How many States have Legalized Gay Marriage by a Vote of the People?...

Indiana Senate Approves Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage - NBC News

"A decade ago, no states allowed same-sex couples to marry. Since then, same-sex marriage has been made legal in 17 states plus the District of Columbia."

^The word in that sentence that leads me to believe that it's few if any is "made"...

I know that Liberal California Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage when Obama ran for President as anti-Gay Marriage in 2008.

A Court overturned the Will of the People there.

Most of the recent one's I've heard about have also been a Federal Judge fronting the Agenda in Spite of the People's views on Deviant Coupling being made Equal to that which Created all of us.

So does anyone have a breakdown of the 17 States and DC and how Gay Marriage became Law?

I know MOST Americans don't agree and if it were put a National Vote Gay Marriage would Fail Miserably... That simply based California's Rejection of it.



Replace "gay" with blacks and turn back the clock about 40 years and you could be talking about civil rights. Go back 100 years and replace "gay" with women's suffrage and you could have run that ad at the local Nickelodeon.

Do you want your right to live your life the way you want put up to popular vote?

The way you want to Live your Life and what Naturally is are not the same thing...

Living your Life and Demanding that Society embrace those Choices in Law as Equal to things they are not is Wrong.

Our "very Existence" is because of (1) Man and (1) Woman.

(2) Men nor (2) Women are Equal to that, Naturally, Biologically or Factually.



So why do we allow people in their late 50's and 60's to get married? They cannot produce children...therefore according to you they should not be allowed to get married.
Only 6 of the marriage equality states were judicially decided. All 50 will be soon. :lol:

How long before all 50 allow bigamy and polygamy? We all know its coming. Bigamists and polygamists are being discriminated against in all 50 states, we cannot have that, all forms of marriage must be made legal. :confused:

Don't deny it wytchey, the ACLU is already gearing up for it. Gay marriage is just the foot in the door for legalization of all forms of "marriage".

It won't be long before those are legal too. Just like every other form of perversion will be legal.

Laws will have to be passed to ensure that death benefits from work and other organizations are paid out to one entity...having 2 wives doesn't mean each one gets a full share of benefits.
No, it doesn't,

So the supreme law of the land is quiet on marriage. Thanks for clearing that up.
Seventeen and counting...

If they vote it in via legislative action I have no issue with that. What I have an issue with is Courts finding some "right" where none exists.

If it got to 50 via legislative State level action I would be fine with it, its the forcing of it on States that don't want it via judicial action that I have a problem with.

Exactly. If the morons in MA want gay marriage, go for it. Vote it in. Along with Romneycare and job killing high min wages. They have every right to vote for bad policies that turn their states into disaster areas.
But the Constitution does not give the federal gov't the power to define marriage. That is left to the states.
The interracial Marriages of Justice Clarence Thomas and commentator/activist Daneen Borelli are considered very unnatural, dispicable, degrading, treasoneous, sick and horrible by the NAACP and other liberals.

Probably by candycorn, as well.

The NAACP, "other liberals", and you are wrong. I doubt you're accurately characterizing the positions of a great many of people you are painting with the same broad brush.

Glance at the links in post #22 in this thread.
Only 6 of the marriage equality states were judicially decided. All 50 will be soon. :lol:

I get the feeling we have another double-standard.

Recognize same-sex marriage in a few states but not in others.

Should laws in one state apply to all states? Should all states tax equally or any other rules be equal?

Marriage to 1st cousins or to 16 year olds is only legal in a few states and yet are recognized in all 50.
The end goal is to destroy marriage.

Because the 50% divorce rate has kept marriage so sacrosanct.

Given enough time the divorce rate among same sex marriages will be 50% also.

Just need a little time to sober up from the giddyness of the wedding, and quickly learn to hate each other.

Inevitable, so gloat while you may.

It will be much higher than that, at least among men. Over 75% of gay men have had sex with strangers. About 28% have had over 1000 partners. Cheating is notorious and rampant. With that kind of ground what sort of "committed relationship" can flourish??
Replace "gay" with blacks and turn back the clock about 40 years and you could be talking about civil rights. Go back 100 years and replace "gay" with women's suffrage and you could have run that ad at the local Nickelodeon.

Do you want your right to live your life the way you want put up to popular vote?

The way you want to Live your Life and what Naturally is are not the same thing...

Living your Life and Demanding that Society embrace those Choices in Law as Equal to things they are not is Wrong.

Our "very Existence" is because of (1) Man and (1) Woman.

