How many States have Legalized Gay Marriage by a Vote of the People?...

Only 6 of the marriage equality states were judicially decided. All 50 will be soon. :lol:

Really?... so California, Kentucky, Utah, Oklahoma, Virginia and?...

I'd like to see the breakdown of the People Voting for Gay Marriage at the Polls vs Liberal Legislatures and the divide on those Votes and of course the ones where a Federal Judge has been Responsible.



Gay marriage has never been approved by referendum. Some state legislatures have approved it, but that doesn't mean the voters approve of it.

They are getting their way either way... But ultimately they will not get the Validation they so desperately need.


Indiana Senate Approves Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage - NBC News

"A decade ago, no states allowed same-sex couples to marry. Since then, same-sex marriage has been made legal in 17 states plus the District of Columbia."

^The word in that sentence that leads me to believe that it's few if any is "made"...

I know that Liberal California Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage when Obama ran for President as anti-Gay Marriage in 2008.

A Court overturned the Will of the People there.

Most of the recent one's I've heard about have also been a Federal Judge fronting the Agenda in Spite of the People's views on Deviant Coupling being made Equal to that which Created all of us.

So does anyone have a breakdown of the 17 States and DC and how Gay Marriage became Law?

I know MOST Americans don't agree and if it were put a National Vote Gay Marriage would Fail Miserably... That simply based California's Rejection of it.



Your hatred of gay Americans is exceeded only by your ignorance.

You are indeed the typical arrogant, sanctimonious conservative.

The United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, you insufferable twit. And as such one’s civil liberties are not determined by ‘the will of the people.’ Moreover, one does not forfeit his civil liberties merely as a consequence of his state of residence, as one is first and foremost a citizen of the United States, a resident of his state secondary to that.

Consequently, states need not ‘vote’ to afford gay Americans their civil liberties, states need only acknowledge the inalienable rights of same-sex couples and allow them access to marriage law they have always been eligible to enter into.

You have the right to hate gay Americans to your heart’s content; you do not, however, have the right to seek to codify that hate.
Indiana Senate Approves Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage - NBC News

"A decade ago, no states allowed same-sex couples to marry. Since then, same-sex marriage has been made legal in 17 states plus the District of Columbia."

^The word in that sentence that leads me to believe that it's few if any is "made"...

I know that Liberal California Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage when Obama ran for President as anti-Gay Marriage in 2008.

A Court overturned the Will of the People there.

Most of the recent one's I've heard about have also been a Federal Judge fronting the Agenda in Spite of the People's views on Deviant Coupling being made Equal to that which Created all of us.

So does anyone have a breakdown of the 17 States and DC and how Gay Marriage became Law?

I know MOST Americans don't agree and if it were put a National Vote Gay Marriage would Fail Miserably... That simply based California's Rejection of it.



what's the difference, mal? it took the courts to make bigots stop keeping blacks from going to the same schools.

that's what courts are for
And thank goodness for that brilliant move! Our schools have never performed better thanks to these brilliant minded negro's!
Indiana Senate Approves Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage - NBC News

"A decade ago, no states allowed same-sex couples to marry. Since then, same-sex marriage has been made legal in 17 states plus the District of Columbia."

^The word in that sentence that leads me to believe that it's few if any is "made"...

I know that Liberal California Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage when Obama ran for President as anti-Gay Marriage in 2008.

A Court overturned the Will of the People there.

Most of the recent one's I've heard about have also been a Federal Judge fronting the Agenda in Spite of the People's views on Deviant Coupling being made Equal to that which Created all of us.

So does anyone have a breakdown of the 17 States and DC and how Gay Marriage became Law?

I know MOST Americans don't agree and if it were put a National Vote Gay Marriage would Fail Miserably... That simply based California's Rejection of it.



what's the difference, mal? it took the courts to make bigots stop keeping blacks from going to the same schools.

that's what courts are for


Courts are there to prevent the government from compelling me to send my children to the minimum security prisons and from having to financially support the same.

That's what courts are there for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Indiana Senate Approves Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage - NBC News

"A decade ago, no states allowed same-sex couples to marry. Since then, same-sex marriage has been made legal in 17 states plus the District of Columbia."

^The word in that sentence that leads me to believe that it's few if any is "made"...

I know that Liberal California Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage when Obama ran for President as anti-Gay Marriage in 2008.

A Court overturned the Will of the People there.

Most of the recent one's I've heard about have also been a Federal Judge fronting the Agenda in Spite of the People's views on Deviant Coupling being made Equal to that which Created all of us.

So does anyone have a breakdown of the 17 States and DC and how Gay Marriage became Law?

I know MOST Americans don't agree and if it were put a National Vote Gay Marriage would Fail Miserably... That simply based California's Rejection of it.



what's the difference, mal? it took the courts to make bigots stop keeping blacks from going to the same schools.

that's what courts are for


Courts are there to prevent the government from compelling me to send my children to the minimum security prisons and from having to financially support the same.

That's what courts are there for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



perhaps you should look at our case law.
Reagan has been pointed out constantly to not be a real can't expect people's views to change over time...christ that was 30 years ago..maybe Kennedy is senile LOL....
As Cons are usually the first to point out, we don't live in a "Democracy".

Laws should not be made by a popular vote.

Yeah... they should be made by Politically Appointed Federal Judges... :rofl:



Justice Kennedy was appointed by Reagan and voted DOMA unconstitutional.

