliefs
where members invest in their own programs there, and keep those out of govt?

so only things that all the public AGREES should be public are sanctioned for govt.
And the rest remains private like a church. (but political beliefs stay with that party).
I'm not entirely sure I follow what you're asking here. I believe that the state is and should remain secular and apathetic to religious matters. Are you saying that government should stay out of other controversial subjects as well?
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