How many States have Legalized Gay Marriage by a Vote of the People?...

Ahh, so now it comes out... It will likely be 8 of 9 by the time it's over.


You have no real response, and yet you still resort to an oligarchial court to do your bidding.
Yet you have no issue oppressing actual rights using both the courts AND the legislatures.

Pretty much why we voted for Obama...he'll appoint center-left jurists. 332-206. Deal with it.

BTW...ratification of same sex marriages do not devalue hetero marriages. Heteros have done that themselves. If you're threatened by SSM, that means that you're considering your alternatives to being a hetero sexual.

I am not threatened by SSM, as long as it follows the rules, i.e. voted in by state legislatures. What I am threatened by is leftist jurists who decide when and where to ignore the constitution to ban what they don't like, or allow what they like based on a whim.

What you support is mob rule, not constitutional rule, and you need to be stopped.
The supreme court will decide and they will likely overturn all laws prohibiting same sex marriages...eventually. The sooner the better.

And they will be wrong. and just because you prefer it, you support the will of 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers over the will of the people. Fucking Fascist.

Of course, you are 100% on board with people fucking with my right to own firearms without government interference. that makes you a fucking hypocrite as well as a fascist.

Nope, you will be wrong, and that is the end of it.

Firearms analogies to marriage equality is fallacious and the coward's way out.

It is IN the constitution that I have the right to a firearm free of government interference. There is ZERO right to gay marriage. My argument over gay marriage is not over the end result, but over the process of getting there, which you nimrods just dont seem to get.
And they will be wrong. and just because you prefer it, you support the will of 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers over the will of the people. Fucking Fascist.

Of course, you are 100% on board with people fucking with my right to own firearms without government interference. that makes you a fucking hypocrite as well as a fascist.

Nope, you will be wrong, and that is the end of it.

Firearms analogies to marriage equality is fallacious and the coward's way out.

I'm pretty sure the threat from firearms is how he got married.

I thought we are supposed to keep family references out of this you fucking tool.

and I'm not married asshole. Come at me motherfucker if you dare.
Listen, Conservatives, there are drive-through wedding chapels in Las Vegas. The marriage licenses issued by those drive-through chapels are legally binding in all 50 states. This means that "traditional heterosexual marriage" is as sacred as a cheeseburger. Do you understand this?

Two men or two women getting married to one another somewhere on Earth does not effect your lives at all. It never has and it never will. It is only your own mangled imaginations making giant psychotic leaps from "gay marriage" to pedophilia, bestiality, or "Why not allow marriage between a duck and a toaster!?!?" How does a same-sex couple being legally married make your heterosexual relationship weaker?

Psycho religious monkeys need to shove their fundamentalist garbage so far up their asses that they choke. Your dogma has no place in a rational society. That's why the very first words of the First Amendment of the US Constitution (that Republican Teabaggers claim to love) read, "We're never going to be a Christian nation." Paraphrased, obviously.

Affect. The word you want is "affect" not "effect".
The rest of your post is equally erroneous. I wasnt married in a drive through ceremony. Maybe you were.
How many? Too many. As for the others where some unelected judge made a biased decision, we have this:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

Only 6 of the marriage equality states were judicially decided. All 50 will be soon. :lol:

How long before all 50 allow bigamy and polygamy? We all know its coming. Bigamists and polygamists are being discriminated against in all 50 states, we cannot have that, all forms of marriage must be made legal. :confused:

Don't deny it wytchey, the ACLU is already gearing up for it. Gay marriage is just the foot in the door for legalization of all forms of "marriage".

The end goal is to destroy marriage. Because if marriage can mean anything then it means nothing. The gay agenda is to break down societal norms, to break down society itself.

Actually the opposite is true. Gay people have been shunned by society and live lives apart from traditional societal norms of getting married and starting a family. By including them in marriage they are being including in the societal norms of having committed loving relationships and homes where they can raise families.
Indiana Senate Approves Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage - NBC News

"A decade ago, no states allowed same-sex couples to marry. Since then, same-sex marriage has been made legal in 17 states plus the District of Columbia."