The part of DOMA that was unconsitutional was properly ajudicated, as it was federal interference in State matters.
Indiana Senate Approves Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage - NBC News

"A decade ago, no states allowed same-sex couples to marry. Since then, same-sex marriage has been made legal in 17 states plus the District of Columbia."

^The word in that sentence that leads me to believe that it's few if any is "made"...

I know that Liberal California Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage when Obama ran for President as anti-Gay Marriage in 2008.

A Court overturned the Will of the People there.

Most of the recent one's I've heard about have also been a Federal Judge fronting the Agenda in Spite of the People's views on Deviant Coupling being made Equal to that which Created all of us.

So does anyone have a breakdown of the 17 States and DC and how Gay Marriage became Law?

I know MOST Americans don't agree and if it were put a National Vote Gay Marriage would Fail Miserably... That simply based California's Rejection of it.



We don't put the rights of people to a majority rules vote.

That's a sure way to deny any minority group the right to do anything.

And marriage has nothing to do with reproduction. Marriage is nothing but a property contract.
Only 6 of the marriage equality states were judicially decided. All 50 will be soon. :lol:
Libtards thinking the courts have right to overthrow will of the people when the minority(sick) view is voted against is anti-American. The left likes to legislate through the courts when they know they are wrong.

Actually, it's completely "American".

It's one of the things that made the American system unique. We don't live in a Democracy - the will of the mob is not how laws are made here.

That is an oversimplification. The will of the legislatures and the people is held in check via the constitution. However this will should only be held in check based on the explicit breakdown of powers enumerated in the constitution between the federal government, the state governments, and the people. In no place in the document is there a restriction on states being able to define their marriage contracts.
Libtards thinking the courts have right to overthrow will of the people when the minority(sick) view is voted against is anti-American. The left likes to legislate through the courts when they know they are wrong.

Actually, it's completely "American".

It's one of the things that made the American system unique. We don't live in a Democracy - the will of the mob is not how laws are made here.

That is an oversimplification. The will of the legislatures and the people is held in check via the constitution. However this will should only be held in check based on the explicit breakdown of powers enumerated in the constitution between the federal government, the state governments, and the people. In no place in the document is there a restriction on states being able to define their marriage contracts.

They rule on laws that violate the US Constitution. Denying gays equal protection under the law violates the constitution.
Actually, it's completely "American".

It's one of the things that made the American system unique. We don't live in a Democracy - the will of the mob is not how laws are made here.

That is an oversimplification. The will of the legislatures and the people is held in check via the constitution. However this will should only be held in check based on the explicit breakdown of powers enumerated in the constitution between the federal government, the state governments, and the people. In no place in the document is there a restriction on states being able to define their marriage contracts.

They rule on laws that violate the US Constitution. Denying gays equal protection under the law violates the constitution.

Gays are not being Denied Equal Protection. It is their Choice to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment and it is not Society's Burden that they do so.

"Couples" don't have "Rights" just because you say they do. :thup:


Indiana Senate Approves Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage - NBC News

"A decade ago, no states allowed same-sex couples to marry. Since then, same-sex marriage has been made legal in 17 states plus the District of Columbia."

^The word in that sentence that leads me to believe that it's few if any is "made"...

I know that Liberal California Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage when Obama ran for President as anti-Gay Marriage in 2008.

A Court overturned the Will of the People there.

Most of the recent one's I've heard about have also been a Federal Judge fronting the Agenda in Spite of the People's views on Deviant Coupling being made Equal to that which Created all of us.

So does anyone have a breakdown of the 17 States and DC and how Gay Marriage became Law?

I know MOST Americans don't agree and if it were put a National Vote Gay Marriage would Fail Miserably... That simply based California's Rejection of it.



True. A handful of "gay" activists in positions of power are forcing their agenda upon the will of the people. The Federal Government has become power mad and completely top-heavy. Our system of checks and balances is in jeopardy if we can't put the Fed back in its place. States should be able to determine such matters for themselves based on honest, civil debate and a vote by the people.
Why should someone be allowed to vote on what rights others are allowed to have?

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on whats for supper
As Cons are usually the first to point out, we don't live in a "Democracy".

Laws should not be made by a popular vote.

Yeah... they should be made by Politically Appointed Federal Judges... :rofl:



Justice Kennedy was appointed by Reagan and voted DOMA unconstitutional.

More than not Republican Justices have sucked...

And either way, I don't like Law being MADE by that Court.

It's not he Court's Job to MAKE Law.

The Left LOVES it when it's in their Favor though...

Hence it was called the Despotic Branch by Jefferson. :thup:


Why should someone be allowed to vote on what rights others are allowed to have?

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on whats for supper

Gays aren't being Denied Rights.

There is no such thing as "Two People Rights".

And if there is, YOU don't get to Choose which Deviants are more Equal to what Creates us.

Give that some Thought there Fauxlbert.


Why should someone be allowed to vote on what rights others are allowed to have?

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on whats for supper

Rights are inherent, however what rights the government recognizes is shown in the constitution. If you want something enshrined as a right, you get enough people to support it to pass an amendment. ALL rights started via representative vote, even the ones voted in with the start of the constitution.

If you think a right is something the government is not protecting, you try to get an amendment to get it passed, or you fight (literally) for it. You don't get 5 of 9 unelected lawyers to end run it around the process.

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