How many times have you been sick in the last 2 months

I haven't had a cold in several years and it has been 20 years since I had the flu (only had it twice in my life). I have never taken the flu shot as it does not work and impairs your health.

If you get sick often, you obviously are not taking care of your health. Eating right, exercise, and taking certain supplements will help greatly. You should be taking powered vitamin C daily.

Spend some time at this website, if you want to improve your health.
The Health Wyze Report
Is vitimin C expensive? Can you get a prescription? I have a $10 copay. Yes, I'm lucky in that regard.
I haven't had a cold in several years and it has been 20 years since I had the flu (only had it twice in my life). I have never taken the flu shot as it does not work and impairs your health.

If you get sick often, you obviously are not taking care of your health. Eating right, exercise, and taking certain supplements will help greatly. You should be taking powered vitamin C daily.

Spend some time at this website, if you want to improve your health.
The Health Wyze Report

I'm seeing my primary doctor today. I'm doing something wrong. I'll figure it out with him.
Is vitimin C expensive? Can you get a prescription? I have a $10 copay. Yes, I'm lucky in that regard.

Vitamin C is very inexpensive and you do not need a prescription to buy it.

Your doctor will likely prescribe an antibiotic, which will only further harm your health.
I've gotten influenza twice, and now I have a sinus infection. All in last 2 months. What the hell?

Only once, and it was the first time in at least half a dozen years. Had some kinda coughing-nasal congestion-thing. Lasted over a week and I opted to skip cupcakes and cookies figuring while it was a minor complaint for me, it might be more serious for others, and had to assume I was contagious. I dunno what it was. Thought maybe a croup as I'd been at my Mom's with my cousin and her two little ones from California. Handfull of vitamins and supplements (now with 4 additional sups which are anti-virals coconut oil, green tea, tarmucin-something or other, and garlic) are usually sufficient to keep me from getting anything. That and I'm not the most gregarious or social person so I'm simply not around other people enough to pick up the usual glut of seasonal afflictions. :)
I haven't been sick since I got a sinus infection a few years ago. It was stubborn. I was miserable for 4 months.
Within two months? Not once. Had a minor cold for about a week after Thanksgiving. Prior to that I hadn't anything anything for about 8 years. What I get for socializing. :)
1. use hand sanitizer often; carry a mini for your pocket.

2. don't shake hands.

3. Use a neti pot (Neil Med sinus rinse daily).

4. Lots of water, eat well.

5. Get enough sleep.

Problem solved.
#1 is essential.

Carry the wipes, don't touch ANYTHING if you have to pee in a public restroom.

Give the shopping cart a good wipe before you use it.

Hold your breath and vacate the area when people are sneezing and coughing.

Avoid crowds during seasonal illnesses.

I never drink water though.

I drink a lot of coffee with milk, but, straight water?

Only drink that if I get cut off from coffee.
1. use hand sanitizer often; carry a mini for your pocket.

2. don't shake hands.

3. Use a neti pot (Neil Med sinus rinse daily).

4. Lots of water, eat well.

5. Get enough sleep.

Problem solved.
Lock yourself in a padded room and wrap yourself in bubble wrap...

Exposure to others is what keeps your immune system strong and prevents sickness.

Thi is in reference to 1 and 2. 3,4,5 are just common sense health practices.

In my experience, the kids that grew up rooting in the dirt were a lot healthier than those raised in nice, clean homes and pampered.
stress gets you sick too.


I refuse to do stress anymore.

That is the wonderful thing about being retired.

I can tell anyone and everyone to fuck off; I'm late in the fourth quarter of life, have a slim lead, and the check comes on time each month.

Damn if I am going to do stress.

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