^The word in that sentence that leads me to believe that it's few if any is "made"...

I know that Liberal California Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage when Obama ran for President as anti-Gay Marriage in 2008.

A Court overturned the Will of the People there.

Most of the recent one's I've heard about have also been a Federal Judge fronting the Agenda in Spite of the People's views on Deviant Coupling being made Equal to that which Created all of us.

So does anyone have a breakdown of the 17 States and DC and how Gay Marriage became Law?

I know MOST Americans don't agree and if it were put a National Vote Gay Marriage would Fail Miserably... That simply based California's Rejection of it.



A couple things

Deviant Coupling Friends don't ADDRESS other friend's sex lives, but IF THEY DO, they don't label them "friends." I can totally understand why they don't talk to you anymore.

our representative republic does not recognize most[/B] as a legitimate value.
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According to this, only Maine and Maryland!

Everywhere else, it's been forced on the voters by either a judge's decision or a state legislature against the voters' wishes. :evil:

Oops! Missed the Disaster of Washington.
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We don't allow states to discriminate against black Americans. Should we change that policy and let the states have a vote on it?

Should that have been the policy all along?
Indiana Senate Approves Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage - NBC News

"A decade ago, no states allowed same-sex couples to marry. Since then, same-sex marriage has been made legal in 17 states plus the District of Columbia."

^The word in that sentence that leads me to believe that it's few if any is "made"...

I know that Liberal California Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage when Obama ran for President as anti-Gay Marriage in 2008.

A Court overturned the Will of the People there.

Most of the recent one's I've heard about have also been a Federal Judge fronting the Agenda in Spite of the People's views on Deviant Coupling being made Equal to that which Created all of us.

So does anyone have a breakdown of the 17 States and DC and how Gay Marriage became Law?

I know MOST Americans don't agree and if it were put a National Vote Gay Marriage would Fail Miserably... That simply based California's Rejection of it.



But under state law, both chambers must approve the measure again, with the same language, in the next legislative session in 2015 or 2016 in order for the proposal to go before voters in 2016.

Ya know there, dickinmouth, if you teabaggers knew how to write constitutionally correct legislation, you might get something into law.

In this case, it'll never happen.


Question for ya there, fudgelips. How many homophobic anti-gay threads have you started on this forum and how many do you think make a difference?

Another rule of Liberal Conduct

Rule# ... When you don't like the message, rant, rave, use profanity, and attack the messenger! :eusa_whistle:
Being allowed to "marry" is a front. Look up the crap they are introducing and pushing in schools for kids. You brainwash an entire generation into believing something its hard to stop it.
Being allowed to "marry" is a front. Look up the crap they are introducing and pushing in schools for kids. You brainwash an entire generation into believing something its hard to stop it.
And what are kids being brainwashed into believing? That gay people are people, too? Oh no! Your 1950s mentality is being threatened by modern-day reality!

Go fuck yourself.
We don't let states or localities decide what civil rights their people will have.

That's why gun ownership can't be banned, no matter what the majority of the people of a state or city might want.
You have no real response, and yet you still resort to an oligarchial court to do your bidding.
Yet you have no issue oppressing actual rights using both the courts AND the legislatures.

Pretty much why we voted for Obama...he'll appoint center-left jurists. 332-206. Deal with it.

BTW...ratification of same sex marriages do not devalue hetero marriages. Heteros have done that themselves. If you're threatened by SSM, that means that you're considering your alternatives to being a hetero sexual.

I am not threatened by SSM, as long as it follows the rules, i.e. voted in by state legislatures. What I am threatened by is leftist jurists who decide when and where to ignore the constitution to ban what they don't like, or allow what they like based on a whim.

What you support is mob rule, not constitutional rule, and you need to be stopped.