(2) Men nor (2) Women are Equal to that, Naturally, Biologically or Factually.



So why do we allow people in their late 50's and 60's to get married? They cannot produce children...therefore according to you they should not be allowed to get married.

Do you actually not understand why that argument is wrong, or are you being intentionally stupid here?
So the supreme law of the land is quiet on marriage. Thanks for clearing that up.

Seventeen and counting...

If they vote it in via legislative action I have no issue with that. What I have an issue with is Courts finding some "right" where none exists.

If it got to 50 via legislative State level action I would be fine with it, its the forcing of it on States that don't want it via judicial action that I have a problem with.

Exactly. If the morons in MA want gay marriage, go for it. Vote it in. Along with Romneycare and job killing high min wages. They have every right to vote for bad policies that turn their states into disaster areas.

But the Constitution does not give the federal gov't the power to define marriage. That is left to the states.

Loving v Virginia, Zablocki v Wisconsin and Turner v Safley disagree.
If they vote it in via legislative action I have no issue with that. What I have an issue with is Courts finding some "right" where none exists.

If it got to 50 via legislative State level action I would be fine with it, its the forcing of it on States that don't want it via judicial action that I have a problem with.

Exactly. If the morons in MA want gay marriage, go for it. Vote it in. Along with Romneycare and job killing high min wages. They have every right to vote for bad policies that turn their states into disaster areas.

But the Constitution does not give the federal gov't the power to define marriage. That is left to the states.

Loving v Virginia, Zablocki v Wisconsin and Turner v Safley disagree.

Which part of those opinions gives the federal gov't the power to define marriage?
The interracial Marriages of Justice Clarence Thomas and commentator/activist Daneen Borelli are considered very unnatural, dispicable, degrading, treasoneous, sick and horrible by the NAACP and other liberals.

Probably by candycorn, as well.

The NAACP, "other liberals", and you are wrong. I doubt you're accurately characterizing the positions of a great many of people you are painting with the same broad brush.

Glance at the links in post #22 in this thread.

Maybe later...irregardless; they're wrong and you're characterization of my beliefs is wrong as well.
Indiana Senate Approves Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage - NBC News

"A decade ago, no states allowed same-sex couples to marry. Since then, same-sex marriage has been made legal in 17 states plus the District of Columbia."

^The word in that sentence that leads me to believe that it's few if any is "made"...

I know that Liberal California Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage when Obama ran for President as anti-Gay Marriage in 2008.

A Court overturned the Will of the People there.

Most of the recent one's I've heard about have also been a Federal Judge fronting the Agenda in Spite of the People's views on Deviant Coupling being made Equal to that which Created all of us.

So does anyone have a breakdown of the 17 States and DC and how Gay Marriage became Law?

I know MOST Americans don't agree and if it were put a National Vote Gay Marriage would Fail Miserably... That simply based California's Rejection of it.



Mal, you need to know that you are in a dying minority in this country. That dying minority is homophobic bigots like yourself. Gay marriage, and especially gay people themselves, are never going away. Support for gay marriage is only going to get bigger over time which means even more states will eventually legalize it. This whining you're doing will achieve nothing and eventually will fall on deaf ears.

I know you think I'm a "fag" but believe it or not there are straight people like myself who are mature enough to not give a shit what people do in the bedroom.
Indiana Senate Approves Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage - NBC News

"A decade ago, no states allowed same-sex couples to marry. Since then, same-sex marriage has been made legal in 17 states plus the District of Columbia."

^The word in that sentence that leads me to believe that it's few if any is "made"...

I know that Liberal California Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage when Obama ran for President as anti-Gay Marriage in 2008.

A Court overturned the Will of the People there.

Most of the recent one's I've heard about have also been a Federal Judge fronting the Agenda in Spite of the People's views on Deviant Coupling being made Equal to that which Created all of us.

So does anyone have a breakdown of the 17 States and DC and how Gay Marriage became Law?

I know MOST Americans don't agree and if it were put a National Vote Gay Marriage would Fail Miserably... That simply based California's Rejection of it.



Mal, you need to know that you are in a dying minority in this country. That dying minority is homophobic bigots like yourself. Gay marriage, and especially gay people themselves, are never going away. Support for gay marriage is only going to get bigger over time which means even more states will eventually legalize it. This whining you're doing will achieve nothing and eventually will fall on deaf ears.

I know you think I'm a "fag" but believe it or not there are straight people like myself who are mature enough to not give a shit what people do in the bedroom.

