How Many Registered Democrats Would Vote Republican

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
if Trump were not the nominee in 2024? Enough to make any kind of difference? Any at all? Or, would they still vote for Biden, even if Trump were not the nominee?
Yes, mostly southern democrats and western and midwest democrats. The ones that went to Regan and back to Clinton. They are mostly working-class blue-collar and rural types. The DNC wants every Democrat to be a ''NewYork Democrat '' but most are not and that is why they lost here in Florida and other areas. For rural, working class ,Democrats it is'' The Economy Stupid'' As Carville stated many years ago. I would say 15 to as many as 20% percent will vote for a Republican that they like.
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My whole belief about 2024 is that regardless of any polling data, NOBODY who voted for Biden in 2020 will vote for Trump in 2024 (hence, Trump cannot win). Many will sit it out in revulsion of the choice or Biden or Harris, but none of them will change their vote.

Republicans voting for Biden is a non-starter. Leftist media whores may track one of them down for the six o'clock news, but you are talking about one in a thousand R's who would even countenance voting for Biden - or anyone else in the Democrat hierarchy.
Republicans voting for Biden is a non-starter. Leftist media whores may track one of them down for the six o'clock news, but you are talking about one in a thousand R's who would even countenance voting for Biden - or anyone else in the Democrat hierarchy.

I think we'll likely see a lot of these kinds of wishful thinking types of threads popping up all over the place on here, basically mirror image, to kind of establish the illusion.

Dems are probably crapping bricks right now, so...whatever...if makes em feel better...
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Not that I think Republicans are much better.

But I've seen several of these similarly themed threads popping up, particularly since JR announced an Indy run. And pretty much all in the form of begging the same question.

I'll tell you what you won't see, though.

You won't see a thread that actually lays out, very thoroughly, the differences or similarities in actual policy platforms of the candidates across the board. Nope. Huh uh. Doesn't seem to be much interest in that...
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