The Judicial Branch is in the constitution.

Try to stop us. You can't. Evolution eventually weeds out the stupid so your days are numbered.
Indiana Senate Approves Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage - NBC News

"A decade ago, no states allowed same-sex couples to marry. Since then, same-sex marriage has been made legal in 17 states plus the District of Columbia."

^The word in that sentence that leads me to believe that it's few if any is "made"...

I know that Liberal California Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage when Obama ran for President as anti-Gay Marriage in 2008.

A Court overturned the Will of the People there.

Most of the recent one's I've heard about have also been a Federal Judge fronting the Agenda in Spite of the People's views on Deviant Coupling being made Equal to that which Created all of us.

So does anyone have a breakdown of the 17 States and DC and how Gay Marriage became Law?

I know MOST Americans don't agree and if it were put a National Vote Gay Marriage would Fail Miserably... That simply based California's Rejection of it.



But under state law, both chambers must approve the measure again, with the same language, in the next legislative session in 2015 or 2016 in order for the proposal to go before voters in 2016.

Ya know there, dickinmouth, if you teabaggers knew how to write constitutionally correct legislation, you might get something into law.

In this case, it'll never happen.


Question for ya there, fudgelips. How many homophobic anti-gay threads have you started on this forum and how many do you think make a difference?

Another rule of Liberal Conduct

Rule# ... When you don't like the message, rant, rave, use profanity, and attack the messenger! :eusa_whistle:

The Fact that they use Homosexuality as a Pejorative Attack so regularly is all that needs to be said about what they really are.


Indiana Senate Approves Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage - NBC News

"A decade ago, no states allowed same-sex couples to marry. Since then, same-sex marriage has been made legal in 17 states plus the District of Columbia."

^The word in that sentence that leads me to believe that it's few if any is "made"...

I know that Liberal California Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage when Obama ran for President as anti-Gay Marriage in 2008.

A Court overturned the Will of the People there.

Most of the recent one's I've heard about have also been a Federal Judge fronting the Agenda in Spite of the People's views on Deviant Coupling being made Equal to that which Created all of us.

So does anyone have a breakdown of the 17 States and DC and how Gay Marriage became Law?

I know MOST Americans don't agree and if it were put a National Vote Gay Marriage would Fail Miserably... That simply based California's Rejection of it.



A couple things

Deviant Coupling Friends don't ADDRESS other friend's sex lives, but IF THEY DO, they don't label them "friends." I can totally understand why they don't talk to you anymore.

our representative republic does not recognize most[/B] as a legitimate value.

To Deviate from one's Natural Design and Equipment is an Accurate Observation of what Homosexuals are.

Don't Hate the Language. :thup:


Indiana Senate Approves Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage - NBC News

"A decade ago, no states allowed same-sex couples to marry. Since then, same-sex marriage has been made legal in 17 states plus the District of Columbia."

^The word in that sentence that leads me to believe that it's few if any is "made"...

I know that Liberal California Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage when Obama ran for President as anti-Gay Marriage in 2008.

A Court overturned the Will of the People there.

Most of the recent one's I've heard about have also been a Federal Judge fronting the Agenda in Spite of the People's views on Deviant Coupling being made Equal to that which Created all of us.

So does anyone have a breakdown of the 17 States and DC and how Gay Marriage became Law?

I know MOST Americans don't agree and if it were put a National Vote Gay Marriage would Fail Miserably... That simply based California's Rejection of it.



A couple things

Deviant Coupling Friends don't ADDRESS other friend's sex lives, but IF THEY DO, they don't label them "friends." I can totally understand why they don't talk to you anymore.

our representative republic does not recognize most[/B] as a legitimate value.

To Deviate from one's Natural Design and Equipment is an Accurate Observation of what Homosexuals are.

Don't Hate the Language. :thup:



Homosexuality is natural.

Appeals to nature are logical fallacies.

So wrong in every way possible.


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