Seventeen and counting...
Only 6 of the marriage equality states were judicially decided. All 50 will be soon. :lol:

I get the feeling we have another double-standard.

Recognize same-sex marriage in a few states but not in others.

Should laws in one state apply to all states? Should all states tax equally or any other rules be equal?

Marriage to 1st cousins or to 16 year olds is only legal in a few states and yet are recognized in all 50.

only if one is male and one female
How many states outlawed slavery by popular vote?

All of the ones that ratified the 13th Amendment. I am not looking for popular vote or referendum (although those are acceptable) the minimum I want to see is legislative action.
Indiana Senate Approves Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage - NBC News

"A decade ago, no states allowed same-sex couples to marry. Since then, same-sex marriage has been made legal in 17 states plus the District of Columbia."

^The word in that sentence that leads me to believe that it's few if any is "made"...

I know that Liberal California Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage when Obama ran for President as anti-Gay Marriage in 2008.

A Court overturned the Will of the People there.

Most of the recent one's I've heard about have also been a Federal Judge fronting the Agenda in Spite of the People's views on Deviant Coupling being made Equal to that which Created all of us.

So does anyone have a breakdown of the 17 States and DC and how Gay Marriage became Law?

I know MOST Americans don't agree and if it were put a National Vote Gay Marriage would Fail Miserably... That simply based California's Rejection of it.



Mal, you need to know that you are in a dying minority in this country. That dying minority is homophobic bigots like yourself. Gay marriage, and especially gay people themselves, are never going away. Support for gay marriage is only going to get bigger over time which means even more states will eventually legalize it. This whining you're doing will achieve nothing and eventually will fall on deaf ears.

I know you think I'm a "fag" but believe it or not there are straight people like myself who are mature enough to not give a shit what people do in the bedroom.

The "Dying minority" as you call them Voted AGAINST Gay Mariage in California when they Voted FOR Obama.

That's why you Abuse the System via the Despotic Branch and Politically Appointed Judges to get what you want.


I get the feeling we have another double-standard.

Recognize same-sex marriage in a few states but not in others.

Should laws in one state apply to all states? Should all states tax equally or any other rules be equal?

Marriage to 1st cousins or to 16 year olds is only legal in a few states and yet are recognized in all 50.

only if one is male and one female

Not in 17 states. Dumbfuck.
How many States have Legalized Gay Marriage by a Vote of the People?...

How many southern states willingly gave up Jim Crow laws?

The states were ignoring the Reconstruction Amendments via Plessey V. Fergueson. It took the Civil Rights decisions by a later Court to rectify that.

The Reconstruction Amendments were never intended to give Gays the "right" to marry.

Again, when you respect my 2nd amendment right to be armed without government interference, I MAY consider the right to gay marriage. MAY.

Marty, are you aware that this is 2014. The analogy is good, the logic is impeccable, so try something else.

And don't try to ignore the 14th Amendment's relevance to the Utah case.
Indiana Senate Approves Amendment to Ban Same-Sex Marriage - NBC News

"A decade ago, no states allowed same-sex couples to marry. Since then, same-sex marriage has been made legal in 17 states plus the District of Columbia."

^The word in that sentence that leads me to believe that it's few if any is "made"...

I know that Liberal California Voted AGAINST Gay Marriage when Obama ran for President as anti-Gay Marriage in 2008.

A Court overturned the Will of the People there.

Most of the recent one's I've heard about have also been a Federal Judge fronting the Agenda in Spite of the People's views on Deviant Coupling being made Equal to that which Created all of us.

So does anyone have a breakdown of the 17 States and DC and how Gay Marriage became Law?

I know MOST Americans don't agree and if it were put a National Vote Gay Marriage would Fail Miserably... That simply based California's Rejection of it.



Mal, you need to know that you are in a dying minority in this country. That dying minority is homophobic bigots like yourself. Gay marriage, and especially gay people themselves, are never going away. Support for gay marriage is only going to get bigger over time which means even more states will eventually legalize it. This whining you're doing will achieve nothing and eventually will fall on deaf ears.

I know you think I'm a "fag" but believe it or not there are straight people like myself who are mature enough to not give a shit what people do in the bedroom.

The "Dying minority" as you call them Voted AGAINST Gay Mariage in California when they Voted FOR Obama.

That's why you Abuse the System via the Despotic Branch and Politically Appointed Judges to get what you want.

So anyone who disagrees with you is a despot...gotcha.

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